My Daily Cultivation Life with a Clumsy Female Disciple

Chapter 428 To be smooth or not to be smooth, that is the question (Part 2) (1/2)

"What do you mean?" Tu Shan Youyou looked at Qin Ran, "You want to drive me away?"

Qin Ran stood in front of the table and looked out through the window behind the table. There were green lotus leaves and fresh lotus flowers on the surface of Xijian Lake. Li Shiyin was still practicing swordsmanship on the surface of Xijian Lake; there were tender green locust trees outside the cabin. Branches and leaves, white locust flowers, Zhui Feng is still looking for locust flowers under the old locust tree.

"There's going to be a war." Qin Ran said softly, "The Hengduan Mountains and the entire Immortal Heritage Land will be in chaos soon. If you don't leave, you won't be able to leave."

"What happened?" Tushan Youyou looked out the window and saw that the entire Danfeng Mountain was still peaceful, and it didn't look like a sign of a war.

"The Hengduan Mountains have actually never been peaceful. Zhishengu may have been used to being praised by others. He really thinks that he is the strongest sect and does not want to split the world with the Infinite Sword Sect and the Dao Sword Sect. He keeps jumping up and down to cause trouble. " Qin Ran explained, "After Danfeng was completely destroyed by Zhishengu, Zhishengu was undoubtedly the strongest in the entire Immortal Relic Land, so they wanted to rely on elixirs before. Quietly, the strength of Dao Sword Sect and Wuyuan Sword Sect was weakened bit by bit, but I destroyed them.

"So they changed their strategy, united with the Infinite Sword Sect, and squeezed out the Dao Sword Sect. They also targeted the next generation of Dao Sword Sect disciples to weaken the strength of the next generation of the Dao Sword Sect. But I found out.

"The current situation is that I deliberately intensified the conflict... so the war is about to start. The earliest is tomorrow, and the latest is the end of the month."

"So..." Tushan Youyou looked away and looked at Kieran, "If I understand correctly, it was you who started the fight?"

"Huh?" Qin Ran smiled and looked at Xijian Lake, "That's right."

"It was you who started the fight. Just go and fight and it's over!" Tushan Youyou asked, "What do you mean by having to drive me away? I occupy a very important position in Danfeng?"

"Because I'm afraid..." Qin Ran suddenly sighed, "If the three sects fight, it will harm the entire Hengduan Mountains, and even the mortal countries outside the Hengduan Mountains. I don't understand the situation. I don't know who will end up. will win.

"I was so panicked that I wanted to run away."

"No?" Tushan Youyou laughed angrily. She suddenly remembered the first time she met Qin Ran. Qin Ran was obviously charmed by her, but he didn't dare to come out of the tree hole because of his timidity. Sure enough, you are still a coward. You're a coward, and you haven't changed at all. "You've created such a big mess, and then you're going to just pat your butt and walk away, no matter what?"

"So I have a bad conscience now." Qin Ran said, "I don't know what the mental state of those political advisors who stirred up the world during the Spring and Autumn Period and Warring States Period was. However, I feel very uncomfortable now. I always feel that there will be resentful ghosts in the middle of the night. Knock on the door.”

Tushan Youyou looked at him with disdain in his eyes and asked, "Aren't you more scary than the resentful ghost?

"When the resentful ghost sees you, he has to close the door for you."

"Haha..." Qin Ran laughed a few times after hearing this, stood up and walked outside, saying, "Okay, I just came to tell you today that if you want to leave, leave early."

Tushan Youyou twisted her waist, followed him out with her eyes, and asked: "Didn't you come to me to study Fang Zhongshu today?"

"Be careful what you say. You may not be able to beat Shiyin now." Kieran left the room and looked back at Tushan Youyou, "That Nizi is protecting the food. I might kill you at any time. It doesn't matter if you die." , don’t bother me. I cherish my life.”

After he finished speaking, he closed the door and went out.

Tushan Youyou looked at the door that was closed by Qin Ran. Her eyes that could charm all living beings in the world stared blankly for a long time before muttering to herself: "How many scholars in the world are like you?"

Make her feel scared, make her respect her unconsciously, make her feel controlled, make her feel surrendered, make her obsessed and not want to leave.

Although Danfeng is good...but it is always a certain person who is good.

She turned around and looked out of the window. She saw Xijian Lake, the woman dancing the sword on Xijian Lake, the peach blossom forest beside Xijian Lake, and the woman in the peach blossom forest...

There is no such woman in the peach blossom forest. The peach blossom forest is not called Youyou Peach Blossom Forest.

"I want to plant peach blossoms all over the mountain." So someone in this boudoir sighed like this.

Qin Ran left the cave, jumped back to the waterfall, and walked along the river to the bridge in the mist.

