Li Shiwen took a sip of wine, looked up at the white catkins in the sky, and suddenly smiled: "If a little lady who is afraid of the cold sees this tepid snow, I don't know how happy she will be."

He said and looked towards Qin Ran, only to see that Qin Ran was holding a sword in one hand and catching rats with the other, staying there motionless. He thought that Qin Ran had been tricked and contaminated with catkins, and his smiling face couldn't help but twitch, but he still smiled.

Taking another sip of wine, he sighed: "Brother Qin, have a good trip."

"I'm so stupid, really!" Qin Ran said suddenly.

Li Shiwen was stunned, not dead? !

When he saw Qin Ran, he looked thoughtful and asked, "What did you think of?"

"I only know that clothes and magic weapons can't block catkins, and magical powers and magic can't block catkins, but I don't know that rocks and land can block catkins!" Qin Ran said.

Rats burrow and live underground, so they are not attacked by catkins. This only shows that the catkins do not enter the ground from time to time.

Look up and see that there are white catkins all over the mountains and plains! Those catkins stay on the surface without invading the ground.

"Underground?" Li Shiwen was puzzled.

Qin Ran didn't answer him, he threw away the rat and the sword, clenched his fist, channeled his magic power, punched the ground, making a deep pit in the ground, and punched again, making the pit bigger.

"Step aside!"

At this time, Su Changqing's voice came. Qin Ran turned around and saw Su Changqing summoning a huge dragon-capturing hand in the air, clenching his fist and about to smash it down.

Qin Ran hurriedly got out of the way, and then hit the ground with his big silver-gray hand. The ground shook and a huge pit appeared on the ground.

Su Changqing came down again with his sword, brought up the sword energy, and walked around the bottom of the pit, making the surroundings and bottom of the pit smooth and clean.

"You all go down!" Qin Ran and Li Shiwen said.

At this time, Li Shiwen also understood what Qin Ran meant. He crawled out from the corpse, stood on the mountain and looked around, seeing the mountain full of skeletons.

Where is there half a living person?

"No need." He shook his head with a smile, "I have no face to live anymore."

Seeing his appearance, Qin Ran sighed, flew up, brought out a stream of water, and patrolled several mountains. When he came back, the stream of water behind him brought dozens more soldiers.

These dozens of soldiers are the last soldiers of the 70,000 Tiance army.

Qin Ran threw all the soldiers into the pit, then walked up to Li Shiwen, lifted him up with one hand and said, "They still need you."

After saying that, he threw Li Shiwen into the pit.

"If I am still alive, I will come back to save you. If I die, this Mr. Su will come to save you. If this Mr. Su also dies, you will wish yourselves good luck."

Qin Ran threw all the Bigu Pills in his Qiankun Bag to Li Shiwen, then used the water flow to roll up the mud, sealed the mud pit, leaving a vent, and then drained the soil.

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of water.

Seeing that Qin Ran just sealed the soldiers into the mud pit and had no intention of going down, Su Changqing couldn't help but ask: "What about you?"

Wouldn't a person like Qin Ran, who was desperate for his life, bury himself immediately?

"There are three silly children at home." Qin Ran said.

"Hahahaha..." Su Changqing suddenly laughed. It turns out that even someone like Kieran still has something more important than his own life.

"In that case, come with me to take a look!" He said to Qin Ran.

"What are you looking at?" Qin Ran was puzzled.

Su Changqing was silent for a moment, looked outside the Hengduan Mountains, and replied: "Look at what this human tragedy is like."

After saying that, he turned his body into a sword and flew out of the Hengduan Mountains.

Qin Ran hesitated for a moment. He somewhat understood Su Changqing's thoughts, but after all, he was a selfish person.

So he hesitated for a moment, then turned into water and followed Su Changqing to fly out of the Hengduan Mountains.

In fact, Li Shiwen made an attempt, but he really had no right to decide on such a big matter as evacuating millions of people near the Hengduan Mountains. After all, he is just a warrior.

He only had complete control over his own camp and evacuated it.

More than that, he had no right to interfere, he could only try to save them.

Just the catkins floating over were worse than natural disasters. All of his 70,000 soldiers died in the Hengduan Mountains...

