My Daily Cultivation Life with a Clumsy Female Disciple

Chapter 433 How can a powerful force be defeated (1/2)

"Master, I received news that the Shen Zong Sect has reached a deal with Zhi Shen Gu..."

In the main peak of Daojian Sect, in the meeting hall, a deacon elder was reporting the latest information to Gu Yueming, who was sitting in the seat.

"They will provide Zhishen Valley with a large number of high-grade magic weapons, and even low-level magic weapons. We conservatively estimate that by the time the war begins, each disciple of Zhishen Valley will have at least two high-grade magic weapons. When going to Zhi Shen Valley The small sects that support are also likely to receive support from a small amount of magic weapons.”

"Master, there are also sects in the Yanhan Kingdom who have risen up in Zhishen Valley..." Liu Boxian and Gu Yueming said, "Collecting information from all parties, we conservatively estimate that the final Nascent Soul monks in Zhishen Valley will be more than fifty, and the Golden Elixir There will be more than a thousand monks.”

"Master, Zhishen Valley has released news..." He Daoguang said, "In this war, the sect that helps Zhishen Valley will receive a 20% discount on the price of elixirs for the next five years. Not only that, Zhishen Valley guarantees "In this battle, any monk who actually goes to the battlefield will not be short of supply of elixirs."

"Master..." he continued, "Looking at us, the elixirs in the sect are already scarce, and we can only distribute the monthly elixirs next month. We do not have the elixir reserves to support a war. If we cannot obtain the elixirs from Zhishen Valley, After buying the elixir, we won't have any elixir to support us in the fight... I can't imagine the casualties.

"Master!" He looked at Gu Yueming and asked, "Where is our medicine elder?!"

There is no good news so far. Gu Yueming looked at He Daoguang with a deep face and said, "Elder Qin is in seclusion."

"Retreat?!" He Daoguang was furious when he heard this, "Retreating at such a critical time? Why didn't the leader remove him from his position as medicine master?

"The Medicine Palmist is just when the sect needs elixirs, but he can't come up with even half a pill. What use does the Medicine Palmist Elder have for him?"

"How about removing Elder Qin and letting you take charge of the medicine?" Liu Boxian asked, "Can you get the medicine?"

He Daoguang looked at Liu Boxian, sneered, and said: "I'm a master of medicine, at least it's better than that kid with a yellow mouth!"

"Can you create elixirs out of thin air? Can you create an alchemist out of thin air?" Liu Boxian asked.

"Everyone knows that our Dao Jianmen has four major peaks. The Qi peak maintains the order of the sect, and the sword peak guards the safety of the sect. Dare I ask what are Danfeng's responsibilities and obligations?" He Daoguang asked, "Danfeng exists for The sect provides elixirs. So is there any elixir in Danfeng?"

Liu Boxian sneered and asked: "Back then, during the dispute between Danfeng and Zhishengu, you Qifeng did it..."

"Okay!" Gu Yueming suddenly stopped him, "The enemy is in front of us, why did our own people start a quarrel first? What are they talking about?!"

Only then did Liu Boxian and He Daoguang stop.

"What's going on at the Infinite Sword Sect?" Gu Yueming asked another elder, "Defensive or offensive?"

"The Infinite Sword Sect is also actively preparing for war." The elder said, "Jian Wuming said that he would advance and retreat with the Dao Sword Sect. He organized some monks who were good at fighting and said that if Zhi Cun Gu came to the Dao Sword Sect, he would Full support to Dao Jianmen."

Gu Yueming nodded without expressing his opinion.

"How profound is the Infinite Sword Sect's righteousness?!" He Daoguang sneered again, "He ignored the leader of the Dan Peak and deliberately brought people to his sect to show off his prestige, thus damaging the friendship between the two sects. He wanted to prove that he Is he strong? But what does Lu Junxing have to do with him?"

Hearing this, Liu Boxian burst into flames and said, "What harms the friendship? It's because his Infinite Sword Sect has never defeated our sword sect! Our sword sect is stronger than the Infinite Sword Sect! Is there any problem?"

"I only hate that the person who went to the Infinite Sword Sect was not my Jianfeng disciple. It was Qin Ran who wanted to give me an explanation."

Gu Yueming helplessly patted the table and motioned Liu Boxian to sit down.

