My Daily Cultivation Life with a Clumsy Female Disciple

Chapter 435: Kill Zhishen Valley first, then destroy Daojianmen (1/2)

Tianlan Lingzong is a Qi training sect, founded on the Qi training method "Tianlan Heart Sutra". They have a "Qingyun Sword Technique" which is quite famous in Xuanqin.

It is said that the sect once had a brilliant disciple who practiced "Tianlan Heart Sutra" to the Nascent Soul stage, and created this "Qingyun Sword Technique" in the Nascent Soul stage. This legend is widely circulated in Tianlan Lingzong, and it is still the capital of pride for Tianlan Lingzong disciples.

The sect is located in the north of Xuanqin, close to Beichu, and has a close connection with the cultivation world of Beichu.

Tianlan Lingzong is a Qi training sect, and it originally has quite good alchemy strength. Generally speaking, the elixirs refined by their own sect can almost be self-sufficient.

However, when they encounter some important elixirs, such as the foundation-building elixir for foundation building and the barrier-breaking elixir for elixir formation, which test the level of alchemy, they don't understand it very well, and dare not refine it themselves, so they have to buy it from some large alchemy sects.

The largest alchemy sect in the Immortal Land is naturally Zhishen Valley.

By chance, Tianlan Lingzong got in touch with Zhishen Valley, and since then, it has had a stable channel for purchasing foundation-building pills and barrier-breaking pills.

Because it was originally an alchemy sect, it had more contact with Zhishen Valley and learned a lot of alchemy knowledge from Zhishen Valley.

Therefore, Zhishen Valley is not only a channel for Tianlan Lingzong to purchase important elixirs, but also a superior sect to a certain extent.

Nowadays, many disciples in Zhishen Valley have been promoted from Tianlan Lingzong to Zhishen Valley.

After receiving the message for help from Zhishen Valley, the leader of Tianlan Lingzong decided to send the elders of the sect to take a few disciples to Zhishen Valley to show their loyalty after careful consideration.

Zhang Zong, the elder of the inner sect of Tianlan Lingzong, is very disgusting in the sect because of his sinister character and his preference for using living bodies to make pills. So the leader of Tianlan Lingzong asked him to bring ten foundation-building disciples and two golden elixir disciples, a total of thirteen people, to Zhishen Valley to help.

Zhang Zong didn't want to go out because it would waste his time for alchemy, but considering that he was going to Zhisheng Valley, a holy place for alchemy, he decided to go and take a look.

They received the news on the 17th, and Zhang Zong set out in the morning of the 18th. By the evening of the 19th, they barely made it to the outside of the Hengduan Mountains.

Their speed was so slow, firstly because the sect master did not equip them with a flying magic weapon such as the cloud boat, and secondly, the foundation-building disciples among them were not the core disciples of the Tianlan Lingzong. Although their cultivation was in the middle and late stages, it only looked good, and in fact, their cultivation was very superficial.

Zhang Zong had the basic qualities of an alchemist and was quite meticulous.

Although Zhisheng Valley was outside the Hengduan Mountains, they were afraid that they would not be able to reach Zhisheng Valley for a while due to the breadth of the Hengduan Mountains.

And how dangerous is it to enter the primeval forest at night?

Therefore, Zhang Zong decided to rest outside the Hengduan Mountains for one night and enter the forest at dawn tomorrow.

"Go down!" he ordered, "We will camp here for one night and go to Zhishen Valley tomorrow morning."

"Elder Zhang, Zhishen Valley is just outside the Hengduan Mountains. Why don't we bear it a little longer and rush to Zhishen Valley overnight?" A Jindan disciple questioned.

"I said to rest, so I rest!" Zhang Zong didn't want to explain, and directly scolded, "Are you questioning my decision?"

Considering the terrifying rumors about Zhang Zong in the sect, the disciple looked at Zhang Zong and didn't dare to say anything more, just keeping the resentment in his heart.

