Lin Yu reacted that he was stolen by Leng Qingxue, the witch!

I was shocked.


Boys have to protect themselves outside!

Otherwise, he will be like him, and he will be quietly taken advantage of.

Where is he going!

Looking at the cute back of Leng Qingxue running away with a smoke, Lin Yu showed a chuckle.

At this time, Leng Qingxue, who was fleeing, had a smile on his face and was a little shy in his heart.

Her little face was flushed, like a ripe red apple.

Just now, she also stole a kiss on Lin Yu on a whim.

Do you really think she is not shy?

Witches can be shy too!

But it's exciting to run after kissing!

(。 >∀<。 It's


Leng Qingxue smiled and smiled, and suddenly thought of something.

She doesn't seem to have settled accounts with Lin Yu yet!

(◦'~ ́◦)

What is the account? Of course, Lin Yu has such a good understanding of mathematics, even she was concealed! Only now did I find out.

When she was interested in Lin Yu, she secretly inquired about Lin Yu, and even the date of his birthday.

Lin Yu's results were naturally heard, and it was a more decent kind.

As a result, Lin Yu solved the problem that she couldn't do today.

Leng Qingxue was pleasantly surprised and happy, so she pulled Lin Yu to study the math problems for an afternoon.

Forget about settling accounts!

Now that she remembers it, she feels the need to go back and find Xiao Yu'er to settle the account~

(. >∀<。

So she turned and ran in Lin Yu's direction.

If Lin Yu knew what Leng Qingxue was thinking.

Then he will definitely complain.

He really has average grades, or the original owner's grades are average.

Math is just about putting together a system.

At this time, Lin Yu did not know this, he had already walked in the direction of the dormitory.

I'm exhausting today.

It's pretending to save my sister again, and it's studying mathematics with my sister..........

Well, the girl is still the kind of a big beauty..........

He felt like he had overdrawn a lot.

You have to go back to the dormitory and drink a bottle of happy water to suppress the shock.

He was walking forward, and suddenly saw the cold snow fleeing in the distance, and ran towards him again.

And it's fast, and it's like a wind and fire.

I felt as if there was still light in Leng Qingxue's eyes.

It is the eyes of the wolves when they see the lambs.

Lin Yu was shocked.


"Why is this sister back again!"

"Isn't she kissing enough and wants to kiss a second time?"

“Σ(ŎдŎ|||) ノノ""

What a fierce woman!"

"Boys must protect themselves outside!"

Lin Yu thought like this and became brave again.

Just in time!

The account of the sneak attack on him just now has not yet been calculated!

He had to backhand the account.

Leng Qingxue's small face bulged, and he ran back and forth with great momentum, and the murder weapon shook one after another.

"Xiao Yu'er, I almost forgot, I haven't asked you to calculate the account."

"(◦'~ ́◦)"

Lin Yu was stunned.

Do you still want to settle the score? I still want to settle the score.

Lin Yu said lightly: "What account has not been calculated."

Leng Qingxue walked to Lin Yu's side and said with a breath.

"Xiao Yu'er, shouldn't you explain."

"How can you be so good at math."

"Obviously the grades are average, but the math is so good."

"Did you hide it on purpose~"

Lin Yu was stunned.

Ah this............

How does he explain.

He didn't mean to hide it, just because he had a system.

System such a thing, how to say it.

To believe in science, understand or not.

"Okay, Sister Leng, you haven't found out about this."

"I deliberately concealed it, I am a relatively low-key person."

"I never like to show off anything, and I don't like to pretend."

"I just like a peaceful life."

Lin Yu's face was not red, and his heart did not beat, and he almost believed what he said.

Leng Qingxue nodded his head when he heard this.

She believed a lot, because Lin Yu was usually really low-key, and he observed Lin Yu for a month.

This man really lives a peaceful life.

Isn't that calm, at that time, Lin Yu's system function was still locked.

You can't think about it calmly.

"Hmph, Xiao Yu, I believe your explanation."

"But you hid it from me, and you must be punished!"

Leng Qingxue blinked her beautiful peach blossom eyes and said with a little devilish smile.

Lin Yu raised his eyebrows, punishment?

Just kidding, he can't possibly be punished!

Suddenly, Leng Qingxue stretched out her small hand and pinched Lin Yu's waist.

Then he stood on tiptoe again and kissed him on the other side of the cheek.

“(。 >∀<。 "

Hey, hey!"

"Punishment is over!"

After that, Leng Qingxue ran away with another puff of smoke.

Lin Yuren was stupid.

Groove! Sneak attack!

He was attacked twice today by a woman!

Who can endure this!

The next time they meet, he will catch Leng Qingxue and teach him a hard lesson.


Lin Yu returned to the dormitory, where the three LSPs were playing games in the dormitory.

Today, it is rare that Zhao Tian did not go to find the object, and Qian Fei did not brush the question.

He walked over to his table and took the bottle of happy water that had been filled and took a big sip.

"Ah~" "


When the three saw Lin Yu returning, they stood directly beside him.

Like three brothers.


"Yuzi, are you secretly studying behind our backs!"

Because of today's open class, Lin Yu is too pretending!

Such a difficult question, Lin Yu can make it, and the whole hero saves the beauty!

Lin Yu didn't panic at all, these three LSPs looked the same as brothers.

In fact, after his physique is now strengthened, he can capture them with one hand.

He took another sip of happy water, and then said lightly.

"Do you think I'm a learner?"

"I still study secretly, I dare to think about it."

"Then how do you explain today's pretense!"

Wang Jun asked suspiciously.

Lin Yu explained without hurry: "I just happened to see that question in other books. "

That's it."

It is naturally impossible for him to say the existence of the system, and he really did not study, just opened a small hanging.

Lin Yu patted Wang Jun's shoulder.

"Don't worry, Junzi, I'm a person who never engages in dormitory rolls."

"It was really just a coincidence."

"Do you think I look like the kind of person who secretly learns,"

Wang Jun nodded when he heard this.

Lin Yu is really not the kind of person who secretly learns, he sees Lin Yu when he returns to the dormitory either playing games or drinking happy water.

The three continued to play the game.

As long as you don't engage in involution, everyone is a good pot friend.

Lin Yu was satisfied and opened his phone and began to swipe the video.


At the same time, in the campus forum, because of Lin Yu's ranking in the comprehensive list of male gods, he rose.

It caused quite a stir.

Zhang Tingting also saw the discussion in the forum, and her face became a little gloomy.

Lin Yu's math turned out to be very good?

How is this possible! ?

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