My Daily Cultivation Life with a Clumsy Female Disciple

Chapter 417 Water Magic Planting Technique

A few days passed in a flash.

In the center of Shenhua Mountain, in a dark and damp cave, there was a bright red and blue water ball suspended in the air.

The water ball was very big, as big as a few chickens and basketballs combined, and an adult man couldn't hug it. It floated three feet above the ground, expanding and contracting rhythmically, as if breathing.

Except for it, there was nothing in the cave, cold and silent.

At a certain moment, it suddenly began to change silently. Stretching, lengthening, growing into a strip, emerging with limbs, a head and a fifth limb, and slowly turning into a human form.

Then, its face changed again, and its facial features appeared one by one, finally forming a delicate and handsome face; the rest of the body, like carvings, automatically showed the characteristics of each body part.

Not long after, a naked and extremely strong adult man appeared in this dark and damp cave.

He has a delicate face, but he is over two meters tall. His arms and thighs are extremely strong, and his muscles are bulging explosively. He has the body that can run a horse with his arms bent, and kill a cow with one punch.

He closed his eyes and slowly stood on the ground, continuing to control the changes in his body.

After a while, he opened his eyes and finally reshaped his body and came back to life.

"After many twists and turns..." Qin Ran clenched his fists, looked down at his body that was even more exaggerated than Li Shiwen's, felt the terrifying power contained in his body, and said excitedly, "Finally, I got this Shenhua Xianning."

"What is my cultivation now?" A violent impulse surged in his heart, and he turned around and punched the mountain wall, directly smashing a deep pit in the sealed mountain wall, and the whole Shenhua Mountain trembled under his punch.

"Hahahahaha..." He raised his head and laughed wildly, feeling that no one in the world could be his opponent. "With just this Shenhua Xian Ning, even a cultivator in the God Transformation Stage can't withstand my punch?!"

He clenched his fist and punched the mountain wall behind him with another fist, and Shenhua Mountain shook again.

But after this punch, he suddenly realized that something was wrong with him...

"It's over. My strength increased too quickly, and my state of mind couldn't keep up. My mentality couldn't be stable." He took a deep breath in a hurry to calm his restless heart. "It turns out that holding a sharp weapon makes me murderous. Controlling the Shenhua Xian Ning caused me to be too arrogant and murderous, and I lost my original heart."

He tried his best to shrink his strength and transform his body, shrinking the exaggerated arm and thigh muscles to make himself return to the thin appearance of the original body...

"So this is why the original body always looks like a weak scholar. This appearance, first, will make others subconsciously despise themselves because of their appearance, and second, will make themselves see their appearance and warn not to swell up because of strength. Don't make efforts for strength!

"Next, you need to cultivate your mind, and it will take a very long time to cultivate your mind. I can't get any stronger. "

He took a deep breath, and then another deep breath, and closed his eyes and opened them again. There was no more arrogance in his eyes, and they became calm as usual.

Although his heart was still surging, and it was difficult to calm down the excitement brought by the power, his face finally calmed down.

After stabilizing his mentality, Qin Ran looked at the storage ring left by Shenhua Old Demon.

"According to the style of Shenhua Old Demon, this storage ring is probably the reward he left for me."

He thought, and reached out to take the storage ring.


As soon as his hand touched the ring, the ring silently turned into ash and scattered all over the ground.

He was stunned, and then he reacted.

Tens of thousands of years have passed, and cultivators with profound cultivation like Shenhua Old Demon have turned into dry bones, and dry bones have turned into ash. What is a small storage ring?

What can resist the loss of time?

It's just...

"Alas! "

After all, it was the reward left by the old demon Shenhua, and it must be extremely rich.

Superior spiritual medicine? Top-grade elixir? High-level magic weapon? Powerful skills?

It must be everything.

Because he didn't get it, the things in the ring have begun to be infinitely magnified in Qin Ran's place.

"There may be magic weapons... magic skills..."

The biggest fish a fisherman encounters is always the one that escapes.

Qin Ran's heart, which had just stabilized a little, became restless again. He felt pity and anger in his heart, and his muscles began to bulge. He clenched his fists, and his eyes turned red little by little...

Just when he couldn't control himself, suddenly, his eyes blurred, and something emerged from the place where the storage ring turned to ash, and then fell to the ground.

Qin Ran's body was faster than his consciousness, and before his consciousness could react, his hands He had already taken the thing that appeared out of thin air in his hand.

After he raised his hand, his consciousness caught up and he turned his eyes to look at his palm.

In his hand were two things that looked like jade slips, but his irritable brain knew that these things were definitely not bamboo slips.

Because, if he guessed correctly, these two bamboo slips fell out of the damaged storage ring.

The storage ring was obtained by engraving the space array pattern on a special material, which involves space.

So once the ring is destroyed, the things inside the ring will be crushed into powder by the terrifying space force and disappear.

Few things can withstand the compression and wear of space. If the ring is damaged, then the things inside will disappear by default.

