The ghost-eating sea eagle is a seabird that likes to eat carrion. It doesn't mean that it likes it, but it also eats carrion.

The reason is probably that their combat power far exceeds the combat power that their body size should have.

In this sea area, they can always catch prey that is much larger than them. They can't finish eating these prey in a short time, so they have to store them. The weather here is extreme, and the corpses are easy to rot, so over time, they have developed the habit of eating carrion.

At this time, a ghost-eating sea eagle flew over the sky and suddenly found a severely injured two-legged creature on the island below.

Its eagle eyes gave it super long-sightedness. Even if it was thousands of meters high, it could see the creature on the ground clearly.

It saw that the creature was covered in blood, lowered its head, and sat there weakly.

The basic rule of living things is that if you lose too much blood, you will inevitably die. The ghost-eating sea eagle's hunting instinct told it that the creature below would not live too long in the world.

It was very happy that it could easily hunt food today, so it slowly circled in the sky, waiting for the creature below to die.

It was very patient and waited for a long, long time. The sun had floated over its head and was close to the sea level, about to dive into the sea.

At this time, it finally waited until the creature fell into the sea.

It was called the Ghost-Eating Sea Eagle. It had a pair of eyes that could see through yin and yang. It saw that a soul slowly floated out of the body of the creature.

"It's really dead." It was sure that the soul had left the body, so it must be dead.

Without the slightest hesitation, it immediately dived from a height of several thousand meters, opened its sharp claws, and grabbed the creature.

It waited for the creature in the sea to die, not that it couldn't beat it, it just wanted to save energy as much as possible.

The extremely terrifying diving force brought by the altitude of several thousand meters in a blink of an eye, coupled with its sharp claws, few prey could escape from its hands.

Unless it was a demon beast with a bloodline far higher than its own. ... But there was none in the nearby sea area!

It was getting closer!

Its eyes allowed it to see the corpse on the beach clearly.

"Just grab him and throw him again..." It thought so simply, "There is no danger."

To get to the corpse, it had to pass the soul first...

But it ignored the soul, because the soul can't fill its stomach.

So it flew past the soul without a care.



It broke into two halves.

It didn't even feel pain, it died.

"?" It was puzzled, the soul flew out of the corpse, it opened its eyes and saw that the soul was holding a water blade made of water, the handle of the water blade was a bead.

The water blade was not sharp, it was it that broke itself in half.


It saw the soul looking at its soul, and the soul smiled at it:

"Ah! The soul of a first-level monster, a great tonic!"

The soul opened its mouth and sucked it, it couldn't resist, and was sucked into its mouth.

"Burp!" Qin Ran burped, feeling that his soul's injury had recovered a little.

He dispersed the water blade, took the water pearl, and returned to the water body below that was used as bait.

He stood up and moved a little in the sea water. He did a set of radio gymnastics.

"Well, it's almost done. It basically doesn't affect my movements."

The injuries of the soul have recovered by more than half. There is no problem in controlling the body, and he can already cast spells simply.

Obviously, this is not the first "fish" that Qin Ran has caught here.

In fact, there are some fish or birds that he buried and rotted in the surrounding beaches, which serve as smell and breath bait.

It has been a whole day since he came to this place. From sunrise in the morning to sunset at this time, he has spent a lot of effort to recover his ability to move.

And the measures he took to restore his strength are naturally to restore the power of the soul!

Because the focus of the soul clone has always been on the soul, not on the water clone.

But the elixirs related to the soul that he prepared all fell into the void, so he had no choice but to take this fishing measure...

Because the "Nine Extremes Soul Devouring Demon Art" has two great abilities, one is to split the soul, and the other is to devour!!

The soul clone is split from the "Nine Extremes Soul Devouring Demon Art", so the soul clone naturally has the ability to devour other souls...At that time, the Devouring Demon Liu Liu Daoji could already devour spiritual energy, flesh and blood, and everything with energy.

It was not a problem for him to devour the souls of some ordinary creatures.

After recovering some of his strength, Qin Ran first looked around, hoping to find some more things scattered in the Qiankun bag, but unfortunately, he found nothing.

He then went to search the island...

It took almost a while for Qin Ran to search the island simply.

He found that this was an extremely simple island, with an area of ​​less than 20 square kilometers; there were no powerful creatures on it, and the ghost-eating sea eagle was a relatively powerful first-level monster, and it had already stood at the top of the food chain of this island; the spiritual energy was not sufficient, and there were no treasures.

Before returning to the beach, Qin Ran thought, he woke up on this island, so the place that Danfeng's teleportation array can reach is probably this place.

So this place is probably the destination of Danfeng's teleportation array. If this island is not dangerous, then this island is his base camp in this domain.

At least we have to ensure that the main body will not encounter any danger when escaping from Danfeng to this place.

Now that there is no danger on the island, we still need to determine the situation around the island.

This island is indeed just a deserted island in the vast ocean, or it is under the jurisdiction of a certain force, or there may be some powerful creatures nearby, monks, monsters or other creatures.

Thinking of this, Qin Ran stepped on the water, left the shore, and searched in the sea.

Speaking of which, this is the sea, with plenty of water vapor, and he is a water spirit root... a clone composed of water, this place is very suitable for him. On the sea, his strength is more than one level stronger.

"The main body must be very fast when it comes here..." He was thinking so, suddenly, in the darkness in front, there was a strong energy wave, flying towards this side.

Qin Ran was startled and stopped in a hurry. Starting from the soles of his feet stepping on the sea, he silently turned into water, exerted the water-like years, and the whole person merged into the sea.

And just when he disappeared in the sea, a black wing-like thing flew past him.

"Seabird?" Qin Ran thought to himself, it has wings, what else can it be if not a bird?

Are there other monsters here?

Is that monster just one of them?

But soon, he was surprised to find that the wings were not a bird's body, but a fish's body!

The wings were not feathers, but scales!

It has wings, but it's a fish!

"What on earth is this?"

Qin Ran looked at the monster flying towards the island where he came from, and was in doubt.

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