After taking the initiative to find Qin Ran, Long Qiqi's cultivation path officially began. She has the practice skills, practice methods, and practice plans; she is no longer confused or anxious.

The road that Li Shiyin had not walked before was left to her.

She began to study the texture and structure of the human body, the five internal organs, meridians and acupuncture points; she also began to study medicinal materials, pharmacology, and prescriptions; she even began to refine elixirs, medicines, and practice.

Compared to Li Shiyin, she was more like Qin Ran's apprentice, although she was never called Master Qin Ran.

Of course, speaking of being more like Kieran's apprentice, Tushan Youyou is more like Kieran's apprentice than Li Shiyin. After all, Tushan Youyou can learn formations from Kieran, but Li Shiyin cannot learn from Qin Ran. Swordsmanship.

This made Li Shiyin feel a sense of crisis. In recent times, her time away from home has been shortened sharply. She huddled in Danfeng every day and slept...sleeping...reading!

Li Shiyin reads books every day and wants to learn alchemy!

Compared with practicing, Long Qiqi is obviously much more talented in elixir refining... For a person like her who is gloomy, dark and has many thoughts, it is indeed more suitable to study these things.

Although... her talent points seem to be off... by a million points.

In the dispensing room on the first floor of the research building, Qin Ran looked at the medicine prepared by Long Qiqi. He looked at the dark color, smelled the spicy taste, and stretched out his fingers to test the potency. Then, the finger he used to test the potion became visibly bruised.

Qin Ran's face turned dark. Considering his physique, his blood circulation was blocked by the mortal medicine prepared by Long Qiqi.

"What medicine should I ask you to prepare?" he asked Long Qiqi.

Long Qiqi replied: "An ointment that promotes blood circulation and removes blood stasis, and promotes muscle growth and care."

"Then what medicine did you prepare?"

"The blood coagulates the rotten flesh, and the poison seals the throat upon seeing the blood."

Kieran took two deep breaths, lowered his blood pressure, and then asked: "Isn't the gap between these two medicines a bit big?"

"In fact, it's not big..." Long Qiqi replied seriously, "Look carefully, the raw materials of this poison are the raw materials used to prepare the ointment; the preparation method is also the preparation method you taught me; the pharmacology involved is also the one you taught me. My pharmacology.

“It’s just that it has the exact opposite effect.

"Elixirs and poisons are essentially the same thing. As you said, the yin and yang of medicine, the palm and the back of the hand, are the same thing."

Long Qiqi was right. She did use the medicinal ingredients of the healing medicine to prepare a dose of poison that could see blood and seal the throat, and the pharmacology involved was the same.

Qin Ran looked at the medicine and didn't know what to say. Long Qiqi did learn everything he taught, and he made good use of it, but it was just crooked. "You are indeed a poisonous snake!" He rolled his eyes. She could also mix good healing medicine into poison, which was also a talent.

But he thought about it and was not prepared to forcefully correct it. The innate skill of the poisonous snake was poison, so there was no need.

Moreover, the core principles of elixirs and poisons are originally the same.

Long Qiqi likes to refine poison, so let her refine it, and he will just teach her pharmacology normally.

But there was one thing, he had to tell her clearly in advance about this poisonous snake...

"No matter what kind of poison you make, you are not allowed to use it in Danfeng!" He warned Long Qiqi seriously, "If you find it once, you will be kicked out of Danfeng... If the matter is serious, I will kill you with my own hands."

Long Qiqi did not wait for Kieran to reprimand her for mixing medicines indiscriminately, nor did he wait for Kieran to forbid her from refining poisons. Instead, she waited for Kieran to warn her not to use poisons in Danfeng...

She found that Qin Ran was really different, different from everyone she had seen before.

This person is so good and his level is too high.

She nodded repeatedly and said with a smile: "Why would I use poison in Danfeng?"

