Li Shiyin's elixir formation was a major event in Danfeng. Danfeng was rejoicing all afternoon, and it slowly dissipated until the moon rose.

The people who came to congratulate the elixirs were all monks, so naturally they had to compete with each other. This one needs to learn from each other, that one needs to compete, and the third one needs to learn swordsmanship. Li Shiyin did not refuse anyone who came, and fought with everyone. Even the half-year-old baby fought with her while wielding a sword.

Naturally, there is no winning or losing in the competition. But, after all, they have fought each other, and each of them still knows the strength and weakness of each other.

For Li Shiyin at this time, the strength of most monks of the Dao Sword Sect is already a visible value. Even if there is someone stronger than her, they probably know when they can catch up.

But only Lu Junxing still made her feel unfathomable.

"Senior Brother Lu is really amazing." Li Shiyin sighed as she lay on her back on the roof of the small wooden house with her head resting on Kieran's lap, looking at the starry sky.

"The stronger Lu Junxing is, the greater the benefit will be to you." Qin Ran put one hand on her body and grabbed her silky hair with the other and twisted it, "There is a goal ahead, then you will never Lack of motivation to move forward. The most terrifying thing is that there is no one stronger than you in this sword gate and this immortal land. "

"There is no Immortal Heritage Land, there are other places!" Li Shiyin said with a smile, "The Immortal Heritage Land is just a small, remote place in Lingnan Territory. Maybe Senior Brother Lu and I are very good here. When we get out, it will actually be very good. Weak?"

"Other places?" Qin Ran looked up into the darkness, sighed, and said, "Do you remember Su Changqing and Bai Ruoxi? They are the talented disciples of Lingnan Immortal Sect. In this world, with their strength, The benchmark, they are the strongest.”

"Remember, Bai Ruoxi taught me the Flying Immortal Question and the Fighting Spirit Art! How could I forget it?" Li Shiyin recalled the pair of amazingly talented senior brothers and sisters who gave her a deep impression in the early days of her practice. Influenced by the impact, she thought she would never forget the pair of senior brothers and sisters in her life, "I am about as powerful as Bai Ruoxi now, maybe a little more powerful. I am still far away from Su Changqing. Ah! Isn't that senior brother the same as Su Changqing? sharp?"

When she reacted, she was quite shocked.

"Lu Junxing is a typical person who is limited by resources." Qin Ran said, "If he also takes the Taoist Scriptures as his foundation, then he will indeed be as powerful as Su Changqing."

Who is Su Changqing? You can understand sword energy and sword intention without practicing swordsmanship. He can use his golden elixir cultivation to deal with the pole-devouring devil willow that is about to merge, and can even stop the catkins that the pole-devouring devil willow is already plundering.

"Master..." Li Shiyin grabbed the master's hand that was resting on her body with both hands, held it in her arms and counted the master's fingers. She asked softly, "Are you worried about me leaving the Dao Sword Sect and the Immortal?" The land of remnants, go to the outside world?”

She could feel it from her master's look and tone.

When Li Shiyin had not formed the elixir, even if she could deal with Yuanying, she still knew that she was still far behind her master. But now that she had formed the elixir, she was in the early stage of the golden elixir, and her master was also in the early stage of the golden elixir. Then It’s hard to say which one of them is stronger and which one is weaker.

Before, the master could completely control her and let her go east but she didn't dare to go west. If she dared to go west, the master would be... very angry. Su Changqing gave him the "fairy note", but he gave it directly to Huang Feiyu without asking her. But now, she herself feels that she is a little out of her master's control. Although, she has never been very obedient.

"Alas!" Kieran sighed again, running his hands through Li Shiyin's soft hair, feeling her hair falling from his palms, and gently caressing her smooth face, feeling the warmth on her face. He squeezed her cheek gently.

In fact, he had thought about this issue since he first accepted this extremely talented disciple. But what he thought at first was that if she wanted to leave, let her go, she was just a disciple. If he leaves early, he will be clean soon. But who would have thought that this stupid apprentice would fall in love with him?

I will fall in love with a person like him.

He couldn't bear it.

"You know that the master is afraid of this world...the master is very afraid of death. The master does not dare to leave this familiar and safe comfort zone. Before you came, the master never thought of leaving Daojianmen or even Danfeng." He He murmured, his eyes misty,

"But in fact, I have already thought about it clearly. When you come to a new world, you always need a home. Before you, Danfeng was my home; after you, where you are is my home.

"We still have a long future. I know that you will not be restricted by the Land of Immortal Heritage. You must go out. You don't have to delay yourself because of me and force yourself to stay in the Land of Immortal Heritage. Master will not be Your burden..."

Hearing this, Li Shiyin immediately panicked. She hurriedly sat up, held Qin Ran's hand and asked Qin Ran: "Master, are you going to drive me away? Don't you want me anymore?!"

