Zhui Feng came back that day and described to Kieran the detailed process of how they stole Qilin's blood. Qin Ran then guessed that the disciples of the Infinite Sword Sect were deliberately targeting the disciples of the Dao Sword Sect.

In the next few days, Qin Ran secretly investigated and found that the number of frictions between the disciples of the Dao Sword Sect and the disciples of the Wuyuan Sword Sect and Zhican Valley had increased significantly in recent times. This confirmed his suspicion.

So he knew that when the elixir plan failed and many attempts failed to kill him, Zhi Shen Gu and the Infinite Sword Sect decided to adopt a more radical strategy.

After thinking about it for a few days in the study, Qin Ran finally made up his mind and left Dan Peak and came to the cave of the master of the main peak.

"Master, do you know about the Three Kingdoms?" He asked the master Gu Yueming.

"What Three Kingdoms?"

"The Dao Sword Sect, the Infinite Sword Sect and the Zhican Valley." Qin Ran replied, "The three forces divide the world into three parts in the Hengduan Mountains. This situation has lasted for thousands of years and has not changed much. The leader knows The reason?"

Gu Yueming still didn't understand what Qin Ran meant, so he continued, "What's the reason?"

"Because the triangle has stability." Qin Ran said, "Three forces will restrain each other in pairs. As long as one of the forces is not strong enough to face the other two forces alone, no matter how bad the situation is, it will It will last forever.”

"What exactly do you want to say?" Gu Yueming asked with a frown.

"The master must be very clear about Zhishengu's feelings towards Daojian Sect today." Qin Ran calmly asked again, "Then I would like to ask the master, is Zhishengu stronger than Daojianmen? Zhishengu is stronger than Daojianmen?" Is it stronger than Dao Sword Sect and Wuyuan Sword Sect combined?”

Gu Yueming shook his head: "Although Zhishen Valley is rich in resources and there are many talents in the valley, it is known as the first sect in Northern Chu. But if you say that Zhishen Valley must be stronger than Daojian Sect, I don't agree. As for Zhishen Valley It’s stronger than Dao Sword Sect and Wuyuan Sword Sect combined, that’s even more nonsense.”

"Then the question is, why does Zhishengu dare to covet Daojianmen?"

Gu Yueming thought for a moment, looked at Qin Ran, and asked: "Aren't they doing it secretly? They are trying to use elixirs to weaken the Daojianmen's strength, which means Zhishengu also knows that they are not our opponent at the moment. They Don’t dare to take action openly.”

"Master, whether it is secretly or openly, you all know Zhishengu's ambition. So whether it is secretly or openly, it makes no difference." Qin Ran did not expect that the master's mentality was so insensitive and careless. He took a step forward and stared at Gu Yueming asked, "So, aren't they afraid of playing with fire and burning themselves? Aren't they afraid that we will forcefully fall out? If we forcefully fall out, how will they deal with us?"

Gu Yueming continued to think along Qin Ran's words, and then thought about what Qin Ran said at the beginning, and finally got the answer that he couldn't believe: "Zhi Shen Gu and the Infinite Sword Sect have united?!!"

"Not only have they united long ago, they have already taken action against the Dao Sword Sect." Qin Ran and Gu Yueming said solemnly, "They are hunting our disciples, cannibalizing our resources, and alienating the Dao Sect." The leader of the subordinate sect of Jianmen, Daojianmen has been in danger for a long time!"

"How dare they?!" Gu Yueming was shocked.

"They dared. They secretly tried to weaken Dao Jianmen with elixirs before proceeding, but I stopped them. But if they could not do it secretly, they came to reveal it. Their current strategy is to use the subtleties to Boil a frog in warm water." Qin Ran said, "When the Dao Sword Sect is weakened to a certain extent, the two sects will unite and attack! The Dao Sword Sect will be destroyed!"

Gu Yueming finally stood up from the futon. He carefully recalled the details of the sect inside and outside the sect in the past few days, and found that it was indeed as Qin Ran said, the Infinite Sword Sect and Zhican Valley had united. , has also taken action.

The two sects united to target the Daojian Sect, which was a grand conspiracy. If the Dao Sword Sect turns against them, how can they defeat two sects? In the end, the sect will be destroyed and everyone will die; if the Dao Sword Sect is weak and submissive, it will only become weaker and weaker, and over time, it will also perish.

Gu Yueming couldn't help but panic when he thought that such a dark scene was right in front of him. He was so distraught that he kept pacing back and forth in the room.

It took him a long time to realize that Qin Ran came specifically to talk to him about this, so there must be a way to deal with it.

He stopped, looked at Qin Ran, and asked urgently: "Does Chief Qin have any countermeasures?!"

He used the honorific.

Qin Ran smiled calmly, stretched out his hand to signal the leader not to panic, and said: "Master, if you sit and wait, the longer it takes, the more dangerous the Dao Sword Sect will be. Therefore, for the current plan, we can only take the initiative to attack!"

"Is it necessary to use the power of one sect to fight against two sects?" Gu Yueming asked rhetorically.

This idea was something he had thought about. Although the Infinite Sword Sect is poor, their entire sect is a sword cultivator, and their combat prowess is no joke. If he gets the blessing of Zhi Shen Gu elixir, Dao Sword Sect will not be able to defeat him.

"Master, you don't have to deal with two sects." Qin Ran said, "Remember what I said about three sects being the most stable? There has been no trouble in the Hengduan Mountains for thousands of years."

"So, Mr. Qin..." Gu Yueming's tone also became respectful, "What's your plan?"

