
A middle-aged doctor came over, first listened to the woman’s heartbeat with a stethoscope, then rolled his eyelids, said “It’s hopeless”, and left in a hurry.

Xu Dong wanted to catch up and inquire in detail, but he finally gave up after seeing the patients in the hospital.

Besides, medical resources are in short supply at the moment, even if it can be saved, it is not something that a mere community hospital can do.

“Squad leader, what should we do next?” Meng Lan couldn’t bear it.

Xu Dong tried the woman’s breathing, but it was already inaudible, so he could only sigh: “Take her back and hand it over to Lao Wang. I’ll go see how the little girl is doing.”

After sending Meng Lan and his party away, Xu Dong made some inquiries and found the little girl’s hospital bed on the second floor.

After the doctor finished his treatment, he immediately stepped forward and asked:

“Doctor, how is the child?”

“Severely malnourished, how can you be so cruel as adults?”

The female doctor’s gaze was a bit unkind. If Xu Dong hadn’t been wearing a police uniform, he probably would have started.

Xu Dong quickly explained: “Doctor, you misunderstood. I am not the father of the child. This child is from the Southern Dynasty and an illegal immigrant.”

“No wonder.” The female doctor’s attitude improved a lot, “Then what are you going to do with this child? In her current situation, she must rest and rest, and can no longer travel long distances.”

Xu Dong smiled wryly and said, “I can’t decide this, I need to ask our bureau chief for instructions.”

“That’s fine, put the child here first, and he should be discharged from the hospital in three days.”

“Thank you doctor.”

The female doctor waved her hand: “You don’t need to thank me. If possible, it’s best to get some nutrition for the child, so that the recovery will be faster.”

“Yes, I’ll think of a way later.”

I greeted the nurse and asked her to take care of the little girl.

After leaving the hospital, Xu Dong rode on the electric scooter immediately.

Half an hour later, he finally found Director Ji. He didn’t know what task he was performing, but he ran to the citizen fitness center.

In front of the gate of the fitness center, Xu Dong briefly explained the matter.

“Director, what should I do with this little girl?”

Director Ji said without thinking:

“Go back and ask Aunt Zhang, and ask if the two of them are willing to adopt this little girl. If you are willing to adopt, I will go through the formalities for them when I come back.”

“What if Aunt Zhang doesn’t want to?”

“Then stay in the hospital for a few more days, and you will be responsible for the food. I will reimburse you when you come back. After the inspection is over, they will be handed over to the General Administration.”

After talking about the little girl, Xu Dong looked at the heavily guarded fitness center and asked tentatively:

“Director, what is this place for? Why are there so many vehicles coming in and out?”

“Why, do you want me to take you in and have a look?”

“Can I go in?” Xu Dongman was pleasantly surprised.

Director Ji said unhappily: “put away your curiosity, this is a military important place, not everyone can enter.”

Xu Dong made fun of himself, turned around and left on his electric scooter.

Back in the community, it happened to be lunch time, and Uncle Zhang was there, so Xu Dong dragged the old couple to talk about the matter.

“Xiao Xu, how old is this child?” Aunt Zhang looked expectant.

“About five or six years old, the child is not disabled and looks quite cute.”

It may be Aiwujiwu. This “house” refers to his two daughters. Xu Dong hopes that this child will have a good ending in the end.

Uncle Wang asked, “Can this kid speak Daxia dialect?”

“I don’t know about this, but I think it should be a little bit. Judging from their situation, they have been with us for at least one or two years.”

“The child is so pitiful, he lost his mother at such a young age, old man, I want to adopt this child,What do you think? Aunt Zhang rubbed her red eyes and said.

Uncle Zhang smoked a cigarette and said nothing.

“Old man, can you tell me something?” Aunt Zhang urged.

“We’re both in our sixties. Have you thought about it? If we leave early, what will happen to this child? We can’t harm this child.”

Xu Dong helped persuade: “Master, you are thinking too much, if this child is not adopted by you, what is waiting for her is to be sent back.

You also know what happened in the Southern Dynasty, the child is so young, going back at this time is almost the same as sending him to death. ”

“Xiao Xu is right.” Aunt Zhang quickly echoed.

Uncle Zhang flicked the cigarette ash:

“Old woman, if you really want to adopt, then do as you wish, there is no shortage of stuttering in the family.”

Seeing that his wife agreed, Aunt Zhang immediately grabbed Xu Dong and asked, “Xiao Xu, when will you take us to see the child?”

“Auntie, this child is currently deficient in nutrition. Cook some vegetable soup and add more shrimp. I will take you to the hospital with me later.”

“Okay, auntie, let’s make soup now.”

Aunt Zhang entered the kitchen excitedly, Xu Dong looked at the helpless Uncle Zhang, and couldn’t help asking:

“Master, I think you don’t seem to be very willing to adopt a child?”

“Ah!” The uncle sighed, “You don’t understand, the child who was brought up with great difficulty will die if he says he doesn’t, this kind of pain is too uncomfortable.

Uncle would rather die alone than suffer this kind of pain again. Your aunt is right, I am too selfish. ”

These words reminded Xu Dong of his previous life, and he immediately understood Uncle Zhang’s thoughts, which was also the main reason why he subconsciously refused to recognize his relatives in this life.

“Uncle, if you really don’t want to, I can help you talk to aunt.”

Uncle Zhang waved his hand:

“Your aunt and I have suffered all our lives, let her be happy when she gets old, maybe your aunt’s choice is the right one.

Speaking of which, since you lived in our house, your aunt’s smile has never stopped, maybe it is time to add someone to the family. ”

“Master, don’t worry, this child is also counted as my share. If I have a bite to eat, she won’t let her go hungry.” Xu Dong immediately promised.

Uncle Zhang smiled gratifiedly.

He couldn’t help thinking of his son who had passed away for many years. If his son hadn’t passed away, he would be almost as old as the person in front of him now.

After lunch, Xu Dong brought Aunt Zhang and the old couple to the community hospital. The little girl had already woken up and was crying for her mother. It was useless for the female nurse to coax her.

“Officer Xu, you are here, I leave this place to you.”

===Section 134===

“Thank you!” Xu Dong quickly thanked.

After the female nurse left, Aunt Zhang stepped forward and hugged the little girl into her arms, and after a few words of coaxing, she actually coaxed her away.

Maybe this is fate!

After coaxing the little girl, Aunt Zhang immediately took out the stewed vegetable soup. The little girl smelled the aroma of the food, and her eyes widened.

Aunt Zhang didn’t bother, she hugged the little girl on her lap, and then fed her mouthful, with a smile on her face.

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