"Elder, I heard that in the primitive deep forests of the Hengduan Mountains, there are swordsmen who are intercepting and killing the sects who are rushing to the aid of Zhican Valley..."

In the blue sky, there were more than twenty sword cultivators wielding swords and rushing past.

They flew across the sky, with more than twenty arc-shaped sword marks of different colors, and brought up more than twenty white clouds. This scene is quite spectacular and beautiful.

Among them, a young sword cultivator spoke out to the leading sword cultivator, "According to the news, it is the core disciples of the Infinite Sword Sect who are hunting indiscriminately. They want to kill all the sects who rush to the aid of Zhican Valley."

"Hunting?" The leader of the sword cultivator was a tall and strong man. Hearing this, he laughed disdainfully and said, "To actually use such an unflattering method... The more the Infinite Sword Sect is like this, the more it shows. They are afraid. They know that they are not strong enough to fight against the 'Hengduan Mountain Alliance', so they are forced to resort to such methods."

"Is this the Infinite Sword Sect?" He sneered, "It seems that the position of the strongest swordsmanship sect in this land of immortal heritage belongs to our Tianchen Sword Sect."

"Perhaps our Tianchen Sword Sect has long been stronger than the Infinite Sword Sect." The disciple who asked the question said with a confident smile, "It's just that the Infinite Sword Sect is lucky. It is too far away from us and rarely communicates with the sword. That's why the world thinks that the Infinite Sword Sect is The Sword Sect is stronger than the Tianchen Sword Sect.

"Actually, the disciples of the Infinite Sword Sect that I have met in recent years are all average in strength. They cannot be said to be the strongest."

Tianchen Sword Sect, the strongest swordsmanship sect in Yanhan Kingdom.

Many years ago, he had a battle with the Infinite Sword Sect and was defeated. As a result, it has been relegated to the position of the second sword sect in the Land of Immortal Relics over the years.

It was obvious that Zhishengu knew some methods of making friends at a distance and attacking at close range. This large sect in the Yanhan Kingdom also had considerable friendship with them.

It is also obvious that Tianchen Sword Sect's purpose of coming to help Zhishen Valley this time is not simple.

The Tianchen Sword Sect is very powerful, and twenty-five people from Zhishen Valley rushed to the aid this time. Among the twenty-five people, there are three sword cultivators at the Nascent Soul Stage, seven sword cultivators at the Golden Core Stage, and fifteen sword cultivators at the Foundation Establishment Stage.

The lineup is indeed ranked among the top among the sects rushing to support.

At this time, it was getting dark, and the setting sun in the distance was approaching the Western Mountains. The dim light emitted was already very soft and could be looked directly at.

The disciple who asked the question was called Yu Qingshan. He looked at the sunset in the distance, then looked down at the approaching virgin forest below, and asked the elder who led the team: "Elder Wu, we have to rush to Zhishen Valley in one go. go?"

They are all swordsmen, and their cultivation is quite solid. Even if they rush to Zhishen Valley by force, they can only walk at night during tea time.

"No..." The elder named Wu and Lan shook his head, gritted his teeth and smiled, "We will stay in the forest tonight. I want to see if the people from the Infinite Sword Sect have the guts to intercept and kill us."

Yu Qingshan laughed and said: "The Boundless Sword Sect will send them out to intercept and kill the small sect, which shows that their strength is quite good. I also want to see how strong the core disciples of the Boundless Sword Sect are."

"I think Senior Brother Yu thinks highly of them!" A disciple from behind shouted, "When they dare to come, we will take action. Where will it be Senior Brother Yu's turn to take action?"

Yu Qingshan is one of the top three figures in Tianchen Sword Sect’s Tianchen Ranking.

The Tianchen List corresponds to the Tianjiao List of Daojian Sect. If we compare Tianchen Sword Sect with Dao Sword Sect, then Yu Qingshan is someone like Li Shiyin, or to be more precise, Liu Baiyun.

"Hahaha..." Yu Qingshan laughed when he heard this, "As promised, you must not steal it from me. I want to personally test the strength of the Infinite Sword Sect."

The group of people chatted and laughed, lowered their bodies, and entered the primeval forest with their swords.

They found a flat place in the forest, cut down some trees, cleared a clean area, and stopped to rest.

Most of the Foundation Establishment disciples meditated to recover their mana, while the Golden Core disciples took time to hunt down some bird- and deer-shaped monsters, lit a fire on the chopped trees, and started barbecuing.

"The Hengduan Mountains are indeed the Hengduan Mountains. They are so rich in resources!" A disciple smiled, "You can hunt delicious monsters just by walking around a little bit."

