My Daily Cultivation Life with a Clumsy Female Disciple

Chapter 391: Book Pavilion Third Floor (1/2)

The topic of Shenhua Xianning has come to an end. Qin Ran and Mr. Zhai drank a few cups of tea, ate some snacks and fruits, and chatted about other topics.

I wonder if Mr. Zhai has not had anyone chat with him like this for a long time. He was very interested and even took out the chessboard and started playing chess with Kieran one by one.

"Mr. Zhai can refine fourth-level pills..." Qin Ran asked, "Is he already a fourth-level Qi practitioner?"

"No." Mr. Zhai sighed, "Those of us who are alchemists have been facing the pain of breaking through the realm all our lives. Using elixirs to improve our cultivation, the foundation is always weak, and the stamina will inevitably be insufficient when breaking through. I stay at the third level of Qi training The realm of scholars has been around for hundreds of years.”

"Sir, he looks very young..." Qin Ran said halfway, then realized and smiled, "Sir, he is actually very young, too early. He will definitely be able to break through in the future."

In the cultivation system of Tianhai Region, only those who practice body training are limited by their lifespan. The first and second grades have nothing to do with mortals. It is not until the third and fourth grades, which is equivalent to the Nascent Soul becoming a god, that the life span is significantly improved.

The lifespan of a Qi practitioner is generally very long, no different from that of the monks in the Lingnan region.

As for the god-refining masters... they have already cultivated the soul and don't care about the lifespan of the physical body at all.

Therefore, even though Mr. Zhai may be hundreds of years old, he is still very young. Isn’t the Nascent Soul stage, which is hundreds of years old, the time when one is young?

"Actually, that's not the case..." Mr. Zhai sighed, "I'm already old."

Qin Ran didn't ask any more questions about this question. After he placed the pieces on the chessboard, he asked: "Sir, if you can refine fourth-grade elixirs with a third-grade cultivation level, your alchemy skills must be very high... I dare to ask, sir, what is the need for a fourth-grade Dragon's Breath Pill?" How to practice?"

Mr. Zhai's hand holding the chess piece trembled when he heard the words, and he looked up at Qin Ran: "Island owner really wants Brother Li to help refine the Dragon's Breath Pill?"

" can't be hidden from Mr. Zhai's eyes." Qin Ran smiled.

The chess piece in Mr. Zhai's hand fell, and he sighed and said: "Actually, with my peak level of cultivation as a third-level Qi practitioner, it is difficult to refine the Fourth-level Whale Breath Pill. Brother Li, with his second-level cultivation, even though he is practicing Qi , I am afraid it will be difficult to refine the fourth-grade Dragon Breath Pill even if you are a dual practitioner of divine refining?”

If Qin Ran remembered correctly, what the island owner said was that Mr. Zhai judged that he could refine the fourth-grade pill, so the island owner came to him to refine the Dragon Breath Pill.

But he smiled and sighed: "I can't refuse the island owner's invitation. So I have no choice but to ask Mr. Zhai for help."

Mr. Zhai picked up a white chess piece and rubbed it in his hand, with a heavy expression on his face.

"If Brother Li really wants to refine the Dragon Breath Pill..." After a long time, he slowly said, "You have two major difficulties."

He looked at Qin Ran and placed the pieces on the chessboard, "First, how to deal with the dragon's blood. The real dragon is a divine beast, even if it is just a drop of his blood, it is not something you and I can easily bear. How do you deal with the dragon's blood? Under the condition of suppression, all impurities related to the true dragon's cruelty and divinity are extracted from the dragon's blood. If there is any impurity in it, let alone whether the elixir can be successfully refined, other elixirs will also be contaminated by the dragon's blood. .

"Second, this pill is called Dragon Whale Pill. Why not call it Dragon Breath Pill and Whale Breath Pill? It's because after the two pills are refined, they need to be used as medicinal materials to refine them again. A new elixir. And because the two elixirs must be integrated into one, the potency, medicinal properties, quality, etc. of the two elixirs must be absolutely consistent. If something goes wrong, the elixir will fail. "

He finally said, "When fusing the elixir, you need to withstand the suppression of the dragon's breath and the whale's breath at the same time... Although this step can be completed by me, if you make a mistake in that step, not only will the elixir be damaged, but I will also be pregnant. Possibility of death.”

Qin Ran's expression turned solemn.

But... it was none of his business whether Mr. Zhai died or not. What he was thinking about was to use the elixir as a medicinal material to refine the elixir? It's a very novel idea that can be studied.

"The key point is to refine the dragon's blood..." he said aloud, "In addition to using alchemy techniques and purifying the dragon's blood with elixirs, can't we use other medicinal materials to balance the dragon's blood?"

