My Daily Cultivation Life with a Clumsy Female Disciple

Chapter 427 To be or not to be, that is the question (Part 1) (1/2)

Qin Ran returned to Danfeng and saw Li Shiyin holding a sword and dancing on the sword-washing lake.

Before they got married, Silly Apprentice liked to wear white clothes because she looked like a god in white clothes, so she liked others to call her Sword Fairy. But after they got married, Silly Apprentice's clothes became more gorgeous and he also liked to wear accessories.

At this time, she was wearing a mainly crimson outer dress decorated with white peonies, and a light-colored lining on the inside. The jade-colored belt around her waist set off the white peony flowers on the outer dress, making her look gorgeous and prosperous. Add a touch of elegance to the decoration. Around her waist is the sword-shaped token he gave her and the straight male aesthetic Qiankun bag; her hair is also combed with a woman's hair accessories and a jade hairpin inserted.

Her overall temperament seems to have gone away from the youthful and out-of-touch temperament of ordinary little girls. She is a mature and elegant ordinary housewife with excellent swordsmanship. You can't call her silly apprentice anymore. Calling her madam or wife is more in line with her changing temperament.

Li Shiyin danced with the sword, each move with a measured pace, and the transition between moves was as smooth as if she had eaten Dove.

Her clothes will flutter with her movements, and her proud figure will stretch freely along with the process. She seemed to be dancing, like a butterfly flying among the flowers, like a white cloud floating under the bright moonlight, like a lotus in Xijian Lake, shaking its petals in the wind with hundreds of lotus flowers on the surface of Xijian Lake. .

If Qin Ran remembers correctly, Du Fu once wrote a poem about Lady Gongsun's sword dance, which said, "Huo Ruyi shoots at the nine sunsets, as powerful as the emperors flying dragons. When they come, they are like thunder, and then they are angry, and when they end, they are like the clear light of the river and sea." , Although Kieran has never seen Aunt Gongsun dance with a sword, Kieran knows that no matter how beautiful Aunt Gongsun dances with a sword, she will definitely not be as good as his Li Shiyin. At the same time, it is a pity that Du Fu did not come to see Li Shiyin dance, otherwise he would have made a more exaggerated and romantic description... maybe Li Bai was the same.

Li Shiyin danced with her sword, then stopped and stood on the surface of the sword-washing lake, looking down at the lake and thinking about something. When she calmed down, the breeze from the lake ruffled her clothes. Her celestial appearance and slender body were like a jade sculpture standing on the lake...a living, spiritual jade sculpture.

Qin Ran looked at Li Shiyin and suddenly felt that it was difficult to have words to describe her.

"You are perfect, I wouldn't trade it for anything."

Li Shiyin thought for a while, and probably figured out the key, and then started to dance with the sword again to verify.

As she danced this time, she saw Kieran here and laughed happily. Her almond-shaped eyes were full of smiles. When she saw him, she was happy from the inside out.

"Master!" she called loudly.

He still didn't stop dancing with his sword.

"Does this move look good?" she asked.

"It looks good." Qin Ran nodded and asked, "What's your new swordsmanship?"

It seems that the silly disciple has gained some enlightenment during his journey to the Infinite Sword Sect.

"Yes!" Li Shiyin was very happy, "Master, can you tell?"

"..." Qin Ran could tell where Li Shiyin's current level of swordsmanship was? He lost sight of it a long time ago. He just saw that Li Shiyin's sword move was not the one she usually practiced, and then he made a wild guess.

"Yeah!" he responded.

"Then Master, you have to give it a name too!" Li Shiyin said, "When this move of mine takes shape, it will definitely be very powerful."

"Okay." Qin Ran nodded.

In order not to affect Li Shiyin's sword practice, Qin Ran left the Sword Xi Lake after watching it for a while.

When he came outside the cabin, he saw a big white tiger standing under the old locust tree, raising his head and using his big mouth to find the locust flowers among the branches.

If outsiders look at it, they will definitely sigh, it is really a tiger sniffing the rose!