"How are the magical weapons and weapons in the sect?" He asked Liu Boxian, "If there are suitable ones, distribute them as soon as possible so that the disciples in the sect can get familiar with them as soon as possible so that they can fight."

"Everyone should at least have a sword." Liu Boxian said, "Master, don't worry, my disciples of the Sword Sect can fight as long as they have a sword. Why should we be afraid of Zhishen Gu?"

"Yes, you are holding a broken sword, armed to the teeth with other people's swords, magic weapons, armor, gloves, shoes, and accessories." He Daoguang added, "Mountain bandits and regular elites..."


Liu Boxian couldn't bear it any longer. He smashed the table in front of him, stood up, pointed at He Daoguang and cursed angrily:

"I've been putting up with you for a long time! What do you mean when I tell you to back me up? Just stop fighting, can we surrender to Zhishengu?! Let's go and support Zhishengu too!!!"

Facing the furious Liu Boxian, He Daoguang took his time and sneered: "It's not impossible.

"As monks, what we seek is eternal life. What's the difference between practicing in Daojianmen and practicing in Zhishen Valley?

"When the war started, there were countless casualties. Do we have to defeat Dao Jianmen until the clan is destroyed and everyone is killed? There is a huge disparity in combat power between the two sides. Why should we fight when we know it is a losing battle? Are we going to die?

"We are monks, not mortals. Mortals need benevolence, justice, propriety, wisdom and trust to maintain social order and stability, and need to be loyal to the country. We do not need to be loyal to the clan.

"Besides, how few mortals are traitors to the country?"

"I'll fucking kill you!" Liu Boxian was furious and directly summoned his natal sword and slashed at He Daoguang.

He Daoguang was shocked, got up and hid behind him, but did not pay attention to the chair behind him. He accidentally tripped over the chair and fell to the ground with the chair.

Seeing this, the elders around him hurriedly stepped forward to hold Liu Boxian, and repeatedly advised him: "Master Liu, Master Liu, don't be angry, don't be angry..."

Liu Boxian was stopped and threw his sword towards He Daoguang.

He Daoguang hurriedly moved his chair to block Liu Boxian's natal sword.

To avoid escalating the dispute, the elders pulled Liu Boxian out of the door.

Liu Boxian backed out of the door, pointed at He Daoguang and cursed:

"You have been in the Dao Sword Sect for thousands of years. Even if it is a stone, it should have become a spirit. I have been walking with an old and shameless thief like you for so many years..."

The elder took Liu Boxian out and the voice disappeared. Only Gu Yueming and He Daoguang were left in the hall.

Gu Yueming stood up, walked to He Daoguang, pulled He Daoguang up, pulled out Liu Boxian's natal sword from the chair, and smiled with He Daoguang: "Don't worry about it, Daoguang, Boxian is just joking with you."

He Daoguang tidied up his clothes and sneered: "I know he didn't really take action, otherwise how could I act with him? If we really fight, he may not be my opponent.

"You are a foolish and reckless man who has no brains!"

Gu Yueming looked at Liu Boxian's sword. The sword pattern engraved on the sword clearly meant the word "protect the Tao".

This sword is called the Dao Protector Sword.

The Tao of the Sword Sect.

The Tao sword of the Tao sword sect.

"How could this happen?" he asked aloud.

The three of them entered the Taoist Sword Sect at about the same time. They also practiced Taoism together, looked for opportunities together, and supported each other together.

After traveling for many years, they returned to Daojianmen together, wanting to protect Daojianmen and revitalize Daojianmen... could...this happen?

"Master, I have thought about it carefully." He Daoguang said, "There will be more than fifty Nascent Soul monks in Zhishen Valley, but we only have a dozen in Daojian Sect. So if the other monks don't take action, then If each of these fifty or so Nascent Souls sneeze, the Dao Jian Sect will not be able to bear it.

"We really have to negotiate peace with Zhishengu. As long as we keep the name of Daojian Sect, what if we become an affiliated sect of Zhishengu?"

"I can go talk to Zhishengu about this matter. I have some friendship with Master Wangu of Zhishengu, as you know."

Gu Yueming's eyes moved away from the protective patterns of the Dao-protecting Sword and looked at He Daoguang. His eyes were deep and without any emotion.

