In the night, the ghost-faced spider didn't know what kind of spider silk it had woven to hang it out of thin air. Its head is upward, buttocks are downward, and there is a huge ghost face on its abdomen, which makes people see clearly and fear them.

There were hundreds of people on the ground. They were standing on the mountains and in the snow. They all looked up at the Ghost-faced Spider in mid-air, with dull piety and fanaticism on their faces.

The ghost-faced spider sprays hundreds of transparent spider silks from its silk glands. Each silk thread corresponds to a person. The spider silk goes in from the mouths of people with their heads raised on the ground, enters the throat, enters the internal organs, and enters the body. The limbs are covered with bones, entering the flesh and blood texture;

Then, from everyone's mouth, a milky-white spider crawled out along the spider's thread. They were about the size of a thumb and crawled up along the spider's thread.

There were hundreds of milky-white spiders in the mouths of hundreds of people, and they all crawled towards the ghost-faced spiders in the air.

They were very fast, and they climbed onto the Ghost-Faced Spider in no time. They all climbed into the abdomen of the Ghost-Faced Spider, and stopped where the Ghost Face was.

The ghost-faced spider is black, and these little spiders are milky white. One by one, the little milky-white spiders lie on the black abdomen of the ghost-faced spider. They are densely packed, lying layer after layer. They squirm slightly and look like It's like a black ghost-faced spider with hundreds of milky white compound eyes on its abdomen.

After the small milky white spider came to rest in the abdomen, the human corpse on the ground was also pulled by the spider's silk and hung towards the ghost-faced spider in the air...

Li Shiyin watched with helpless eyes as the hundreds of human corpses were attracted by the spider silk and formed a huge human-like body around the ghost-faced spider, completely surrounding the ghost-faced spider.

"Squeak, squeak...hiss..." The excited cry of the Ghost Faced Spider came from this huge human corpse monster, making Li Shiyin's hands and feet feel cold.

After the corpse monster was assembled, it slowly walked towards Li Shiyin.

At first, it did not adapt to the body and walked very slowly and uncoordinated. Gradually, Li Shiyin noticed that the venom of the ghost-faced spider was flowing out from the mouth and nose of the corpse monster. These venoms would melt the corpse and merge it into a whole body. The corpse monster The movements gradually became smoother.

After the corpse is melted by the venom, it will turn into a strange sticky black slurry that flows on the surface of the corpse monster, and some will drip to the ground from time to time. It walks all the way, leaving a thick slurry footprint step by step.

Seeing the monster coming towards her, Li Shiyin hugged Tian Wenjin and backed away for no reason.

The strength of this corpse monster may not be very high, but it is really terrifying and disgusting.

"Shiyin, calm down." At this time, Tian Wenjin's weak voice came. Li Shiyin looked down and saw that Tian Wenjin had his eyes closed and his face was pale, reminding her.

calm? !

"Yes, the master said that no matter what unexpected situation we face, fear, fear, and panic are useless..." Li Shiyin also closed her eyes, "Only calm down!"

She took a deep breath and opened her eyes again. There was no trace of panic in her eyes, only calm as water. She transformed into the peerless swordswoman.

Li Shiyin found a large flat stone nearby, placed Tian Wenjin on it, and then took out some healing, detoxifying, and mana-restoring elixirs from the Qiankun Bag and fed them to Tian Wenjin.

Then, she turned around, raised the Qingxing Sword, and faced the twenty-foot-tall corpse monster in front of Tian Wenjin.

"Nine Turns of Stars Sword Technique!" She whispered.

In the dark sky, stars were suddenly twinkling one after another.

A purple-black halo lit up around Li Shiyin.

Then...the Star Sword Qi!

"Feixian asked!"

She bent her legs slightly, then pushed harder, and her whole body jumped upwards. She suddenly disappeared and then reappeared, reaching around the head of the corpse monster.

"So stupid," she commented.

This ghost-faced spider originally had the strength of a peak third-level monster. It was physically strong, could interfere mentally, could release poison, and could release small spiders. In that state, it was difficult for Li Shiyin to deal with it;

However, it seems that creatures in nature generally believe that the bigger the body, the stronger the strength. This ghost-faced spider insists on gluing these corpses to make itself such a big and disgusting monster.

Besides scaring Li Shiyin at the beginning, corpse monsters like this have no other effect. When she calmed down and thought about it carefully, she realized that this was just a huge meat target.

How strong can a body made of ordinary people's corpses glued together be?

In the darkness, a bright sword energy lit up. Li Shiyin slashed the monster's arm with one slash, like a knife cutting through tofu. Without encountering any obstacles, he slashed off the monster's arm!

She showed no mercy at all, and her figure kept flashing, appearing everywhere around the corpse monster. In just a blink of an eye, she removed all the limbs of this humanoid corpse monster.

With a "boom", the corpse monster fell to the ground.

In the night, under the faint light of the stars, there was a woman holding a sword in the snow, and behind her was a huge monster that fell to the ground.

Li Shiyin turned around with her sword and wanted to cut open the corpse monster completely and dig out the ghost-faced spider inside.

But at this moment, she clearly saw that the limbs that she had chopped off were pulled back by an inexplicable force... To be precise, they were pulled back by spider silk!

She chopped off the corpse monster's limbs, but not completely. The inside of this corpse monster was not only melted by the venom of the Ghost-faced Spider, but also covered with the Spider's silk.

The corpse is broken.

But within a few breaths when she turned around, the limbs of the corpse monster returned to its body, and were bonded with venom and mucus. In an instant, it was intact again.

Even while she was distracted, the corpse monster took the initiative to kill her.

"This... What should I do?" Li Shiyin dodged and was a little troubled.

She seemed to be unable to kill or chop off this disgusting corpse monster...

Li Shiyin dodged repeatedly and struck the sword many times, severely damaging the corpse monster, but it was useless. However, in a blink of an eye, the corpse monster recovered as before.

"This won't work!"

She put away her sword and stood next to Tian Wenjin.

"Use Tianwai Feixian to fight to the death?"

She looked at the huge corpse monster and shook her head repeatedly. Unless Tianwai Feixian could chop off the ghost-faced spider's body, it would be a fatal move, but the ghost-faced spider's position inside the corpse monster must have changed.

"There is another move..." she sighed.

No matter what the reason, Li Shiyin didn't want to use this move, but now she had to do it!

She turned her hand and reached into the Qiankun bag and took out a pill from it...

Ji Lei Dan!

The last Jie Lei Dan! !

Qin Ran's master refined three Tribulation Thunder Pills, and Qin Ran refined three Tribulation Thunder Pills himself, but after using them many times, Qin Ran's pills were all used up. Now, only Li Shiyin has one left. This pill was handed to Li Shiyin by Qin Ran before they went out to forge swords.


Li Shiyin didn't look at it much, and threw the pill directly to the corpse monster. The moment the pill landed on the corpse monster, she opened the seal. Suddenly, blue Tribulation Thunder appeared crazily, and exploded from the corpse monster with a split sound, blasting the corpse monster into several petals, and at the same time, it also injured the ghost-faced spider.

The ghost-faced spider's "squeaky" painful weird cry sounded, affecting people's minds and making people upset.

"Wenjin, take care of my body!" Li Shiyin said to Tian Wenjin, and then inserted the Qingxing Sword to his side, and the whole person sat cross-legged in the snow.

Tian Wenjin's injury was relieved, and he propped himself up to escort Li Shiyin.

The next moment, a purple-glowing Li Shiyin's soul flew out from her forehead. She held the Muran Sword and rushed towards the shattered corpse monster...

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