But now the sky is full of catkins floating across Hengduan Mountain, heading towards the village and the city. So we saw thousands of miles of floating catkins, thousands of miles of bare ground, and a city full of bones!

In this whole process, there was not even blood, not even fear, not even screaming.

Some are conversations such as: "Wow, look, what a big catkin!"

"Yeah yeah!"

"Yee? Why are you shrinking?"

"Huh? How come you turned into bones!"

The whole way here is the same as what we saw in the Hengduan Mountains. The sky and the earth are as white as the sky, the forest turns to red, the living creatures turn to withered bones, and there is no human habitation for thousands of miles!

After more than ten miles out of the Hengduan Mountains, Su Changqing stopped flying forward. He stopped in the air and looked at the dead city below covered with catkins.

White and dead.

He didn't dare to look anymore, turned around and looked towards the deepest part of the Hengduan Mountains. But the catkins were like heavy snow, covering his sight.

Qin Ran caught up and saw another white dead city, silent.

Catkins continue to fly forward...

It's true that Su Changqing had expected the scene of the Extreme Devouring Demonic Willow devouring all things, but seeing millions of people and creatures die with his own eyes was very different from what he had imagined.

He found that the position he was standing on was not that high.

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I found that my state of mind was not high enough, and I was far from being too forgetful.

"Brother Qin, do me a favor!" He suddenly said to Qin Ran.


"I know that you left the tribulation thunder sealed under the thunder tribulation under the roots of the pole-eating demon willow tree. I hope to do me a favor... trigger the tribulation thunder."

Qin Ran was confused, did Su Changqing know that he had left the Tribulation Thunder Pill? Then he knew that he kept the Tribulation Thunder Pill, why didn't he get rid of it?

"It's useless to trigger it, it's just a tribulation thunder at the golden elixir stage." Qin Ran shook his head.

"I will stop the catkins of the Devouring Demonic Willow..." Su Changqing said, "After the catkins of the Demonic Devouring Willow disappear, it will begin to transcend its tribulations. If you trigger the tribulation thunder again, use the tribulation thunder to sense its tribulation. , ensuring that its catastrophe will be triggered and catkins will no longer be generated.”

It is feasible to use tribulation thunder to cause catastrophe. Hearing what Su Changqing said, Qin Ran was moved.

However, there is a prerequisite for this...

"How do you get rid of these catkins?" he asked Su Changqing.

Su Changqing took a deep breath and said: "Since the mistake was caused by me, I will repay it myself!"

The magic power in his body suddenly started to move at a high speed, and the momentum of the magic power oppressed Qin Ran, forcing him to retreat.

This posture is wrong!

"What are you going to do?!" Qin Ran asked Su Changqing.

Su Changqing didn't answer. He closed his eyes, secretly deducing and secretly calculating...

After a moment, he opened his eyes and softly uttered two words: "Creation!"

There was a fierce light on his body, and Qin Ran had to close his eyes and use his hands to block the light.

After the light became weaker, Qin Ran looked at Su Changqing again and found that Su Changqing's entire body had become blurry. He was bright, but his body was insubstantial. Around him, silver-gray catkins were constantly growing.

After these silver-gray catkins were formed, they immediately rolled up into the sky and flew toward the white catkins in the sky as if they were attracted.

"Brother Qin, you are a very interesting person. It is Su's honor to meet you!" Su Changqing said with a smile and cupped his fist at Qin Ran.

Qin Ran already understood what Su Changqing was doing. He used the Taoist Scriptures to deduce the technique of Devouring the Demonic Willow and Distracting Catkins, and then deduced it in reverse and performed it...

But the Extreme Devouring Demonic Willow is a short-term cultivation after all, so Su Changqing had no choice but to clear away the catkins with his own life.

In fact, Su Changqing was only the executor, not the planner, of this whole situation of raising the Demonic Willow Devourer. How could he have such a consciousness... Qin Ran did not have such a high consciousness. Although he did not speak, he held his fists and saluted Su Changqing respectfully.

The brighter the light, the fainter Su Changqing became. When the light reached its limit again, Su Changqing disappeared.

The light exploded with a bang, and countless silver-gray catkins exploded from the light, rolling back towards the Hengduan Mountains...

(End of chapter)



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