The strange fish with wings was huge, about two and a half meters long, with a radius of one meter or more. It couldn't be stewed in one pot.

Its belly was white and its back was blue. Its wings were completely covered with pure black scales, which gave it a heavy and terrifying smell.

When the wings were opened, they were nearly two meters long. When it swam, it was like a bird flying in the air. With a flap of its wings, it covered the sky and the sun. With a "boom", it jumped out dozens of meters in an instant.

From its swimming posture, it can be roughly known that it is a powerful monster. Because it is impossible for it to hunt by sneak attack, it can only fight hard.

Its hunting process is roughly like this, first catching up with the prey with pure speed, and then crushing the prey with plain power.

In the darkness, Qin Ran merged with the sea water and dared not move.

Just judging the breath, he felt that the strange fish was at least a fourth-level monster, that is, it was at least a Jindan cultivator... the combat power of a Jindan body cultivator.

And if the strange fish also had some strange divine beast bloodline, it would be even more difficult to deal with.

His original body was in the early stage of the Golden Core, and although his strength was not low, his strength was less than one tenth of his original body, and now he was injured.

He was most likely not as good as the strange fish.

So he could only watch the strange fish swim around the island again and again.

What was it looking for? Qin Ran could feel that the strange fish's goal seemed very clear.

Could it be that there was something special about this island that he couldn't see?

He looked at the small island carefully again, but he didn't find any problems during the day, and now it was pitch black, and he couldn't see anything.

He thought about it, and then activated his soul again, preparing to use the power of the soul to investigate.


The power of his soul had just been extended out of his body, and the strange fish over there suddenly became irritable, and he swam towards him with a "boom boom".

"What the hell?" Qin Ran was shocked, and quickly retracted his soul power, hid his body in the water, and didn't dare to move again.

Fortunately, as soon as he retracted his soul power, the strange fish over there slowly calmed down.

"Can it sense the soul?" He wondered.

So he couldn't help but have a guess, a guess that might not be true, that is, could this strange fish be attracted by him.

It is now swimming around the island in circles, not looking for possible treasures, but looking for him?

Impossible... It should be impossible...

He denied it in his heart, and felt that if there was a chance that this strange fish was really coming for him, then he had to prepare early.

First, he had to find a way to run away, because he might not be able to deal with this strange fish now; second, he had to find a way to leave a mark and come back to clean it up later, because Danfeng's teleportation formation might be connected to this place.

Cleaning up is a matter for the future, and running away is a matter for now.

"Just leave like this?" Looking at the strange fish still swimming arrogantly, Qin Ran suddenly felt that he was too cowardly. Was he going to be scared away by a beast like this? "Do you want to give it a fuck?"

With this thought, he was eager to try, and felt that he should try it first. Whether he can beat it or not, he will fight it first.

Then, he recalled the magical skills he had mastered and looked for a starting move. He thought about each skill one by one, "Shuihua Heart Sutra", "Jiuji Yuanshen Devouring Demon Skill", "Feixian Asking for the Way"...

After thinking about it, he couldn't help but curse: "Damn it, your original body is too shabby, all of them are skills for survival. Hit the nail!"

"Shuihua Heart Sutra" contains escape skills, shield skills, and illusion skills, "Jiuji Yuanshen Devouring Demon Skill" is a clone, and it barely has a devouring ability that can be regarded as an attack method, and "Feixian Asking for the Way" is a runaway move.

If you force it to count, only "War Spirit Skill" can be considered a combat skill.

But "War Spirit Skill" is essentially a status increase, not an attack skill.

So, he searched in his memory, but couldn't find a move as a starting move.

It was actually okay for the original body to master these skills, because that guy had some black technology pills and formations. If that didn't work, he could still use his own magic weapon to fight; but now, his Qiankun bag exploded, and he had no clothes on his body, only a bead in his hand.

What is the use of this bead?

It can control water.

It can use water to create a water blade like the one in the daytime, so that the seabird can be killed; more, well, are similar to this.

"Damn it, don't let me go back!" He cursed, "Otherwise I will beat you every time I see you."

He said harshly, turned around, and prepared to run away.

But at this moment, a beam of light suddenly came from the dark sea in the distance, and the beam of light passed through his head and hit the swimming strange fish.

Then, there was a huge "boom" sound. From a distance, Qin Ran saw a huge ship over there, breaking through the sea and coming here. "Ship?" Qin Ran stopped again, "Cultivator?"

What's going on with this broken place? So attractive?

The strange fish was angered by the beam of light. It screamed twice, flapped its wings, and created huge wind and waves. It rushed towards the ship with a "boom, boom".

Was it so easily angered?

"Powerful, but brainless." Qin Ran commented in his heart.

Taking advantage of the wind and waves stirred up by the strange fish, Qin Ran mixed in and followed the strange fish to the ship.

Arriving in this completely unfamiliar place, he finally met people. No matter whether the people who came here were malicious or kind, no matter what their purpose was, he felt that he should get in touch with them.

He didn't get too close, he wanted to observe first, and the strange fish had already started a fight with the boat.

But the strange fish flapped its wings, and the sea water around it obeyed its call, raising waves out of thin air, more than ten feet high, all tilting towards the ship.

The ship was a monk's ship, and the hull was equipped with a protective shield. The sea water capsized and was blocked outside, and then slid into the sea water.

The sea water here was turbulent because of the strange fish, and Qin Ran seemed to be in a cradle, rocking with the sea water. He looked at the thin protective shield outside the hull and judged in his heart:

"It is a defensive magic weapon, not a formation."

Seeing that this trick didn't work, the strange fish became more irritable, it slapped it suddenly, slapping the waves several feet high, riding the waves, it flew out of the sea.

He spread his wings, and his thick body two feet wide flew up, and flapped it again, and flew towards the hull like a sharp arrow.


It hit the bow of the ship head-on!

Compared to the boat, its body was too small, but its collision made the big boat shake.

It was much more useful than the waves it raised.

"What a great power!"

Qin Ran was secretly shocked. This was not the power that an ordinary Jindan body cultivator could have. The strange fish was probably a little stronger than an ordinary Jindan cultivator.

At this time, the strange fish was attached to the hull, and someone finally came out of the boat.

In the darkness, it was too far away, so Qin Ran couldn't see clearly, but he clearly heard a female voice. She shouted: "Evil beast!!"

Then she jumped off the deck with a cowtail knife and chopped at the strange fish!

"Female cultivator with a knife?" Qin Ran raised his eyebrows, "Body cultivator?"

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