My Daily Cultivation Life with a Clumsy Female Disciple

Chapter 436 There are still experts (1/2)

"The first step is to take advantage of the small sect's journey to Zhishen Valley to weaken the strength of the "Hengduan Mountain Alliance" and confuse people's hearts and the situation. "

Qin Ran, Gu Yueming and Liu Boxian said, "The Hengduan Mountain Alliance is a force united by various small sects based on Zhishen Valley. We can't move to Zhishen Valley for the time being, but those small sects who go to Zhishen Valley, But we can shed some light.”

"Break it into pieces and defeat them one by one." Gu Yueming nodded in approval of Qin Ran's strategy, but raised his doubts, "But I have two questions.

"First, if we attack the small sect, Zhishengu will definitely take action to stop it. How can you ensure that Zhishengu will not take action? If Zhishengu takes action, it will be a head-on confrontation with Zhishengu, and the casualties and losses will remain unchanged;

"Second, if we intercept and kill the small sect like this, we will kill too many people and have a great impact on the sect's reputation. After the war, will the Dao Sword Sect be the enemy of the entire Immortal Relic Land? How will the Dao Sword Sect be able to fight against the Immortal Relics by then? Establish a foothold in the remaining land?"

"The master is joking." Qin Ran replied, "As for the second point, these small sects have joined Zhishen Valley to kill the Dao Sword Sect, but the master is still talking about reputation and morality? Master, this is An endless war. Either we die or Zhishengu dies."

Gu Yueming was stunned for a moment, then came to his senses, shook his head and said with a bitter smile, "I was mistaken."

"The leader is under too much pressure, and it's normal for him to lose his mind. Don't worry about it." Qin Ran comforted him and continued, "Furthermore, a soldier's trick is to use the right combination to win by surprise. In war, you must use any means and use any means. At the end of the day, no one cares about reputation or anything like that.”

Liu Boxian looked at Qin Ran and asked, "Where did you learn these things? Does the sect's library have these things?"

"Yes." Kieran nodded, he was sure that people like Liu Boxian would not go to the library to search.

He continued: "As for the first point you mentioned, Master, I have considered it. The strategy I will adopt is special forces tactics, and use a small number of talented disciples to carry out this interception mission.

"The frequency of interceptions and killings should be as low as possible so that Zhishengu will not have any stress reaction. Cut the flesh with a blunt knife. If Zhishengu takes action, he will not be able to find us, and the loss outweighs the gain; if Zhishengu does not take action, we will intercept and kill a small number of sects.

"Moreover, we can also blame the Wuyuan Sword Sect for what we did. Regardless of whether anyone believes it or not, it was the Wuyuan Sword Sect that did it and has nothing to do with the Dao Sword Sect."

"Good boy!" Liu Baoxian laughed and scolded him, "Why are they all using such destructive tricks?"

"Soldiers, use the right combination to win by surprise." Qin Ran said sternly, "If you can't defeat someone head-on, you'll have to use surprise moves.

"This method can reduce the strength of the Hengduan Mountain Alliance, confuse people's hearts, and prevent other small sects from taking a dip in this muddy water."

He finally told Gu Yueming, "To achieve accurate and safe interception, we need enough intelligence. Chief, I need you to set up a wartime intelligence department to collect all the intelligence on Hengduan Mountain and send it to me.

"And I will personally lead the team, lead a few sword cultivators, pretend to be cultivators of the Infinite Sword Sect, and carry out this interception mission..."

At noon on May 20th, in the dense forest of the Hengduan Mountains, five people were standing on a giant tree.

"Master, which sect is our target today?" Li Shiyin asked Qin Ran.

At this time, Li Shiyin was dressed in black, her hair tied up, and her appearance was ordinary, which was very different from her original appearance and temperament. It was obviously disguised.

She sat on a branch of a tree, her feet dangling easily, holding her face with one hand, tilting her head to look at Kieran beside her.

Qin Ran also had a disguise, and because he had already practiced disguise-related techniques, his disguise was more thorough. He became taller, stronger, and ordinary, which was completely different from his original self.

He was concentrating on looking at the map. When he heard Li Shiyin's words, he raised his head, glared at her, and corrected: "Call me Xidu!"

"Oh yes, you are Xidu, Xidu Sword Immortal." Li Shiyin stuck out her tongue. It was really difficult for her not to call her master "Master". After all, she didn't even like to call her husband, "That Xidu Sword Immortal, Old monster Xidu, what are we going to do today?”

