My Daily Cultivation Life with a Clumsy Female Disciple

Chapter 130 Suppressing Su Changqing with one hand

A cultivator who uses a sword and has sword intent is not a sword cultivator!

This is something Qin Ran cannot understand.

But when he looked up at the mana net that was hanging down, he knew that he was locked by the mana net and had nowhere to escape. He knew that Su Changqing was not lying.

Just by this mana lock, it can be seen that his attainments in magic are not inferior to his swordsmanship.

"Illusionary world!"

But the locking technique is not impossible to break...

Qin Ran saw a star-like light flashing in his eyes. He did not cast an illusion on Su Changqing, but cast an illusion on the mana net that was hanging down.

Although his soul is not 100% compatible with his body, his soul is strong enough.

First of all, his soul is the soul of a modern person fused with the soul of this world, which is the strength of two souls; secondly, he has been practicing Danfeng's nameless soul refining formula.

Such a powerful soul, combined with the illusion-based pupil technique, the illusion world, actually made the net fall into an illusion, and suddenly tilted and fell to the side.

"Brother Qin's use of magic is really unrestrained!" Su Changqing praised.

Seeing that Su Changqing's net was not yet completed, Bai Ruoxi raised her sword, flew out of Su Changqing's magic aura, and stabbed Qin Ran.

"Fei Yu!"

A white light flashed on her body, and countless white feathers emerged, wrapping her up, turning her into a huge white feather sword.

The white feather giant sword was very fast and stabbed Qin Ran with one sword.

"This is your real body!" Bai Ruoxi said hatefully, "Let's see how you cheat!"

Then she saw Qin Ran explode with a bang, and the whole person scattered into countless clones and fled in all directions. She looked forward again, and there was no trace of Qin Ran in front of her.

"You can run away?" She really couldn't believe it.

"He can't run away!" Su Changqing raised his hand and grabbed it, and the sound of a dragon wailing rang out, "Dragon-catching hand..."


Qin Ran, who pretended to be a clone and blended into the mist, suddenly paused, and then felt that the mist around him was shrinking towards him. He looked up and saw that the mist quickly took shape and turned into a huge dragon claw, grabbing him and pressing him down suddenly.


Before he could react, he was pressed to the ground by a white dragon claw.

"Good capture!" Bai Ruoxi praised and rushed over with a sword.

Before she arrived, Bai Yu's sword energy arrived first, and a white sword went straight to Qin Ran's head.

"Clear dreams are like water!"

Qin Ran shouted, and a transparent water shield condensed above his head, blocking Bai Ruoxi's Bai Yu sword energy, and then they died together and dispersed into water splashes.

Between Bai Yu and the water splashes, Bai Ruoxi flew over, holding a sword, and stabbed over.

"Illusionary bubble!"

As the voice came out, the bubbles on Qin Ran's body grew rapidly, opening a gap between the dragon claws and blocking Bai Ruoxi's sword.

Qin Ran supported himself on the ground with his hands, and while the dragon claws were held up by the bubbles, he exerted force and flipped the dragon claws open!

"Like water years..."

Without stopping, he cast a spell to merge himself into the mist and disappeared. Then he quickly appeared from Bai Ruoxi's side, raised the Jiuzhou Ding with both hands, and smashed it towards Bai Ruoxi.

"Wings and feathers!"

Bai Ruoxi held the sword with both hands, and the sword light flowed on her body. Suddenly, a pair of white wings appeared on her back, and every feather of the wings was sword energy.

Qin Ran's Ding smashed down, hitting the pair of wings. The wings scattered with a sound, and the countless sword feathers rolled back towards Qin Ran!


Qin Ran was unable to react, and his clothes turned into pieces in an instant. The sword energy rolled again, bringing out bloodstains and countless red lightning.

His body was made of thunderbolts, and there was still a little lightning inside.

Relying on the strength of his body, Qin Ran resisted a wave of sword energy and escaped into the mist with red thunderbolts. When he reappeared, he had changed his clothes to cover the fine sword wounds all over his body, and appeared in another place.

