: Stuffed

The little girl quickly ate up a big bowl full of vegetable soup, which made Aunt Zhang very distressed:

“Sin, look at the child starving.”

“The key is that you are good at cooking, auntie.” Xu Dong deliberately interrupted, but in fact, domestic children also have good appetites.

Who doesn’t like seafood and vegetable soup?

“The people above are real. Those people from the Southern Dynasties are poor people. Why can’t we give them some rations? They don’t eat for free.” Aunt Zhang was still nagging.

Xu Dong tried to explain: “Auntie, the country also has difficulties. If food cards are issued to these illegal immigrants, refugees from other countries will definitely go crazy if they find out, and it will be difficult to deal with it at that time.”

“Your aunt doesn’t understand anything, the benevolence of a woman.” Uncle Zhang was hardened for a rare time.

“Yes, you are so capable, why doesn’t the country invite you to be a great leader?” Aunt Zhang sarcastically said.


Seeing that the old couple were getting more and more noisy, Xu Dong quickly interrupted and said, “Auntie, what’s the name of this child?”

“Baby, tell grandma, what’s your name?” Aunt Zhang asked kindly.

It may be that she just ate delicious food. The little girl trusted Aunt Zhang very much, and replied softly:

“My name is Zhang Enya, and I am six years old.”

“Xiao Xu, old man, this kid can speak our Da Xia dialect.” Aunt Zhang said excitedly.

Xu Dong said with a smile: “It’s really a fate. You are also surnamed Zhang. You don’t need to change your surname. Congratulations, uncle and aunt.”

Uncle Zhang finally showed a smile on his face.

Zhang Enya suddenly grabbed Aunt Zhang’s hand and asked, “Grandma, have you seen my mother?”

Aunt Zhang turned her face away, she couldn’t see such a thing of life and death the most in her life.

“Little friend, your mother has gone to a far, far away place, and you will live with your grandparents in the future, okay?” Xu Dong squatted down to coax herroad.

“No, I want my mother, my mother will not die.” Zhang Enya burst into tears immediately.

Xu Dong was a little embarrassed, are the children nowadays so mature, they even know this kind of thing.

“Okay, your mother is not dead, she just returned to China beforehand, before she leaves, please ask us to take care of you.” Aunt Zhang comforted quickly.

“Little friend, where is your father?” Xu Dong planned to change the subject.

“Sobbing… Mom said Dad… went far away, but I know… Dad died. When he was working in the factory, he was hit on the head by… a big iron block, and he bled a lot.”

“Uh, baby, tell grandma, who told you this?” Aunt Zhang suppressed her anger.

“I saw it myself. My father took me to work in the factory every day. There are many uncles there.”

“Then what about your mother, why didn’t you bring you?” Xu Dong took the opportunity to ask.

Zhang Enya replied: “My mother has to sleep during the day, and she has to go to work at night. I don’t like my mother going to work. She has no time to teach me how to read.”

Xu Dong touched the little guy’s scalp, and he could probably imagine what kind of life this family of three lived.

They are all miserable people!

“Enya, you can read and write, can you write your own name?” Aunt Zhang said in surprise.

“I can write. My mother said that I will be sent to school when I have learned a hundred Chinese characters.” Zhang Enya nodded seriously.

Aunt Zhang felt even more distressed: “Go home with grandma, grandma will send you to school tomorrow, okay?”

Zhang Enya hesitated for a while and didn’t speak.

“Grandma cooks delicious food for you every day.”

“Then…can I be full? I have a small appetite, and a small piece of bread is enough.” Zhang Enya looked forward to it.

“Yes, of course, you can eat as much as you want.” Aunt Zhang tempted.

“Thank you grandma.”

“Well, what a good boy.”

Finally, under the temptation of having a full meal, the little girl Zhang Enya agreed to go home with Aunt Zhang, and officially recognized the old couple as grandparents.

But the little guy was still very weak, Aunt Zhang simply acted as an escort and stayed in the hospital.

Xu Dong immediately reported the good news to Director Ji, who sighed and hung up the call directly.

It’s inexplicable!

I slept for three or four hours in the afternoon.

At seven o’clock in the evening, Xu Dong got up and ate the dinner reserved by Aunt Zhang. The old couple were not at home, so they should be at the hospital.

After eating, he packed up and went to work with two packs of cigarettes.

After completing the shift change and patrolling along the coastline, Xu Dong wandered over to Lao Qin’s side again.

“Old Qin, take the cigarette.”

Xu Dong directly threw a pack of cigarettes over. As for the other youngsters, they quit smoking long ago, so he didn’t want to fool his children.

“Yo ho, so generous.” Lao Qin said in surprise.

“Is there any news today?” Xu Dong asked with a smile.

Lao Qin lit a cigarette, nodded and said, “There is no big news, but there is a small one.”

“Tell me quickly.” Xu Dong couldn’t wait.

“I’ll send you some photos, you can see for yourself!” After speaking, Lao Qin took out his mobile phone and sent Xu Dong a group of photos.

Xu Dong looked at it with great interest, it didn’t matter what he saw, he was almost out of breath.

It turned out that these photos were taken of some street walks, and there was a resounding slogan in the event, called:

Today we are all Southern Dynasties!

These protesters don’t know where to get the photos.

There are beaches full of shit;

These protesters have three major demands, one is to issue green cards to all illegal immigrants; the other is to improve living conditions; the third is equal pay for equal work.

Xu Dong sneered and said: “These people must be mentally ill. I think they are full of food. If they have the energy, it’s better to be a volunteer in the orphanage. It’s better than this!”

“Oh, don’t be angry, these people are very few after all, and the higher-ups didn’t take them seriously.” Lao Qin blew out a smoke ring.

“Isn’t the city under martial law? How did they come out?” Xu Dong asked strangely.

“Martial law will also come out to buy food, can it still be delivered to the home? As long as they think about it, there are plenty of opportunities.”

Skip this topic.

Xu Dong asked, “Didn’t you make any big moves today?”

“No, what happened last time, the impact was too bad, and the higher-ups have to re-arrange, so as not to have similar loopholes again, and finally fail.”

“I wonder if it will affect our garrison time?” Xu Dong worried.

Lao Qin waved his hand: “Don’t think about it, there are already internal news spreading, we support staff, more or less have to delay the return time.”

“Damn it, it’s really an innocent disaster.” Xu Dong said angrily.

“There is no way around this. I heard that the situation in southern Xinjiang is also very serious recently. Stay in QindaoMuch better than going to southern Xinjiang. “

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