My Daily Cultivation Life with a Clumsy Female Disciple

Chapter 375 Zhang Junyi's first experience with Danfeng (1/2)

Zhuifeng was very smart. He had noticed that his father's attitude towards Zhang Junyi was different. It was not the attitude towards Yan Yi and Zhou Fu, but the attitude of taking him seriously.

He guessed that Zhang Junyi might live in Danfeng and become a member of Danfeng in the future.

Therefore, he brought Li An to take care of him.

He wanted to take on the responsibility of the king of Danfeng Mountain and take this young man under his command as soon as possible.

Who would have thought that Liu Xiaoji would deliberately make trouble!

He pointed at the Devouring Demon Willow and said to Li An on his back: "That's a bad guy. We have to beat the bad guy."

"Bad...bad?" Li An asked with his big eyes wide open.

"Yeah, he's too bad. You have to chop him with your sword energy..." Zhuifeng continued to instigate, "Chopping trees is fun."

"Sword... energy?" Li An asked.

Zhuifeng pointed at the sword energy on Li An and said: "That's it."

Li An chopped out a sword energy as he said, and the sword energy chopped on the trunk of the Devouring Demon Willow, and there was another crisp sound of metal and stone connecting.

"Leaves." Zhuifeng pointed out to Li An with ill intentions.

Li An swung his sword, and a branch of the Devouring Demon Willow was cut off.

"Zhuifeng!!" Liu Xiaoji's angry voice came from the tree trunk.

Zhuifeng ignored him and continued to let Li An cut branches.

Several sword energies flew out in succession, and willow branches and leaves fell like rain.

The movement caused the Phoenix-winged Tiger Bees under the tree to fly out, and there was a "buzzing" sound.

Li An released the sword energy wantonly, and had a lot of fun, laughing non-stop.

"Is it fun?" Zhuifeng asked Li An.

"Fun!" someone answered.

"Well, let's shave his head..." Zhuifeng said excitedly.

But he didn't finish his words, and suddenly realized that the voice was not right.

He looked back and saw his father standing behind him with a gloomy face.

Zhuifeng was startled and stood up and wanted to run, but Qin Ran was quick and grabbed the back of his neck and lifted him up.

"Hehe... Dad... Hehe!" He looked at Qin Ran and smiled foolishly.

"How old are you?" Qin Ran asked with a gloomy face.

"Five... years old."

"Five years old!" Qin Ran said, "You are all adults, but you are still so naughty? You are not sensible at all."

"Dad, I am still young." Zhuifeng argued with a silly smile.

"Still young? You are embarrassed?!" Qin Ran squinted at him, "Now Ping An follows you every day, is this how you set an example for him?"

"Ahem!" Zhuifeng hesitated and couldn't speak.

Qin Ran pinched his neck and threw him up, Li An fell from him, Qin Ran caught Li An, and then posed as if he was kicking a ball.

Zhuifeng fell...


With a heavy kick, Zhuifeng was kicked away.

Qin Ran very considerately opened the mountain protection formation and asked Zhuifeng to fly out and disappear far away.

Zhang Junyi watched the tiger demon that frightened him being kicked away by Qin Shouzuo, and finally realized that Qin Shouzuo was the big boss of Danfeng.

No longer caring about the guy Zhuifeng, Qin Ran hugged Li An and looked back at Zhang Junyi, asking: "How do you feel these two days?"

Zhang Junyi was silent for a while, and replied: "Not bad."

Qin Ran took out a book of exercises from his Qiankun bag and handed it to him, saying: "This is called "Basic Exercises", take a look for yourself."

Zhang Junyi nodded and took it with both hands.

"I won't arrange for you to do anything else these two days." Qin Ran said, "Hurry up and make your place."

"Yes..." Zhang Junyi bowed and agreed.

Qin Ran hugged Li An and left.

Zhang Junyi stood there, watching Qin Shouzuo leave, thinking in his mind:

Two days, he still didn't know whether he could learn advanced exercises here, whether he could learn to make pills here, whether he could... rely on Danfeng to destroy Zhishen Valley.

But he felt that it was not very reliable.

The people of Danfeng were all naive and childish, giving him a feeling of being ignorant of the world.

Perhaps only the chief seat Qin Ran has the flavor of a cultivator he imagined.


He can take other roads.

"Take a step..." He sighed, and the terrifying horse peaks flying around him made him feel annoyed. "Let's take a step!"

He put the "Basic Exercises" given by Qin Ran into his arms, went back to the greenhouse, and found the sickle. The sickle was given to him by the chief seat Qin Ran yesterday morning. He had not used it yet. He was going to cut some trees and plan to build a house.

He walked out of the greenhouse and saw the willow trees by the lake. He hesitated for a moment and went to the back mountain.

