My Daily Cultivation Life with a Clumsy Female Disciple

Chapter 198 The Sentimental Swordsman and the Ruthless Sword

"So, you met a level four ghost-faced spider?!!"

After listening to Li Shiyin and Tian Wenjin's mission description, Qin Ran frowned and asked.

"Yes! It is indeed a ghost-faced spider." Li Shiyin nodded.

Her clothes were a little messy, and the skirt was torn open by the cat's claws, and several pieces appeared. Apparently, she pissed off the Danfeng big cat again, and the two had a big fight.

She smoothed her hair and asked Qin Ran: "Wen Jin said that the ghost-faced spider is an ordinary poisonous forest insect and should not be a monster. Master... why did the ghost-faced spider turn into a level four monster?"

Qin Ran pondered, stood up, and walked around the room.

"The Ghost-faced Spider is nothing special from other spiders. They also rely on webs to catch prey, use venom to kill the prey, and use their mouthparts to suck the juice of the prey after the poison has melted."

He thought and said slowly, "There is only one possibility, a very low probability...

"The reason why the ghost-faced spider is called the ghost-faced spider is that on the one hand, the pattern on its abdomen resembles the ghost in folklore; on the other hand, when it sucks its prey, there is a small chance that it will suck away the soul of the prey. "

"Like chasing the wind?" Li Shiyin asked.

"Absolutely..." Kieran nodded, "But the possibility of chasing the wind is 100%, while the possibility of the ghost-faced spider sucking souls is one in a million or one in ten million."

"Based on this, it can be inferred that this ghost-faced spider is the kind of ghost-faced spider that sucks the soul." He speculated,

"In addition, too many creatures died during the time when the Demonic Willow Devouring the Ultimate, and there will be many lonely ghosts wandering in the Hengduan Mountains. The combination of various opportunities resulted in the creation of this rare fourth-level ghost-faced spider in the world.

"You guys are lucky."

"Master, please say some sarcastic words!" Li Shiyin pursed her lips.

"Okay, okay, it's a blessing to complete the mission and finally come back safely. Let him stay in the mission." Qin Ran smiled, "This is what I often tell you, the uncertainty of the world of immortality. Always have to …”

Li Shiyin interrupted Qin Ran and continued: "Always maintain awe of the world of immortality and always be cautious! I know!"

She rolled her eyes, "Tiantian said, my ears are calloused!"

"Okay, we won't talk today."

"You already said it today."

Qin Ran had no choice but to change the subject: "To celebrate the completion of our first mission by the Danfeng Female Sword Immortal, let's have something delicious tonight. Say, what do you want to eat?"

Li Shiyin's eyes lit up, she raised her hands and shouted: "Master, master, I want to eat that and that...meatballs, big elbows, braised claws..."

They were in the living room, Zhui Feng sat slumped by the window aggrievedly, the white hair around his eyes was punched into black, temporarily making a guest appearance as a panda;

Li Shiyin sat at the end of the bench and discussed with Kieran what to eat for dinner with a smile on her face;

Kieran was opposite the bench, with his back against the original so-called "TV wall". He also smiled and agreed to Li Shiyin's request;

Tian Wenjin was sitting on the other side of the bench, but he felt like he was in two different worlds from the people in the room.

"I'm sitting on your left, but it's like I'm separated by a galaxy."

She went to see Li Shiyin, and saw that Li Shiyin's eyes were as bright as stars, and everything was about her master; she went to see Qin Ran, and she saw that Qin Ran's eyes were as deep as the universe, and everything was about his apprentice's love.

"I shouldn't be in the chair, I should be under the chair."

"It was obviously a conversation between three people, but she still couldn't make a sound."

Maybe this is her fate. Every love ends before it begins. This is the case for Huang Feiyu, Li Shiyin...

She felt that her ruthless sword intent was a little stronger.

"Cough cough cough..."

At this time, a series of coughs came from outside. Tian Wenjin looked out of the window and saw a little man wrapped like a rice dumpling swinging past the window.

After a while, the door of the living room was gently knocked open, and Long Qiqi's words came along with the sound of coughing: "Qin Ran, you should make me two pills to dispel cold and relieve cough. I feel like I am going to die from a cold. "

"Qiqi?" Li Shiyin looked over and said in surprise, "Why did you catch a cold?! Weren't you fine yesterday?"

During the practice, people are immune to cold and heat, and can catch wind and cold. Long Qiqi can be regarded as the first person in history.

"Oh! Shiyin is back!" Long Qiqi swung over like a penguin and said, "How did I know I was going to catch a cold? It was like this when I woke up this morning."

Qin Ran shook his head and said with a smile: "This can be considered a talent."

He gave another suggestion, "Why don't you hibernate? It's not yet a severe cold, and the temperature will be even lower later. I'm afraid your life will be in danger."

Long Qiqi sat down on the chair and thought about Qin Ran's suggestion seriously. Finally, she shook her head and said: "I cultivated into a human form, that is a human being. How can a human hibernate? Humans cannot hibernate. . "Do you hibernate?"

The three people in the room shook their heads.

"Aren't you going to turn into a dragon?" Qin Ran joked.

"Take your time..." Long Qiqi said, then changed the subject and blamed Qin Ran, "I must have caught a cold in the lake pavilion that night! It's not good to eat anywhere. I have to I ran to the lake pavilion, it was cold and the wind was strong... Sneeze! "

"We're going to Huxinting for dinner tonight, will you go?" Qin Ran asked with a smile.

"What... to eat?" Long Qiqi came back to his senses and mustered up all his courage to say, "No... I won't go!!"

Seeing her whole body shaking, you knew how determined she was. Qin Ran laughed and asked Long Qiqi and Tian Wenjin: "What do you want to eat? I'll prepare it now!"

"I want to eat..." Long Qiqi suddenly became energetic, and the cold seemed to be almost cured, so he wanted to write a lot.

But suddenly...

"Thank you, uncle, I won't eat." Tian Wenjin stood up and said goodbye to Qin Ran, "I have completed the mission with Shiyin, and I have sent the people back to you intact. I also have to report back to Jianfeng."

Qin Ran looked at Tian Wenjin, the smile on his face faded, but he did not keep her, and said: "It's better to go back and report your safety first. What do you want to eat? Come back next time, uncle will make it for you."

Tian Wenjin bowed his head and saluted.

"Wenjin, are you leaving now?" Li Shiyin hadn't reacted yet.

Tian Wenjin forced a smile at Li Shiyin and turned away.

"What's wrong with Wenjin?" Tian Wenjin was not right, even Li Shiyin could see it.

Qin Ran shook his head. No matter how smart he was, he could not think that Tian Wenjin would want to snatch his apprentice from him.

It was snowing heavily, and Tian Wenjin flew alone on the sword. She did not return to Jianfeng, but flew out of Daojianmen.

She didn't know where she was going. She just walked aimlessly and alone in the vast sky and the rustling snow.

After flying for a long time, night fell. She stopped and looked back. She seemed to see the warm little house in Danfeng, with bright lights, hot meals, and cheerful laughter.

She took a deep breath and drew her sword to dance. Around her, there was darkness, cold, heavy snow, whistling wind, and a weeping lone wolf...

On this snowy night, she realized the first move of her ruthless sword, flying snow in the wind!

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