My Daily Cultivation Life with a Clumsy Female Disciple

Chapter 432: Ten Thousand Swords Return to Their Origin (1/2)

Zhi Shen Gu has won the hearts of many small sects with her pill diplomacy.

When they waved their arms and issued orders, it meant "an arrow piercing the clouds, and thousands of troops came to meet each other".

Throughout the land of Immortal Relics, countless small sects are heading towards Zhican Valley, and they are just like the clouds of shadow followers.

Of course, so many sects came to help Zhishen Valley, but not all of them had simple intentions... In other words, only a few Hanhan sects had simple intentions.

It is true that some small sects came to Zhishen Valley to help out of favor, but there were also some small sects who came to Zhishen Valley to help out of flattery.

No matter why they came to help Zhishen Valley, one thing can be seen from their perspective, that is, Zhishen Valley is always stronger than Dao Sword Sect and Wuyuan Sword Sect.

...This is the core reason why they helped Zhishen Valley. Have you ever heard the saying “Whoever wins, they help”?

What they were thinking was that Zhishengu was already stronger than the other two sects, so if they were added to the mix, wouldn't they be a sure winner?

Therefore, these small sects all feel that this is a favorable situation for one large sect to kill another large sect. Who doesn’t want to play in a tailwind game? Who doesn’t want to do the operation, killing and killing by himself?

To put it bluntly, even if you can't operate it, it's okay to show your face.

As a result, the number of people going to Zhican Valley increased and the number of people coming to Daojianmen decreased.

When Tian Wenjin Yujian entered the Dao Sword Sect from mid-air, he saw only a few scattered figures.

Everyone's heavy and hurried look did feel like a war was coming, but because there were so few people, and most of them were members of the Daojian Sect, and few disciples from other sects, it was even more desolate and miserable.

"Can you win?"

Seeing this scene, as a talented disciple of the Dao Sword Sect, Tian Wenjin couldn't help but ask himself.

Not long ago, when she was just rushing back to Daojianmen from outside, she met a sect rushing to help Zhican Valley. Inferring from this, she could not imagine how many sects would help Zhishen Valley.

The Dao Sword Sect will deal with it with one sect. Can it be dealt with?

As a sword cultivator, she was very conceited, but she still felt that she couldn't handle it.

She was very strong. She looked up at the Mountain and River Sword suspended in the air at Daojianmen. Lu Junxing was stronger, but no matter how strong a monk was, there was a limit. If they faced thousands of golden elixirs and hundreds of Nascent Soul cultivators, they would be equally powerless.

"How can such a critical situation be broken? Who can break it?" She stood in mid-air and began to think.

She knew clearly that in a face-to-face battle, the Dao Sword Sect's chances of winning were very slim, almost zero.

After thinking about it, she suddenly looked at Dan Feng.

"Maybe my junior uncle has a way."

Junior Junior Uncle always has a way, even though Junior Junior Uncle is... very ordinary?

"Huh?" Tian Wenjin couldn't help but be stunned. Why did she subconsciously think that her junior uncle had a way? He was obviously an ordinary alchemist?

The young uncle is very calm, well-educated, knowledgeable, and quite calculating. He can make alchemy and cook... But can he defeat tens of millions of monks?

Yes, she probably knew that the junior uncle was involved in a lot of inside stories about the Devouring Demonic Willow. She also had some guesses about the sudden disappearance of the elders of the Palm Medicine Hall and the sudden change of blood in the Palm Medicine Hall. She knew that the junior uncle had previously A few days ago, I took Shiyin and Senior Brother Lu to the Boundless Sword Sect...

Thinking of this, she suddenly felt that maybe the crisis in Daojianmen this time was related to her junior uncle.

"Uncle Junior..." After thinking about it, she suddenly realized that she seemed to have never understood this man, the man who allowed such a talented person like Li Shiyin to commit herself to marry.

She was very jealous of him and always felt that Li Shiyin was at a disadvantage, so how could she become a Taoist couple with him? They often interacted with each other and she knew him very well.

But she never seemed to understand him.

This man is very ordinary.

Thinking of her little uncle, the first thing she thought of was his calm and calm smile. He always smiled gently, neither impatiently nor warmly;

Thinking about it again, she thought of the endless delicacies in Danfeng;

Thinking about it again, it seems that my junior uncle knows a little bit about everything;

Thinking about it again, she thought about some things related to cultivation, such as the cultivation level of the younger martial uncle, the martial arts skills of the younger martial uncle, and the combat power of the younger martial uncle. It seemed that apart from knowing that the younger martial uncle was an alchemist, she knew everything else. I no longer know.

After knowing each other for five years, she seemed to only know that her junior uncle was a water spirit root monk and an alchemist.