"If, head, I mean if, if the Dao Sword Sect is really destroyed, then which sect will be left in the Hengduan Mountains in the end?" Qin Ran asked.

"A sect?" Gu Yueming frowned, "It shouldn't be Zhishengu and Wuyuan Sword Sect..."

He said as he reacted. The three sects are facing each other and suppressing each other, so they will not easily start a dispute. But if there are only two sects left, the situation will be completely different.

There is no room for two tigers in one mountain, and the remaining two sects will inevitably start a new war after a short honeymoon period.

And if Zhishen Valley and the Wuyuan Sword Sect go to war, although the Wuyuan Sword Sect's combat power will be stronger than Zhishen Valley, but...

Gu Yueming spoke up and replied to Qin Ran: "Zhi Shen Gu will win the final victory."

"Good advice from the leader." Qin Ran smiled and said,

"Zhishengu only needs to use the same method used to deal with Dao Sword Sect to deal with Wuyuan Sword Sect. Then it won't take long before Wuyuan Sword Sect will take the initiative to launch a war against Zhishengu. At this time, Zhishengu only needs to defend and will As the battle continues, the Wuyuan Sword Sect with a weak foundation will eventually be dragged to death by Zhi Shen Gu. "

Gu Yueming somewhat understood what Qin Ran meant, and he asked Qin Ran: "So what does Chief Qin mean?"

"We can definitely use this to instigate a rebellion against the Infinite Sword Sect!" Qin Ran said, "If it's not enough, we can add another weight."

"What weight?"

Qin Ran said: "Master, why would the Infinite Sword Sect help Zhishengu deal with the Dao Sword Sect? It's just that the Infinite Sword Sect is too poor. After destroying the Dao Sword Sect, they will get a steady stream of spiritual stones to develop the sect. Door.

"So how much Zhishengu gave to the Wuyuan Sword Sect, we can definitely give double to the Wuyuan Sword Sect. If so, the Wuyuan Sword Sect will definitely rebel."

Gu Yueming thought about Qin Ran's words, and his thoughts were suddenly opened up, because this is completely possible!

But he immediately thought of a question: "Why not instigate rebellion against Zhishengu? Or drive a wedge between the two sects so that they can no longer attack Daojianmen?"

Qin Ran looked at Gu Yueming with a half-smile, and asked: "How can the leader instigate rebellion against Zhishengu?"

"The Infinite Sword Sect has countless swordsmanship classics and countless famous swords." Gu Yueming gave his conditions, "Won't this make Zhi Shengu tempted?"

"How many sword cultivators are there in Zhishen Valley?" Qin Ran shook his head, "Even if they have sword cultivators, they will not crave the swordsmanship techniques and famous swords of the Boundless Sword Sect just like the Boundless Sword Sect craves spiritual stones and elixirs."

"It is obviously much easier to rebel against the Boundless Sword Sect than to rebel against Zhi Shen Gu." He laughed, "And do you know the best thing, Master? Zhi Shen Gu also knows this.

"So Master, you asked if it is possible to separate these two sects. My answer is, yes. And it's very simple."

Hearing what Qin Ran said, Gu Yueming finally felt relieved that the Dao Sword Sect would not be ruined in his hands.

But just when he felt relieved, he heard Qin Ran murmur: "Master, have you ever thought that it would be more difficult for the Infinite Sword Sect and the Dao Sword Sect to unite to destroy Zhishen Valley than it would be for the Infinite Sword Sect and Zhishen Sect to unite? It is much easier for Gu to unite to destroy the Dao Sword Sect.”

Gu Yueming suddenly took a breath of air. He suddenly looked up at Qin Ran and saw the bloodthirsty light in Qin Ran's eyes.

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"Master, this is an opportunity..." Qin Ran said with a smile on his face, "They started the war, so why can't the Dao Sword Sect be the last sect in the Hengduan Mountains?"

Gu Yueming's heart palpitated. He looked at Qin Ran and saw the smile in Qin Ran's eyes. It was a kind of confidence that he could play with the world at his fingertips. He had never seen such a monk before.

But he thought for a while and asked: "We used the strategy of two tigers fighting to instigate the Infinite Sword Sect to rebel. How could the Infinite Sword Sect join forces with us to deal with Zhishen Valley?"

"The Boundless Sword Sect is too poor." Qin Ran smiled, "I will give them a reason they cannot refuse."

"We can first clarify the current situation with the Infinite Sword Sect and tell them Zhishen Valley's conspiracy. In this way, they will hesitate. Then, we can promise the Infinite Sword Sect to double the benefits that Zhishen Valley has given them, and even, You can give it as much as ten or nine times until they are tempted.”

He and Gu Yueming carefully elaborated on his ideas, "Finally, we will give how the Dao Sword Sect and the Infinite Sword Sect will coexist peacefully after Zhishen Valley is destroyed.

"My initial idea is this: Daojian Sect and Zhishen Valley can control Zhishen Valley together, or in other words, the two sects can re-support a puppet sect specializing in alchemy for the two sects.

"If there is a conflict between disciples of two sects, a sword exchange meeting can be held every fifty years to resolve the conflicts between the sects.

"As long as the Infinite Sword Sect takes action, any benefits can be given; in order to dispel their doubts, the Dao Sword Sect can also make as many concessions as possible. Anyway..."

He chuckled lightly and did not continue.

Gu Yueming looked at the smile on Qin Ran's face and couldn't help but feel scared. Why had he never found this man so terrifying?

"So, Master, what's your choice?" Qin Ran finally asked, "Divide the Boundless Sword Sect and Zhican Valley, or... destroy them?"



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