Lin Yu knew the measure.

He knew that it was okay to pretend, but respect for the old professor still had to be given.

Although the answer to this question is 1000% calculated by himself on the blackboard.

But he still had to ask the old professor if it was right.

Leng Qingxue was a little confused at this time, just now Lin Yu's quick calculation, she almost didn't keep up with the final deduction steps.

He was held by Lin Yu and returned to his seat.

She suddenly felt warm in her heart, Lin Yu not only came on stage to calculate the answer, but also answered it so perfectly.

While sharing the pressure for her, she was also shocked the whole time.

Leng Qingxue suddenly felt that Lin Yu was so handsome!

Her eyes were full of light when she looked at Lin Yu.

(*๓ ́╰╯'๓) So handsome!

Even if Gao Leng is as cold as her (in fact, it is not so cold), she can't help but want to become Lin Yu's little fan sister.

Because in the field of mathematics she is best at, Lin Yu is better than her!

Just as Lin Yu finished speaking, the entire classroom became quiet.

The male students were waiting for the old professor's answer.

Even if they had already guessed, Lin Yu answered correctly this time.

Because he wrote very quickly when he calculated, and he did not drag the mud at all when he stepped down.

That self-confidence can be seen by everyone.

However, they still hoped that the old professor could say that Lin Yu answered incorrectly and make this little white face deflated!

The old professor looked at Lin Yu with a smile.

"That's a good answer, Lin Yu."

"Your train of thought with Leng Qingxue is perfect."

While the old professor was Quarin Yu, he did not forget to praise the cold snow.

After all, Leng Qingxue is Lin Yu's girlfriend.

Because he was very interested in Lin Yu's mathematical talent.

In other words, he was going to dig Lin Yu over.

The male students in the lecture hall who couldn't wait for Lin Yu to eat up heard this, and instantly faint.


It's time for this kid again!

They are so angry!

The girls looked at Lin Yu even more idiotically.

So handsome! Handsome and good at math!

They simply can't stand it.

Some of the other students who could keep up with the old professor's rhythm looked at Lin Yu warily.

Suddenly such a person who is very good at mathematics appeared, and they had a lot of pressure in their hearts.

"Thank you professor for the compliment, in fact, it is still the idea that Leng provided me."

Lin Yu said 'modestly', and gave the credit to Leng Qingxue.

Leng Qingxue is sweet in the heart.

Xiao Yu'er is suddenly so provocative, she can't stand it!

The old professor took the topic of Lin Yu's calculus as a model and explained it.


"Jingle Jingle Bell!"

The end of class bell rang.

The old professor did not hesitate to say the end of class.

The crowd dispersed.

Some girls walked outside the classroom and looked back at Lin Yu's position from time to time.

Although Lin Yu has a goddess like Leng Qingxue, it does not prevent them from looking at handsome guys.

Leng Qingxue pulled Lin Yu with an excited look and prepared to walk out of the classroom.

She can't wait!

Can't wait to ask Lin Yu the specific idea of the question just now............

That's right! Study mathematics, she is serious!

('Δ ́)ゞ

Her boyfriend is a math student, how could she miss it.

"Wait, Lin Yu-san."

The old professor suddenly called out to the two.

"Is there something going on? Professor.

Lin Yu stopped and looked at him.

"Lin Yu, are you interested in transferring to the Department of Mathematics?"

When Leng Qingxue and Lin Yu heard this, they were slightly stunned.

They didn't expect that the old professor actually wanted to poach people.

Lin Yu was silent for a while, falling into thought.

He was not ready to transfer to the mathematics department again.

The economics department is good.

And don't watch him solve math problems the same as drinking water, these are very brain-consuming.

Maybe if you don't pay attention, you will give him a whole baldness.

He is such a handsome young man, how can he be bald.

Even if he has system props, he can solve the problem of baldness.

Lin Yu didn't want this to happen.

"Well, Professor, allow me to think about it."

Lin Yu did not directly refuse, after all, this is an old mathematics professor, and his face must be given.

"Okay, Lin Yu, I'll wait for your reply."

"I don't force you."

The old professor said with a smile.

For people with high talent, he has patience.

Lin Yu and Leng Qingxue walked out of the classroom together.

As soon as he left the classroom, Leng Qingxue asked.

"Xiao Yu'er, don't you like the math department?"

She felt that Lin Yu came to the mathematics department quite well, with his talent.

However, Lin Yu didn't seem very interested.

Lin Yu looked at Leng Qingxue and explained.

"No, my sister."

"Don't look at me solving problems like drinking water."

"It's actually very brain-intensive."

"It's okay to do one or two questions once in a while, I really want to study this."

"That's pretty ... Bald.


Leng Qingxue smiled.

She didn't expect Lin Yu to care about his hair.

However, Lin Yu has a choice, she will definitely respect him, and will not say anything to call Lin Yu to the mathematics department.

"Elbow, Xiao Yu'er, follow me to the library."

Leng Qingxue held Lin Yu's arm and said.

Lin Yu was stunned, he didn't even care about Leng Qingxue's behavior of holding his arm.

"Huh? Why go to the library? "

He Lin Yu is not the kind of person who loves to learn.

"Go and study the question just now, I don't understand a few steps."

Leng Qingxue blinked and looked at Lin Yu with big eyes.

Lin Yu: "? ? ? "

Little question mark, do you have a lot of children?

Does this woman have that serious illness?

Actually pulled him to study mathematics?

So, Lin Yu was pulled to the library by Leng Qingxue.

Then I studied a cool.......

The other side.

A boy is typing a message on his phone.

"The intelligence is wrong."

"Lin Yu hides deeply, and his math scores are very good."

"It may threaten the position of the general list."


In the girls' dormitory, several girls chattered and discussed.

"I'll tell you!"

"I saw Lin Yu male god today, he is too handsome!"

"He's very good at math!"

"He will do all the questions that are beyond the level."

"I wanted to confess to him before, but it was too late! She was with Leng Qingxue.

"It's so angry!"


In the campus forum.

Comprehensive list of campus male god list.

Lin Yu's ranking improved from 20th to 16th.

However, Lin Yu did not know that his ranking had improved.

He was a little tired.

If you already know, don't pretend! Don't save the cold snow!

Let her herself be embarrassed there.

Because Leng Qingxue really pulled him and studied mathematics in the library for an afternoon!

Everyone else is stupid.

Is this something that people do! ?

Leng Qingxue and Lin Yu walked out of the library, it was already evening.

She smiled like a little devil.

"Xiao Yu'er, you seem to be a little tired."

Lin Yu gave her a blank look, special, can you not be tired!

"Okay, okay."

"Thank you today~"

(. >∀<。 Leng

Qingxue suddenly stood up on tiptoe and kissed Lin Yu on the side of his face, then blinked his big eyes and ran away with a puff of smoke.

Lin Yu was stunned in place.

Σ(ŎдŎ|||) ノノ

Lying groove! Sneak attack!

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