This man is too mysterious.

"The Dao Sword Sect is in danger, maybe the junior uncle really has a solution." She flew straight to Danfeng, "I don't know what kind of relationship the junior uncle has with the master. Do the masters know that the younger master is actually Very powerful.”

The person who came to help her open the formation channel was Zhui Feng, an extremely humane ruffian tiger. It was the little uncle who personally trained him... from a beast to a human being.

Chasing the Wind, like a kitten, was jumping around in front of her, and with a tiger's voice, he asked her: "Daojianmen is going to fight with others, why are you still running to Danfeng?"

"I'm looking for my junior uncle," she replied.

"Why are you looking for my dad?" The little white cat turned back and looked at Tian Wenjin warily.

Li Shiyin was stupid and didn't know how to be on guard. There is just a vixen in the house who is eyeing her with eagerness, but there is also a noble and stunning beauty who runs to Danfeng every day. As a good friend, he had to help her take precautions.

"My father happened to be in seclusion," he said.

"In seclusion?" Tian Wenjin frowned, "When?!"

"What a coincidence..." A smile appeared on the little white cat's eyebrows, "I just went into retreat yesterday."

Tian Wenjin looked at the smug smile on the little white cat's face strangely, not knowing what he was laughing at.

Junior Master just went into seclusion yesterday... She immediately noticed something fishy, ​​why did he go into seclusion at this time instead of earlier or later.

"Why is Junior Master in seclusion?" she asked hurriedly.

"How should I know?" The little white cat jumped out of the formation passage, stood on the sunny grass, turned back to her and stood up, spreading his hands, "Dad is an alchemist, I'm not... I'm just an array master."

Array master...

Tian Wenjin looked at him strangely. She knew that Zhuifeng had learned formations for many years, but it seemed that Zhuifeng couldn't set up a decent formation until now. He was scolded by Junior Master for this.

"Is Junior Master's seclusion related to alchemy?" she asked.

The little white cat turned and jumped away, sneering: "Don't try to trick me, King Zhuifeng is very smart."

Is he trying to trick me?

Tian Wenjin immediately understood that Junior Master's seclusion this time was related to alchemy.

She walked out of the formation passage and looked up at Danfeng, where the years were peaceful and the breeze was not dry... Junior Master's Danfeng looked the same as when she was a child.

No matter what time it was, Danfeng seemed different from the outside world. While others were practicing, competing for resources, fighting, and staining blood, Danfeng was beautiful and secluded.

In that peach forest, there were pink peach petals floating slowly with the breeze.

The petals floated to the sycamore tree by the lake, and the heart-shaped sycamore leaves on the sycamore tree swayed gently.

Behind the sycamore tree was Xijian Lake, the lake water was as clear as a gem, and lotus flowers and lotus leaves were dotted in it.

On the clear lake, stood a woman who was more beautiful than the lotus. Her skirt also moved with the wind, just like the ripples on the surface of the gem lake. She was like a goddess of the lake, ready to fly away with the wind at any time.

Tian Wenjin was stunned. She walked slowly across the green grass, walked under the sycamore tree, walked to the side of the Xijian Lake Monument, and stared at the woman on the lake.

The little white cat walked on the grass with his head down, and discussed with Tian Wenjin as he walked: "Qiqi is also in seclusion, I'm so bored. If you play with me, I'll tell you what your father is doing..."

But as he walked, he suddenly found that Tian Wenjin stepped over his head and walked in front of him. She walked directly to the lake, looked into the lake, and ignored him.


Zhuifeng was stunned. Even the Danfeng boss Zhuifeng King ignored him?

He jumped over with a few steps and jumped to Tian Wenjin's feet. He used his cat's paw to pull Tian Wenjin's skirt, but Tian Wenjin had no reaction; he jumped onto the Xijian Lake Monument again, looked up at Tian Wenjin, and saw that Tian Wenjin looked the same as Zhang Junyi saw Youyou, and he was completely confused.

He then looked at the lake... Wasn't there only Shiyin on the lake?

What did Tian Wenjin's look mean?

"Hey!" he called, but Tian Wenjin didn't respond.

He jumped up...

But he jumped in the air, and before he could make a sound, he suddenly felt the terrifying sharpness.

Not just one sword energy, but many sword energy!

The sword energy didn't come from the front, but from the back.

He was very familiar with it, it was Li Shiyin's sword energy.

He turned around quickly and saw Li Shiyin moving on the lake. She was dancing with a sword, like a sword dance, with an extremely beautiful posture, and as she danced, swords like stars appeared around her one after another.

It was not sword energy, but it seemed to have a real sword.

