My Daily Cultivation Life with a Clumsy Female Disciple

Chapter 178 I am the King of the Mountain

Long Qiqi is not dead, she has established a foundation.

When the elixir she developed according to her own requirements was a poison elixir, there could only be one explanation. What she needed was a poison elixir.

Although a bit bizarre, if you think about it carefully, it doesn't seem that difficult to understand. After all, she is a venomous snake.

"So, what you need is this poison pill?" Qin Ran wanted to be quiet.

Long Qiqi stood up from sitting cross-legged and replied in a deep voice: "That's what it looks like."

"It's really an extremely terrifying anti-counterfeiting mark..." Qin Ran returned the black elixir to Long Qiqi and said, "From now on, no one else can use your elixir except you."

Long Qiqi twisted the elixir with his thumb and index finger to look at it, and replied: "There is nothing we can do about it. I don't want to do this either."

"Then you should refine the Body Tempering Pill and refine it again. If it still looks the same after you refine it, you should try it too." Qin Ran said.

"Yeah." Long Qiqi agreed.

"Go and stabilize the cyclone..." Qin Ran turned around and continued planting trees, "With your strength, I'm afraid you might accidentally disperse the cyclone."

Long Qiqi raised his fist, wanting to give Qin Ran a blow.

Xijian Lake is an artificial lake, not big. Qin Ran planted more than a dozen ordinary weeping willows next to the Demonic Willow Devouring Willow; he also planted some peach trees next to the willow forest; and he planted some pear trees next to the peach forest. ; Osmanthus, sycamore, metasequoia and the like.

Ordinary weeping willows are used to hide the Demonic Willow Devourer, peach trees, sycamore metasequoia trees are for ornamental use, osmanthus pear trees...are used to satisfy appetites.

Qin Ran had been planting sporadically for more than ten days. As long as he could buy exotic flowers and familiar plants, he planted them near Xijian Lake.

As for saying that planting trees in autumn is out of season, there is no need for it. Danfeng is full of spiritual energy and Qin Ran has the wind of life. There is no problem at all in planting these ordinary ornamental plants.

On this day, a sycamore tree was planted beside the Xijian Lake monument.

Qin Ran looked at the sycamore tree and remembered an allusion from his previous life: Because the woman he loved liked sycamore trees, a hot man planted all the Chinese sycamore trees for her...but the result was that he planted trees It's fake, the phoenix tree is fake, the allusions are fake, the romance is fake, and his love for her is also fake.

"Doesn't the implication sound good?" he thought.

"Master..." At this time, Li Shiyin ran over and asked him, "Have you seen Zhui Feng?"

Qin Ran turned around and saw Li Shiyin wearing a purple dress with a somewhat mysterious and charming aura. She wore a black jade belt around her waist, which showed a slim figure. She had a single ponytail and a few strands of naughty hair. In front of the forehead, a small and beautiful face with a beautiful face is revealed, clean and neat.

"Aren't you two always together?" Qin Ran was confused. He remembered that these two guys were reading under the locust tree. Why did they come to ask him?

"Zhui Feng disappeared just now. I saw him running towards you." Li Shiyin also looked confused, "Didn't he come to find you?"

Qin Ran looked at her, closed his eyes and felt with his spiritual consciousness, and sure enough...

"The little guy ran out to play." There were signs of entering and exiting the mountain guarding formation. It was obvious that Zhui Feng ran out with a token.

"Damn it!" Li Shiyin gritted her teeth and cursed, "This guy is still grounded and dares to escape privately..."

She ran towards the fog formed by the mountain-protecting formation, turning back to Qin Ran and shouting, "Master, let me catch him and let you punish him!"

Kieran understood instantly. He looked at Li Shiyin, whose acting skills were exaggerated, but did not expose her clumsy tricks.

He thought in his mind: Has this guy forgotten that she was always the only one who was grounded, and Zhui Feng was not grounded.

Li Shiyin raised the wooden sword token on her waist, and when Kieran didn't react (in fact, Kieran already knew what she wanted to do), she ran into the smoke. She was afraid that Kieran would catch her back, so she used his body skills to hit her. He dodged and flew out of the passage, arriving outside the formation.

"Humph!" She smiled proudly, "Master is so easy to deceive."

"Ouch...Ouch!" Zhui Feng's quiet voice came from the side. Li Shiyin looked over and saw Zhui Feng hiding in the grass gesturing towards her.

"Are you a dog? You bark like that?" Li Shiyin walked over with a look of disgust.

"Dad won't find out, right?" Zhui Feng was very scared and looked into the mist.

He is a big white rice cake that cannot be hidden even if it is hidden in the grass, and he makes such a sleazy and obscene gesture, which is as funny as it is cute.

Li Shiyin went over and gave him a slap in the face and said with a smile: "How can a foolish person like my master see this young lady's successful plan? This trick is called letting the tiger return to the mountain, raising the bandits to respect themselves, calling thieves to catch thieves..."

"Is it wrong to call thief to catch a thief?" Zhui Feng questioned.

"You're a tiger, you know nothing!" Li Shiyin grabbed Zhui Feng's ears, straddled her long legs, rode on Zhui Feng's back, and shouted, "Drive!"

"I'm not a horse!" Zhui Feng protested weakly.

"Why don't you leave too!"

Zhui Feng had no choice but to straighten up, carry Li Shiyin on his back, and run towards the mountain forest with light steps.

Next to Xijian Lake, Qin Ran, who was planning what to plant in the lake, noticed the conversation between the two live treasures outside and shook his head helplessly.

The catkins disaster of the Devouring Demonic Willow has passed, plants have grown again, and animals and monsters have returned.

Zhui Feng carried Li Shiyin through the mountains and forests with dignity. Wherever he passed, whether they were monsters or animals, they all stopped and prostrated, paying them the highest respect.

"Wow! Stupid Hu, when did you become so majestic?" Li Shiyin sighed in admiration.

"I am the king of the mountain, Danfeng is my territory, they must submit to me!" Zhuifeng was very proud.

Some time ago, he ran out to fight with people every day, and he fought with the monsters of Danfeng. These monsters have been beaten by him, and they are scared and subdued, so he has such a high prestige.

Li Shiyin felt a strange feeling in her heart, as if her silly child had finally grown up. She sighed: "Do you still remember the time you ran away from home and were bullied by these monsters? You were almost cut in half by a wing... It's only been a few months, and you are their king. It's really unpredictable!"

It's a pot that doesn't open. It belongs to the fact that the fat self was chased all over the mountain by low-level monsters. It's a complete black history. Zhuifeng's face darkened, and his momentum weakened by two points: "Let's not talk about that, we are still good friends!"

"Ah! You still have a temper?" Li Shiyin slapped Zhuifeng on the back of his head.

Zhuifeng opened his mouth wide, and his terrifying tiger's mouth was intimidating. He said, "If you hit me again, I'll be angry with you!"

Being beaten in front of so many younger brothers, he, the king of the mountain, doesn't have any face?

"Hmm?" Li Shiyin pulled up both of Zhuifeng's ears and said, "Let me see if you get angry."

"Ouch..." Zhuifeng screamed, "It hurts, it hurts..."

Zhuifeng took Li Shiyin to patrol the entire Danfeng, and told Li Shiyin arrogantly that the entire Danfeng was his territory now, and he could say his name when he went out to play in the future.

But Benhu didn't know that his younger brothers saw him being ridden by Li Shiyin and being manipulated by Li Shiyin at will, and they had long felt that Li Shiyin was more powerful...


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