The Thunder Pill blew up the corpse monster, turning most of the corpses into ashes, but there were still a few corpses with blue arcs flashing on them. The ghost-faced spider pulled these corpses with spider silk, trying to stick them together again.

And in the sky full of corpse debris and heavy snow, Li Shiyin's soul came with a sword, carrying the soul sword energy, found the ghost-faced spider in the middle of the corpse, and killed it with a sword without saying a word!

The ghost-faced spider was still hanging in the air, and also used spider spears to fight the enemy, but this time, the sword energy collided with the spider spear, and the sword energy slashed straight over, but did not hurt the spider spear at all.

It was stunned at first, but before it could be happy, a pain from the spider leg being cut off by the sword came from its soul!

The spider spear was not damaged, but the soul was injured.

Sealing the dust and killing thoughts! Killing evil and calming the soul! !

This is Li Shiyin's soul sword energy, which does not hurt the flesh, but only cuts the soul!

After absorbing part of the power of the soul of the Devouring Demon Willow, Li Shiyin's soul has reached a very terrifying level, much stronger than her own cultivation realm. So even if the soul of this ghost-faced spider is strong enough and has already comprehended low-level soul magic, it is still not enough for Li Shiyin's soul sword energy.

If I can't break your physical defense, can't I cut your soul? !

After the sword worked, Li Shiyin performed the flying fairy again, floating like a fairy in the mortal world, appearing around the ghost-faced spider, with soul sword energy constantly added to the ghost-faced spider.

So this place was dark, and there was a shrill scream of the ghost-faced spider like a ghost crying and a wolf howling.

When all the corpses and flesh fell to the ground with the snow, Li Shiyin's soul also retracted the sword and flew back to the body.

At this time, on the mountain of corpses over there, the huge spider like a man stood in the snow. There was no wound on its body, but it was indeed dead.

Tian Wenjin watched the whole battle. The terrifying and disgusting ghost-faced spider was finally defeated by Li Shiyin's sword. She had also fought with the ghost-faced spider, but was pierced through the body by one move. She knew how strong the ghost-faced spider was, so she knew how strong Li Shiyin was.

"No wonder she can challenge the enemy above her level and become a new generation of genius." She had heard the story of Li Shiyin, but she always thought she was not weaker than Li Shiyin.

Just like the strong men in the martial arts world who have experienced hardships look down on the disciples of the sect who pile up resources.

But now she has to admit that maybe Li Shiyin is really stronger than herself.

"Is that the sword energy of the Yuanshen?" She sat cross-legged on the stone and asked Li Shiyin who stood up in front of her.

"Yes... Use the Yuanshen to control the sword, and then use the power of the Yuanshen to replace the mana to display the sword energy." Li Shiyin turned around and told the truth.

"What immortal method record is this?" Tian Wenjin asked.

She knew that Li Shiyin's body movement was an immortal method, and subconsciously thought that this method was also an immortal method. There is a hidden meaning of dissatisfaction. Although you, Li Shiyin, are powerful, you still rely on resources, not because you have a good master?

Li Shiyin shook her head and said: "It's not a fairy method, I thought of it myself. A few days ago, I met an enemy with a very strong soul, and I was forced to fight with my soul, and then I thought of this method.

"Master gave this method a name, called Fengchen Jue Nian."

"Fengchen Jue Nian?" Tian Wenjin murmured.

The sword method she comprehended herself...

"Master is very good at naming. I have come up with two sword methods at present, both of which are named by Master." Li Shiyin said to Tian Wenjin, "One move is this Fengchen Jue Nian, and the other move is called Tianwai Feixian, which is also very beautiful."

"You have already comprehended two sword methods? ! "Tian Wenjin's expression was complicated.

She remembered the rumor that Li Shiyin knocked down Song Ze's position as a genius with one sword. Could it be that the sword was the so-called flying fairy from the sky?

"If you comprehend the sword technique in the future, you can also ask my master to give you a name..."

Tian Wenjin nodded, without commenting.