"We'll discuss this later," he said.

"Master! Time waits for no one." He Daoguang persuaded again, "The sects rushing to help Zhishen Valley will all arrive at Zhishen Valley. By then, Zhishen Valley's strength will be unprecedentedly strong, and they may not accept our request. and!"

"You go back to Qi Peak first and make statistics to see if the disciples and elders who are in seclusion, who have gone out, have come back." Gu Yueming said, "Let them all prepare for battle."


He Daoguang wanted to say more, but after looking at Gu Yueming's face, he bowed and left.

"Alas!" Seeing He Daoguang's back disappearing from the door, Gu Yueming sighed deeply and felt powerless.

He held the Dao-protecting sword and sat on the ground.

Daojianmen, Daojianmen.

He gave everything for this sect, but he could only barely maintain the sect. He couldn't do more for it.

He didn't make it stronger.

He will even let it perish in his own hands.

Suddenly there was light and shadow coming in from the door. He thought it was Liu Baoxian who had come back to get the Dao-protecting sword. He raised the sword and sent it over, but lowered his head and persuaded:

"What Chief He said is just a plan. Even if it is inappropriate, you don't have to be angry. He is a Nascent Soul monk after all. At this critical moment, every Nascent Soul monk is crucial. Sometimes you still need to endure your anger."

He also felt that these words were too embarrassing for Liu Boxian to say in person.

But after waiting for a while, he didn't wait until Liu Boxian took the sword in his hand. He looked up and saw a handsome young man standing in front of him, looking at him with a smile.

"Qin Ran?" He frowned, "Aren't you in seclusion?"

Qin Ran smiled and asked, "I guess Mr. He's plan must be to surrender to Zhishen Valley!"

Gu Yueming took back his sword and held it in his arms, like an old man.

He remained silent and did not answer.

"No matter when, where or what happens, people like this will always appear." Qin Ran then sat down in front of Gu Yueming on the ground and said with a smile,

"At present, if the enemy is in the mortal world, those who seek peace will definitely be killed at the first opportunity. The reduction in combat power caused by the shaking of military morale will not necessarily be smaller than the reduction in combat power caused by losing a Nascent Soul monk."

Gu Yueming looked at him and said, "There is no need to mention this matter again."

"Okay." Qin Ran nodded, stopped talking about the matter, and asked another question with a smile, "Does the leader know how to conquer an impregnable fortress?"

If Gu Yueming knew, he wouldn't be so pessimistic.

"The outside is naturally impregnable and difficult to break..." Qin Ran reminded, "What about the inside?"

Gu Yueming's eyes lit up, and she vaguely sensed what Qin Ran meant.

"Is the inside of it also monolithic? Are everyone clones and puppets thinking the same thing?" Qin Ran asked.

"What do you mean?" Gu Yueming asked.

"Inside it, there are different people one after another. Different people, each one has an idea. There are all kinds of different ideas." Qin Ran said, "It is extremely powerful, it is impregnable, but They are individuals one after another.

“If they are different, there will be opportunities for division.

"All impregnable fortresses are broken from within; all powerful and invincible forces are disintegrated from within."

Gu Yueming suddenly laughed.

"Zhi Shen Gu, you have formed some kind of alliance. This alliance is naturally very powerful. You will never find such a powerful force in the Immortal Heritage Land. But..." Qin Ran smiled confidently and said to Gu Yueming. ,

"This alliance is a temporary formation of sects and forces one after another. Not to mention that it is impossible for these forces not to have enmity between them. Even if they don't, they can still have it.

"Master, in my opinion, this alliance is just a chicken and a dog. The stronger it is, the more fragile it is. It is like a tall building without a foundation. The taller it is, the more dangerous it is." He said, "It just looks It might rise up strong, but it might just take a breath and it will fall down on its own.”

"Hahaha..." Someone laughed, but it was not Gu Yueming, but someone came in at the door.

Kieran looked back and saw Liu Boxian walking in with a big smile.

Liu Boxian pointed at him and said with a smile: "I know you are full of evil, so I saw you right!"

"Uncle Liu!" Qin Ran smiled and saluted.

Liu Boxian came over, took his sword from Gu Yueming, stood in front of him, and asked Qin Ran: "Tell me, what should we do?!"

"We need to take three steps..." Kieran said.


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