1477 Han Qi’s speech made the audience silent.
Since the Golden Phoenix Awards were held, no one has ever spoken like this.
No modesty, no low-key.
Han Qi is like a king, standing on the star-studded stage.
look downeverything.
“Clap clap clap!”
Hot Bar and Da Mi Mi slowly began to applaud.
Hot bar with a proud look on his face.
She knew that Han Qi was the one who was always different.
Not just talent and money.
There he was, among the thousands of stars.
Han Qi is also the most special one.
With the applause of the hot bar and the power of the big power.
Everyone in the audience slowly began to applaud.
Some people are surprised, some people are a little admired.
Others are full of resentment.
That’s what Brother Entertainment people are like.
President Li stared at Han Qi sternly.
“Want to win an award? Hehe…”
He narrowed his eyes and looked at Han Qi.
How could he make Han Qi so arrogant?
Although the Golden Phoenix Award is a national award, Brother Entertainment is not without any influence.
If the best newcomer is not given to Han Qi, the Jinfeng Award will completely lose its credibility.
But Han Qi wants to win Best Actor, Best Screenplay or even Best Director?
It depends on whether their Brother Entertainment agrees or not!
Wu Fan, Cai Kun, and those who didn’t want Han Qi to be too proud.
At this time, they could only applaud stiffly.
After being shocked by Han Qi, the awards ceremony that followed seemed a bit bland.
Some awards were handed out one by one.
But no matter if it is the star of the scene.
The audience before the live broadcast was a little listless.
Next award, Best Screenplay!
All raised their spirits.
Backstage, the director heard the employee’s report.
“The ratings are on the rise!”
The director immediately gave the camera to Han Qi.
He knows, just like them.
Everyone is looking forward to whether Han Qi can win the prize!
The presenters walked out slowly.
They took out the envelope.
“This time the Golden Phoenix Award for Best Screenplay – “Those Years,
The girl we chased together”, Han Qi! ”
Han Qi stood up.
With an unexpected smile on his face.
“How come?” Mr. Li glared at him.
“It’s him again!” Both Wu Fan and Cai Kun looked ugly.
Han Qi stepped onto the stage and picked up the trophy.
“I’m here again, the acceptance speech, I still have to save it for the next time!”
He moved towards the stage and raised the trophy.
Everyone looked at each other.
They had never seen such a brief acceptance speech.
The director in the background was very excited at this time.
Han Qi’s speech after winning the award once again attracted countless audiences.
They wanted to see if Han Qi could fulfill his arrogant prophecy.
But it was not Han Qi’s award that was given out first.
It’s the best actress of Hot Bar and Power Power.
Not just the two of them, but three other famous actresses entered the race for Best Actress.
Not only is it hot now, but Da Mi Mi can’t help but get nervous.
She has also not been recognized by prestigious awards.
Her hand unconsciously held Han Qi’s hand.
Han Qi looked at the hot bar on the left and the big power on the right.
There is some bitterness in my heart.
You two are nervous, why are you pinching me?
But he didn’t dare to speak now.
Now that I speak for myself, who should I support?
In the tense eyes of Da Mi Mi and Hot Bar, the award presenters slowly read out the name of the best actress.
“The one who won the Golden Phoenix Award for Best Actress this time is hot, from “The Girl We Chased Together in Those Years”!”
Applause sounded warmly.
Hot Bar covered his heart and stood up slowly.
She hugged Han Qi fiercely and kissed him lightly on the cheek.
Only slowly walked onto the stage.
Look at the heat of the acceptance speech on the stage a little jerky.
Da Mi Mi sighed softly.
She has long known that she has a much smaller chance of winning compared to being hot.
Hot bar in “Those Years” performance, it is impossible to meetrequested.
The big power can be seen.
In the play, Hot Bar is really in love with Han Qi.
She fuses real emotions and drama together.
To a certain extent, the heat
It belongs to the true character.
In “Those Years”, Han Qi and Reba collided with sparks beyond Reba’s acting skills.
Do it again, with a different male lead.
Hot bar will not have such performance.
She was convinced.
Hot Bar was on the stage, looking at the bright lights under the stage, but his eyes fell on the smiling man.
Among the thousands of people, she heard her own voice.
What I should share most now, and what I want to share the most, is this man who smiles at him.
This award, together with her heart, belongs to Han Qi.

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