My Daily Cultivation Life with a Clumsy Female Disciple

Chapter 416 Shenhua, the old devil! (1/2)

After passing through the light curtain, Qin Ran's eyes flashed and darkened, and he came to a dark, damp and narrow cave.

He opened his eyes wide and carefully observed the cave in front of him. The small cave was extremely simple, as if it was a naturally formed, ancient cave without human traces. He couldn't help but look back and saw that the formation pattern on the mountain wall covered with moss plants was disappearing, proving that he had indeed walked out of the last alchemy room, and this place was indeed outside the seal, in Shenhua Mountain.

So he fell into deep doubt.

Could it be that this is the place where the old man Shenhua inherited?

The old man Shenhua, tens of thousands of years ago, was the peerless strongman who swept the world and was extremely famous in the seven islands.

Could it be that his inheritance place looks like this?

Could it be that the major forces in the entire Tianhai area have been planning for countless years and assassinating countless lives, and what they are seeking is such a place?

He suspected that he had come to the wrong place.

The cave in front of Qin Ran was far less than the cave arranged by the owner of Longjing Island. The size of this cave was about the same as an ordinary room, no more than four feet high, and an area of ​​no more than fifty square meters. It looked a bit oppressive and narrow.

He appeared at a wall of the cave. He stood here and looked forward at the whole cave. He saw that the whole cave was empty and there was nothing. There was only a dry bone in the middle of the wall opposite to him.

The dry bone sat cross-legged on a white cushion, with its back facing this side and its head lowered to the wall on the other side. The dry bone looked nothing special, but in its abdominal cavity, there was a ball of red and blue, extremely gorgeous, as if it was burning with fire.

Although it felt incredible and he didn't want to admit it, and even felt a little shattered, Qin Ran still knew:

This is the place where the Shenhua old demon inherited; this is the place where the Shenhua old demon retreated for the last time and wanted to become an immortal; the dry bone opposite is the Shenhua old demon.

The Shenhua old demon is just a dry bone, and it is hard to tell; but the ball of water with a strong and sacred aura in his body is undoubtedly the Shenhua immortal condensation.

Looking at the dry bone, Qin Ran didn't know how to describe his emotions. It was quite complicated.

It turns out that no matter how heroic you are, no matter how beautiful you are, you can't defeat the passage of time! In the end, you are just a handful of dry bones and yellow soil.

"Alas!" Qin Ran sighed to himself.

He stepped on the wet ground of the cave, and walked to the other side with the sound of "click, click". He didn't go behind the old demon Shenhua, nor did he go directly to take the Shenhua Xian Ning. He walked in front of the dry bones of the old demon Shenhua.

It should be said that he got too much from the old demon Shenhua. It is reasonable that he should respect the old demon Shenhua.

Qin Ran looked at the dry bones in front of him and didn't feel any strong breath emanating from him or his bones. It was just a dry bone.

There was no flesh, no skin, no clothes, and no powerful magic weapon on the bones. The dry bones only had the Shenhua Xian Ning in the body, the storage ring on the finger, and the cushion under the body.

It was very desolate, sad, and sad.

He recalled the powerful and majestic voice of the old demon Shenhua in the last light curtain. He must be a tall and strong cultivator with extremely strong vitality and the courage to fight against heaven and earth.

But in front of him...

A tear fell from the corner of Qin Ran's eyes.

After a while, Qin Ran raised his head and looked at the cave.

From this simple and undecorated cave, we can know that the old demon Shenhua just found a mountain on the sea at the last moment of his life, and opened a cave on the mountain to conduct the last retreat of his life.

I don't know what kind of mentality he had when he was in retreat at the end of his life; but we can know that he was still practicing at the last moment of his life.

However, such a person...

He did not become an immortal after all.

If he does not become an immortal, he is just a pile of bones.

A generation of genius, succeeded by Shenhua Xian Ning, and failed by Shenhua Xian Ning.