"Is the ghost-faced spider dead?" She confirmed with Li Shiyin.

"I can't feel his soul anymore. He should be dead." Li Shiyin said.

"Check it and take it back to hand over the task." Tian Wenjin ordered.

Li Shiyin looked up. It was snowing heavily, late at night, and cold. It was really not the time to rush. She asked: "How is your injury? Should we rush back to the sect overnight?"

Tian Wenjin realized her situation at this time. After a moment of silence, she shook her head and said: "I can't move yet."

She looked back at Dashanling Village, "Let's go to the village to rest for a night and return to the sect early tomorrow morning. "

Li Shiyin said yes. She went to check the ghost-faced spider and found that it was indeed dead, so she dragged one of its legs over; when she got to Tian Wenjin, she reached out with one hand and hugged her, and then carried Tian Wenjin on her back.

She held Tian Wenjin with one hand and dragged the huge spider with the other hand, stepping on the deep snow, and walked towards the village in front in the snowy night.

Tian Wenjin put her hands on Li Shiyin's shoulders, feeling her legs being held by Li Shiyin's hand, and some strange meanings arose in her heart when she was not paying attention.

She began to pay attention The fragrance of Li Shiyin, she felt the warmth of Li Shiyin... She gently rested her head on Li Shiyin's back, she felt safe, she noticed the heavy snow, their hair turned white little by little.

She found that her ruthless sword intent had fluctuated.

The most familiar house in the village was the village chief's house. Li Shiyin carried Tian Wenjin here, opened the door, and placed Tian Wenjin on a stool, leaving the ghost-faced spider outside.

She found the oil lamp in the house, but couldn't find the fire starter.

Tian Wenjin lay weakly on the table and said: "Let me try."

Li Shiyin brought the oil lamp over, and Tian Wenjin's fingertips flicked out an arc, lighting the oil lamp.

"Wenjin, can you use magic like this?" Li Shiyin was surprised.

"If we talk about the wonderful use of magic, it has to be Uncle Qin..." When Tian Wenjin said this, he suddenly thought of something, and his heart was complicated and unclear for a while, so he didn't say anything more.

"My master is the most scheming!" Li Shiyin nodded and smiled.

Tian Wenjin lay on the table, raised his eyes to see the sweet smile in Li Shiyin's eyes when she mentioned Qin Ran, and there was a flash of loneliness in his eyes.

"Wenjin, how is your injury?" Li Shiyin asked, sitting down opposite Tian Wenjin.

"It'll be fine after a little adjustment." Tian Wenjin replied, "Thank you Shiyin for your elixir."

"The elixir is from my master, I don't know how to make elixir." Li Shiyin said, "My master gave me a lot of things last night..."

"The Qiankun bag is full." She said, rummaging in the Qiankun bag, and found some meat and dry food that were easy to carry, and put them on the table, "A lot of delicious food! Come, Wenjin, you eat. Eat more so that the injury will heal faster."

She picked up a piece of spirit beast meat and ate it herself, and also asked Tian Wenjin to eat it. Tian Wenjin looked at the food on the table, smelled the tempting aroma, and wanted to say no.

Li Shiyin got up while eating the dried meat, looked around the house, and walked out of the house, standing on the hillside of the village and looking down. In the night, heavy snow fell, and the cold wind blocked the sight, and the houses in the village could not be seen clearly, but she knew that there was no one in the village.

"Alas..." She sighed, the meat in her mouth no longer smelled good, "We are still late."

A village of more than a hundred people was gone just like that, this is the world of immortal cultivation.

Tian Wenjin chewed his dry food politely and said in a deep voice: "From the time the village sent people to report to the sect, to the time the sect leader organized the tasks, to the time the disciples took over the tasks, the time in between was enough for the bloodthirsty monsters to slaughter several villages.

"I originally thought it was a real rat-catching spider, and we would save many people, but I didn't expect...

"Missions like this are often to avenge the dead."

"So..." Li Shiyin looked at the darkness outside the house and whispered, "How many innocent people are killed by monsters every day in this world?"

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