The bright moonlight shone through the window into the room, making the sheets and quilts white.


The door was suddenly violently opened from the outside, and a beautiful-looking, tall and graceful woman walked into the house with a delicate man in her arms. Her face was as cold as frost, her eyes were burning, her breath suddenly surged, and the door was opened again. She closed violently.

Under the white moonlight, she carried him to the bedside and threw him onto the bed, blocking the moonlight. The moonlight shone on him.

She didn't wait for his reaction, and with a display of her physical skills, she was already on top of him, restraining him and preventing him from escaping.

In the cold moonlight, she is more beautiful than a flower. The snow-white moonlight casts on her, making her even more beautiful. They have a cool but hot beauty under the moonlight.

"Li Shiyin! Stop!!" The man below spoke out, trying to stop the upcoming violence.

But the traitor ignored him completely and stretched out his hand to unbuckle his belt through the moonlight shining in the window. He had no choice but to raise his hand to stop the traitor's operation.

The two golden elixir monks only relied on their physical strength to fight fiercely at the waistband. In the end, the master, who had been in the golden elixir for several years and had greater physical strength, took the opportunity to grab the rebel's wrist.

He grabbed both wrists with both hands, lay on his back on the bed, and looked up at the traitor riding on him. The moonlight made her face half cold and half dark, as if she was possessed by a demon. He scolded: "You are making trouble." Is that enough?”

The traitor's face was still expressionless. When she saw that her hands were restrained and she struggled several times to no avail, she raised her eyes and stared at the master, then snorted coldly, and a sword suddenly flashed across her eyes.


There was a sharp sword energy rushing through the narrow bedroom.

The master was stunned for a moment, then realized something. He looked down at himself and saw his clothes falling off his body piece by piece. Every piece of fabric was cut neatly by the sword energy.

The pieces of cloth were blown up by the air driven by the sword energy. In this bedroom, under the moonlight, they were like flower petals or snowflakes.

The master didn't expect that this rebellious disciple couldn't afford to fight. If he couldn't beat him, he would use sword energy... or the sword energy of the third level.

"Are you crazy?!" he yelled.

The traitor snorted coldly and asked coldly: "You are obviously in love, why are you still pretending to be so sober?"

The clothes were gone, and there was no hair left on his body to hide. The master was speechless, and his head turned to one side in embarrassment.

The rebellious apprentice learned the technique taught by her sister-in-law and leaned forward to kiss the master, but the master tilted his head to prevent her from succeeding.

She kissed him on the cheek.

As she kissed him, she suddenly noticed a tear sliding down her master's face.

She was stunned, sat up, and saw her master crying in aggrieved manner.

It's really heartbreaking for the macho man to cry... But she smiled evilly and snorted: "Cry, cry, you can still shout. Let's see if any heroine comes to save you!"

As she spoke, she leaned down again and licked the tears on her face with the tip of her tongue.

"Tsk, it's bitter!"

Such acting skills were of no use. The master immediately knew that he would not be able to escape today and would be in trouble.


"Close the windows and curtains." He sighed, lay down completely without any regrets, and explained, "There is also a soundproofing array..."

Under the moonlight, the sword immortal on the bed smiled proudly, reached out and patted the alchemist's face, and said with a conspiratorial smile: "You have been so honest, and it's over? You said that you, an alchemist, can still escape from the clutches of a sword cultivator like me? ?”

Immediately, she waved her hand, and her clothes were shredded by the sword energy, scattering like snowflakes. Her mana surged again, and the curtains were drawn by her, blocking the spring light in the room.

The alchemist secretly activated his magic power underneath him and activated the formation in the bedroom so that the outside world could no longer hear any sound or feel any breath inside.

But before the formation was activated, you could hear the Sword Immortal asking stupidly: "Master, where are you and why can't you get in?"

Then I heard the alchemist sneer and mock: "Weren't you very arrogant just now? Do it yourself..."

But what exactly happened inside? The curtains were drawn, and the sound, breath, and consciousness were all cut off, but outsiders didn't know.