Mr. Zhai shook his head and explained to Qin Ran: "This elixir itself needs to ensure that the medicinal properties and power of other medicinal materials are not suppressed by the dragon's blood pressure. The weight, medicinal materials, and year ratio are all absolutely accurate. If at this time If you add medicinal materials that suppress dragon blood, you don't know what will happen between the newly added medicinal materials and the original medicinal materials.

"The changes during this period must be an astronomical number that is difficult to calculate."

Qin Ran is someone who often plays with pharmacology, and he understands the meaning of Mr. Zhai's words very well.

"It seems that there are too many difficulties in refining the Dragon's Breath Pill." He sighed.

"I don't know how much time the island owner has given you. If it's long enough, I suggest you go to the third level of Qi training first." Mr. Zhai said, "Or you can find a way to suppress the dragon's blood without affecting the efficacy of other medicines."

Install the latest version. 】

Qin Ran replied: "The island owner said that one or two years..."

Mr. Zhai asked and looked at Qin Ran. After playing several moves of chess, he said quietly: "You don't have to worry about it. He can afford to wait for ten or eight years."

"..." Qin Ran was speechless.

Mr. Zhai was very good at chess, and even after playing several games, Qin Ran was completely defeated, and both sides lost interest.

After surrendering in another game, Qin Ran stood up and looked at the bookshelves on both sides. He was surprised to find that the bookshelves on the third floor were filled with cultivation techniques. There are all kinds of visualization methods, breathing methods, and Qi training methods.

He pointed to the books on the shelf and asked Mr. Zhai, "Sir, can I take a look at the books on the shelf?"

Mr. Zhai raised his head, looked at Qin Ran, smiled, and said, "Brother Li is from the land of the Seven Islands. He should have seen countless magical techniques. He must not be interested in these vulgar techniques."

...This means rejection.

Also, how can you casually show others the skills that are treasured by others?

Qin Ran sighed inwardly, and secretly resented: "I'm from the land of immortal relics! I've never seen any of the techniques you have here! I don't have much knowledge..."

"What kind of skills are vulgar?" He shook his head and said, "Mr. Zhai's words are wrong. In fact, there is no distinction between higher and lower skills, only those who practice them."

"Then just watch it!" Mr. Zhai said with a smile, "But you have to be careful. If you watch too many exercises, you can easily become obsessed."


Qin Ran looked at Mr. Zhai and saw the faint smile on his face, and realized that Mr. Zhai, who had always been serious, had made a joke with him.

He shook his head, reached out and took down a copy of Daoyin Gong from the bookshelf.

Daoyin Gong is the practice technique used by Qi practitioners.

The skill Qin Ran got was called "Tide Guidance Skill".

He took the book and stood at the edge of the bookshelf to read. It didn't take long to finish reading this book on Qi Guiding Gong.

Putting the technique back on the bookshelf, he frowned. He didn't know whether it was because this technique was too low-level, or because the Qi Guiding Technique in Tianhai Territory was relatively low-level. This "Tide Guidance Technique" was far inferior to Lingnan's. The practice skills of the domain are exquisite.

After a pause, he changed to another qi-guiding technique. After reading it, he found that it was still a very crude technique.

This was true for four or five books in a row. Qin Ran could draw a rough conclusion that the guidance skills in the Tianhai Region were far inferior to the cultivation skills in the Lingnan Region.

So he gave up and continued to watch Daoyin Gong.

After searching carefully on the bookshelf again, Qin Ran finally found a legendary contemplation method that was specifically used to cultivate the soul and to refine the gods.

The method he got was called "The Method of Contemplating the Big Sun". When he turned to the first page, there was a picture drawn on both sides of the book - a huge sun rising from the sea level.

This painting is extremely vivid, and the so-called lifelike is nothing more than that. And it must have been painted with a special technique, because even if it was just a painting on a book, Kieran could feel the temperature and even the light.

He turned to the second page, which taught how to practice using visualization diagrams.

After reading the second page carefully, Kieran turned back to the first page. He looked at the painting on the page, slowly closed his eyes, and replayed the picture in his mind.

And as he sketched the picture in his mind, his sea of ​​consciousness seemed to have really turned into a sea, and at the edge of his sea of ​​consciousness, a huge sun rose.

...It looks exactly like the picture on the page.

After the sun rose in the sea of ​​consciousness, his soul living in the sea of ​​consciousness was illuminated by the light from the sun. He suddenly felt warm all over, as if his true body was basking in the sun.

"Getting stronger!!"

Qin Ran sensed that under the illumination of the sea of ​​consciousness, his soul was getting stronger little by little. Although the magnitude of the increase is small, it is indeed getting stronger.

He couldn't help but feel ecstatic.

"Although I'm just a clone, I can also practice and become stronger... On this sea, I can't even shout 'one piece'! I also want to be the Pirate King!"


He was not happy for two seconds when he suddenly felt a burning sensation on his body. Immediately afterwards, he seemed to have been thrown into the fire, and his whole body burned very painfully!

"what's the situation?!"

