My Daily Cultivation Life with a Clumsy Female Disciple

Chapter 376: Getting something for nothing

The ship stayed on the sea for a night, and it was noisy all night. People were getting on and off the ship all the time.

Qin Ran was lying on the ship, and he could hear clearly that the people on the ship were searching the deserted island... It was even more terrifying than when he searched, and he was afraid that they were really digging three feet into the ground.

It was not until dawn that it slowly became quiet.

When the first ray of morning light shone into the narrow room from the window, someone pushed open the door of this room.

The person stood in front of the narrow bed and looked at Qin Ran.

Qin Ran felt it very clearly. The man's eyes were arrogant, and he looked him up and down, inch by inch.

He also knew who this person was. The powerful breath and the sharp blade must be the female monk who had a hard fight with the strange fish last night-Tie Ruonan.

But he did not react at all, just pretending that he was asleep and knew nothing.

The narrow room remained silent for a long time, until the air was frozen by Tie Ruonan's breath, and then a thick and hoarse female voice sounded, she asked: "Who are you?"

Knowing that she was asking himself, pretending to be asleep was useless, Qin Ran stopped pretending, opened his eyes, and looked in the direction of the voice.

At the door of the room, leaning against the door, stood a female cultivator... It was indeed a female cultivator, although she was unbelievably strong, her arms could be compared with his legs and feet.

And if you ignore her dark complexion, her appearance is still decent.

Qin Ran got up from the bed... His injuries had recovered a lot under his intentional control, as if he was really injured and then took the elixir.

He sat down on the bed with his back against the wall facing Tie Ruonan, and smiled slightly: "My name is Li Feiyu."

Tie Ruonan's eyebrows twisted: "Real name!"

Qin Ran's eyes were full of sincerity, and he replied: "I will not change my name, just Li Feiyu."

Tie Ruonan stared at Qin Ran with his sharp eyes like a knife for a long time, and seeing that Qin Ran was still smiling, he asked again: "Where are you from?"

"Xiaozhu Peak." Qin Ran said the same thing last night.

"I'm asking you, from which sea area, which island!!" Tie Ruonan's voice became heavier.

Which sea area? Which island?

Not a sect, not a country, not a place, but a certain island.

Could it be that there is no continent in this place, only an island in the vast ocean?

The thought flashed through his mind, Qin Ran still smiled, still sincerely, and said: "Hainan Island."

"Hmph!" After saying this, Tie Ruonan stopped talking nonsense, stretched out her hand behind her, and pulled out a big knife in her hand out of thin air, pointing the big knife at Qin Ran, her voice was as cold as a blade, "You are full of lies, and you can't tell a single word of truth from your broken mouth!"

"Let me ask you again, who are you? Where are you from? What are you doing here? Did you cause the vibration of the space here?!" She moved her power, and a cold light flowed on the blade, "If you don't tell the truth, I'll chop you with a knife!"

"The vibration of the space is probably caused by me ..." Qin Ran smiled, but was not frightened by Tie Ruonan. He looked at Tie Ruonan, was silent for a while, and then asked, "If I say that I was injured in the brain and lost most of my memory when the formation was teleported. I don't know where I came from, where this place is, and what to do. Will you believe it?"

"Once the teleportation formation is activated, if there is any problem in the middle, you will have been dead!" Tie Ruonan asked back, "Do you think I will believe it?"

Seeing that Tie Ruonan's knife did not chop over immediately, Qin Ran knew that she was scaring him, and she didn't want to kill him.

He replied: "It's hard to say about luck."

Tie Ruonan looked up and down at Qin Ran's slender figure again, and asked: "You can survive when the space is turbulent, what is your cultivation?"

"Gold..." Qin Ran suddenly reacted, and changed his words, saying, "But I just entered the cultivation world."

This place is very different from Lingnan Domain, he has to be steady.

"New to the cultivation world, first-grade?" Tie Ruonan curled his lips, "Then you are really lucky."

But Qin Ran's low cultivation level also made her feel more at ease.

"You don't look like a body cultivator..." She said again, "But your brain was injured during the transmission, and you survived. Are you a soul cultivator?"

Good guy, body cultivator, soul cultivator, the cultivation system has really changed? Qin Ran was secretly shocked, where did he teleport to! ?

But as the name suggests, he replied to Tie Ruonan: "I am a soul cultivator."

The soul clone is mainly based on the soul, so he didn't lie.

"Soul cultivator?" Tie Ruonan's attitude became respectful visibly. She took back the knife, held it in her hand, and said, "Even if you are a soul cultivator, you are only a first-grade. What can you do in Tianlan Sea Area?" It seems that the status of a soul cultivator is very high...

"You just arrived in Tianlan Sea Area?" He asked in surprise.

"Just arrived at Tianlan Sea?" Tie Ruonan sneered, "Tianlan Sea is already the border sea of ​​Tianhai Sea! Where else are you going? Are you going to the next door Tianyao Sea?"

Tianhai Sea?

So it was Tianhai Sea.

Qin Ran had some impression of this name. He remembered that on the map he found, there was a region called Tianhai Sea in the lower left corner.

However, there was a Tianyao Sea between Tianhai Sea and Lingnan Sea. How could he have thought that he would be teleported to Tianhai Sea.

Spanning the entire Tianyao Sea!!

"Although I can't remember where I'm going, I don't think it's Tianlan Sea." Qin Ran shook his head and said in a deep voice, "I'm afraid there's a deviation in the teleportation formation."

"I'm afraid?" Tie Ruonan said with certainty, "There must be something wrong with your teleportation array! Because the teleportation array will hardly make mistakes, let alone hurt people. You've messed up your brain... Tsk!"

The teleportation array will not make mistakes? Tie Ruonan's tone is so sure... It seems that Tianhaiyu must have a good attainment in the array, or the teleportation array.

Qin Ran pondered and made a guess: "Could it be that my teleportation array was tampered with?"

"Then I don't know..." Tie Ruonan shook his head and stabbed the knife behind him, and the knife disappeared in an instant.

She said and walked out the door: "When you go back to Longjing Island, you can go to the Qigong Master to ask for pills to heal the Yuanshen. If the Yuanshen is cured, you may recover your memory."

Qigong Master? Yuanshen?

Qin Ran has a little grasp of the cultivation system of Tianhaiyu. The soul refiner, Qigong Master, and body refiner correspond to the Yuanshen, magic power, and physical body respectively.

"Ask for pills?" He and Tie Ruonan asked in surprise, "I remember that I seem to be able to make pills."

He needed to show some chips to get more.

At this time, Tie Ruonan had just walked to the door. Hearing this, he turned around suddenly and stared at Qin Ran, saying in surprise: "Alchemy, Qigong practitioner?! You are a dual-cultivation practitioner?! Dual cultivation of spirit and Qi?!!"

"Probably!" Qin Ran frowned and shook his head, "I'm not very clear in my mind, I just feel that I can make pills."

Tie Ruonan stared at Qin Ran for a long time, then smiled meaningfully, and then turned and left.

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