My Daily Cultivation Life with a Clumsy Female Disciple

Chapter 155 Who is the strongest fighter in Danfeng?

Li Shiyin learned alchemy for a few days, but felt that alchemy was still too simple and not worthy of her image as a genius, so she asked Qin Ran to teach her the formation;

The formation lasted longer... of course not because she became more powerful, but because Qin Ran realized that there might be something wrong with his teaching method. He changed from pure theory to tearing the theory into pieces and teaching her in ordinary life. But despite this, she chose to give up after persisting for seven or eight days.

"Master, the formation is still too simple. Let's practice sword practice!" Li Shiyin overturned the table, flew out of the research building, went to the sky above Xijian Lake, pulled out his sword, and said to Qin Ran.

Qin Ran followed him to the corridor, looked at Li Shiyin in the air, and shook his head: "Master is not good at fighting."

"Master..." Li Shiyin stamped her feet in mid-air, insisting that Qin Ran fight with her.

Qin Ran suddenly saw Zhui Feng on the cat climbing frame by the lake and had an idea. He pointed at Zhui Feng and said to Li Shiyin, "He will fight with you."

"Zhui Feng?" Li Shiyin's face was full of doubts. Can even that idiot Zhui Feng fight her?

And seeing the contemptuous expression on Li Shiyin's face, Kieran knew that this girl really needed to learn a lesson.

I would like to emphasize again that Zhui Feng is a seventh-level demon beast, the Xuanming Spirit Tiger, and he is not an ordinary wild Xuanming Spirit Tiger. He grew up using Qin Ran’s pills, listened to Qin Ran’s training lessons, and was influenced by Qin Ran. Ran was baptized by the Thirty-nine Natural Disasters and received the wind of life after the Extreme Devouring Demonic Willow Tribulation. According to Kieran's calculations, this guy would most likely become an eighth-level monster.

So although Zhui Feng may seem naive, he is a real underage seventh-level demon king, a real beast.

"Zhui Feng!" Qin Ran shouted to Zhui Feng on the cat climbing frame.

"Ah?" Zhui Feng stirred and looked at Qin Ran with confused eyes. He didn't know why his father called him.

"Fight her (beat her up)." Qin Ran pointed at Li Shiyin in mid-air for Zhui Feng.

Zhui Feng lazily tilted his head and looked at Li Shiyin, then yawned loudly and turned back to Qin Ran: "An?"

His big head was full of doubts.

Want him to hit his mother? What does it mean? Dad has become stupid too?

"Look at him like this..." Li Shiyin shook her head in disgust, "He doesn't look like he can fight."

With a wicked smile, Qin Ran said to Zhui Feng, "You beat her, daddy will give you barbecue tonight."

"Huh?" Rourou? ! Zhui Feng suddenly regained consciousness. He raised his upper body and asked Qin Ran, "Really?"

"When did dad lie to you?" Qin Ran said.

It seemed that his father had not lied to him. Zhui Feng quickly stood up, shook his hair, looked at Li Shiyin, grinned, revealing four small... big fangs, and smiled innocently.

Zhui Feng was picked up by Li Shiyin during a thunderstorm, and she had carried him since childhood. She had raised Zhui Feng as if he were a real big cat. And she had indeed never seen Chai Feng become fierce. In her memory, this was either a cute cat purring in her arms, or a silly cat following her behind.

Can this guy fight? Li Shiyin shook her head in disbelief, wondering if she should change to a wooden sword to avoid hurting this fool.

But at this moment, Zhui Feng's smiling and naive expression suddenly changed, his aura instantly became fierce and fierce, and his open mouth suddenly opened wide...


He yelled at Li Shiyin.

The so-called tiger roars!

Tigers roar in the forest, and all beasts surrender!

The sound struck her as if it had substance, as if a stick had hit Li Shiyin on the head, causing her to faint on the spot.

Then, there was a strong wind, and a white shadow flashed past the cat climbing frame, and instantly came to Li Shiyin, and slapped him with a paw the size of a cattail leaf fan!

He was conscientious and did not slap Li Shiyin on the head, but only on the shoulder and back where the defense was high.


The slap was so strong that Li Shiyin's body-protecting sword and shield flashed to pieces, and then her entire body was slapped down and smashed into the lake!


There was a splash of water on the lake surface.

Long Qiqi trembled all over, shook his head and said: "This Hanhan is a real tiger!"

This girl was doing experiments in the next room. After hearing the noise outside, she sneaked over to watch the fun.

Qin Ran looked back at her, but he didn't scold her, he just said: "Shiyin's strength has been rising recently, and she has never been defeated. She has become arrogant. If she doesn't teach her a long lesson, she will breed inner demons. "

Long Qiqi smiled and said: "Zhui Feng is so stupid, it's easy to forget that he is a level seven monster."