But these two jade slips can resist the destruction of space and fall out. It can be seen that they are special.

Qin Ran took two jade slips and looked at them. He didn't see any words engraved on them, so he just picked one and put it on his forehead.

He closed his eyes and probed his consciousness into it.

Sure enough, from the perspective of his consciousness, he entered the inside of the jade slip and saw many bright words.

"Shenhua Demon Sutra?"

Obviously, this jade slip recorded the practice of Shenhua Old Demon. Judging from the name, it was his own practice.

Qin Ran took a rough look. The practice contained everything from the first level of Qi training to the seventh level of Qi training, from basic practice to various magic skills. It was like an extremely comprehensive Qi training method.

But he himself was just a clone after all, and he didn't have the capital to practice Qi. He was not very interested, so he took a look and put it away.

He put another jade slip on his forehead.

"Water Method Spirit Plant Technique?"

Qin Ran frowned. What is this?

But as he read on, his face became more and more solemn, and his eyes lit up with surprise.

What is the Water Method Spiritual Planting Technique?

As the name suggests, it is a method of cultivating spiritual medicines with Dan water.

As a person with farming engraved in his soul, Qin Ran's simple understanding is that food grows from the soil, and spiritual medicine grows from spiritual soil.

His original body was in Lingnan Territory, and he spent many years trying to get a handful of spiritual soil. The only spiritual soil he has now is the one that Li Shiyin got when she was on a mission to eliminate a branch of the "Yuan" organization.

In order to cultivate spiritual medicines, he ingeniously developed some spiritual water, but failed to make any progress. Spiritual soil...

In fact, the key to the decline of Danfeng is that Danfeng has no spiritual soil. Danfeng cannot cultivate spiritual medicines on its own and can only purchase spiritual medicines. And Zhishen Valley is full of spiritual soil.

Spiritual soil.

Qin Ran has no spiritual soil to cultivate spiritual medicines, Danfeng has no spiritual soil to cultivate spiritual medicines, does Tianhai have spiritual soil to cultivate spiritual medicines?

Obviously, such a sea-based region does not have enough spiritual soil to cultivate enough spiritual medicines.

They don't have spiritual soil, but their demand for elixirs is greater than that of Lingnan Region. What should they do?

They can only find another way and cultivate spiritual medicines with other methods.

This water method spiritual plant technique records how to use the cultivator's elixir water instead of spiritual soil to cultivate spiritual medicines.

It can be said that this is a spiritual plant technique that is of little use to Qin Ran's clone, but of infinite use to the original body.

It can even be said that the clone came to this Tianhai region and built a cave of three burrows, which is not as good as this water method spiritual plant technique he found.

With this spiritual plant technique, the rise of Danfeng is in sight, and there is no need to do other fancy things, and it doesn't matter whether Zhishen Valley is destroyed or not.

Qin Ran stood here and memorized this water method spiritual plant technique carefully, word by word, and memorized it so that when the original body received his memory, there was no problem with the magic method spiritual plant technique received.


The matter was of great importance, and when he recited the Water Method Spirit Planting Technique, he ignored the violence in his heart.

"I hope everything goes well for you. There's not much I can do."

He exhaled lightly, calmed his mind, summoned the Water Pearl, and threw both jade slips into the space formed by the Water Pearl.

By now, Qin Ran had gotten what he deserved and what he didn't deserve. It was time for him to leave here.

He looked around in this dark and damp cave again, and then bowed to the tomb of the Shenhua Old Demon, and finally used his body skills and hit the mountain wall behind him.

A flash of red and blue light on his body made him disappear into the mountain. The seal that the Shenhua Old Demon placed on Shenhua Mountain did not stop him.

Shenhua Xian Ning is the original life of the Shenhua Old Demon, and the seals laid by the Shenhua Old Demon are even based on this Shenhua Xian Ning. How could the seal stop him who was transformed by the Shenhua Xian Ning?

In a short time, Qin Ran passed through the mountain from the cave and came to the surface of Shenhua Mountain.

The bright light shone on him and dazzled his eyes.

There is no doubt that today is a sunny day!

The sea is vast and the sky is bright.

Qin Ran appeared on the high cliff at the edge of Shenhua Mountain.

The sea breeze blew from the foot of the mountain, bringing fresh and moist sea breeze.

The moist sea breeze hit his face, making him feel refreshed.

The warm sunshine above his head made him feel cheerful again.

Now it can be said that he was completely reborn.

He was completely different from when he came to Shenhua Mountain. He used the divine immortal condensation to reshape his body. He had an alchemy level of more than five grades. His soul strength was at the limit of the third grade. He had a very high formation level. Perhaps, he felt that he was stronger than the original body.

Now he can really say to this sea area: The sky is high and the sea is vast, I can do whatever I want.

Next, he can easily complete the tasks assigned to him by the original body, and then a completely new life, different from the original body, unfolds in front of him.

It is conceivable that his future will be an extremely exciting story. Perhaps not inferior to the old demon of Shenhua.


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