My Daily Cultivation Life with a Clumsy Female Disciple

Chapter 155: Missing Family During Every Holiday (Part 1)

There is no Mid-Autumn Festival in Northern Chu, so Li Shiyin doesn't understand Qinran's sudden sadness on August 15th...

Today's master is obviously sad.

"Master..." She leaned against the door frame between the living room and the kitchen, looking at Qin Ran who was making pasta she had never seen before in the kitchen, and asked, "What kind of festival is the Mid-Autumn Festival?"

"A festival for family reunion." Qin Ran replied, "Eating moon cakes, admiring the moon, the fragrance of osmanthus, and osmanthus wine are the memories this festival brings to me."

"But why haven't I heard of the Mid-Autumn Festival?"

"Because there is no Mid-Autumn Festival in Beichu."

"Master, aren't you from Beichu?" Li Shiyin was puzzled.

"I am from Beichu, but I am not from Beichu either."

"Ah? Why?" Li Shiyin's little mind couldn't think of such a philosophical question.

Qin Ran smiled and said nothing, and did not tell Li Shiyin that her master was actually from another world.

The pavilion in the middle of the lake has been built. Qin Ran and Zhui Feng spent three days building it using quite precious wood.

These woods are the kind of spiritual wood that can be carved with array patterns, is not afraid of water erosion, and is also extremely spiritual, which is quite remarkable.

Even in ordinary times, you can smell the rich and sweet spiritual energy while sitting in the pavilion, which makes people feel comfortable and relaxed. If you are an ordinary person, it should have the effect of prolonging your life.

It was night, the moon and stars were sparse, and the breeze was blowing across the lake.

Qin Ran made moon cakes, made sweet-scented osmanthus cake, bought sweet-scented osmanthus wine, bought fruits, and made some other delicacies. They put them all on the stone table in the center of the lake pavilion and placed it on a full table;

He also pulled out the five-tailed fox who was reading in the fox cave, called Tian Wenjin and Huang Feiyu from Jianfeng, and then added Danfeng's original foursome, a total of seven people, all gathered at the Huxin Pavilion.

Tushan Youyou really lives up to the fine tradition of the fox demon and loves to learn. Ever since Qin Ran gave her the complete collection of formations, she has been reading in a hole all day long and rarely goes out. No one in Danfeng had even seen her.

"How many times have you read "Fundamentals of Formation"?" Little Lolita Long Qiqi threw a mooncake to the elder sister Tushan Youyou and asked curiously.

"Nearly half." Tushan Youyou caught the mooncake, looked at it, smelled it, and asked Long Qiqi, "What is this?"

"Kin Ran said they are moon cakes, a delicacy from his hometown. They eat moon cakes every Mid-Autumn Festival." Long Qiqi asked, "Then can you set up a formation?"

Tushan shook her head leisurely. She took a small bite of the mooncake and looked inside. There was actually egg yolk inside... What kind of dark cuisine?

"Ever since I read "Fundamentals of Formation", I have learned what a vast sea of ​​formations means. There are three thousand so-called formations in terms of their basic formation patterns alone. And each of these basic formation patterns can be combined with other formations. Patterns can be combined in any way. Each combination is different from the others, and if one of them is different in the order relationship, time relationship, spatial relationship, etc., it will produce new effects..."

She said, "I read so hard that my head almost exploded. Standing in front of the formation method is like an ant standing in the universe, facing the past and present, up and down, and all directions alone!"

Qin Ran handed over a glass of osmanthus wine to Tushan Youyou. Hearing Tushan Youyou's words, he laughed and praised: "It seems that you have a certain understanding of the battle method, which is very good."

"It seems..." Long Qiqi thought, "To learn formations, you must be good at arithmetic!"

"Oh, right..." Qin Ran gave Long Qiqi a glass of juice, remembered something, and said to Tu Shan leisurely, "If you have time, I will teach you "Probability Theory", "Algebra" and "Quantum Algorithm" "With the help of these tools, it will be easier to learn the formation."

"I want to drink!" Long Qiqi didn't want to drink juice.

"Children can't drink."

Long Qiqi expressed serious condemnation: "I am not a child..."

"The Theory of Probability? What is that?" Tu Shan asked Qin Ran after smelling the fragrant osmanthus wine.

"Good stuff." Qin Ran smiled mysteriously, "The child has already learned it... you might like it."

