My Daily Cultivation Life with a Clumsy Female Disciple

Chapter 167: The Sword of Forgetfulness and the Sword of Protection

Tian Wenjin was 28 years old, and she was ruthlessly abandoned by someone for the first time in her life.

If she was an ordinary person, this would just be the first time a girl broke up in her life. Although it was a bit tragic, it was not that serious. She would cry a few times and feel depressed for a few days, and then she would walk out.

But she was not an ordinary person, she was a cultivator, so the situation could not be generalized. To put it more seriously, her Tao heart collapsed.

For several days, she was like a walking corpse, and her whole person was lifeless... Even her cultivation showed signs of dissipating.

In the early morning, Qin Ran was carving wood carvings by the willow tree by the lake.

To be more precise, he was carving wooden swords. The token for entering and exiting the mountain protection formation that he told Li Shiyin a few days ago.

Originally, in Qin Ran's opinion, Li Shiyin could carve a cat climbing frame with stone, so it would not be a problem for him, Qin Ran, to carve a few cartoon toys with wood.

Who knew that these pendant puppets, which should be extremely simple in his eyes, would stump him.

He planned to make all the tokens in one day, but... now four days have passed, and he is still carving the simplest wooden sword.

To be honest, carving a wooden sword is not a difficult task. The difficult part is to carve the array pattern on it...

At this moment, Qin Ran was carving with a small carving knife, but his hand suddenly shook slightly, and the array pattern was carved crookedly, and the entire array structure was destroyed, declaring that his small wooden sword failed again.


Qin Ran's mentality was a little broken, and he raised his hand to throw the small wooden sword aside. There were already three failed products there. And this was just his "masterpiece" this morning.

He leaned against the chair, looking at the lake, and began to doubt his life. Is it so difficult to carve a wooden sword?

At this time, someone approached, and he looked over. It was Tian Wenjin.

Tian Wenjin came over, expressionless, standing on the lake embankment not far from him, also looking at the lake.

She looked like this, Qin Ran always felt that she was going to jump into the lake to commit suicide.

He took another piece of wood and continued to carve another wooden sword. While he was sharpening the wooden sword, he was paying attention to Tian Wenjin, fearing that she would really be upset.

Tian Wenjin stood there for a long time, and suddenly asked: "Are all men like this, or is it just him?"

At this time, the lake was calm, and the branches and leaves of the willow trees on the shore moved slightly.

Qin Ran paused while sharpening the wooden sword. He looked up at Tian Wenjin and wanted to answer her with the classic answer "All men are like this."

But after all, he could not represent all men. He thought about it and replied:

"Emotions are the most unreliable thing in this world. It is too subjective. A person can say he loves you in the morning and kill you in the evening. Loving you in the morning is true, and hating you in the evening is also true.

"And emotions are invisible and intangible, so invisible things can not exist. There may be no emotions in this world.

"... Maybe there are people in this world who can use emotions as a magic to make emotions substantial."

Tian Wenjin was silent for a long time. She was immersed in the emotion of losing love, and she probably realized that all men are ruthless and unrighteous.

She asked, "I don't have to have a Taoist partner, right?"

"Yes!" Qin Ran nodded and said affirmatively,

"No one in this world is indispensable to anyone. The same is true for Taoist partners. You can live well without a Taoist partner, you can survive without friends, and you can find a way of life without parents and relatives. For you, only you are indispensable."

"I understand." Tian Wenjin said.

Qin Ran looked at her and saw that she closed her eyes facing the lake.

He waited for a while, but Tian Wenjin didn't continue to speak. He knew that Tian Wenjin might have realized something, so he didn't wait for her words.

He lowered his head to cut the sword, and the knife moved, cutting out a fat wooden sword.

He tilted his head to look at Tian Wenjin again, and found that there was some mysterious artistic conception around her, and he felt sad when he saw it. The lake water under her feet swirled away from her.

He began to engrave the array pattern for the wooden sword, and soon, Tian Wenjin's words came to his ears.

She said, "I'll borrow your sword for you."

