Testimonials (sixth)
1478 After Best Actress, it’s Best Actor.
“Best Actor in this Golden Phoenix Award – Han Qi, “The Girl We Chased Together in Those Years”!”
No matter what everyone in the audience thought, Han Qi still received his Best Actor trophy.
“Cowhide! Debut as a movie king!”
“To be honest, I cried three times watching “Those Years”. If Han Qi is not the best actor, it must be a shady story!”
“Stay steady! There are also the best film and best director, all for Lao Tzu!”
On the barrage, because of Han Qi’s award, there was a lot of excitement.
This is the first time in the history of Xia Guo’s film that an actor appeared, and after winning the best newcomer, he also won the best actor!
It can be said that the history of the Golden Phoenix Award was created!
At this time, whether they liked or disliked Han Qi, they all understood the entire history of the film, and they had already printed Han Qi’s name.
From today, Han Qi can already be called a legend.
With the best actor award.
The following awards were announced one by one.
Best Director – Han Qi!
Best Picture – “The Girl We Chased Together in Those Years”!
Six mention six middle school!
Han Qi and his “In Those Years, The Girl We Chased Together” got all the nominations they could get.
“how come……”
President Li stared blankly at Han Qi walking onto the stage. He did not expect that Han Qi would receive all these awards.
“Does the above support him so much?”
He couldn’t figure it out.
Having been in the entertainment industry for so many years, in the film industry, he does not say that he is a predator.
Also a veteran.
What is the Golden Phoenix Award?
This is the official recognition on behalf of the Xia Kingdom.
The previous annual Golden Phoenix Awards, although there are artistic considerations, will also take into account the influence of the film.
But more consideration is the interests of the film industry.
The judges are also human, and they also have countless friends and countless students.
Human affection is inevitable.
In every Golden Phoenix Awards, the phenomenon of dividing pork has not been avoided.
This time, Han Qi was able to win all the awards.
This is no longer a favor to describe.
It is simply to directly hold Han Qi to the altar.
To be able to have such an ability can only be the will above.
This made Mr. Li have a bad feeling in his heart.
The festival between Brother Entertainment and Han Qi is getting bigger and bigger.
The better Han Qi develops, the worse their brother entertainment will be.
But Mr. Li is not very worried, and he is not unrelated.
It was just this trend that made him feel a little uneasy.
Han Qi stepped onto the podium.
“I’ve left my acceptance speech for now, fortunately I didn’t get slapped in the face,” Han Qi said.
He held the trophy and watched everyone in the audience.
“Whether you believe it or not. I didn’t want to make a movie, or I didn’t think I would make a movie.”
The faces of the people in the audience were speechless.
Nima, you don’t want to make a movie, and you’re still soft on winning an award?
You make sure you’re not pretending.
“Although I made a movie, I also said from the beginning that my goal is not to box office.”
The people in the audience began to go numb.
Yes, you don’t love box office, breaking box office records every day.
Han QiHis eyes slowly glanced at the people under the stage.
He spoke out what he had hidden all night.
“My goal is never my own achievements. I don’t need these achievements to live a good life, but Xia Guo Movie is not good!”
He raised the trophy, towards the audience.
“I never think that the people of Xia are worse than anyone else, and I don’t think that the people of Xia are not good at making movies. In the past, we were not good at technology, and we were not good at ideas. Well, we study and we work hard. Now? Now we are not brave enough, knee It’s not hard enough. Xia Guo’s movies have been sinking for more than ten years! More than ten years! Everyone, this is not my shame, it’s your shame! I stand here, not for anything else, just to prove one thing, this country and People in this country, he can make good movies!”
It comes from an era when Chinese films have flourished.
I have seen the departure of local movies.
He saw the lifeless film and television circle, full of anger and disdain.
He is angry and disdainful that he is a filmmaker in the Xia Kingdom of this world, and he seems to have tacitly agreed that he is not comparable to Hollywood.
To be honest, Chinese-language films in the past life are far from Hollywood, but filmmakers with ideals and pursuits are all pursuing and making progress.
How does this make Han Qi look good?
After he finished speaking, there was silence in the audience.
They didn’t expect that Han Qi would say such a thing.
Their faces were fiery, some touched and some disdained.
Only Mr. Li stared at the stage.
Could it be that the above optimistic attitude is Han Qi’s attitude?
He looked a little complicated. As an opponent, he hated Han Qi.
But as a filmmaker, he had to admire Han Qi’s daring to think and speak.

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