The splashed lake water slowly fell, and the ripples caused by the water droplets spread in all directions, and the lake surface changed from lively to calm.

At some point...


When the lake suddenly rose, countless water splashes shot up into the sky, all chasing the wind, but Li Shiyin was nowhere to be seen among the water splashes.

These water splashes were filled with Li Shiyin's sword energy. Zhui Feng did not dare to ignore them. He raised his two front paws and performed cat fists, bringing up countless phantoms and swatting away these water splashes.

But when he knocked down the water splash, Li Shiyin's figure hidden in the water splash appeared in a flash, and stabbed his side with a sword.

Li Shiyin's body technique is "Flying Immortal Asking", which is an immortal technique that can make her figure appear and disappear, making it difficult for people to detect.

At least Zhui Feng didn't notice it. He didn't react until the sword struck and the sword energy cut off several of his hairs.

Then a tail like a steel whip came towards Li Shiyin's head and face.

This is the strategy of besieging Wei and rescuing Zhao.

Li Shiyin's sword might seriously injure Zhuifeng, but Zhuifeng's tail might kill her.

After weighing the pros and cons, Li Shiyin had to put away her sword and use it to block the tail.

Then she was directly whipped away by the tail.

The body of a level 7 monster can indeed be described as terrifying.

Zhuifeng knocked down all the splashes of water with sword energy, and then looked for Li Shiyin's figure, but he couldn't find her.

"Alas..." Long Qiqi sighed with envy, "Both of them are extreme combat geniuses, who can find the strengths and weaknesses of each other in an instant. Zhuifeng's strength lies in his great power and fast attack speed; Shiyin's body is flexible and has high damage. Shiyin can find opportunities with her body skills; Zhuifeng can be as still as a mountain, and one force can defeat ten skills."

"You are not bad either." Qin Ran praised, and it was good to be able to see the offensive and defensive trends.

Long Qiqi choked, not knowing whether to be happy.

"Zhuifeng is a bad guy..." Qin Ran suddenly laughed, "Look at his tail."

Long Qiqi looked carefully and found nothing unusual: "What's wrong with his tail?"

"It's a little short..."

Li Shiyin kept appearing from the air, and sword energy was sent to Zhuifeng; but Zhuifeng stepped on the wind and used a pair of cat fists to show his power. He avoided or gave way, and defended all of Li Shiyin's attacks.

When Li Shiyin appeared again, he roared suddenly, and the tiger roar was soul-stirring, which frightened Li Shiyin again. Then, several nails reflecting cold light suddenly popped out from his big claws, and he scratched Li Shiyin with one claw.

If this claw scratched hard, Li Shiyin would at least be ripped open.

But how could Li Shiyin be defeated by the same move?

Zhuifeng's soul-stirring roar, she had been on guard, waiting for Zhuifeng's claws to slap her, she suddenly disappeared, the starlight on her body surged, and she cursed:

"Stinking tiger! Are you coming?"

Then a pillar of purple sword energy was pulled from the ground to the sky, turned upside down, and slashed towards Zhuifeng.

"Ouch..." Zhuifeng screamed, not daring to be naughty at all, opened his feet and ran away at full speed.

Li Shiyin's sword slashed down, and the Sword Washing Lake became a real Sword Washing Lake. The sword energy went down in the middle, splitting the Sword Washing Lake into two halves, revealing the color of the lake bottom.

The lake water split and merged, and the splashing water made the whole Danfeng rain. In the rain, Li Shiyin held the sword and panted, shouting: "I won!"

"Don't be ashamed!" Qin Ran flew out of the research building, stood next to Zhuifeng, and asked Li Shiyin, "You can stalemate with Zhuifeng with your body skills. But how long can your body skills last?"

Li Shiyin put the sword back into the scabbard, lowered his head and said nothing.

The sword just now was her last mana.

"And..." Qin Ran pointed at Li Shiyin's shoulder, "Look what's on your shoulder?"

Li Shiyin tilted her head to look, and found that there was a mini black Zhuifeng squatting on her shoulder. When Zhuifeng saw her looking at him, he meowed and ran back to Zhuifeng's tail.

"When?" She was shocked because she didn't notice it at all.

"When you came out of the lake, the clone was hiding in your shadow." Qin Ran shook his head and said, "So your every move is under Zhuifeng's control. Then, think about it, if Zhuifeng slapped your head at the beginning, would you still have the strength to fight?"

Li Shiyin was frustrated and looked at Zhuifeng. Zhuifeng was squatting beside Qin Ran and licking his paws. He turned back to his silly look and became his father's good baby again.

The more she thought about it, the more uncomfortable she felt. She flew over, kicked Zhuifeng hard, and then flew back to the cabin.

Zhuifeng felt wronged and said to Qin Ran: "Dad?"

"There will be barbecue tonight." Qin Ran touched his big head and smiled.

"Roar..." Zhuifeng roared happily.


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