"What is it?" Zhuifeng's mind didn't turn around, "Sword energy?"

Shiyin learned swordsmanship for two or three days, and she learned a sword technique that was similar to sword energy?

But before he could think clearly, he fell down and landed on the Xijian Lake Monument.

"Zhuifeng, Wenjin!" At this time, Li Shiyin said, "Take my sword..."

It's not clear whether it's the sword energy or not, but Zhuifeng can clearly feel the sharpness and oppression brought by those star swords... Li Shiyin is serious, this is her serious sword.


The little white cat on the Xijian Lake Monument roared, and the whole cat jumped forward, swelled up against the wind, and instantly turned into a terrifying beast with a shoulder height of about ten feet.

Li Shiyin's serious sword, even he, the king of Zhuifeng, has to take it seriously.

In an instant, the wind blew violently, and the beast rushed forward, rushing towards him... the countless star swords that appeared on the lake in the sky.

His father taught him mathematics, so he was good at mathematics, but he couldn't count how many star swords there were at the moment, he just confirmed that there were more than a hundred star swords.

"Swish, swish, swish!"

The nails of his four claws popped out, shining and cold, like daggers.

He faced a star sword and slapped out with one claw...


The sword and claw intersected, making a crisp sound, as if it were a physical entity.

The star sword was slapped into the mountain behind the mountain by his claw, and a small hole was knocked out.

"Is it true?" The sharpness and texture of the sword energy made Zhuifeng dazed.

A star sword was slapped away, and more than a dozen star swords were shot at him.

Zhuifeng used his tail as a whip, and there was a loud "ding ding dang dang" sound, which whipped away all the star swords shot at him.


Zhuifeng couldn't help frowning. This star sword was very sharp and had a lot of texture. Compared with ordinary sword energy, it was less likely to be destroyed, but... its power was not enhanced. It was probably just a physical sword energy.

He couldn't see what this trick was useful for, at least not for him.

He looked to the side, Tian Wenjin swung the sword so hard that the ink couldn't get in, and this sword energy didn't work on her either.

After a while, Li Shiyin stopped her sword dance, and the Star Sword also stopped. Zhuifeng slapped all the Star Swords away and flew towards Li Shiyin.

He became smaller as he flew, and when he came to Li Shiyin, he was already like a puppy.

"What's the use of your trick?" Mao Mao frowned.

Li Shiyin smiled slightly, without explaining, she looked at Tian Wenjin and said, "Wenjin, you are here."

Tian Wenjin nodded in response.

She roughly knew what this trick was for, and asked aloud, "Is it prepared for the next battle?"

"Wenjin is smart." Li Shiyin smiled and praised.

This trick is not for dealing with strong enemies, but for dealing with enemies weaker than oneself. It is a mowing skill.

"What?" Zhuifeng still didn't understand.

"Do you have any other changes to this trick?" Suddenly another voice asked.

Several people looked over and saw Qin Ran by the lake.

"Master?!" Li Shiyin's eyes lit up, and her figure flashed and came to Qin Ran's side.

She didn't run into the master's arms directly like before. She just came to the master and gently took his hand.

"Of course I have." But she still smiled proudly.

"Hmm?" Qin Ran asked.

"Now I can perform one by one, or more than 300 at a time." Li Shiyin said, "I plan to combine them later, and use them as a move to deal with strong enemies."

Qin Ran understood and said, "This sword is difficult to destroy, so even if it is repelled, you can also take the opportunity to take them back for secondary use, or combine them and sneak attack, which has great development potential."

"That's right!" Li Shiyin smiled and asked again, "Then Master, what is this move called?"

"Hmm..." Qin Ran thought of the dense flying swords just now, and smiled, "Why not call it Wanjian Guizong?"

"Hehe!" Li Shiyin smiled foolishly and agreed.

"Master uncle is out of retreat?" Tian Wenjin asked coldly.

"Actually, it's not a retreat... nor is it out of retreat." Qin Ran smiled.

"?" Tian Wenjin was directly puzzled.

"I'm doing an experiment..." Qin Ran explained, "The experiment has made some progress, so I'll stop for now."

Tian Wenjin was even more puzzled: "Shouldn't we take the opportunity to continue our research after making some progress?"

"Ah..." Qin Ran sighed, he looked up at the Daojianmen disciples flying around in Daojianmen outside Danfeng, they were all living beings, they were his fellow disciples, he sighed, "I always feel guilty."

"Conscience?" Li Shiyin asked quietly, "Master, do you have that kind of thing?"

Qin Ran ignored her, unfolded his body skills, and flew towards the main peak.

"I know what you're doing." He turned back and said to Tian Wenjin in mid-air, "Don't worry, I'll do it myself."


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