Sad! Alas! ! And pitiful.

Qin Ran looked at the colorful Shenhua Xian Ning among the dry bones. Standing here at this moment, he could clearly sense the power of Shenhua Xianning, and at the same time, he could clearly see the shackles of Shenhua Xianning.

The old demon Shenhua did not become an immortal in the end.


He sighed, and it was unknown how many times he sighed since he entered the cave.

He summoned the Shuihua Pearl, took out a Shenhua Pill and a Xianning Pill from it and stuffed them into his mouth.

Shenhua Pill and Xianning Pill are pills made based on Shenhua Xianning. When collecting Shenhua Xianning, taking these two pills will greatly reduce the difficulty and pain.

Although he was in the state of Yuanshen, the two pills spread as soon as they were swallowed, and they bloomed like ink drops in his Yuanshen. Shenhua and Xianning intertwined with each other, making him think that he had the power of immortals and gods, and he could hardly control himself.

He used his strong mind to control his mind in time, calmed down, stretched forward, and was about to reach in and take the Shenhua Xianning from the dry bones.

He had been planning for so long and had gone through so many things. Although he had obtained a lot of resources in the process, he was only after the Shenhua Xian Ning in front of him.

He wanted to use the Shenhua Xian Ning to reshape his body and turn the Shenhua Xian Ning into the elixir of his clone.

Now that the Shenhua Xian Ning was in front of him, no matter how strong his mind was, he couldn't help but get excited.

But, just when his fingers were about to touch the dry bones of the Shenhua Old Demon, he controlled himself and stopped forcibly.

Because he suddenly realized one thing: If he took the Shenhua Xian Ning like this, what would happen to the dry bones of the Shenhua Old Demon?

These withered bones have been here for tens of thousands of years. Even if the Shenhua Old Demon's cultivation level is close to that of an immortal... once he takes away the Shenhua Immortal Ning, the withered bones will definitely be wiped out in an instant.

So he hesitated.

He looked at Shenhua Old Demon. This senior is called a demon and behaves like an immortal. He has benefited from him too much.

Taught him the complete alchemy technique of water method, and even the magic technique of refining elixir. The whole set was handed over to him; he gave him more than ten elixirs and prescriptions of extremely high grade and quality; indirectly taught him the magic of heaven. The way of formation in the sea.

Shenhua Laomo is no different from his master.

Is he going to do this to his master?

He thought for a moment, retracted his hand, straightened the ground in front of him, and then knelt down.

He must get the Divine Immortal Ning, but before taking the Divine Immortal Ning, he can make amends to this "master". It was also a way of thanking him for what he had given him.

Bowing three times and kowtowing nine times was the greatest apology and respect he showed to the old demon Shenhua.

"I also know that I am indeed a bit of a beast. ...Master, I'm sorry."

After kowtowing, Qin Ran looked at the withered bones of the old demon Shenhua, still ashamed of his shamelessness.

But he still stood up and stretched his hand towards the withered bones of the old demon Shenhua again.

But this time, he still stopped when his hand was about to touch the dead bones, because at this time, the entire cave suddenly began to shake!

"?" Qin Ran was startled and hurriedly backed away, looking around, "What's wrong?"

As the cave continued to shake, just behind Old Demon Shenhua, the ground cracked and slowly opened to both sides, revealing a dazzling pit.

Qin Ran frowned, not understanding what was going on. He took a look and saw a crystal-style transparent coffin in the pit. There were dolls, magical artifacts, books, cloth and other funerary objects around the coffin.

He woke up and realized that this was the coffin and tomb prepared by Shenhua Old Demon for himself.

The deep pit opened, and the exposed light shone on the withered bones of the old demon Shenhua. The withered bones turned into powder, or the wind blew out of thin air, or it was controlled by some strange force. The bone powder turned from the withered bones floated up and floated in. In the crystal coffin in the pit.

Then, the coffin was automatically closed.

