After eating, Tian Wenjin meditated to heal his wounds. Li Shiyin wrapped herself in a blanket and leaned against the door, looking at the snow outside, looking at the darkness outside, and watching the oil lamp light in the house.

The next morning, the two went to Taoyuan Cave in the back mountain, dug a deep pit, buried all the bodies of the villagers - whether complete or incomplete - in it, covered them with soil, erected a monument, and signed it as the tomb of Dashanling Village.

They checked Taoyuan Cave inside and out again, and cleared all the living ghost-faced spider cubs one by one.

After dealing with everything, they took the remains of the ghost-faced spider back to Daojianmen to deliver the task.

"We need an explanation..." Tian Wenjin took the remains of the ghost-faced spider out of the Qiankun bag and placed it in the deacon hall, and said to the deacon disciple who handed over the task,

"The task description says that in this task, the demon beast that caused chaos is a first-level mouse-catching demon spider; then why did it become a mutated, ghost-faced spider close to a fourth-level demon beast? You need to give us an explanation!"

Fourth-level demon beast? ! ! !

The deacon disciple looked at the remains of the ghost-faced spider and found that even though it had been killed, it still had a terrifying aura and a confusing weirdness. His shallow knowledge told him that it really looked as exaggerated as a level 4 task.

A level 1 task suddenly became a level 4 task...

Ah, no, that's not important. What's important is that two female disciples who were rushing to do a level 1 task, how could they kill a level 4 monster? !

"Did you kill this?" He looked at the terrifying remains of the ghost-faced spider, and then looked back at Tian Wenjin's delicate and beautiful face, with a face full of disbelief, and asked, "Didn't you pick it up somewhere by chance?"

It's not that he is suspicious, but that there have been too many disciples who rely on picking up monster corpses to hand over tasks during this period of time. Due to the Devouring Demon Willow incident, countless monsters were killed and injured in the Hengduan Mountains. Now it is easy to pick up monster remains in the Hengduan Mountains.

"You can send someone to Dashanling to verify it yourself, but..." Tian Wenjin's eyes were sad, "The villagers of Dashanling were killed by this ghost-faced spider."

"They are all dead?" The deacon disciple smiled, "Then there is no evidence. How to verify it?"

"There are a lot of traces of battle there, which can be verified." Tian Wenjin said.

"How can you guarantee that the traces of battle were left by you?" The deacon disciple stared at Tian Wenjin and smiled.

Tian Wenjin frowned and looked up at the deacon disciple. She reacted, but for some reason, this person was deliberately making things difficult!

"You two female disciples who are doing a first-level task dare to say that you killed a fourth-level monster." The deacon disciple looked at Tian Wenjin, and then at Li Shiyin. Both girls have rare faces in the world, and he couldn't tell for a while.

So if you want to know why this deacon disciple who was born as an outer disciple made things difficult for them, it was just because they looked good.

Even in a sect like Daojianmen, there are only a few beauties like them. This outer disciple thought he had found a good opportunity... He began to plan how to use his identity to get close to her.

He smiled and asked: "Think about it yourself, can you convince others?"

Is he questioning his and Shiyin's strength? Tian Wenjin thought he understood the man's train of thought.

She raised her identity token and showed it to the man, saying: "Jianfeng, inner disciple, Tian Wenjin."

She showed him Li Shiyin's identity token and said, "Danfeng, direct disciple, Li Shiyin."

Inner disciple, direct disciple!

Tian Wenjin, Li Shiyin!!!

In an instant, the deacon disciple's face became very exciting.

No wonder she has such a peerless face!

It turned out to be one of the five beauties!

No wonder she could kill a level 4 monster in a level 1 mission!

It turned out to be Li Shiyin who crossed the border to challenge! The new top ten geniuses!

In fact, he had always known the names of Li Shiyin and Tian Wenjin, but he had never had the chance to see them in person.

In addition, he was blinded by lust and was hoping that such a beauty was an outer disciple, or even a chores disciple, so that he could have a chance...

"Ah! So it was..." His brain crashed, and he couldn't find a respectful title to address Li Shiyin and Tian Wenjin. He couldn't help but show a flattering look on his face, and finally said, "Your Excellencies!"

Tian Wenjin looked at him with disgust. The world was full of such people who curry favor with the powerful and are arrogant at first and then respectful. She gave the final explanation in a cold voice:

"We completed this task, and it is indeed inconsistent with the task intelligence. The ghost-faced spider is also a ghost-faced spider. It has indeed reached the fourth level and was killed for us. It can be verified. But..."

She made a request, "We need an explanation and a reward that matches the fourth-level task."

"Yes, yes, yes..." The deacon disciple's attitude had long been different. He nodded and said, "I will explain the situation to the elders and give you the treatment of the fourth-level task."

Tian Wenjin then took Li Shiyin with him and handed over the task according to the standard of the fourth-level monster.

After handing over the mission, the two returned to Danfeng. Before leaving, Li Shiyin suddenly stopped and pointed at the ghost-faced spider and asked the deacon disciple: "Can we take the ghost-faced spider corpse away?"

"Mission items cannot be taken away." The deacon disciple shook his head and said, "Besides, your mission still needs to be verified and inspected."

Li Shiyin compromised: "Then can I take the ghost-faced spider's venom gland away?"

The disciple hesitated, but finally couldn't resist the girl's request, nodded, and said: "You can cut it off, and I will just say that it was damaged in the battle."

"Thank you." Li Shiyin nodded to him. Then he took the sword and cut off the ghost-faced spider's venom gland, and carefully packed it in a jade box.

"She said thank you to me..." The deacon disciple was stunned for a moment, waving and smiling at Li Shiyin and Tian Wenjin.

Li Shiyin and Tian Wenjin left the deacon hall and flew to Danfeng. On the way, Tian Wenjin asked Li Shiyin, "Why do you want the venom gland?"

"Master likes these strange things very much." Li Shiyin smiled, "Master likes to do research... and Qiqi also likes poison."

"Oh!" Tian Wenjin nodded, it was Master again.

When he arrived at the fog outside Danfeng, Li Shiyin opened the formation passage with the sword-shaped token on his waist. Tian Wenjin followed Li Shiyin to Danfeng and took a few glances at the token on his waist. He knew that it was from Qin Ran's hand.

After walking out of the formation mist, the two officially arrived at Danfeng. They looked up and saw that the mountain was covered with white. The rivers and lakes were all frozen. There was no one outside the house. Only a white tiger was sleeping on the cat climbing frame in the ice and snow.

"Zhuifeng!" Li Shiyin shouted excitedly, and flashed over. On the cat climbing frame, she picked up Zhuifeng, a thousand-pound baby.

"Ah..." Zhuifeng was sleeping in the snow, but was suddenly picked up by someone. The sudden feeling of weightlessness made him panic, and his limbs and claws worked hard to scratch in the air.

Qin Ran came out of the wooden house and saw that Li Shiyin, who was playing with Zhuifeng, was intact. His heart finally fell to the ground.

"How is the mission?" He asked Tian Wenjin who came over with a smile.

Tian Wenjin shook his head and said: "Not very good."

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