He was shocked. Just as he thought, he was just a clone. This body was just water. Where could he feel the pain?

He quickly realized that it wasn't his body that was hurting, it was his soul that was hurting!

The soul seemed to be surrounded by flames under the shining sun of the Consciousness Sea. "What's going on?" His mind was spinning rapidly, "Have you gone crazy? Is your soul too strong?"

Then he thought...

Big sun, big sun, big sun idea! That must be the purest way of conceiving the attribute of fire. And he is of the water attribute!

He actually practiced the "Great Sun Observation Thought"!

After figuring it out, Qin Ran immediately forced himself to exit the visualization state.

But I don't know why, it is extremely easy for him to meditate, but it is really difficult to exit. Even if he opens his eyes, the big sun will appear in the sea of ​​​​consciousness intentionally or unintentionally, scorching his soul.

He forced himself in front of the bookshelf for a long time before he completely drove the great sun out of his mind.

"It is said that every god-refining master will be extra cautious when looking at his first visualization. Because the first visualization picture a god-refining master sees is easier to imprint on the sea of ​​consciousness. Generally speaking, the god-refining master The first insight idea that a teacher sees will be his natal insight idea.”

Mr. Zhai's voice suddenly sounded. Qin Ran turned around and saw Mr. Zhai sitting by the window, looking at him and smiling gently.


That smile made Qin Ran feel a huge sense of crisis: What Mr. Zhai said...did he discover something? !

Seeing Qin Ran's gaze, Mr. Zhai nodded politely, and asked Qin Ran with a smile: "I have no talent for cultivating gods, nor have I practiced contemplation. These are all from other places. It seems, I don’t know if that’s right?”

Qin Ran came back to his senses, smiled at Mr. Zhai, and said, "Mr. Zhai is really knowledgeable. In fact, the god alchemist also calls this phenomenon the first impression. It is indeed more conducive to the god alchemist's first practice."

After saying that, he turned back and put the "Great Sun Observation Idea" back on the bookshelf. Although his face was still smiling, his eyes became darker.

After searching on the bookshelf for a long time, Qin Ran found a "Taiyin Contemplation of Thoughts" and a "Sturdy Waves Contemplation of Thoughts".

He held two concepts in his hand. After hesitating for a long time, he chose Turbulent Waves.

Waves, no matter how you think about them, should be of water nature.

Putting back the "Tai Yin Concept", Qin Ran opened "The Stormy Waves Concept". The first page of the exercise is, as usual, the first visualization picture, which shows the endless sea. The sky is gloomy, the wind is howling, and the sea water begins to slowly sway.

Is this a wave?

Qin Ran thought of the "Great Sun Viewing Ideas" just now. The first picture was the sunrise, and he suddenly understood these ideas.

Turning to the second page and reading the introduction to the technique, Qin Ran looked at the first visualization picture carefully, memorizing every detail, and then slowly closed his eyes.

In the same way, he painted that visualization picture in his mind. Slowly, his sea of ​​consciousness turned into the sea again. Dark clouds pressed down in the sky, lightning flashed and thunder roared, and waves gradually rose in the sea...

The soul in the sea of ​​​​consciousness suddenly felt that the entire sea of ​​​​consciousness had become moist, as if he had really reached the edge of the sea. He felt the moist breath hitting his skin, and there was a refreshing feeling.

He looked at the movement in the sea of ​​consciousness and knew that a storm was coming.

Right this time.

Qin Ran waited for a long time, but without any side effects, he opened his eyes and continued to turn over the ideas in his hand.

The first picture is about the rising waves, the second picture is about the rising waves, the third picture is about making waves, the fourth picture is about the stormy sea, and the fifth picture is about the clouds disappearing and the rain coming down.

Each visualization picture describes a total of five realms from waves to waves.

Qin Ran looked at it carefully and remembered it all in his mind.

After putting back "Viewing Thoughts on Stormy Waves", he found another "Seeing Thoughts on Starry Sky". He spent some effort to memorize it, but he didn't dare to practice it at all.

After acquiring the divine refining technique, Qin Ran had nothing more to seek, so it was time to seek out the divine flower and immortal condensation.

He said goodbye to Mr. Zhai: "I still need to go down and learn more about the Dragon Breath Pill of the island owner. Don't blame Mr. Zhai."

Mr. Zhai smiled and said: "Where is it? Brother Li, I really admire his youthful heroic spirit. Let's go, let's go!"

Qin Ran bowed and saluted, opened the door and went out.

Mr. Zhai, who was sitting by the window, watched Qin Ran go out and close the door. After waiting for a while, he tilted his head and walked out of the window.

He narrowed his eyes, flicked the ring in his hand, and several books appeared on his hand. They were all the books that Qin Ran had read when he came to the library last time.

"Li Feiyu..." he murmured, "Who are you? Where are you from? What is your purpose?"



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