The thirteen people in the group, all cultivators, didn't think so much, and just found a big tree to cover. They sat cross-legged under the big tree and around the big tree to restore their magic power and take a short rest.

Time passed slowly, and soon it was late at night, and many disciples who were meditating fell into deep practice.

The dark night was quiet and terrifying.

At a certain moment, on the boulder beside the big tree, Zhang Zong suddenly opened his eyes, and at the same time a talisman instantly slipped from his sleeve into his palm.

He looked into the darkness ahead, and on the grass over there, he suddenly saw a figure standing there with his back to him, carrying a sword on his back.

The night was too dark, and he couldn't even tell whether it was a man or a woman. He only vaguely saw the figure's hair fluttering in the night wind.

He was at least a Jindan of the first generation, so he calmly stood up from the boulder and asked cautiously: "Who are you? Why are you playing tricks here?!"

He didn't know when the man appeared; his spiritual sense only felt the cold wind, and he couldn't sense the specific person.

His strength was far superior to his.

The man with the sword on his back didn't speak, and only a light breeze blew from there. But this gust of wind seemed to blow from the ice, and it was freezing cold.

Perhaps it was the netherworld wind blowing from the underworld.

Zhang Zong quietly took out his own life-long magic weapon with his other hand and put it behind his back.

"Your Excellency has come here for no reason and has not said a word. What do you want to do?" He spoke again and warned, "If you don't say anything, I will take action."

He had to warn before taking action, not because Zhang Zong was a gentleman, but because he knew that the opponent's strength was above his, and he did not dare to act rashly.

He was stalling for time, waiting for the disciples under the tree behind to wake up, especially the two Jindan disciples. If they act together, they may have a chance.

The back figure with the sword on his back still did not speak.

But, at some point, Zhang Zong suddenly found that he could see the back figure clearly, black clothes, long hair, thin shoulders, it was a woman's back!


Not good!

Zhang Zong was shocked, not because he could see clearly, but because the back figure with the sword on her back was closer to him!

The back figure had been approaching him, but she was carrying him on her back, without any movement, and the speed was slow, so he did not notice it.

"Here!" Without saying a word, he activated the talisman clasped in his palm, and a thunderbolt from his palm struck the back.

The figure on the back refused to dodge, and was struck by this lightning strike from the palm of his hand.

"What?" Zhang Zong was shocked, but he didn't react at all after receiving the thunder from his palm. "What kind of monster is it?"

He didn't have a chance to think about it anymore, because the monster was stimulated by the thunder in his palm, and its speed towards him suddenly increased.

"Wake up!" He quickly turned around and called to the disciple over there.

But when he glanced back, he saw that none of the disciples over there got up. He figured out in an instant that these idiots wanted to use this monster that appeared out of thin air to kill him.

No one from Tianlan Lingzong was close to him.

"Idiot!!" He yelled, turned back and bit the tip of his tongue, squirted the blood under his tongue onto his natal magic weapon, and sacrificed his natal magic weapon with all his strength.

In the darkness, his natal magical weapon cut through the air, made a "po" sound, and headed towards the back.

Seeing that his magical weapon was about to hit the back figure, Zhang Zong's eyes suddenly blurred, and the figure that was leaning towards him disappeared.

"Huh?" He was stunned, and the first thought that came to his mind was, "Is that an illusion?"

But before this thought could be squeezed out by other thoughts, he heard the sound of a sword being drawn.

That sound is so crisp...


Like the last moans of a young virgin dying in his alchemy furnace.

The sound was still ringing in his ears, and he felt something passing through his body.

He lowered his head, and in the darkness, he clearly saw blood coming out of his body.

Make a "sizzling..." sound.

But he felt no pain.

"I heard someone say that if the sword is fast enough, the blood will sound like wind when it spurts out from the wound, which is very nice."

In the darkness, a man's voice suddenly came from the wind.

Zhang Zong looked up and saw four people walking towards him in the darkness on the tips of dense weeds.