In this fight, both sides used several spells in a flash, and Qin Ran confronted Bai Ruoxi and Su Changqing head-on with his own strength, and then "retreat unscathed".

How to say it?

Just for this fight, Qin Ran can brag at least... one, ten years!

"Let me tell you, the disciple of Lingnan Xianzong before, the one called Su Changqing, everyone said that he was invincible among his peers and had the appearance of an immortal. But what's the use? I suppressed him with only one hand. You ask me why I only use one hand? Because the other hand has to suppress his junior sister who is also a genius at the same time."

Qin Ran stopped in mid-air, his face heavy, and another bubble slowly formed, wrapping him again... blocking the mist while bandaging the wound.

In this round of fighting, the bubbles were split by Bai Ruoxi's sword, which made Qin Ran have close contact with the fog of this immortal land for the first time. Moreover, he was different from ordinary people. He used the water-like years to blend into the fog. This was not called close contact, but it could be called perfect harmony. Therefore, his feelings were clearer than those of Su Changqing and others.

And Su Changqing did not lie to him. This fog would indeed devour mana, or in other words, devour cultivation!

His golden elixir was gnawed off a layer of skin in the short time he blended into the fog.

No wonder even Su Changqing, who was so strong, had to sit down and use magic to dispel the fog.

"Brother Qin's operation method is really enviable!" Su Changqing saw Qin Ran using bubbles to isolate the fog again, and said, "Can you feel the power of this fog?"

After listening to Su Changqing's words, Qin Ran suddenly understood something, laughed, and said to Su Changqing: "My bubbles isolate the fog and can stay in this fog for a long time. I am not affected by the fog, but what about you?"

"Brother Qin really reminded me what he said!"

Su Changqing also laughed. He stood up and raised his hand to summon a bubble on the top of his palm.

This bubble is similar to Kieran's bubble, but Kieran's bubble is colorless and transparent, similar to water bubbles. Su Changqing's bubble is silver-gray, the same color as the sword energy he used before.

With a thought from Su Changqing, the bubble grew larger and filled him inside. He then pressed the bubble close to his body and covered himself with a layer of silver-gray skin.

"How's it going?" He asked Qin Ran, "Can my fantasy bubble be returned to Brother Qin's eyes?"

"You, how could you?!" This move was something Qin Ran had never expected. His expression remained unchanged and he asked Su Changqing.

"All the laws in the world are derived from creation!" Su Changqing said, "Brother Qin, this is called the "Tao Jing of Creation"!"

"Tao... Tao, Tao Jing?" Hearing these two words, Qin Ran's lips trembled with fear. Su Changqing was even scarier than he imagined. "The basic technique you practice is Tao Jing?"

What is Taoism?

What is spiritual practice? Cultivation means seeking immortality and asking questions. Strive to become an immortal and ask as many questions as you can.

The path of this Taoist scripture is the path that Xunxian asked.

The Tao can be Tao, but it is not Tao; the name can be named, but it is not named.

The true Tao cannot be said, heard, seen, or felt.

The Taoist scriptures are those who have reached the end of their spiritual path and share their insights with others after realizing the Taoist path.

The so-called Tao Jing, to a certain extent, is the visual Tao.

Although, once the Tao is spoken, it is no longer the "constant Tao", the Tao that is above all else and eternal.

Su Changqing is practicing this kind of technique!

This is too scary.

No wonder he can use his golden elixir cultivation to fight tentacle monsters, and his golden elixir cultivation to fight the eighth-level demon king Thunder Unicorn...

The Taoist scriptures he practices should be like this!

"Run, run quickly!"

Qin Ran said it from the bottom of his heart, without lying, that this was the closest he had ever come to death.

He turned into water with his unprecedented casting speed, then got into the mist regardless of any loss, turned into mist, and escaped out of the mist.

"Brother Qin, why are you so anxious?"

Su Changqing then transformed into the fog, rolled up Bai Ruoxi, and chased Qin Ran out of the fog.


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