However, it can be roughly guessed through some subtle changes. For example, Danfeng's cabin shook regularly all night long, with many tiles shattered; for example, Yuchi Zhen's mother and son sleeping in the next room were so disturbed that they could not sleep all night long, and Li An cried all night; for example, the old spirit outside the window The branches and leaves of the locust tree always move automatically when there is no wind; for example, the moon in the sky is shy for some reason, and pulls a cloud over to cover its blushing face.

Under the willow tree of the Extreme Devouring Demon, several children were seriously discussing academic issues.

Zhui Feng was sitting like a human leaning against the Demonic Willow Devouring Willow, his eyebrows were furrowed like a tiger's. The moonlight shone through the willow branches and shone on his face, adding a bit of depth and mystery to him.

He looked at the wooden house that was shaking rhythmically over there, and touched his chin with his tiger claws. He asked in a deep voice, "When Shiyin and Dad are fighting, who should I help?"

Long Qiqi sat on his left shoulder, watching the dancing tiles on the roof ridge. The tiles danced and fell down to the eaves.

"Bang!" There was a crisp sound in the moonlight.

She explained aloud: "According to Beichuan law, there is a mandatory legal relationship between father and son, but not between friends. Your father was fighting with someone, and you didn't help. Oh, no, it was your father who was in danger. , if you don’t help, then you are breaking the law and you will be put in jail. However, friends do not have these obligations to help.

"Beichu governs the country with filial piety, so you should help your father."

"Yes!" Zhui Feng nodded in approval.

Liu Xiaoji, floating on Zhuifeng's head, was shaking, and his voice was also trembling. He asked Zhuifeng curiously: "Then why don't you go to help?"

"Do you think I'm really stupid?" Zhuifeng looked up at Liu Xiaoji, "I know what they are doing. When I was a divine beast in Wuyi City, people often prayed to me for things like having a child, a golden gun, or a one-night stand, which is just the thing between men and women! But they prayed to the wrong person. I'm still a child and I don't even have a wife. How can I bless them to have a child?"

He found that Liu Xiaoji was shaking, and asked curiously, "Hey? Why are you shaking? Are you sick?"

"The main body is shaking, what can I do." Liu Xiaoji said helplessly.

Zhuifeng turned around and found that the Devouring Demon Willow behind him was indeed shaking constantly.

"Golden Core Monk, so terrifying!" Zhang Junyi sat next to Zhuifeng's right, feeling the shaking ground, and shook his head and sighed.

"You are just a little kid, what do you know?" Zhuifeng sneered when he heard it.

Zhang Junyi answered seriously: "Uncle Zhuifeng, although I am young, I have experienced a lot. When I was wandering in the world, I saw everything. It's just the bridal chamber, why don't I understand it."

"Tsk!" Zhuifeng snorted and said disdainfully, "No wonder you practice so slowly, it turns out that these things are in your mind. I tell you, cultivators must cut off their love, so that they can make progress. Women can only affect the speed of your claws."

Zhang Junyi opened his mouth and wanted to say something to refute, but he thought of the white clothes and couldn't say it. Because that woman really affected him.


Suddenly, Long Qiqi slapped Zhuifeng and said, "My apprentice, you want me to teach you?!"

Zhuifeng glanced at her and didn't bother to pay attention. He, a big tiger, doesn't fight with a small snake... mainly because he is afraid that he will be slapped to death by her claws.

"I think you should think about yourself..." Long Qiqi sneered, "When Shiyin comes out of your father's room tomorrow, should you call her mom or mother?"

"What's the matter?" Zhuifeng muttered, indifferent, "The cultivation world has always been about each other, why are there so many rules? Shiyin is Shiyin, and dad is dad, what's the problem?"

"Heh!" Long Qiqi folded his hands and tilted his head to one side.

Whether it was Yuchi Zhen and his son in Li Shiyin's room, the four little ones under the Devouring Demon Willow, or Tushan Youyou in the cave in the back mountain, in short, they were all disturbed that night.

After all, Jindan cultivators are so terrifying.


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