He should listen to the willow tree spirit and build a bamboo house.

There is a small waterfall in the middle of the back mountain of Danfeng, and there are caves with obvious doors on both sides. Zhang Junyi was worried that there were strange cultivators in the caves, so he didn't dare to get too close to the caves, so he took some detours and climbed up the mountain from farther away.

It seems that few people come to the back mountain... Maybe not, it's just because there are cultivators here. If they want to go to the back mountain, they mostly fly up. In short, there is no road in the back mountain.

Fortunately, Zhang Junyi had been in the mountains and forests many times in recent years to find elixirs, so this little situation was not a problem for him.

He brought a sickle and chopped his way cleanly and quickly, and soon reached the bamboo forest in the back mountain.

When he arrived at the bamboo forest, Zhang Junyi looked around and found a bamboo that was growing well and as thick as a bowl. This bamboo should be feasible for the beams of his house.

He stepped forward, aimed at the root of the bamboo, exerted all his strength, and chopped it down with a knife.


Unexpectedly, when he chopped it down, it seemed like he was chopping on a stone. His hand was numb from the shock, and the sickle flew out directly.

"What is that!"

Zhang Junyi was startled, thinking that he had encountered some monster again.

But he looked around in shock and found that there were only ordinary birds and beasts chirping nearby, the afternoon sun, and the breeze in the bamboo forest, nothing else.

He calmed his mind and then squatted down to look at the bamboo. But he saw that there was only a shallow white mark where he had used all his strength to chop.

"This?!" Zhang Junyi frowned.

He went to pick up the sickle again and found that a piece of the sickle blade was broken off and there was a small gap.

"This bamboo is not an ordinary thing?" He thought of this and laughed at himself, "This is a blessed land of immortals, with abundant spiritual energy. Can the things inside be ordinary things?"

"But this sickle is an ordinary sickle, not a missed magic weapon."

I can't chop it, come back tomorrow.

Zhang Junyi took the sickle and walked back, but after two steps, he suddenly stopped and picked up the sickle in his hand to look at it.

Qin Ran couldn't have known that the bamboo here was not ordinary, but he still gave him this ordinary sickle...

So, Zhang Junyi understood that this was a test for him.

He hesitated for a moment, turned back, searched in the bamboo forest, and found a bamboo that was as thick as a thumb.

This bamboo was not very old and had not been nourished by too much spiritual energy. He could still cut it with one cut.

In this way, Zhang Junyi still cut bamboo for a whole afternoon, and he packed up and went down the mountain when the sun set.

He put the sickle on his waist and used both hands to collect the bamboo he had cut for an afternoon. There were a total of six bamboos, all of which were only as thick as a thumb. Moreover, the branches were not trimmed.

He dragged the lush bamboo with both hands to hurry on the road, and it was really hard to walk because of the weeds and thorns on the road.

In particular, he cut bamboo for an entire afternoon, and although he only cut six bamboos, he was indeed exhausted and hungry.

However, he did not dare to rest all the way down the mountain, because he knew clearly that once he stopped, muscle soreness and fatigue would make him unable to get up again.

There was no more sweat on his face, but it was not because he was not so hot, but because he was too thirsty and his sweat had dried up.

However, when he reached the halfway point of the back mountain, he suddenly heard the roar of the waterfall over there. He was so thirsty that he could not bear it anymore, so he walked towards the waterfall.

The sickle opened the way again, and after a little effort, he came to the edge of the waterfall.

At the edge of the waterfall, the water vapor was diffused, and it was finally cool and refreshing.

He threw away the sickle and bamboo, jumped onto a stable stone, squatted down, and reached out to catch the water from the waterfall.

He drank the water in his hand, and he drank seven or eight mouthfuls of the sweet water from the waterfall in a row before his thirst was quenched. He washed his face with water again, and his face felt cool.

He still felt unsatisfied, so he poured water over his neck...

The cold water poured over his neck, and the refreshing feeling made him moan with his eyes squinted.

Then he went to get water again, and his squinting eyes suddenly saw a white figure on the other side of the waterfall.

Even with squinting eyes, even with a waterfall of four or five feet, Zhang Junyi still felt that it was a woman, and extremely beautiful, probably a fairy from heaven.

He suddenly opened his eyes and looked carefully.

There was indeed a woman in white clothes as white as snow, with a fairy-like aura, walking to the edge of the waterfall on the opposite side.

At this time, the waterfall splashed and misty, and she seemed to come from the fairyland. She seemed to be shining, and a rainbow appeared on the waterfall.

Zhang Junyi had never seen such a beautiful woman...He swore that he could never imagine that a woman could be so beautiful in his dreams.

He looked at the woman on the opposite side greedily, and froze in place. His hand stretched out to get water was washed by the waterfall, and he didn't know it at all.