"Based on the intelligence analysis obtained today...

..." Qin Ran gestured on the map and said to Li Shiyin and a few others, "Today there will probably be the Beast Form Sect from Northern Chu, the Xuanling Sect and Fire Cloud Sect from Xuan Qin, and the Kongshui Sect from Yanhan... a total of seven A sect rushed to the Hengduan Mountains.

"Four sects including the Fire Cloud Sect and Kongshui Sect will enter the Hengduan Mountains during the day, while three sects including the Beast Form Sect and Xuanling Sect will enter the Hengduan Mountains at night."

"Fire Cloud Sect, Kong Shui Sect?" Li Shiyin asked, "So our target is them?"

"No!" Qin Ran shook his head, "We intercepted three sects last night and are already very tired. We will rest during the day and start our operation again at night. Today's targets are the Beast Form Sect and the Xuanling Sect."

"Tired?" Li Shiyin looked at the other three people and asked, "Are you tired?"

Lu Junxing, Liu Baiyun and Tian Wenjin all shook their heads.

"Master, the strength of these small sects is too weak to make us take it seriously." Li Shiyin said, "Last night's level was almost the same as a normal sect mission. We are not tired at all."

"We are not just intercepting for a day or two." Qin Ran explained aloud, "We are going to intercept until the day when Zhishen Valley launches a large-scale attack on Daojianmen. It will be around the end of the month.

"On the one hand, the mission will take a long time, but more importantly, I want to ensure your safety; you can't have any accidents."

"But, with the strength of these sects, it is difficult for them to pose a threat to us?" Li Shiyin was puzzled.

Kieran really wanted to knock this stupid apprentice on the head. But Lu Junxing and others were there, so he still saved some face for her.

He continued to explain: "What if the target of our attack, Zhi Shen Gu, has laid a trap for us? What if a certain sect has a move that will kill both the stone and the stone? What if a certain sect has a special communication method? These are all We need to consider. I must ensure that the target of our attack is not a trap. If there is no means of destruction or communication, even if there is one, it cannot be used.

"You know, interception is only part of our mission goal this time."

"Oh!" Li Shiyin nodded, looked at the other people, and saw that they all understood, so she didn't continue to ask stupidly.

When Qin Ran saw this scene, he suddenly realized that it was not the stupid disciple who didn't understand, but she didn't need to understand him. She was asking for a few other people.

He suddenly felt a sense of relief in his heart.

After Qin Ran's explanation, the others felt at ease and sat cross-legged on the tree to rest and recuperate.

Qin Ran, on the other hand, stared at the map and the identity token (the identity token has a messaging function), analyzing the situation and information all day long.

When night fell, Qin Ran took the four people who had rested all day away from the tree and flew out of the Hengduan Mountains.

"This time the target is the Beastman Sect.

"This sect is generally a body-refining sect that uses the essence of monster beasts to refine their bodies. They absorb the essence of monster beasts to temper their bodies, and they can also transform part of their bodies into the appearance of monster beasts in times of war. According to the characteristics of their skills, the more mutated parts of the body, the better the talent and the stronger the strength."

As Qin Ran flew, he described the mission situation to the four people, "They sent a total of four golden elixir monks and twenty foundation-building monks this time. Among them, two golden elixirs mainly absorb the spirit beast essence of wolves, and one One is an eagle, and one is a tiger. Among the foundation-building monks, ten are wolves, six are tigers, two are leopards, and two are snakes. Only the eagle deserves your attention, don't let him get away."

"Is this sect very strong?" Lu Junxing was puzzled, "They actually sent four golden elixirs."

"No..." Qin Ran shook his head, "If they don't hide their strength, then they only have five Golden Core cultivators in total."

Liu Baiyun couldn't help but sigh: "The more you practice your body, the more you rely on elixirs, and the more you spare no effort in supporting Zhi Shen Gu."

"Actually, no, it's just the conscience of the spiritual community practicing." Qin Ran complained.

"This time, Shiyin and Baiyun will take action, while Jun Xing and Wen Jin will be on guard." He began to arrange the details of the mission.

"I emphasize once again, sword energy and sword intention cannot be used! Moves that may leave clues cannot be used! Best, don't use magic power either, use physical force instead.

Use the basic sword style to complete the task. Don't let anyone see that it's you who killed him. "

"Understood!" Li Shiyin and Liu Baiyun nodded in unison.

Qin Ran and a few others searched for a while on the edge of Hengduan Mountain before finding the member of the Beast Form Sect.