But he knew very clearly that stupid tiger just wanted to find some locust flowers to eat. What they do is the work of oxen chewing peonies.

"Tiger" found a branch full of white locust flowers, closed his big mouth, bit and pulled, and took the rich locust flower into his mouth. He simultaneously pulled off countless branches, leaves and other white locust flower petals.

What fell to the ground was far more than what was in his mouth. It was an operation done by Dad.

The white tiger held a white flower branch in his mouth and looked back. When he saw Qin Ran, he shouted stupidly: "Dad!"

As soon as he shouted, the flower branch fell from his mouth, and he hurriedly lowered his head to catch it. Huazhi caught it, but he was filled with silly energy from head to toe.

"Hehe..." He took the flower branch into his mouth and giggled, then ran to Qin Ran with cat steps, gestured the flower branch to Qin Ran, and said vaguely, "Dad, help me make that, fry the sophora flower egg white..."

Qin Ran slapped his big head, pointed at the fallen flowers and leaves on the ground, laughed and cursed: "Can I blow you up?!"

Zhui Feng looked back, didn't take it seriously, and said with a smile: "It's not impossible."

"Sweep the floor..." Qin Ran really has nothing to do with Zhui Feng, a guy who doesn't have access to oil and salt and is not afraid of being beaten. "You only know how to eat in one day. Eat, eat, eat. Sooner or later, we will eat you."

Zhui Feng flicked his tail and stirred up a gust of wind. The wind blew the petals and leaves on the ground and flew everywhere. Instead, there were leaves not just under the tree.

"I heard from Qiqi that tiger meat is not delicious."

Kieran kicked him directly and said angrily: "Sweep well! If you don't sweep well, you won't be allowed to eat today."

"Alas!" Zhui Feng sighed. Cats have a hard time.

Qin Ran walked through the branches with petals flying in the sky, turned around the cabin, walked to the river, and then walked towards the back mountain.

Zhui Feng was playing with the wind blowing branches here. From the corner of his eye, he saw Qin Ran going to the back mountain. He quickly alerted and asked loudly: "Dad, why are you going to the back mountain?"

Kieran was too lazy to pay attention to him.

"There's only Youyou in the back mountain..." Zhui Feng shouted again, "I'm going to tell Shiyin!"

A sock flew from the back of the cabin and flew straight into his mouth. He reacted quickly, grabbed the sock with one paw, held it and smelled it, knowing that his father had just taken it off.

There are many caves in the back mountain, one by one, like a honeycomb. Danfeng has been in decline for hundreds of years, and only these "hives" can prove that there were really many people in Danfeng in the past.

Qin Ran stood by the waterfall and felt it, then jumped up and walked into a cave near the waterfall with pink peach blossoms decorating the door.

He knocked on the door and it opened automatically. He walked in and the door closed automatically. In the lobby of the cave, there are papers all over the floor. Mathematics and formations are written on the papers. Mathematics ranges from primary school to university, and formations range from basic to advanced. The papers were piled up in piles, and when some were blown away by the wind, they were scattered throughout the cave hall. A lively scene in the laboratory of a male science major.

Qin Ran found Tushan Youyou in a certain room in the cave.

The lobby outside is very messy, but Tushan Youyou's "boudoir" is very clean and tidy. Pink, warm and romantic, just like a little girl's room.

This room had a window, and natural light came in from the window. Tushan Youyou set up a desk by the window and studied on the table.

Tushan Youyou's chair is a soft chair made of woven bamboo strips, and there is a soft cushion under her butt. If Qin Ran guessed correctly, the chair was knitted by Zhang Junyi and the cushion was a magic weapon given by Dong Zhongyuan.

"Ha! How dare you come to my place?" Tushan Youyou teased. She had lived in Back Mountain for so many years, but Qin Ran had never been here once. This was the first time.

She was probably writing something before, but was interrupted by Qin Ran. At this moment, Kieran came into the room. She was sitting on a chair, holding a pen in one hand, and turned around to look at Kieran.

She was originally a vixen, and her appearance and figure were even better than Li Shiyin's. This twist made her even more enchanting and tempting.