The fairy came with a frown, and he thought that she might have something on her mind.

Perhaps he had been looking at her for too long, and the fairy sister on the opposite side noticed that he was looking at her. She looked up at him, and her cold eyes like the moon met his gaze, and the clear light in her eyes pierced his soul.

He stood up tremblingly on the stone beside the waterfall.

The fairy saw him, and her frowning brows slowly smoothed, and her cold eyes slowly softened, and there seemed to be a smile on the corner of her lips.

"She is smiling at me..." Zhang Junyi's heart was excited again, he couldn't control himself, and he didn't want to control himself.

He wanted to go to the fairy, he wanted to get close to the fairy sister.

He raised his feet and took a step forward.


He fell into the waterfall and was washed down by the waterfall.

"So I was at the edge of the waterfall..." He realized, "I am going to die? It seems that I should have taken a detour from below."

He thought again, "Fortunately, I died on the way to the fairy, and I have no regrets in my life."

He completely forgot that he had a blood feud.

As he was falling, he suddenly felt his body lighten, as if he was picked up by something. When he came back to his senses and wanted to see what had pulled him up, he found that he had returned to the stone he had just been on.

He could not help but feel lost.

He smelled a refreshing fragrance again, and he looked to the side, and saw the graceful figure in white clothes was behind him.

"It was the fairy sister who saved me!" He was ecstatic.

He looked up again and saw the fairy sister with a smile in her eyes, looking at him and shaking her head.

He didn't understand what it meant, but the fairy sister disappeared out of thin air the next second.

"Fairy sister!" He shouted and reached out to grab, but he grabbed nothing.

He hurriedly turned back and looked at the other side. In the mist of the waterfall, he saw the graceful white back of the fairy disappearing on the other side of the waterfall.

He stared at her infatuatedly, thinking: "She smiled at me, she likes me. She saved my life, she has me in her heart."

He looked for a long time, until dusk fell, he came back to his senses.

He turned around and dragged the bamboo stick, and walked down the mountain, but his steps became much lighter.

When he returned to the foot of the mountain, he just walked to the edge of Xijian Lake, and the tiger demon named Zhuifeng shouted to him: "Come on, it's time to eat."

He quickly threw the bamboo stick back in front of the greenhouse and ran to the old locust tree.

There were already many people sitting at the dining table under the locust tree:

His master, the little girl who had not spoken to him yet, was now leaning on the chair with sleepy eyes; a mortal woman, with a bookish temperament, but also noble, probably a woman from a wealthy family; as for Zhuifeng, Li An and the like, there is no need to say.

But he didn't see the beautiful woman named Li Shiyin. He didn't know where she went.

As soon as he arrived, Zhuifeng grabbed him and asked him to sit next to him.

After a while, Qin Shouzuo brought out the last dish, put it on the table, and also fell into the table.

Zhang Junyi didn't know if it was the same in other places. The chief even cooked for his disciples personally, but...

Apart from anything else, Qin Shouzuo's cooking skills were really good.

At least he had never eaten such delicious food.

While eating, Qin Shouzuo suddenly asked: "Did you see anything by the waterfall?"

Zhang Junyi was stunned, thinking of the white shadow, he hesitated for a moment, shook his head and said: "No."

"Yeah." Qin Shouzuo didn't say much, and nodded.

After dinner, Zhang Junyi walked back to the shed. He found a comfortable place to lie down, closed his eyes, and thought of the beautiful figure by the waterfall again, and his heart was hot.

"Who is she?" He thought.

If he could marry her, he would be willing to die.

As he thought about it, he remembered that Qin Shouzuo had asked about this matter intentionally or unintentionally during dinner.

"Qin Shouzuo knows who she is..." He laughed at himself, "He is the chief of Danfeng, how could he not know? Could it be that Qin Shouzuo's forbidden food?"

He thought about it, and felt irritated again, so he reached into his arms and took out the "Basic Exercises" that Qin Shouzuo had given him during the day.

He looked at the crudely made exercises in his hand and sighed in his heart: "It's really too contemptuous of me to give me this kind of exercises. Basic exercises?"

He shook his head, feeling a little humiliated...

"I must rise up, for the fairy sister, to make Qin Shouzuo regret looking down on me so much, and to avenge my parents and eradicate Zhishen Valley."

Thinking of this, he still opened the "Basic Exercises".

"The human body has innate qi, the heaven and earth have spiritual energy...plant the seeds of magic power..."

"Qi Hai acupoint...Baihui acupoint...Yongquan acupoint..."

"Da Zhoutian...Xiao Zhoutian...Eighteen Meridians..."

"?" Zhang Junyi couldn't help but be dumbfounded, "What are these?"

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