My Daily Cultivation Life with a Clumsy Female Disciple

Chapter 129 I want to leave, she can't stop me

Qin Ran's figure slowly became solid in the mist. He looked back and found that Su Changqing and Bai Ruoxi were not chasing him.

However, he did not relax.

Just because he didn't catch up now doesn't mean that they won't be able to catch up later. After all, they didn't catch up with him when he ran away from the valley before.

Moreover, there is one issue that Kieran needs to clear up first before heading to the next formation stone location, that is...

How did Su Changqing find him this time?

He had already thrown away the mother-of-pearl beads. Logically speaking, there was nothing related to Su Changqing on him, and it was impossible for Su Changqing to get any personal belongings related to him.

"Unless..." Qin Ran looked at the formation stone in his hand, "He discovered my operation of leaving the formation stone."

But even if Su Changqing discovered the formation stone, it would just be destroyed. Because he and Bai Ruoxi are both sword cultivators, logically speaking, they cannot understand the formation. Not to mention the reverse use of formations that others have laid out.

According to Qin Ran's understanding of sword cultivators, the first thing a sword cultivator wants is purity. An excellent swordsman should believe that one sword can defeat all kinds of magic, and there is nothing that the sword in his hand cannot solve. They rarely dabble in other fields, let alone have high attainments.

As a sword cultivator who has understood the meaning of the sword, Su Changqing is a peerless genius in sword cultivating. It is impossible for him to dabble in other professions...

"However, judging from the current situation, this is the only possibility. Su Changqing knows the formation."

When all impossibilities are eliminated, the remaining possibility, no matter how incredible, is a fact.

Therefore, regardless of whether Su Changqing understood the formation or not, Qin Ran could only assume that where every formation stone was, there would be a Su Changqing waiting for him.

While exploring in the mist, and calibrating the direction five times, Kieran left a total of ten formation stones. He had already gone to the Blood Dragon Bone Tree, so there were still nine places left. Then the next place is where you encounter the tentacle monster.

Are the tentacle monsters still there?

Will Su Changqing be waiting there?

Qin Ran didn't know, so he had to go and take a look first.

As usual, Qin Ran first used Dreamlike to become invisible in water form, and then used Mirror Flower and Water Moon to separate himself and explore the way.

Unlike the previous team that was rushing in the dark, which was walking cautiously in the dark, now Kieran was rushing knowing the direction, so the speed on the road was not comparable to before.

Not long after, he came to the second formation stone...

There is no Su Changqing here, only tentacle monsters.


Tentacle monster? !

Qin Ran saw the tentacles swaying in the mist from a distance, and was startled. He hurriedly used his skills and ran away desperately.

The tentacle monster discovered him and drew its tentacles...

After finally getting rid of the tentacle monster, Qin Ran came to the mushroom space.

In addition to the mushroom in the center, there is also a humanoid mushroom with a broken leg at the edge of the space...

Chu Batian only had bones, and mushrooms grew out of his bones, making him look like a human. It's just very weird.

Not daring to stay longer in this mushroom space, Kieran just passed by and took a look before leaving quickly.

Carefully exploring one place after another, carefully investigating one place after another, he passed six or seven places in a row, almost reaching the edge of the fog, but there was still no sign of Su Changqing. Qin Ran almost thought that he was overthinking, but in fact here In the fog, Su Changqing couldn't find his direction at all.

At the exit of the mist, where the six-person group gathered for the first time, and where Kieran left the formation stone for the first time, Su Changqing sat down cross-legged.

A circle of silver-gray light emitted from his body, dispersing the surrounding fog. In his circle of clean silver-gray light, Bai Ruoxi stood quietly holding her sword in her arms; the ghost monkey kept tickling there and was always restless.

They had been waiting here for a long time, so long that Bai Ruoxi wondered if Qin Ran had slipped away from somewhere else, after all, he was such a slippery person.

At this time, a person suddenly appeared in the fog in front of him from blur to clarity.

The man was thin and had a delicate face. He was wearing a green shirt and had a scholarly air. He walked slowly out of the mist, with a smile on his face and a touch of sunshine.

He seemed to be a scholar who was knowledgeable, ambitious, and of noble character, who was about to go to Beijing to take the exam.

Bai Ruoxi looked at him carefully and frowned subconsciously. She could never forget the nausea she felt when fighting this man. He fought with his real body, false body, and invisibility for several rounds without even knowing where he was.

...He really shines!

"Is this true or false?"

Her first reaction was this, and then a sword energy came over. The white feather sword energy split the man in half, and fell to the ground as a puddle of water.

"It's really fake!" She knew it.

Su Changqing smiled and said loudly in the other direction of the mist: "Brother Qin, why don't you show up to see me? Su has been waiting here for a long time."

Bai Ruoxi also looked in that direction.

After a while, very close, about ten feet away, a figure solidified out of thin air. Qin Ran appeared with a smile. He looked at the halo spreading around Su Changqing and asked, "What's so powerful about this mist?" where?"

Su Changqing smiled and said: "It will swallow up the magic power in the monk's body."

"How does it compare to mushroom spores?" Qin Ran continued to ask.

"I want you to take more care of it!" Bai Ruoxi had been unhappy with Qin Ran for a long time. When she saw that he was not opening or lifting any pot, another sword energy passed by him.

Qin Ran turned sideways, easily getting out of the way of the sword energy, ignoring Bai Ruoxi, looking at Su Changqing and continuing to ask: "Then do you still have the strength to fight?"

"Brother Qin, you can come over and give it a try." Su Changqing smiled.

"No need..." Qin Ran shook his head, pointed in the direction outside the fog, and said,

"I can just go out. Having said that, I have no grudges with you in the past or in recent times. Even if you want to destroy the entire Hengduan Mountains and kill everyone in the Northern Chu and Xuan Qin Kingdoms, it has nothing to do with me. I Why should I fight with you? I don’t like fighting by nature.”

"Brother Qin turned out to be such a selfish person. To be honest, I'm very disappointed." Su Changqing said.

"Then what kind of person do you think I should be, someone who is righteous and has the world in mind?" Qin Ran said, "Don't be stupid, practitioner!"

Monks are selfish.

"Hmm..." Su Changqing looked up to the sky and said with a smile, "I thought Brother Qin was different."

Qin Ran was speechless for a moment.

"How's it going? Can you still move?" Qin Ran asked, "If you can't move, I'm leaving!"

Seeing that Qin Ran ignored her, Bai Ruoxi said angrily: "Do you think I don't exist?"

Qin Ran glanced at her, then looked back at Su Changqing, and said proudly: "I can't beat her! But I want to leave, and she can't stop me."

"Brother Qin, take care of yourself." Su Changqing nodded.

Qin Ran walked towards the direction outside the fog.

He took two steps, suddenly stopped, turned around and asked Su Changqing: "I'm curious, how come you, a sword cultivator who has understood the meaning of the sword, are also proficient in formations?"

"Who told you that I am a sword cultivator?" Su Changqing replied.

"What?" Qin Ran was stunned.

Su Changqing suddenly raised his hand, spread his fingers, and patted down!

Qin Ran looked up hurriedly and saw a net of silver-gray silk threads above his head, covering him!


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