Qin Ran shook his head, leaned his head over, put his forehead on Li Shiyin's, and said softly: "Silly apprentice, how can I let you go?

"I mean, in the future, when the matter with Dao Jianmen is over, we can go out together. If you are so stupid, how can you do it without me? A fool like you can't survive more than three episodes in the outside world."

"Hehe!" Li Shiyin relaxed and bumped her forehead against Kieran's, and said "mua" to Kieran's mouth again before lying down in Kieran's arms again, "Master, I understand. From now on, I will Protect the master with your sword, and the master protects me with your head. We are the best combination in the world."

"Master, Master..." The thoughts in her head were strange and strange, "When we walk in the world from now on, we can't do without a nice title. I heard that those who are in the world in Beichu will have many prestigious nicknames, such as people with bloody hands. We also want a domineering and resounding title for Tu, Dugu Qiubai, Xiao Li Feidao, and Bei Chu Sword God.

"Master, how about we call us the male and female evil spirits? When others hear it, they will know that we are a man and a woman, and we are very scary."

Qin Ran shook his head repeatedly and said: "It's too unpleasant. It's better to call him the Condor Heroes."

"Do we have sculptures?" Li Shiyin asked.

"We have Zhui Feng..." Qin Ran muttered, "Why don't we call them Xuanhu Heroes."

"Should we take Zhui Feng with us when we go out to play?" Li Shiyin asked, and hurriedly lowered her voice, "I mean, if we don't take Qiqi and Liu Xiaoji with us, will we still have Youyou?"

"Zhui Feng is good-looking and can support us." Qin Ran said sternly, "Zhui Feng is also very powerful. If someone robs someone, let Zhui Feng deal with it. How can we take action so easily?"

"But Zhui Feng eats a lot." Li Shiyin questioned again.

Qin Ran hesitated: "It seems so..."

"And more..." Li Shiyin suppressed laughter and raised another doubt, "Master, you are a big bad guy, how can you have the nerve to say that you are a hero?"

"I am the big bad guy, and you are the little bad guy!" The big bad guy Qin Ran pinched the nose of the little bad guy Li Shiyin and said nonsense with a serious look on his face, "And you don't understand, my name is Chaos Justice. Although I am cunning and murderous. The crime is heinous and unforgivable, but I am actually a good person. People like me can still be called a dark hero."

"Master, you are talking nonsense again..."

"Gotham Guardian, okay?"


The two of them talked quietly on the roof until late at night, and even when the moon rose from the east and climbed into the sky above their heads, they did not separate.

There are some strange emotions in the air, some strange atmosphere between them, what are they waiting for...

Li Shiyin has formed an elixir, and has completely embarked on the path of cultivation. She no longer has to worry about losing her body and causing her cultivation to leak out.

And she clearly remembers her master saying that after she forms the elixir...

"Master..." After all, the loved one has nothing to fear. It was Li Shiyin who spoke first. She sat in Qin Ran's arms, hugged Qin Ran's waist, and buried her face in Qin Ran's neck. Her voice was louder than the sound of mosquitoes. Yao Xiao, murmured, "You said...wait for me to form the I have already formed the elixir."

As soon as these words came out, Qin Ran's heart began to flutter. But he was always worried that his soul and body were not 100% integrated, and there was still a knot in his heart.

He thought for a while and said: "You have just formed the elixir today, and your cultivation is not stable yet. We will wait until you stabilize your cultivation."

Let’s push it again! It’s hard to say that after practicing the "Turning Waves Concept", the soul and body will be completely integrated.

Li Shiyin paused after hearing this, and then said: "I have solid foundation and cultivation, and I have been in seclusion for three months. Even though I have just formed the elixir, the golden elixir is not unstable at all. And I will kill the thunder tribulation with my sword today, and so will you, master." Saw."

"So your cultivation is so solid." Qin Ran sighed, as if he just realized it, and he continued to make excuses, "Although we are both monks, your and my parents are still alive. We should meet our parents, get married, and then choose a good time. , Only after worshiping the heaven and earth can you enter the bridal chamber."

Li Shiyin couldn't bear it anymore. She raised her little head from Qin Ran's shoulder. She still hugged Qin Ran's waist. She stared at Qin Ran's face with a pair of starry eyes and said in a cold voice:

"Master, you have met my parents and brother. They have no objection to you. They even hope that we will get married as soon as possible. I said a few years ago that I want to see your parents, not just once or twice, but you have declined in every possible way. As for the horoscope, Jiri, heaven and earth, can you compete with the sword in my hand? Master, you are a golden elixir monk, and I am also a golden elixir monk. What do you mean by practicing against entropy? Do you respect heaven and earth?"

Qin Ran's eyes were averted when he was told that, and he did not dare to look into Li Shiyin's eyes.

