My Daily Cultivation Life with a Clumsy Female Disciple

Chapter 176 The sound of a flute rises from the misty lake

Teaching Zhui Feng to read and write is not an easy task.

First of all, his claws are different from human hands. They are not so flexible and cannot hold a pen;

Then, he is a monster after all. The wild and animalistic nature in his blood does not allow him to sit quietly and read and practice calligraphy;

Finally, this guy is naughty and has no intention of studying at all.

Regarding the first point, Qin Ran asked Zhui Feng to write with his fingernails, a wooden board, and a sand table. Zhui Feng's nails were extremely sharp, comparable to Li Shiyin's sword energy. They were perfect for writing...

Regarding the second and third points, Qin Ran didn't have any good ideas. After all, not every monster likes vixens and Tushan Youyou and loves learning. He could only use his father's majesty to force him to sit down and study... The effect was not very satisfactory.

After teaching Zhui Feng how to write a few words and how to recognize the Arabic numerals from one to ten, Qin Ran felt that he was almost finished.

This naughty kid... This tiger kid doesn't want to learn at all. He doesn't concentrate on reading and writing. Teaching him to read, write and arithmetic is really a torture.

Kieran has already envisioned his miserable life in the next few years, and he has always been able to find fault for himself.

"Write it yourself!" After teaching Zhui Feng how to write his name, Qin Ran felt exhausted mentally and angrily. He kicked Zhui Feng angrily, got up and walked to the edge of the lake pavilion.

As soon as he took two steps, he found that Li Shiyin was already holding the book and nodding.

The little girl was leaning on the pillar of the lake pavilion, huddled on the ground, holding a big book in her arms, her "tired" little head was moving little by little, and she was very "pitiful".

Qin Ran stared at that cute little face for a while, but still didn't wake her up.

Zhui Feng behind him sighed in disappointment. It's so unfair, Dad treats me differently!

Qin Ran sat on the guardrail, leaned against the pavilion pillar, and took out the jade flute.

It is raining continuously outside the pavilion, the sky is gray, the rain lines are thin but not dense, the rain is very small, but it does not stop;

In the open space by the lake, thanks to the efforts of the wood-attribute monks within the sect, shallow grass and saplings have grown again, and the area is full of vitality and bright yellow;

The surface of the lake is flat, the water is pure, and the formation at the bottom of the lake has the effect of cleaning the water. In addition, the lake is not stagnant water, and the scenery is actually pleasant.

"It's just a bit monotonous..." Qin Ran thought, "Maybe we can raise some fish and shrimps in the lake, plant some lotus flowers, water plants and so on."

With the soft sound of rain, he picked up the flute and played it gently.

The vast smoke waves, the lingering sound of the flute, and the song "Jianghu".

Qin Ran's physical fitness is good enough, his breath is long, and his understanding of the flute is quite deep. When he started learning the flute, he was quite qualified and made rapid progress. Needless to say, his qualifications in flute were several orders of magnitude higher than those in the first level of cultivation. At this time, I played the flute in this rainy sky, and the sound of the flute blended into the sound of the rain.

This "Jianghu" is like this Sword Washing Lake.

On a rainy day, in the pavilion in the middle of the lake, there are only a few agarwoods, a girl falls asleep holding a book, a white tiger draws calligraphy with its paws, and someone leans on the railing and plays the flute.

After some time, Li Shiyin woke up to the sound of the flute. She immediately realized that she had fallen asleep while reading again. The experienced woman hurriedly pretended to be serious and flipped through the book. She found that no one was paying attention to her, and then she raised her head to inquire about the situation in the booth.

When she looked up, she saw Chai Feng staring at her with a paw raised.

A big white tiger with aggrieved face and envy in his eyes...envying that Li Shiyin could sleep.

Zhui Feng is a pure white tiger, with only a little black on his tail, forehead and feet. The black color is also pure black.

There are five circles of black on his tail, which means that Zhui Feng can summon five shadow clones; he wears black gloves on all four feet, which means that he can step on the darkness; the pure black king character on his forehead is his soul. Space, if he kills someone in the future, he can capture the person's soul into his king pattern.

After all, he is a pure white tiger, and his main painting style is naive...cute! At this time, Li Shiyin looked over and felt that all the hair on Zhuifeng's body was shining, and she was very beautiful. If it weren't for the stupidity in his eyes, I believe he could be more beautiful.

Li Shiyin gave Zhui Feng a fierce look, then ignored him and quietly turned to look at Qin Ran, who was playing the flute.

Looking over at this moment, she saw a handsome young man leaning on the railing, his clothes fluttering in the breeze, his expression focused and melancholy, and he had a hundred and twenty points of charm. She didn't know if she had an illusion due to the bright light on Zhui Feng, but she always felt that he was also shining.

One song fell, another started, and Qin Ran played three songs in a row amid the mist and rain on the lake.

As the song fell, he held the jade flute in his hand, either immersed in the artistic conception of the flute's sound, or in the memory of his past life, or in the mist and rain over the lake, but he did not return to his senses for a long time.

After a while, he felt that someone was looking at him. When he looked back, he saw the silly apprentice's big eyes staring at him, as if there were stars hidden in his eyes. He glanced at her, looked at her, his heart skipped a beat, and he quickly looked away, and then saw Zhui Feng looking at Li Shiyin with disgust.

"How many books have you read?" He asked Li Shiyin with a serious face.

"Ah?" Li Shiyin came back from her pink fantasy, blushed, lowered her head in panic, turned a few more pages in the thick book in her hand, and replied, "I've read a few pages..."

How many times had she watched Kieran and how could she still not know?

He sighed, shook his head, put away the flute, stood up, pointed at Zhui Feng and said, "I think Zhui Feng will be more knowledgeable than you in the future. How will you handle yourself then?"

When Zhui Feng heard this, he couldn't help but raise his head proudly, and scratched the wooden board with his claws even more vigorously at the letters "one" scattered across the board.

Li Shiyin looked back at Zhuifeng, her face ashamed, thinking: "Li Shiyin, Li Shiyin, how can you be so depraved? If Zhuifeng swings his claws into a formation in the future, won't he still ridicule you?"

She lowered her head and forced herself to read "Basics of Pharmacology".

This time she read for a long time, and actually finished two pages in one breath...

When she raised her head, she saw the master pointing to the open space between Xijian Lake and the research building and said to her and Zhuifeng:

"I plan to build a greenhouse here, and transplant all the experimental products cultivated in the cave kiln in the back mountain into the greenhouse. And this greenhouse will be built by you and Zhuifeng... Anyway, you two are the most greedy."

"How to build it?" Qin Ran looked back at Li Shiyin and Zhuifeng, and said, "If any of you don't study hard, go to work. Once I find you, you will work for a whole day."

"It's just work, it's fun, nothing." Li Shiyin thought, she dug the whole lake, so what's the big deal about building a greenhouse?

She went to see Zhuifeng and found that Zhuifeng was also looking at him. The two naughty children looked at each other and immediately knew that heroes think alike.

"Work... and have no food to eat!" Qin Ran saw through their thoughts and added a serious crime.

Li Shiyin and Zhuifeng's pupils suddenly became larger, knowing that they had to study hard!


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