All over the mountains and plains, there are tens of thousands of soldiers guarding a few mountain tops; at the foot of the mountains, there are crazy beasts running around without care; in the sky, catkins like snowflakes are fluttering.

These tens of thousands of soldiers, they can't hold the beasts, they can't understand the catkins, they can't defeat them, they can't escape, there's only endless despair.

Those who were seriously injured were lying on the ground, while those who were lightly injured were standing. They looked at the catkins covering them like heavy snow... Tens of thousands of people just stared blankly into the distance.

In mid-air, Qin Ran looked at the despair of tens of thousands of soldiers over there and stopped because he was also desperate.

"Have you ever foreseen such a scene?" he asked Su Changqing.

Su Changqing had foreseen it.

He knew that many people would die, many monks would die, and many creatures would die if he allowed the Extreme Devouring Demon Liu Hedao. He had expected such a scene.


I have thought about it in my mind, and thought about the death of millions of people, but it has never been so shocking to see tens of thousands of soldiers standing in the tide of beasts waiting to die.

He didn't expect it to be like this.

Su Changqing was not far away from Qin Ran. He saw catkins falling in front of him and landed on the damaged armor of a soldier. The catkins disappeared, and then the soldier withered away.

One, two, three...hundreds, thousands...

In the blink of an eye, thousands of passionate men who served their country were transformed from living people into mummies.

Su Changqing turned around, and in the forest behind, in the mountains and fields, and on the treetops, there were countless dried corpses of monsters, birds, beasts, and insects!

The body fell among the rocks, and the body was hung on the dead tree...

Catkins fluttered and fell, and the world became a hell.

"So, that's what it is." Su Changqing murmured.

It turns out that this is how the extreme-devouring demon Liu Hedao devours all things.

"Brother Su, I don't think you need to hunt me down." At this time, Qin Ran's voice came.

Su Changqing looked over and saw white catkins falling one after another on Qin Ran, on his hair, on his shoulders, and then fell on the person like snowflakes, melting and disappearing.

"Ever since I set foot on the path of cultivating immortals, I have been afraid all the time. I always feel that I will die in the next second, and die from a magical spell casually thrown away by some great power. I have thought about all kinds of deaths of myself. Law, many, many..."

Qin Ran looked at Su Changqing, "But I never thought that I would be sucked dry by willow catkins and die. I knew that the ultimate-devouring devil willow was very powerful and terrifying, but I didn't

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Thinking I would die from it, I thought I could at least escape to other realms. "

Catkins also fell on Su Changqing's body, but the catkins on his body did not melt. To him, the catkins seemed to be ordinary catkins. One after another catkins fell on him, his shoulders turned white, and his hair turned white.

"I am a passerby in this world, and I will die when I die. But there is still one thing I can't let go of...that is my stupid apprentice. So I am begging Brother Su for this..."

Qin Ran told Su Changqing his last words, "Shiyin's talent for cultivation is very high. If you like her, please accept her as a disciple; if you have no intention of accepting her as a disciple, please send her home because she is not suitable for the cultivation world.

"As for Zhui Feng and Long Qiqi, Zhui Feng let her be free, and Long Qiqi please let her take the right path to immortality..."

After hearing Qin Ran's last words, Su Changqing was silent. He nodded and was about to agree, but then he suddenly realized something...

That is, why is it that others are dying if they touch catkins and cannot survive even a moment, but why is Kieran able to speak so many lines here?

After giving his last words, Qin Ran closed his eyes, spread his hands, and faced the sky, wanting to die in as dignified a manner as possible.

He waited for the catkins integrated into his body to suck him dry, but after waiting for a long time, he found that he was still fine, alive, and not dead yet.

There was no sign of absorption into the catkins at all.

Qin Ran frowned, and then used his consciousness to look inside his body, and found that red electric sparks were constantly coming out of his body.

The red electric light is clearly a thunderbolt!

In addition to the tribulation thunder in the texture, the Jiuzhou Cauldron is also constantly releasing tribulation thunder in the dantian. These tribulation thunders go from the dantian to the physical body, burning out all the catkins that invade the body.

"Tribulation thunder?!" Su Changqing looked at the red lightning flowing in Qin Ran's body and asked in surprise.

He knew that Kieran used the Tribulation Thunder to refine his body, but could the Tribulation Thunder remaining in his body still have this effect?

"You can still survive in this way?" Qin Ran couldn't help but smile bitterly.

He looked forward and saw dead bones all over the mountains and plains. The primeval forests turned into deserts, life disappeared, and the world turned into purgatory. Only a few of the tens of thousands of soldiers were not contaminated by catkins.

Such a doomsday scene gave him the illusion that everyone was dead but he was still alive.

He looked carefully and saw that Li Shiwen was still alive, but he was buried under countless withered bones...

That was when he was knocked down by his soldiers. The soldiers fought for him with their flesh and blood.

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"Are you still going to kill me?" Qin Ran asked Su Changqing.

Su Changqing looked at the dead bones on the ground and said nothing.

"If you don't want to kill me, I'll go see my friends first." Seeing that Su Changqing didn't speak, Qin Ran continued, and then he stretched out his figure and came to Li Shiwen's side.

Qin Ran squatted down on the withered bones and asked Li Shiwen under the withered bones, "Why didn't you leave?"

When Li Shiwen heard the sound, he turned around and saw that it was Qin Ran. Hope suddenly flashed in his eyes. He became excited and asked Qin Ran, the monk, for help: " them! Please save them!"

"I can't do anything!" Qin Ran shook his head. He looked up at the catkins falling from the sky, which were as endless as falling snow. He said, "I'm just lucky that I didn't die...I will die too."

Now there is a beeping electric light flowing on his body. Once the catkins get close, the current will burn them. But, how long can this lightning last? This is just the tribulation thunder remaining in his body.

The hope in Li Shiwen's eyes faded, he calmed down and became numb again.

After a while, he answered Qin Ran's question: "Why should I leave? I am a soldier who protects my country and guards the border. Because danger is coming, why should I leave? As a general, I don't think about it when facing the enemy. A strategy to fight against the enemy, but a strategy to flee?"

"This is not a disaster that mortals can deal with..." Qin Ran said and looked away. Suddenly, among the corpses of the soldiers over there, there were rats looking for food. Rats and rats, what a place. He threw a stone over, shot Shushu to death, and then continued, "It's not something a monk can handle."

Su Changqing followed, stopped in mid-air, glanced at Li Shiwen, and still said nothing.

"This was originally something they should solve." Qin Ran pointed at Su Changqing in mid-air, "But, they chose Dao Fruit.

"So we're all going to die."

Qin Ran said, remembering the time Li Shiwen invited him to drink, he rummaged in the Qiankun bag and found out a bottle of wine. After taking a sip for himself, he handed it to Li Shiwen.

"There are no appetizers, so let's make do..." He said, suddenly thinking of Shushu just now, and laughed, "It's not nothing, you bought me a drink with roast chicken, and I repaid you with field mice."

He went over to pick up Shushu's body, took out a sword and performed a hair removal on Shushu's hands.

But just as the sword cut open Shushu's skin, Qin Ran suddenly realized something...

How did Shushu survive the catkins all over the sky?

(End of chapter)



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