Li Shiyin was grounded by Qin Ran, and Zhui Feng, as an accomplice, did not dare to run out anymore.

So the two naughty and troublesome guys finally stayed in Danfeng and did not run around. From the time Shiyin learned to wield a sword, to Zhui Feng being able to run around, the two of them spent about the same amount of time outside as they did at home.

But for wild children like them, being locked up at home is not much different from going to jail.

Zhui Feng sleeps lazily on the cat climbing frame every day. Apart from eating, he has no energy at all and doesn't want to move his tail.

He is now six or seven months old, equivalent to a human boy of twelve or thirteen years old, and he is still growing like crazy. The size is getting bigger and bigger day by day, and it is already the same size as an ordinary adult tiger.

As soon as he lay down, there was a big pile of rice cakes. Fortunately, the specially made cat climbing frame that Li Shiyin gave him was strong enough, otherwise it would not be able to bear his petite body.

Li Shiyin had nothing to do every day, occasionally practicing sword skills...but more often than not, she occupied Kieran's recliner to sleep, without any energy at all.

Two salted fish, two monsters.

After autumn, the weather turns cooler and there is more rain.

That day, Qin Ran was reading the Alchemy Sutra and studying the elixir of life in the Huxin Pavilion, when it suddenly started raining outside.

It didn't matter to him that he was in the pavilion. The sound of rain hitting the rubble of the pavilion in the middle of the lake and the splashing of lake water made him calm down and read a book. But the two guys who were showing off outside were about to get caught in the rain.

Li Shiyin, who was paralyzed and sleeping by the lake, woke up when raindrops hit her face. She hurriedly ran along the long embankment into the pavilion in the middle of the lake before the rain became heavier.

Cat Cat Bug on the cat climbing frame was soaked in the rain for a while before he woke up. He vaguely realized that when it rained, the fur all over his body was already soaked, and then he rushed in with a gust of fishy wind and rain. Pavilion in the middle of the lake.

The evil wind blew Kieran's book into a mess, and he raised his hand to block the water that was thrown from Chai Feng's fur. The posture is still elegant.

"Stinky tiger!" But Li Shiyin was drenched by the water brought by Zhui Feng.

"Hey...hehe!" Zhui Feng giggled sheepishly, and naively gathered the books scattered on the ground with his two paws.

The relationship between the two bad guys was particularly good, and Li Shiyin ignored the past grudges and knelt down to help Zhui Feng pick up books.

Qin Ran sat on the guardrail and calmly took a sip of the soothing tea. After Li Shiyin and Zhui Feng picked up the books and put them on the stone table, he asked: "You two are going to sleep like this until they are let out." ?”

A certain tiger-skinned, naive person looked everywhere, pretending not to understand.

"Ahem..." But Li Shiyin was still a little embarrassed. She glanced at Kieran and replied, "It's because the weather has been cool recently, which always makes me sleepy."

Qin Ran didn't bother to pay attention to her excuse of being tired and tired, and said directly: "You can choose one of the formations and elixirs."

Li Shiyin was smart and asked Qin Ran first: "Which one is better to learn?"

"Both have their own advantages." Qin Ran introduced in detail,

"The applicability of formations is wide. When your swordsmanship reaches a certain level, you must involve formations, not to mention special cross-spells such as sword formations. After learning formations, in addition to getting some formation skills In addition to the basic knowledge, it can also be incorporated into your swordsmanship.

"Elixirs can complement kendo. Kendo is the way of attack, and elixirs are the way of defense. One attack and one defense, which coincides with yin and yang, are the great avenues. After learning elixirs, in addition to gaining some pharmacological knowledge, you can also understand the structure of the human body. , acupuncture points, meridians, and mana circulation will be of great help in combat. "

When Li Shiyin heard that both were of great help to her, she asked, "Can I learn from both?"

Qin Ran smiled very happily, nodded, looked at Li Shiyin and said, "You can learn both."

"Really?!" Li Shiyin's eyes lit up.

"As long as you can..." Qin Ran said, he took out two tomes from the Qiankun bag, holding one in one hand and motioning to Li Shiyin, "One is "Fundamentals of Formation" and the other is "Pharmacology" "Basics". Do you want to learn it?"

That "Fundamentals of Formation" is the book that Tu Shan Youyou spent more than a month reading day and night and just finished reading;

That "Fundamentals of Pharmacology" was a book that Li Shiyin read on her second day as an apprentice. She left a puddle of dream saliva on it... After that, she switched to sword practice.

Li Shiyin looked carefully and could see the marks of her dried saliva on the "Fundamentals of Pharmacology".

Just seeing these two books made Li Shiyin feel scared, not to mention that she had to learn...

She realized the seriousness of the matter and hurriedly pretended to be pitiful. No, she was really pitiful. She weakly asked: "Master, can you not learn?"

"Choose one!" Qin Ran's face dropped.

Li Shiyin was frightened and looked at the two books again. She had already experienced the power of "Fundamentals of Pharmacology". Those densely packed words still make me dizzy when I think about them.

She stretched out her hand towards the "Basics of Formation", but halfway out, she suddenly remembered that her master had told Tushan Youyou before that what kind of mathematics should be learned in order to learn the formation, and she hurriedly paused. Compared with a completely unfamiliar enemy, she , a familiar enemy is obviously better.

Turning her hand, she took "Fundamentals of Pharmacology".

"Just read here..." Qin Ran said, "A rainy day is perfect for reading."

Li Shiyin sat down on the ground, put the book on her knees, and turned to the first page helplessly.

After taking care of Li Shiyin, Qin Ran looked at Zhui Feng.

Zhui Feng was watching the excitement from the side and was very happy...but suddenly, he found that Qin Ran's attention was on him.

He suddenly became solemn and sat up, wagging his cheerful tail and not daring to move. His ears were turned back into airplane ears.

"Since Shiyin studies pharmacology, then you should learn formations." Qin Ran handed the "Basics of Formations" to Zhuifeng and smiled amiably.

"Dad..." Zhui Feng opened his mouth, extremely frightened, and tried to save himself, saying, "I can't read."

"Oh!" Qin Ran realized that this was the case and collected the "Fundamentals of Formation".

When the crisis was over, Zhui Feng immediately relaxed and secretly praised himself for his wit. He looked at Li Shiyin, with a gloating smile on Maomao's face.

But he smiled and suddenly saw Qin Ran take out a pen and paper from the Qiankun bag again. The smart big cat realized something, and the smile solidified on his face little by little.

At this moment, he felt as if he had fallen into an ice cave and was facing hell.

"Then let's learn from the basics!" Qin Ran was not a devil, he said with a warm smile, "In this day and age, being illiterate is not enough."

"Dad...Dad..." Zhui Feng stuttered, " joking...aren't you?!"

It's so pitiful, he's just a cute little kitten! Study something? Is it because he has nothing to do with him? ! !

"It's a little late. I didn't expect you to grow up so fast..." Qin Ran said sternly, "Just in time, you can learn Chinese and mathematics together, starting from primary school Chinese and primary school mathematics. After you have learned the mathematical knowledge, you can learn formations later. It went much smoother.”

"Aww..." A certain Xuanming spirit tiger howled miserably.

"Hahaha..." A certain swordsman gloated like a silver bell at his misfortune.

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