Qin Ran walked to her desk and looked out the window, finding that he could overlook the entire Dan Peak without being blocked by the cabin at the foot of the mountain. Normally, Tushan Youyou must pay attention to everything about Danfeng through here.

"Your location is very good." Qin Ran said, "I'm tempted and want to come and live in Houshan."

"The cave next to me is empty. I have packed it out before to use it to store formation materials." Tu Shan leaned back on the chair leisurely, turning his pen on the table with his hand, and smiled with Qin Ran, "You can live next to it. , be my neighbor. I heard that after you get married, you human men will have study rooms, guest rooms, and the like. If you can’t bear your wife’s excessive demands, you will use the excuse to sleep in the study room. You just got married, so you can’t bear it? "

Qin Ran looked back at the vixen and asked, "Are you still a virgin?"

"I am a vixen." Tushan said leisurely, "I have tried at least a hundred men."

"I'm not talking about the man who was seduced by you and whose soul was eaten by you." Qin Ran said, "I'm talking about the man who slept with you?"

"What?" Tushan Youyou shook her upper body, her pair of majestic big breasts swayed like waves, and there was a charming and seductive look on her face. She smiled, "Finally you have thoughts about me? Come up directly, I'll wait for this day For a long time!"

Qin Ran shook his head, leaned on the table, and replied: "My body is weak and I cannot satisfy you. You should find another strong man, preferably one with a Nascent Soul stage of physical training that suits you perfectly."

"With a rough and despicable body, how can a man like you be so interesting?" Tu Shan smiled charmingly, "Men are all big or small. I've seen them a lot. What's inside is the most important thing."

"Oh..." Qin Ran understood, "This is why you vixens like scholars. No matter whether a man is strong or not, you can't be satisfied, so you might as well find someone with something in mind."

"Where did you come from?" Tushan Youyou was puzzled, "Why have I never heard of it?"

"This is how legends about strange things are written." Qin Ran said.

"That's the scholar's own imagination!" Tushan Youyou pointed out the essence accurately.

Instead of chatting with Tu Shan about these things, Qin Ran looked at her desktop, which was somewhat like his desktop. The table was filled with books, either formation books or mathematics books. Or a material book.

What Tushan Youyou's big breasts pointed at, what she was writing just now, was the basic structure of a formation, which was roughly a trapping formation.

"How is your peach blossom formation going?" he asked.

"It already has the effect of the phantom array." Tushan leaned down on the table leisurely, pressing the manuscript on his chest, pointing his fingers through the window to Qin Ran, "That area, all the peach blossoms, are phantom arrays."

"Only the illusion array?" Qin Ran asked.

"Now there is only the phantom formation." Tushan said leisurely, "In the future, the trapping formation and the killing formation will be added."

She added, "If you don't object, I'm going to plant a circle of peach blossoms along your mountain-protecting formation."

"Ha!" Qin Ran smiled, "Let's talk about that kind of thing again!"

"Speaking of which..." he asked again, "You shouldn't be a monster from the Land of Immortal Relics, right?"

"Why not?" Tushan said leisurely, "Yes."

"You are a nine-tailed fox from the Heavenly Demon Realm." Qin Ran said, "You are not the same tribe as the vixens from the Land of Immortal Relics."

"Have you investigated me?" Tushan Youyou frowned.

Qin Ran looked at her and smiled: "Is this weird?

"You should be surprised that I didn't investigate you."

Tushan Youyou reacted and breathed a sigh of relief inexplicably. This was indeed Kieran's style.

"I am a fox from somewhere, what's the difference?" she asked.

"Why did you come to Lingnan Territory?" Qin Ran asked, "Aren't you going back?"

"I don't want to go back."

"Your blood is very pure." Qin Ran said, "Not an ordinary nine-tailed fox."

Tu Shan was silent for a while, looked at Qin Ran and asked: "So, what do you want to say? Am I harmful to Danfeng? Are you going to settle accounts with me?"

Qin Ran looked out the window, suddenly sighed, and said: "No, I mean, you can find a chance to go back."

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