He stood by the bridge and turned back to look at Zhui Feng under the old locust tree. He found the silly boy lying on the old locust tree and quietly looked back to stare at him to see if he had done anything to feel sorry for Shiyin.

Feeling unhappy, he lifted his feet, took off the other sock, and threw it to Zhui Feng.

After walking across the small wooden bridge and walking to the research building, Qin Ran stood under the research building and looked up to see that every brick and tile of this modern building was refined and built by himself... This is one of his few modern buildings. Memory.

He walked into the building and found Long Qiqi in the alchemy room on the first floor.

The scheming little Loli was leaning on an alchemy furnace that was much taller than her and looking at the recipe for elixirs.

"What prescription are you looking at?" He walked in and asked Long Qiqi.

Long Qiqi glanced at him, continued to look at his own pill recipe, and replied: "Disillusionment Pill."

"Disillusionment Pill?" Qin Ran walked to Long Qiqi, took the pill recipe, glanced up and down, pointed out Long Qiqi's mistakes, and said, "The order of Lingbaiqi and Xuejianhua is reversed."

He asked curiously, "Why did you start learning the Disillusionment Pill?"

Long Qiqi took out his little notebook from the Qiankun bag, turned around and pressed it on the alchemy furnace to correct the steps of alchemy, and said: "Prepare in advance for the elixir formation. If you make preparations early, the rate of elixir formation will be higher."

Qin Ran suppressed his laughter and looked this chubby little lolita up and down, and said: "You are only in the early stage of foundation building, and you are still far away from the middle stage of foundation building. Isn't it too early for you to prepare early? a little?"

"It's still too early for me to make pills..." Long Qiqi was halfway through his words when he suddenly shut up.

But Qin Ran understood. It's still early for her to form an elixir, but that's not necessarily the case for Zhang Junyi. Zhang Junyi has high-grade spiritual roots. If he is fast, he can form an elixir in less than ten years.

"But Zhang Junyi doesn't need the Disillusionment Pill, right?" he questioned.

Long Qiqi was anxious. She turned around and glared at Qin Ran, saying, "What does it have to do with me whether he gets the Disillusionment Pill or not? I prepared it for myself!"

"Ah, right, right..." Qin Ran nodded teasingly.

"Believe it or not, it's up to you!" Long Qiqi turned back angrily, but inexplicably put away the alchemy steps again.

Qin Ran did not continue to tease this arrogant loli. He took out a prescription from the Qiankun bag and handed it to her, saying: "If you have time, you might as well study this prescription."

Long Qiqi turned around and took the elixir prescription. After taking a closer look, she saw three big characters "Mending Heaven Pill" written on the cover, and a row of small words "Mending Monk's Innate Qualifications" below. She instantly became excited and looked up. Qin Ran pouted and asked: "There are still such good things? Why didn't you take them out earlier?!"

As she spoke, she opened the prescription.

Then the first sentence she saw made her a little nervous - "This elixir is made using water alchemy."

She is a fire alchemist!

She endured it and continued reading, until she saw the first elixir, she couldn't hold it any longer - "A pair of long-tailed sea dragons with fine scales are needed, dried in the hot sun, and then finely ground into powder. Make Dandi.”

What is a slender-scaled long-tailed sea dragon?

She looked up and saw Kieran holding his hands to hold back his laughter, his face looking like he was laughing at her.

"You came here specifically to amuse me, right?!" She was furious and asked fiercely.

"No!" Qin Ran shook his head and said seriously, "I swear, this prescription is absolutely true. I didn't lie to you at all."

"You swear?" Long Qiqi smiled, "The oaths sworn by people like you are useful. The sun has already risen from the west."

But she still put the pill recipe away doubtfully.

"This is the elixir that I got recently..." Qin Ran explained to her, "It is indeed the 'Building Heaven Pill', but this is a recipe from the sea, so all the medicinal materials needed are from the sea.

"All you need to do is replace the medicinal materials in the prescription with the medicinal materials we have here."

Long Qiqi rolled his eyes and asked, "I don't even know what the original medicinal ingredients are, how can I replace them?"

Kieran was proud, tilted his head to look at her, and said with a smile: "I know! I can also help you find alternative medicinal materials."

Okay! Long Qiqi finally understood that this guy was still teasing the child.

She didn't want to pay attention to him anymore, and turned around suddenly...


She bumped into the alchemy furnace.

"Ah! It hurts!" She covered her forehead and squatted down again.

She was squatting on the ground, a small ball, pitiful and cute at the same time.

"Hahaha..." Qin Ran pointed at her and laughed heartlessly.

After a while, he took out a book, poked Long Qiqi's shoulder with the back of the book, and said, "You help me get this done, and I'll give you a copy of Lingnan Territory's "Heaven-Building Pill" in return."

