Qin Ran was so mean that he threatened to eat dry food to the foodie, which forced Li Shiyin and Zhuifeng to cheer up and study every day.

This guy found that this trick was actually useful, and he updated the hot patch overnight:

After studying every day, he would check, spot check, and test the two poor students. If any of them failed, they would not have food the next day.

So Li Shiyin and Zhuifeng not only had to study, but also had to study intensively.

It can only be said that for these two guys, eating dry food is their lifelong pursuit.

In this case, Li Shiyin also learned some pharmacological knowledge...

It's not that her IQ is not enough, she just doesn't like to study. Now when she is really forced to study, she can still learn something. For example, her calligraphy and guzheng were actually forced to learn by her father.

The same is true for Zhuifeng. This guy has the blood of a level 7 or nearly level 8 monster, which is very close to the divine beast. With his IQ (especially in terms of memory), he can learn much faster than human children when he really studies.

In just a dozen days, he had already mastered addition, subtraction, multiplication and division.

After lunch that day, when Long Qiqi was swinging on the swing under the old locust tree, Zhuifeng was practicing calligraphy stroke by stroke on a sand table not far from her, and Li Shiyin was sitting on a chair on the lawn, holding a book in her hand, reciting seriously.

The painting style was really different from their usual painting style, which made Long Qiqi sigh in admiration, and in her heart she admired Qin Ran twice, even these two pieces of rotten wood could be carved in one go, which was really amazing.

Qin Ran made a cup of refreshing tea, walked out of the living room with it, came to the locust tree, and leaned against it. He looked at the two students who were concentrating on their studies and asked Long Qiqi:

"How is your research on the foundation-building pill?"

Long Qiqi felt the qi, but had not yet condensed the qi cyclone. She also took a medicinal bath, although she didn't take a bath every day like Li Shiyin did, and soaked for a month, but she really hoped that she could naturally find the opportunity to condense the qi cyclone at the beginning. But she finally recognized the reality, gave up her fantasy, and prepared to embrace the elixir.

With her bones, to condense the cyclone, I'm afraid she must have the foundation-building elixir.

"It's almost done..." Long Qiqi swung the swing, "Please prepare two sets of medicinal materials for me later, and I'll try to refine them in the afternoon."

"Generally speaking, alchemists don't have the habit of using other people's elixirs." Qin Ran took a sip of tea and said, "On the one hand, I'm worried, and on the other hand, only the alchemist himself knows what elixir he needs... It's not that I don't help you." "I know." Long Qiqi said, "I learned your alchemy skills, and now I'm half an alchemist. When the foundation-building elixir is refined, I can say that I'm also an alchemist. I know what you mean, and I won't complain about you."

Long Qiqi, this girl, has a dark mind and is stingy. Qin Ran is really worried that she will accumulate resentment in her heart. For people like her, you have to make it clear to her.

Seeing that she was indeed fine, Qin Ran smiled and said:

"You know what? In fact, other alchemists do not keep records of their own alchemy, nor do they change the recipe according to their actual situation. They just try to stick to the recipe. If the recipe fails, it is due to the technique, not the recipe.

"Other alchemists, including my master. Only me, and now you, will make the recipe like this... study the recipe in advance, study pharmacology, change the recipe, keep records, etc. I call it scientific alchemy."

"But, don't they study pharmacology?" Long Qiqi asked. If you know pharmacology and find that the dosage of the medicinal materials is wrong, you should also change it!

"If you get an ancient recipe, which is a recipe developed by a very famous alchemist in ancient times, and you find that the dosage of one of the medicines is wrong and does not conform to the pharmacology you have learned. Would you think it is the master's problem or your own problem?"

Qin Ran smiled and asked Long Qiqi, "Isn't this what the master did on purpose? It is precisely this amount that can make this pill. What would you think? "

Long Qiqi was silent. If she had not done research with Qin Ran... and had not learned to make pills, she would not have suspected that it was a problem with the pill formula, but would have thought that her alchemy skills were not good enough.

"There is nothing to fear about natural disasters, there is nothing to follow the ancestors, and there is nothing to be pitied about what people say." Qin Ran looked at Long Qiqi and finally said, "Child, don't believe in authority, believe in the truth."

Long Qiqi nodded with a serious face.

... This girl had a snake-like face at first, but the food at Danfeng and Qin Ran's cooking skills were so good that she had gained a lot of weight without realizing it.

In the afternoon, Long Qiqi started her second alchemy.

It was still in the Earth Flame Room, but the alchemy furnace was changed to a small one that was suitable for her to operate.

This time, Long Qiqi was familiar with it. She skillfully activated the formation and threw the medicinal materials into the furnace according to the amount of medicinal materials she had researched and suitable for her.

Throwing medicinal materials, refining, dividing Separate; throw in the herbs, extract, and separate again... With experience and sufficient preparation in advance, Long Qiqi added the herbs one by one, and soon finished adding the herbs. She finished extracting and started to combine the pills.

Although she had experienced a furnace explosion, Long Qiqi's mentality would not leave any psychological shadow. She directly increased the fire...

Long Qiqi walked out of the research building, turned the corner, and found Qin Ran planting saplings by the river and the lake.

Qin Ran cultivated the soil for the willow branches he had just planted, and turned back to see Long Qiqi... The girl's expression was a bit complicated. He couldn't understand it for a while.

"You look like this, did you succeed or fail in refining the pill?!" He was still squatting on the ground, and asked Long Qiqi with a smile, "In such a short time, you should have refined one furnace, right?"

Long Qiqi walked up to Qin Ran and spread out his chubby little hands in front of his face, revealing three black pills in his palms.

Looking at the three pills in front of him, Qin Ran's face also became interesting. This color, this smell, it's a poison pill! !

"Let me see the alchemy record." He said to Long Qiqi.

Long Qiqi took out a record of alchemy with his other hand and handed it to him.

Qin Ran read along the alchemy record. Just like last time, there was no problem with the process, and the medicinal materials were no problem, but...the final pill was problematic!

He took another pill, probed into it with his soul, analyzed the structure and composition of the pill, and inferred its specific effect.

Sure enough...

The main effect of the foundation-building pill is to help condense the cyclone, and the main effect of this pill is to disperse the cyclone!

Qin Ran stood up, took a deep breath, looked at the pill, then looked at Long Qiqi, and finally said: "How about... you try it?!"

When all the impossibilities are ruled out, then the remaining possibility, no matter how unbelievable or outrageous it seems, is the fact, the truth.

This pill was made by Long Qiqi according to her own requirements, and it was finally made into a poison pill. So, based on the fact that Long Qiqi is a poisonous snake, isn't it not so unreasonable?

Long Qiqi actually wanted to give it a try. She looked around and found that Li Shiyin was not there, so she handed another pill to Qin Ran and only took one herself.

After taking a deep breath, she looked at Qin Ran and said: "Anyway, my roots are very poor, it doesn't matter what I cultivate. But you have to make sure I don't die."

Qin Ran nodded.

Then, Long Qiqi stuffed the black pill into his mouth.


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