Tushan took a long sip of the osmanthus wine and commented: "Your osmanthus wine is not good. It only has fragrance. There is no sweetness of osmanthus in the wine."

"The wine is bought, and we can make it ourselves after we plant the osmanthus trees." Qin Ran said, "How about the mooncakes?!"

"The mooncakes are okay."

"I made the mooncakes..."

The situation of Tian Wenjin and Huang Feiyu didn't look good. From the time they arrived at Danfeng, to sitting down at the Pavilion in the Heart of the Lake, and now starting to admire the moon, they didn't have a good mood towards each other.

Even sitting separately, on both sides of the pavilion...

"Has Wen Jin taken on sect missions these days?" Li Shiyin gave Tian Wenjin a few plums and asked with a smile.

Tian Wenjin shook his head and replied: "I haven't gone out recently..."

"Don't forget to call me next time you go on a mission. I've never done any sect missions!" Li Shiyin said.

"The mission of the sect is actually very painful, but it is just to give ordinary disciples a chance to practice." Tian Wenjin said, "For people like you, there is no need to do the mission. It is both painful and dangerous, and the gain outweighs the loss."

"It's not all..." Qin Ran came over and said to Tian Wenjin, "The sect mission is actually a training for you. Which of the sect missions ranked first every year does not coexist with opportunity and danger? Shiyin really should go Try the sect mission.”

He handed Tian Wenjin juice and mooncakes and said, "You have already done tasks and have experience. You can take Shiyin to do a simple task next time. Then with your strength, you can challenge more difficult tasks."

Tian Wenjin took the juice and mooncakes, hesitated for a moment, and nodded: "Well, if there is a chance later."

"I'm very powerful!" Li Shiyin stuffed a plum in her mouth and pouted as she said to Tian Wenjin, "We sisters will be victorious if we join forces! The enemy is invincible!"

"Haha..." Tian Wenjin was not very interested and only smiled reluctantly.

Huang Feiyu already has considerable control over his body. When he first turned into flames, his whole body was a blazing flame. If not controlled, it could affect the temperature within a hundred meters. But now that he is sitting in the pavilion in the middle of the lake, he does not have a great impact on other people. .

Compared with Tian Wenjin's bad mood, this guy had a guilty conscience. He couldn't participate in the conversations of other people in the pavilion, so he had to stay with this stupid tiger who only knew how to work hard.

Zhui Feng's rice bowl was filled with a bowl of barbecued meat. He lay on the ground and ate leisurely, his tail swishing around happily, and he quickly finished the bowl full of meat.

He held the rice bowl in his mouth, put it on the stone table, raised a paw to signal to Huang Feiyu, and said with a big tongue: "I want that, that, that..."

Huang Feiyu looked at Zhuifeng, and then stretched out her hands to show him, meaning, do you think I can hold chopsticks with these hands?

As soon as he saw Huang Feiyu's flaming hand, Zhui Feng knew that Huang Feiyu couldn't eat. He couldn't help but look at Huang Feiyu with disdain. He couldn't even hold chopsticks. Your transformation is terrible!

Huang Feiyu wanted to cry but had no tears. Even if he was beaten to death, he never imagined that he would be despised by a tiger because he was inconvenient to eat.

Zhui Feng didn't want to pay attention to the guy who couldn't eat. He opened his bloody mouth and shouted: "Dad!"

Qin Ran looked over and saw a big white tiger man standing up, with its front paws on the dining table, its mouth wide open, and the meat residue in its mouth almost fell onto the table.

He quickly ran over, slapped Maomao on the head, and cursed: "Your saliva fell into the vegetables!"

Zhui Feng fell to the ground, feeling extremely aggrieved. He felt that he had been discriminated against.

But he turned around on the ground, stood up again, some distance away from the table, and pointed to Kieran with his paw: "Dad, I want that, that, that..."

Although I felt aggrieved, I still had to eat.

Qin Ran taught him while picking up food for him:

"You have no idea how big you are? If everything is ruined by you, what will we eat? I keep telling you to think about others, why are you always so selfish?"

Zhui Feng's lovely round ears slapped away all of Qin Ran's thoughts... He didn't hear a word and just stared at his rice bowl.

Huang Feiyu looked at the way Qin Ran and Zhui Feng got along strangely, and then he realized that Qin Ran was raising Zhui Feng not as a spiritual beast or a battle pet, but as a child and a son.

The silly son of a landlord... chasing the wind.

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