"If I believe you again, I will be a pig!" Long Qiqi cried.

"How about I believe it one last time?" Qin Ran discussed.

"not so good……"

"Alas! What a pity!" Qin Ran sighed, then turned and walked out the door.

Just when he walked to the door, an aggrieved voice came from under the alchemy furnace: "I'll take a look first and then say..."

Kieran threw the book in his hand to her again.

"Water Magic Spiritual Planting Technique?" Long Qiqi looked at the cover of the book, frowned again, and stared at Qin Ran, "Are you really here to entertain me today? I am a fire magic alchemist! The Dantian contains Danhuo, not Dan. water!"

Qin Ran smiled and said: "I don't want you to do research, I want you to help me. You be my assistant. I want to do experimental research."

"Assistant?" Long Qiqi flipped through a few pages and said hesitantly, "彳庍!"

"Then take a look first. In the next few days, we will start testing." Qin Ran said, turned around and left the alchemy room.

Looking at Qin Ran's back, Long Qiqi frowned. She felt that this person was acting strange today.

But she couldn't figure it out, so she leaned against the alchemy furnace, sat down cross-legged, and looked at the "Water Magic Spiritual Planting Technique".

After leaving the research building, Qin Ran walked along the river until he reached the base of the Demonic Willow Tree.

Zhang Junyi was leaning under the tree and reading a book on medicinal materials. Next to him were several samples of plants he collected from the greenhouse. Liu Xiaoji sat on his shoulders and read with him.

"This one is Crane Crown Immortal Grass..." Zhang Junyi explained to Liu Xiaoji, "You see it in the book, but it actually grows like this. Danfeng doesn't have spiritual soil, so they don't grow well."

Qin Ran then sat under the Devouring Demonic Willow tree and looked down at the Phoenix-winged Hornbill beside him, which was bulldozing soil and moving in and out of the nest. It seemed that it was expanding the hive.

"The first... the first seat..." Zhang Junyi noticed Qin Ran and immediately stood up with the book in his arms. He saw the elixir in his hand again and unconsciously hid it behind him, hesitatingly saying, "This A few plants are too many and need to be pulled out. If there are too many in one nest, it will affect the growth of other elixirs..."

"Yeah! You learned pretty well." Qin Ran nodded.

He looked up at the reserved Zhang Junyi and asked kindly, "Is the cyclone stable?"

"It's stable, Master!" Zhang Junyi nodded quickly, "Master taught me many methods and experiences, which are very useful."

"Your master does have experience!" Qin Ran smiled, "What about the visualization method? Is it effective? Do you have a soul?"

"Visualization method..." Zhang Junyi looked around vigilantly and whispered, "Master, I practice visualization every night, and my soul appeared a few days ago."

"It seems that you have a good talent in this area." Qin Ran praised, "But don't let the soul leave the body too early, otherwise it will be easily damaged."

"Yes, Master."

Qin Ran looked at the woman practicing sword by the lake, and asked Zhang Junyi again: "You said you wanted to destroy Zhishen Valley?"

Zhang Junyi was stunned, then nodded and said, "Yes."

After waiting for a while, when Li Shiyin put away the sword and pondered again, Qin Ran continued: "Maybe I can't wait for you."

He sighed, "Zhishen Valley will attack soon."

"What?!" Zhang Junyi was shocked and thought he had heard it wrong.

"Nine out of ten people are unhappy in life..." Qin Ran stood up, patted Zhang Junyi on the shoulder, and said with a smile, "I can't wait for you to grow up and destroy Zhishen Valley in your own way."

"First seat..." Zhang Junyi was stunned by the sudden news and couldn't recover.

"I hope you can do your part in this war!"

Qin Ran walked forward and walked to the edge of Xijian Lake. He looked at Li Shiyin's beautiful appearance with her head down in thought, leaving Zhang Junyi with only her back.

Zhang Junyi stood there blankly, looking up at Qin Ran's back by the lake.

As he looked, he suddenly found that Qin Ran's back became vague. He rubbed his eyes and looked again. There was no one by the lake. Only the woman on the lake began to dance with a sword again. Qin Ran disappeared from his sight.

Qin Ran appeared in the underground secret room. He sat cross-legged in the middle of the teleportation formation, still thinking about the question: run or not run!

Will he be willing to give up Danfeng?

Will he fight for Daojianmen regardless of his life?

He closed his eyes, propped up his head with one hand, and sensed the situation of the Tianhaiyu clone. He found that the fool was still drifting in the sea without knowing the direction.

He suddenly breathed a sigh of relief, and he thought: "It's unreliable."

"It's not safe to go there. Maybe I should stay."

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