The speaker was a relatively delicate man walking in the middle. "Master, who said this?" A woman next to the man asked him.

"That's what Wong Kar-wai said," he replied.

"Who is Wong Kar-wai? Is he a swordsman with a high level of swordsmanship?" she asked.

"He doesn't know how to use a sword."

"Then how did he know that blood would sound as good as the sound of wind?"

"No way?" the man asked.

"No." The woman shook her head, "I haven't seen it."

"Maybe your sword is not fast enough." The man said.

"Have you seen Senior Brother Lu?" the woman asked.

Another tall man shook his head and said, "I haven't seen it either."

"Where's Senior Brother Liu?"

The man suddenly slapped the woman on the head and cursed: "How many times have I told you, don't call me by her name! Don't call me by her name! We are the East Evil and the West Poison, the Southern Emperor and the Northern Beggar. We have magical powers. Can't you remember this? Live?”

The woman rubbed her head and said innocently: "I forgot..."

"Remember, you are Dongxie Sword Immortal!"

As they spoke, they walked up to Zhang Zong. Zhang Zong could see clearly that they were three men and one woman.

"Do you know why your disciples didn't come to help you?" The handsome man in the middle asked him with a smile. That smile is so warm, like the warm breeze of spring.

Zhang Zong originally thought that they wanted to use the hands of the enemy to eradicate him, but now he realized that they had already died before him.

He nodded.

He didn't know why, but he suddenly felt relaxed. He was not abandoned... they were just dead.

Then he cracked. The two halves of the body are very even, the wounds are neat, and the sword of the magical swordsman is obviously fast enough.

The man with a warm smile that he heard at the last moment of his life disappeared said softly:

"Remember, I am the Western Poison Sword Immortal of the Infinite Sword Sect. The one who killed you is the magical sword Immortal of the Infinite Sword Sect. If you have a grudge or a grudge, I, the Infinite Sword Sect, will definitely be killed. We will kill everyone who dares to help Zhi All the monks in Shengu..."

Zhang Zong remembers it very clearly and will never forget it until his death.

When the monks from Zhishen Valley found this place, several days had passed.

They saw the elder of Tianlan Lingzong being cut in half with a sharp sword energy; under a big tree, they found twelve disciples of Tianlan Lingzong who had their chests penetrated by sword energy. , their Dantian Qi sea was destroyed, and they all died while meditating.

On the front of the big tree, they saw someone with a sword stained with blood and wrote: "Anyone who dares to rush to the aid of Zhican Valley will be killed without mercy!"

On the back of the big tree is: "First kill the Zhi Ginseng Valley, and then destroy the Dao Sword Sect!"

"The Boundless Sword Sect!" Someone was furious and raised his hand to punch through the tree.

And when he cursed, there was an extremely unpleasant voice on the boulder: "The Boundless Sword Sect, the Boundless Sword Sect! Sword Immortal, Xidu! The Boundless Sword Sect..."

It's a ghost! The people of Zhishen Valley were instantly overjoyed that there was still a soul left.

They hurried over and cast spells to collect the souls.

"Who killed you?" someone asked urgently.

"The Boundless Sword Sect...the Boundless Sword Sect..." the remnant soul murmured, "Xidu, Nandi, Sword Immortal...the Boundless Sword Sect...kill Guangzhi Gonggu..."

"Is it really the Infinite Sword Sect?" A monk from Zhishengu who knew the inside didn't believe it, and frowned and asked, "Who are the members of the Infinite Sword Sect?"

"Southern Emperor, Zhong Shen Tong, Zhong Shen Tong, Sword Immortal, Sword Immortal... Infinite Sword Sect... Kill all the Zhi Gonggu..." Then the remaining soul could only read this sentence.

"Can the residual soul be restored?" someone asked.

Someone answered: "No, the time interval is too long. He should have dissipated long ago, and he survived only because of his resentment and golden elixir cultivation..."

"Why did the Wuyin Sword Sect go back on its word?" Someone was puzzled.



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