When the crystal coffin is open, it is transparent and visible. Now that it is closed, although it is still a crystal coffin, the inside is invisible from the outside. After the coffin was closed, there was no further change in the pit.

"He also prepared a tomb for himself..." Qin Ran thought to himself, "Does this mean that I should fill the soil for him as a sign of filial piety?"

But when he saw the burial objects in the pit, he suddenly felt greedy again.

It's not his fault, because the books in the pit are probably the essence of the skills that Old Demon Shenhua has acquired in his life; the magic weapons inside must also be the treasures of Old Demon Shenhua.

These things, such an immeasurable wealth, cannot be ignored.

But he didn't go down immediately. He suppressed the greed in his heart and secretly cursed himself for not being human... He hesitated.

He forcibly retracted his gaze and looked in front of him at what was left after the withered bones of the old demon Shenhua turned into ashes: Shenhua Xianning was floating out of thin air, and the water inside was boiling as if there was life; the storage ring was also floating in the air. I don’t know what good things are inside; the white futon on the ground has not disappeared yet.

Looking at these three things, a strange thought suddenly came to his mind:

The withered bones turned into powder after he kowtowed. What would happen if he didn't kowtow just now and directly took away the Shenhua Xianning or the storage ring?

He had a vague feeling that what happened must not be a good thing.

Just then, the cave began to shake again.

He looked forward and saw that the tomb was slowly closing.

Looking at the closed tomb in front of him, he suddenly realized something...

Just now, if the tomb was not closed immediately, it was actually waiting for someone to go down and get the funerary objects inside the tomb. And once someone actually goes to get the funerary objects, it's hard to say what will happen.

As he thought about it, he broke into a cold sweat behind his back.

Because not only the grave pit in front of him, but also everything he encountered along the way seemed to be like this when he reviewed it.

If a monk comes in who doesn't know how to make alchemy, and he wants to learn alchemy from scratch, when will he learn it?

What will happen if the alchemist who enters the sealed space does not follow the steps of learning alchemy and then refining it?

What would happen if the alchemist's skills were poor and he couldn't make the required elixir?

What will happen if we reach the end of the alchemy room where the Yin Yang Immortal Pill is located, and fail to understand that the light curtain there is fake?

If he had just come to the cave and rushed towards the dead bones, he would have stepped on the grave of the old demon Shenhua.

What would have happened if he had not kowtowed just now and reached out directly for the Shen Hua Xian Ning?

Coupled with the temptation of the funerary objects just found in the tomb...

In addition, if he used a low-grade elixir to open the light curtain, then what he got must also be a low-grade elixir...

Only then did he understand that there was a reason why the old demon Shenhua was called the old demon Shenhua.

This is not a demonic figure, but he is not an immortal figure either. This is a chaotic, evil figure.

Serious chaotic justice.

He will give away his inheritance generously and teach the inheritors warmly and considerately, but at the same time, he will also leave some pitfalls and little pranks...pranks that can lead to death.

Qin Ran couldn't help but look up, because he suddenly suspected that Old Demon Shenhua had been watching him behind the scenes. This old devil who played with people’s hearts tens of thousands of years ago tens of thousands of years ago.

But he didn't see any creatures other than him in this damp cave.

"Huh..." He exhaled, calmed down, and forced himself to recover.

He looked at the Shenhua Xian Ning in front of him again and again, and was a little suspicious for a while, suspecting that this was another prank of the Shenhua Old Demon, and this was a fake Shenhua Xian Ning.

But he recalled that he had not suffered any loss along the way. As long as he followed the rules of the Shenhua Old Demon, the Shenhua Old Demon had always given generous rewards. He didn't need to do anything with this Shenhua Xian Ning.

He looked at the Shenhua Xian Ning, hesitated, and finally jumped forward and jumped into the Shenhua Xian Ning when the Shenhua Pill and Xian Ning Pill in his body were about to lose their effectiveness.


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