"The monsters are only one aspect, the wild elixir is the key." Someone answered, "I heard that the entire valley of Zhishen Valley is made of spiritual soil... Only with these can Zhishen Valley become a fairyland. No. 1 in alchemy."

Some people also pointed out: "The Dao Sword Sect is also exaggerated. The entire mountain is filled with spiritual stones!"

"Hey, when can we also enjoy the resources of the Hengduan Mountains?"

Yu Qingshan was sorting the deer meat and answered with a smile: "When the Dao Sword Sect is destroyed and our Tianchen Sword Sect moves in, won't we be able to enjoy these endless cultivation resources?"

"Senior brother is absolutely right!" A disciple quickly echoed, "After destroying the Wuyuan Sword Sect, we can still get their sword manuals, swordsmanship insights, and famous swords passed down from generation to generation." "I see you are all dreaming..." Someone Criticize with a smile.

Amid laughter, night gradually fell.

The rest of the place was dark, only two bonfires were raised here, dispelling the darkness and illuminating the surrounding area. The disciples of Tianchen Sword Sect followed the light of the campfire, eating, playing, laughing and making trouble.

Suddenly someone shouted: "Wine, who has any more wine? Warm it up."

"Do you still have meat over there?"

"No more. Go get some for yourselves...remember to get more."

Then a Foundation Establishment disciple stood up drunkenly, took out a sword from the Qiankun Bag, held it in his hand, and staggered into the dark forest to go hunting.

Because there were so many people, not many people paid attention to him until...


He was suddenly hit back by a huge force, flew backwards, smashed through the crowd, and fell into the fire.

The lively atmosphere disappeared in an instant, and silence suddenly fell around the campfire.

Only the "beep-beep-boop" sound of another pile of campfire wood was particularly noisy.

And silence comes and goes just as suddenly.


The crowd united with a grand momentum and instantly exploded!

"Enemy attack!" someone shouted.

"Ms. mist mist..."

More than a dozen swords were unsheathed, and more than a dozen Tianchen Sword Sect disciples all looked in the direction of the enemy.

There were four people over there, two men and two women, two at the Nascent Soul stage and two at the Golden Core stage, all carrying swords and quietly emerging from the darkness, each standing on the branch of a big tree.

They all had expressionless faces, looking down at them coldly and contemptuously.

Wu Lan walked forward, walked to the front, looked up at the four people, laughed "hahaha" a few times, and asked: "The Boundless Sword Sect?"

No one answered.

"Everyone is here unexpectedly. Can you tell me your surname?" Wu Lan asked again.

"I am the Emperor of the Sword, and I am known as the Southern Emperor Sword Immortal..." One of the men, who had an ordinary appearance but extraordinary bearing and a tall posture, replied, "This is my junior brother Beibei Sword God, my junior sister the magical power, my junior sister East Evil Sword Immortal. Together with the old monster from West Poison who is resting tonight, we are collectively called the Infinite Sword Sect’s East Evil, West Poison, Southern Emperor and Northern Beggar’s magical powers.”

"Eastern Evil and Western Poison?" Wu Lan frowned. He had some knowledge of the Boundless Sword Sect, but had never heard of this combination.

Of course, the distance is too far and the message transmission is not smooth, so it is normal that I have not heard about it.

He didn't get too hung up on it.

"I am Wu Lan, the Tianchen Sword Sect, and behind me are the disciples of my Tianchen Sword Sect." He introduced the four of them.

"I know." Nandi Sword Immortal nodded and asked, "Do you know what we are doing tonight?"

Behind Wu Lan, Yu Qingshan pulled up the disciple who fell into the fire and asked, "How are you?"

The disciple looked pale and weak. He covered his chest, shook his head and said, "It's not a problem, I can still withstand it."

Yu Qingshan smiled and patted his shoulder, praising: "Not bad!"

Then he asked, "What's your name?"

"Leng...Leng Ya." The disciple gasped, "Senior brother, my name is Leng Ya!"

"Okay!" Yu Qingshan stood up, handed him to a disciple beside him, and said with a smile, "I will remember you."

He took out a sword from the Qiankun bag, turned around and walked to Wu Lan, looking up at the four people on the tree, especially the Nandi Sword Immortal who was the leader.

This person is very strong and he can't see through it for a moment.

"I don't care what you do here," he said aloud, "I only know that you will die here tonight."

Nandi Sword Immortal looked at him, took a serious look, nodded and praised: "My cultivation is not bad!"

"Not bad?" Yu Qingshan laughed. This was the first time he heard such a comment so far in his practice. He raised his sword, pointed at the Nandi Sword Immortal, and said, "Before you die, I can give you A chance, a chance to fight with me alone.”

"Oh?" Nandi Sword Immortal thought for a moment, nodded and said, "Okay!"

