My Daily Cultivation Life with a Clumsy Female Disciple

Chapter 166 This is the world of cultivation

Qin Ran used his magic to open a passage from the direction where Zhui Feng's voice came from. The mist parted from the inside out, and he asked casually: "Are you back so early today?"

Generally speaking, if this stupid tiger goes out to play, he will not come back until he is hungry.

"Aw..." Zhui Feng responded on the other end.

The mist parted, revealing Zhui Feng's figure. Qin Ran looked over and realized that there was a girl wearing a plain dress lying on his back.

"Okay, you Zhui Feng!" Before he could speak, Li Shiyin, who had followed him, spoke first, pointed at Zhui Feng and cursed, "If you don't learn well every day, you will learn to rob civilian girls, right?!"

Kieran glanced at her sideways and reminded, "Did you notice that that woman looked familiar?"

"The person you robbed is an acquaintance?!" Li Shiyin became even more angry.

Qin Ran had no choice but to say: "That's Tian Wenjin!"

"Ah?" Li Shiyin was stunned for a moment, then she realized what she was doing and looked carefully at the girl on Zhuifeng's back, "Wen Jin?"

"What happened to Wen Jin?" Zhui Feng ran over lightly, and she asked aloud, "What did you do to Wen Jin?"

"No..." Zhui Fenghu replied angrily, "That's just how she is."

(I didn’t do anything to her, she is just like this.)

"If you didn't touch her, she would be like this?" Li Shiyin blamed her motherly.

She helped Tian Wenjin off Zhuifeng's back, and was surprised to find that Tian Wenjin was still awake. Although Tian Wenjin looked helpless, she was not injured, and she did not fall asleep or fall into a coma.

"I didn't do it to her!" Zhuifeng became anxious and defended loudly.

(I didn’t do anything to her!)

"Okay, okay, you don't have it, you don't have it, I know..." Qin Ran hurriedly went up to touch his cat's head and comforted him.

Although this silly kid has learned to speak, on the one hand, he is young, on the other hand, he has the wrong race, and the structure of his lips and tongue is different. When he speaks, his tone is always unclear, and his words are always unclear and unclear.

Only Kieran could fully understand his words and communicate with him without any barriers.

After calming down the aggrieved big cat, Qin Ran hugged his cat's head and looked at Tian Wenjin. Looking at Tian Wenjin's look, he could probably guess what was going on.

Look, look, he doesn't

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He sighed consciously.

"Help her sit inside." He said to Li Shiyin.

Li Shiyin took Tian Wenjin to the wooden house. She looked at Qin Ran and asked, "Master, do you know what happened to her?"

"If my guess is correct, Huang Feiyu should already be on the way to Lingnan Immortal Sect." Qin Ran said.

"Ah?" Li Shiyin was stunned and immediately wanted to understand many things. She couldn't hold back and cursed, "How could he do this?!"

When Huang Feiyu was seriously injured and about to die, no one paid attention to him. It was Tian Wenjin who never left him and took him around to seek medical treatment;

When Qin Ran said that he needed the Crazy Flame Crystal and the Demonic Pill of the Lion-Hearted Crazy Flame Beast to save Huang Feiyu, it was Tian Wenjin who bought the Crazy Flame Crystal and the Demonic Pill for him. For this reason, she sold her natal sword and owed Qin Ran made a huge sum of money and still hasn't paid it back yet;

Huang Feiyu knew that Qin Ran would not be able to use the fairy sticker. He begged for a long time, and Qin Ran finally gave it to Tian Wenjin. He also got the fairy sticker from Tian Wenjin;

She owed the girl's kindness and affection, but she abandoned her without hesitation and ruthlessly.

Li Shiyin couldn't understand.

But Qin Ran saw it very clearly. He sighed, this is the right thing, this is the world of cultivation.

It is incomprehensible to value love and justice like Tian Wenjin. In fact, Huang Feiyu didn't do enough... at least he didn't lie to Tian Wenjin again before leaving, nor did he take Tian Wenjin's life.

"Cultivation as an immortal is just like that." Qin Ran said.

After helping Tian Wenjin sit down on the long wooden chair in the living room (the previous sofa in the living room was torn apart by Zhui Feng, and Kieran still hasn't gotten a new one), Li Shiyin went to pour another glass of water.

But Tian Wenjin didn't take the water glass. She was numb, as if she had lost her soul and turned into a walking zombie. Li Shiyin put the water on the coffee table and looked at the girl who was hurt by love. After thinking for a long time, she could only come up with one sentence: "People like him are not worth it."

She, Li Shiyin, really didn't know how to comfort people, so she just sat beside him and kept her company.

Li Shiyin didn't understand, and Zhui Feng, who was across the species gap, didn't even understand how miserable it was for a girl to be defrauded of money, sex, and dumped in her first love.

He squatted boredly beside the wooden chair, looking here and there. After a while, he looked back at the wooden chair. Looking at the wooden chair, he felt his claws were itchy, so he pulled out his nails and scratched on the wooden chair, thinking about what to do. Scratching will be better than

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More convenient...

Then he was kicked by Kieran.

He was rough-skinned and thick-flesh, really thick-skinned and not afraid of being cut by a knife or being burned by fire. Kieran kicked him, which was almost like tickling him. He didn't feel any pain. Instead, he leaned towards Kieran and whispered: "Dad, go out and play."

Good guy, you just came back and are going out again? I can't stay in this home for a second! ?

Qin Ran got angry and kicked him again and said: "You are not allowed to go out today!"

Zhui Feng came over to rub Kieran's thigh and bite Kieran's pants.

...He is acting coquettishly. After all, he is just a baby weighing several hundred kilograms.

He didn't stop until Qin Ran glared at him. He couldn't feel the pain when he kicked him. Only by scolding him and staring at him could he understand the seriousness of the matter.

Unable to go out to play, Zhuifeng felt sleepy, so he didn't want to take a step and fell asleep on the chair in the living room.

The cat's ability to fall asleep as soon as it was said to be asleep was activated, and soon, snoring sounded in the living room.

On one side, Li Shiyin was comforting the heartbroken Tian Wenjin, and on the other side, a big white tiger was lying on the ground snoring... In the same living room, the style of painting was not so unified.

Li Shiyin was annoyed, came over and kicked Zhuifeng awake, and shouted: "Get out!"

"Ah?" Zhuifeng woke up in confusion, and then walked out of the living room under Li Shiyin's gaze.

Seeing this, Qin Ran, who had wanted to slip away for a long time, followed Zhuifeng out in time.

Like Zhuifeng, Qin Ran's style of painting didn't fit in here very well. On the one hand, he was a man who was not good at talking, and on the other hand, he was an elder. He had wanted to go out for a long time, but it was difficult to say it.

"Hey, Master..." Li Shiyin tried to keep Qin Ran. She asked Zhuifeng to go out, but she didn't ask the master to go out. But Qin Ran pretended not to hear and rushed out the door at a faster speed.

"Dad, you were kicked out too?"

Zhuifeng was surprised and asked Qin Ran.

"If you can't talk, just keep quiet!" Qin Ran glared at him.

Zhuifeng felt wronged. He was clearly concerned about his father, so why was he scolded? The cat couldn't figure it out. He had no choice but to run to his cat climbing frame and find the most comfortable nest at the top to sleep.

After looking at Zhuifeng, Qin Ran went into the utility room to find materials for making a keepsake.

(End of this chapter)

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