Qin Ran looked up and saw Tian Wenjin leading an abandoned wooden sword. She held it in her hand, flew up, and danced with the sword on the lake.

It was strange. She clearly didn't realize the sword energy, but Qin Ran could see a transparent, amorphous sword-shaped phantom on the wooden sword in her hand.

Watching her dancing with the sword, Qin Ran felt sad for no reason. He wanted to cry. He raised his hand and touched it. It turned out that tears had already rolled out of his eyes.

"Sword meaning..." he murmured.

Qin Ran had seen this thing before. He had seen it once in Su Changqing's hand.

However, Li Shiyin did not realize the sword meaning, Bai Ruoxi did not realize the sword meaning, and even Liu Boxian, the head of Jianfeng, did not realize the sword meaning, but Tian Wenjin realized the sword meaning.

It's not that the sword meaning must be higher than the sword energy, but that the sword meaning is much more difficult to realize than the sword energy. It has nothing to do with aptitude, but with character.

Sword energy will add attributes, and sword meaning will add artistic conception. Sword Qi and Sword Intention are not in conflict, and one plus one will even be greater than two.

But Sword Intention is really difficult.

Su Changqing's Sword Intention is about immortals and Taoism. If you are hit by his sword, your soul will be ethereal and you will not know what you are hearing; Tian Wenjin's Sword Intention is obviously about emotions, a sad emotion.

"Master..." Li Shiyin came to Qin Ran at some point. She was in tears, looking at Tian Wenjin dancing with a sword, and asked crying, "Did Wenjin learn a new sword technique?"

"This is Sword Intention." Qin Ran said.

"What is Sword Intention?" "Why did you draw the sword..."

After a while, Tian Wenjin put away the sword, returned the discarded wooden sword to Qin Ran, and said: "Thank you for your sword."

"What do you mean?" Qin Ran asked her.

Tian Wenjin pondered for a moment, and there was no emotion on her face. She replied: "Forget love."

"Alas..." Qin Ran sighed.

He took out half of the horn from the Qiankun bag, handed it to Tian Wenjin, and said, "Since you thank me for my sword, then I will give you a sword."

Tian Wenjin looked at the horn in Qin Ran's hand. She was a thunder attribute spirit root, and she could clearly feel the thunder surging in the horn.

"What is this?" she asked.

"The horn of the Thunder Unicorn."

The Thunder Unicorn is a level 7 demon beast.

Tian Wenjin shook her head: "I don't want it." She couldn't bear it.

"You should want it, you still lack a natal sword."

Tian Wenjin was silent for a long time, looked at Qin Ran deeply, and finally took the horn.

Her bond with Danfeng became deeper and deeper.

Interestingly, Qin Ran said that feelings were the most untrustworthy thing, but he used kindness to win her over; while Tian Wenjin understood the sword intent of forgetting love, but accepted gifts from others.

Free gifts are often the most expensive.

Tian Wenjin took the horn of the Thunder Unicorn and left Danfeng.

"Master, is Wenjin's sword intent the sword intent of forgetting love?"


"If someone is stabbed by her, will this person forget about feelings?"


"Then I don't want to be stabbed by her." Li Shiyin said, "Master, will I understand the sword intent?"

Qin Ran looked at Li Shiyin and asked: "Do you know why you hold the sword and why you draw the sword?"

Li Shiyin thought about it carefully and shook her head. She seemed to hold the sword for the sake of holding the sword, and practice for the sake of practicing.

If there must be a reason, she thinks it is protection.

She came to practice immortality for the sake of elixir, and she wanted her family to never die... This is a kind of protection.

Before, she wanted to protect her family forever, but now there is Danfeng and a master.

But she couldn't tell her master.

"When you think it through and are determined to have that idea, and then integrate that idea into your swordsmanship, then maybe that will be your sword intention." Qin Ran said.

Li Shiyin squatted down, picked up a wooden sword that Qin Ran had thrown aside, and gestured with it for a few times. She smiled, very cute, and said:

"Master, I will also have sword intention."

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