"Even if you are a monk, you should report to the sect and inform your relatives and friends." His voice lost confidence. Li Shiyin stopped answering. Her eyes were colder than the moonlight, and there was already a sword aura in her eyes. She lost her patience and asked directly: "Master, are you not good at it?"

Qin Ran raised his head, how dare this silly kid ask this? !

"Why can't I do it? Why can't I do it?!" When it comes to this kind of thing, any man will panic.

"Then I hinted in every possible way, even though I'm as smart as you, you turned a blind eye. I shamelessly threw myself into my arms many times, but you just made excuses! If you're not good, what is it?" Li Shiyin asked in a loud voice, "If you can't do it, neither can I. I don't care, I like you. But you have to tell me, it's not a big deal. Besides, there are many magical techniques in the world of cultivation. Let's find one and reshape the body. Just tell me clearly. Enough!"

"Shh... keep your voice down!" Qin Ran reached out to cover Li Shiyin's mouth and said repeatedly, "Okay, okay, I'm not bad, I can, I'm in good health."

"Okay!" Li Shiyin grabbed Kieran's hand and continued to ask, "You can do it, but you just won't consummate the marriage with me. So do you dislike me? Do you not like me?"

Qin Ran looked at Li Shiyin and sighed: "Can't you feel whether I like you or not?"

"Master, your city is too deep, you may lie to me." Li Shiyin said, she grabbed Qin Ran's hand and pressed it on her bulging left chest, "Listen to my heart, then you will know what it means like!"

She put her other hand on Kieran's heart... She thought she would hear Gujing Bubo's heartbeat, but she heard the heartbeat like a war drum and the noise of a battlefield.

She raised her head and looked into Kieran's eyes, and saw Kieran looking at her affectionately and saying softly: "Our heartbeats are the same. As much as you love me, I love you as much."

Her hands couldn't help but loosen.

"If you believe me, we will wait. Sex is a part of love...a very important part, but not the whole thing." Kieran took the opportunity to say, "We are just missing the last step."

Li Shiyin's excited heart slowly calmed down. She thought, maybe the master really has something to hide?

She took a deep breath and stood up from Kieran's arms.

Under the moonlight, she stood with her back to Qin Ran. Looking forward, she saw a stone sculpture like Qin Ran beside the cabin under the bright moonlight. It was the cat scratching post she carved for Zhui Feng five years ago.

Then her memory began to tumble, and from the moment she met her master, the five years passed quickly.

Her heart boiled again.

"You know, Master, I am a normal man. How can a normal man not want to sleep with the woman he loves..." Qin Ran was still looking for reasons.

"Qin Ran." Li Shiyin called in a calm voice.

Kieran stopped instantly.

"I was only sixteen years old that year. Because I escaped from marriage, I came to my brother's Tiance Army station. I heard that Daojian Sect was recruiting new recruits, so I sneaked to Daojian Sect again. After many selections, I finally stood Dao Jianmen asked the main hall to become my disciple." Li Shiyin raised her head and looked at the blue sky.

Qin Ran also raised his head and looked at Li Shiyin's cool and graceful back in front of him under the moonlight. He didn't know what she wanted to say.

"I was sixteen that year, and I'm twenty-two this year." There was no deep meaning in Li Shiyin's words, only a few simple words, "I have liked you for five years."

She turned back and looked down at Qin Ran, who was sitting on the ridge of the roof. Her figure blocked the moonlight, and Qin Ran was completely in her shadow, "Beichu girls can get married when they are thirteen, and they are old girls when they are eighteen. If we We got married five years ago, and our children can already run around the mountains on my legs..."

Qin Ran inexplicably felt that the woman in front of him was strange and scary. He said weakly: "Sixteen to twenty-two are the most beautiful years of a woman's youth. There is no need to waste it on having children..."

"I have spent the best years of my youth falling in love with you!" Li Shiyin suddenly leaned down, grabbed Qin Ran's collar, and said coldly, "So I don't want to wait any longer!!"

"What are you going to do?!" Qin Ran was shocked, "Stop! I am your master!!"

"Master?" Li Shiyin sneered disdainfully, she used strength in her hands, and Qin Ran was thrown away by her. She stepped forward, stretched out her hands, and Qin Ran lay on his side and fell into her arms, "Did you meet me on the first day? Don’t you know that I have always had no regard for the king’s laws and have never respected my teacher?

"You can do it today, or you can't do it! It's not up to you!!"

"Li Shiyin! You've rebelled!" Kieran yelled and scolded Li Shiyin in his arms, but it couldn't be the least bit intimidating.

"Kin Ran!!!" Li Shiyin responded louder, obviously more intimidating, "I just want to go against heaven!"

With that said, she picked up Qin Ran and jumped off the roof. Under the bright moonlight, their shadows turned and turned into Qin Ran's room.


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