After the two said this, they used their physical skills to fly high into the sky and started fighting in the dark night sky.

The technique Yu Qingshan practiced was the Tianchen Sword Sect's Zongzong Sword Technique - "Nine Suns Splitting the Sky Sword Technique".

Every move is as bright as the sun, the sword energy is as powerful as a rainbow, and the moves are unparalleled in power. Every time the sword is used, it feels like it can tear the night sky apart. His sword energy rippled in the darkness, and the scorching heat made everyone on the ground feel roasted.

"This person is very strong." Dongxie Sword Immortal couldn't help but comment.

The Northern Beggar Sword God nodded in agreement, but at the end, he suddenly shook his head again, but he didn't know why.

"That's the top three of our Sword Sect's Tianchen Ranking. How can you guess it?" A disciple of the Tianchen Sword Sect laughed out loud.

"I really want to know how many moves the Nandi Sword Immortal can handle?" someone else said.

The disciples of Tianchen Sword Sect were very happy on the ground, but Yu Qingshan in the sky was very depressed.

It's not that he can't beat him and is at a disadvantage, but...

Playing very strangely.

It seems that the Nandi Sword Immortal on the opposite side did not try his best.

The two have fought for more than ten rounds. Facing an opponent like him, Nandi Sword Immortal did not use his sword energy and could not see his sword intention. He didn't even know what attributes the Nandi Sword Immortal had practiced.

Faced with this situation, Yu Qingshan just felt strange. It was just that the opponent might not have tried their best. The reason was...

The opponent is him!

How dare you not try your best?

The other side is just practicing a certain special technique... That must be it!

So after more than ten rounds passed, Yu Qingshan defeated the Nandi Sword Immortal with one sword and said coldly: "An opponent like you is not worth fighting!"

After saying that, he turned around and flew back to the ground.

Nandi Sword Immortal calculated the time and it seemed that it was almost time, so he followed him back.

"How's it going?" Wu Lan was surprised when he saw that both of them came back unscathed, and asked with a frown.

"He must have practiced a special skill. He only defends but does not attack. Fighting is meaningless." Yu Qingshan said.

"A sword technique that only defends but does not attack?" The disciples of the Tianchen Sword Sect burst into laughter upon hearing this, "It is unheard of in the world that there is such a sword technique!"

However, only the four people here know what the situation is. Dong Xie, Bei Bei, and Zhong Shentong could not help but look at Yu Qingshan with pity.

"Do it!"

At this moment, Dongxie Sword Immortal suddenly shouted loudly, and four sword lights suddenly appeared!

The Tianchen Sword Sect was startled, and all kinds of sword auras were activated, preparing to face the enemy.

But the next moment, the four people on the tree over there all turned around, rose up with their swords, and dived into the darkness.

A faint voice came from the darkness: "They actually have three Nascent Souls!"

"It's actually among the top three in the Tianchen Ranking..."

"The Tianchen Sword Sect is so terrifyingly powerful!"

Their voices faded away, eventually disappearing into the darkness.


The monks from Tianchen Sword Sect could not help but be stunned, unable to realize what happened for a moment.


"what's the situation?!"

"Didn't they come to intercept and kill us?" someone asked, "Just left like this?"

"It seems that they are bullies and afraid of the strong..." Someone came up with the answer, "Seeing that we are too strong, they don't dare to take action."

"Elder Wu, shall we pursue him?"

Wu Lan shook his head solemnly: "Don't chase, be careful of traps."

"Ha!" Someone laughed, "Are the disciples of the Infinite Sword Sect this kind of thing?"

"It seems that the Infinite Sword Sect is nothing more than this."

"Tianchen Sword Sect can replace it!"

"Senior brother..." Leng Ya staggered to Yu Qingshan's side and asked, "Are you not injured?"

Yu Qingshan shook his head: "The Nandi Sword Immortal is no match for me... I'm too lazy to fight him."

"That's good..." Leng Ya raised his head and looked at the direction the foursome left in the darkness, frowned, and hesitated to speak.

Seeing this, Yu Qingshan asked: "What did you find?"

"They could kill me, but they didn't..." Leng Ya hesitated, "They are very strong and could kill many of our disciples, but they didn't... This is weird."

Yu Qingshan recalled that the Nandi Sword Immortal made him feel unfathomable, but in actual fighting, it was not like that. Also weird.

He narrowed his eyes, looked at the darkness and analyzed: "Could it be that the disciples of the Dao Sword Sect appeared today? Are the three sects of the Hengduan Mountains engaged in some kind of game?"

"Be careful..." Wu Lan warned aloud, "Maybe there is a back-up plan."

However, there was no backup plan, and until dawn and until they arrived at Zhishen Valley, no more accidents happened.

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