But when Qin Ran looked at this dark lolita, he felt particularly worried and said:

"As a scientific researcher...alchemist, you will write an alchemy report in the future. Every time you make an elixir or medicine, you need to record it truthfully. Every step of refining medicine, what are the raw materials used, what medicinal materials are put in each step, Record the amount of the medicinal materials, purification time, reaction time, reaction changes, reaction results, etc., and give it to me later. I will give you a copy of the record I made when making the medicine. You can follow it.

"Then, you are not allowed to go to the pharmacy to get medicinal materials by yourself in the future, and you must report it to me again. And the poison you make must be kept, marked, and placed in the poison pill room on the fourth floor; every time you use it, you must Take good notes."

He looked at Long Qiqi and asked, "Do you understand?"

Just now he thought Qin Ran was good, but then he imposed so many restrictions. Long Qiqi suddenly felt bored and reluctantly responded: "Oh!"

"It's not that I won't let you make poison, or use poison, I just don't want you to abuse it and hurt innocent people." Qin Ran said, "Xiu Xian asked, many times, what you cultivate is the heart. Strength and killing will make The monks became twisted and possessed..."

The young loli didn't understand this, and she didn't want to understand. She just felt that Qin Ran was verbose, curled her lips, and retorted: "The Extreme Devouring Demonic Willow has killed so many people! Don't you think he did the right thing? ?”

"From the perspective of the Heavenly Dao and the Extreme Devouring Demonic Willow, it did not do anything wrong." Qin Ran explained, "But from the perspective of cultivation, such a sudden increase in power wiped out so many people in an instant. Creature, do you think your mind will not be distorted by this?

"I don't know if the Extreme Devouring Demon Willow Twist is twisted or not, but I know you can't keep your heart!"

"Don't underestimate people!" Long Qiqi sneered.

In fact, she knew what Qin Ran said was right, she was just tired of Qin Ran being verbose.

"No matter what, you must abide by the rules I mentioned above about your medicine refining." Qin Ran saw the impatient expression on Long Qiqi's face and said no more, only a final warning.

Long Qiqi rolled his eyes and replied listlessly: "Okay, I know."

"That's all for today's pharmacology. Go back and feel the qi yourself..." Qin Ran shook his head and turned to go out, "Condition the cyclone as soon as possible."

That's it. Long Qiqi is indeed very talented in alchemy, but she is better at refining the elixir in reverse. She refines the medicine for curing diseases and saving lives into the medicine for killing people, and the medicine for increasing qi and restoring blood into the medicine for reducing qi and blood.

She should not be called an alchemist, she should be called a poison refiner.

Qin Ran left the research building and came to the wooden house. He saw Li Shiyin swinging on the swing under the spiritual locust tree in a depressed mood. On her thighs, there was a book of medicinal materials.

Seeing the silly apprentice like this, Qin Ran was very curious. When did Li Shiyin become unhappy?

"What's wrong with you?" he asked.

Li Shiyin turned around, looked at Qin Ran, sighed, dragged out her voice, called "Master~", turned back, and continued to swing.

Qin Ran sat down on the chair next to him, took out the collection of pill recipes in his hand, and asked with a smile: "Who made our female sword fairy unhappy?"

Li Shiyin's big eyes became empty, and she turned around and stared at Qin Ran.

"Me?" Qin Ran was puzzled, "I haven't done anything recently!"

Li Shiyin stopped, stood up with the book on her thigh, walked in front of Qin Ran, pouted, and snorted: "Master, you don't teach me to make pills!"

"Ah?" Qin Ran was stunned.

"Master, you don't teach me formations either!"

"Hmm..." Qin Ran began to ponder.

"Master, are you still my master?" Li Shiyin asked, pointing at Qin Ran with the book.

Qin Ran looked at the angry look of his stupid apprentice and asked: "Then what do you say, what should we do?"

"Teach me to make pills!"

"No problem..." Qin Ran nodded.

Li Shiyin became happy again, took the herbal medicine encyclopedia, moved a chair, and sat next to Qin Ran.

She pointed to a strange-looking plant in the book and asked Qin Ran: "Master, what do you think this is?"

"You hold the book upside down..."

Ten minutes later, a female swordsman fell into a dream.


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