This mission was even simpler than last night's mission, because when they arrived, more than twenty members of the beast-shaped sect were barbecuing and drinking there, making it a hilarious scene.

They waited quietly on the treetops, and when the people below had finished drinking and were all drunk, Li Shiyin and Liu Baiyun pulled out an ordinary sword, used their body skills, and touched over there.

Lu Junxing and Tian Wenjin were consciously on guard and each took out a sword to prevent accidents.

Kieran monitored the whole place, waiting for them to kill.

No surprises.

Because a few talented and powerful Tianjiao disciples are much stronger than the monks of this small eighteenth-tier sect, and then they can't afford it, so they carry out sneak attacks and assassinations in an organized, premeditated and planned way.

As a result, the disciples of the beast-shaped sect failed to make any effective resistance, so they became feathers and ascended.

Qin Ran walked over with a sword in the air, the tip of the sword was stained with blood, and wrote these big words on the grass: "First kill the Zhi Ginseng Valley, and then destroy the Dao Sword Sect!"

After doing all this, they inspected the scene briefly and left quickly.

With last night's action, they looked better trained today.

"Uncle Master..." On the way to find the Xuanling Sect, Lu Junxing couldn't help but ask, "Is this really useful? Will they think that the Boundless Sword Sect is responsible?"

"You have two questions." Qin Ran replied, "The first question is, this is very useful. It will reduce the strength of the Hengduan Mountain Alliance, create panic, and make the sects who originally wanted to come to Zhishen Valley not dare to come. , which will allow us to smoothly carry out the next step of planning;

"Second question, there is a high probability that Zhishen Valley is related to the Wuyuan Sword Sect. They may know that it was not the Wuyuan Sword Sect. But they may also plant seeds of suspicion between them. And other sects are likely to do so. I think it was the Boundless Sword Sect that took action.

"However, the most important thing is that few people think that Dao Jianmen is responsible. Because there is no evidence."

Lu Junxing nodded thoughtfully.

He found that the longer he stayed with his junior uncle, the more he discovered that in the world of cultivation, the brain is also very important.

In the past, he had always believed that there was nothing that could not be solved with one sword. If he could not solve it, it was only because he was not strong enough.

Now he slowly understands that strength is always relative. When he is in the Golden Core stage, the enemy he faces is in the Golden Core stage; when he is in the Nascent Soul stage, the enemy he faces is in the Nascent Soul stage. Therefore, the strength between him and his enemy is always about the same. When the strength is about the same, intrigues are very effective.

When one is strong enough, all conspiracies and tricks become a joke. It means that when he is in the Nascent Soul stage, the foundation-building and golden elixir monks cannot plot against him. However, the Nascent Soul stage can still plot against him.

Mortals plot against mortals, Establishment plots against Establishment, Nascent Soul plots against Nascent Soul, immortals plot against immortals, countries plot against countries, sects plot against sects, these reciprocal forces, conspiracies, and schemes always exist.

Just as he was sighing in his mind, the junior uncle in front suddenly stopped and said in a deep voice: "Stop!"

Lu Junxing came to his senses and was about to ask what was going on when his keen sense of smell detected the smell of blood in the air.

The smell of blood is very strong!

Someone died, a lot of people died!

The figure of the young uncle in front swayed, and a clone made of water appeared in front of him, and the clone leaned forward. After a while, the young master's uncle's face became more gloomy. He used his body technique and flew forward.

Lu Junxing and three others followed Qin Ran and flew forward. After flying for a short time, they passed through the shadows of the trees and their vision suddenly became clear. Lu Junxing looked forward in mid-air and saw corpses and blood all over the ground.

The people from Xuanling Sect are dead!

He was already dead before they took action!

Someone is also intercepting and killing the sects rushing to aid Zhishen Valley!

Don't know who it is, no

Know whether you are an enemy or a friend.

"Accident?" Lu Junxing asked.

"At this time, it can't be an accident." Qin Ran replied solemnly.

"Did the Infinite Sword Sect take action?" Liu Baiyun asked, "Learn from us and put the blame on the Dao Sword Sect."

Qin Ran shook his head and said, "The Infinite Sword Sect only has sword cultivators. People from the Xuanling Sect are not killed by swords."

"Then who helped us?" Li Shiyin asked.

"Help?" Kieran's face was horribly gloomy, "Not necessarily help...but, there is another powerful, mysterious force entering the scene."

The situation is getting more complicated!


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