My Dangerous Billionaire Husband

Chapter 1013: She burst into tears

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Bai Qi never thought that Zhou Yao would find a stepmother for Xiao Si Leng!

Xiao Siliang's immature and cute face emerged from her mind, and Bai Qi felt that her heart had been dug, and it hurt.

At this moment, Zhou Yao's indifferent voice sounded in his ear, "I still used to say that."

That sentence before?

What's that?

Bai Qi is going crazy, she really wants to know his answer, he did give the answer, but she did not understand at all, it seems that this man and Yang Lin are not the first contact.

How many women did he hang out with?

"Come out." Then another voice sounded in my ear.

Bai Qi looked up in haste, and saw that Zhou Yao had turned sideways and looked at her in this direction. Even though there were many obstructed branches in front of her, she could feel that his eyes were sharp and accurate on her.

He had known she was hiding here.

Bai Qi was embarrassed for a while, but she couldn't help but walked out.

The Yang Lin had turned around and ran away. Bai Qi saw a side of Yang Lin. Yang Lin seemed to be covering her mouth and ran away crying.

Did he reject her?

Even if he refused, his soaring look, how many women want to pounce on him, Xiao Si Leng will one day have a stepmother.

Zhou Yao looked at the woman standing in front of him. He slowly raised his lips and sneered a little. "Mr. Bai, what are you standing there to eavesdrop on others?"

"No, I'm passing by!" Bai Qiyi replied solemnly.

"Oh." Zhou Yao laughed directly.

His laughter made her hair straight, laugh a hair?

"I ask you, do you really want to find a stepmother for Si Leng?" Bai Qi asked stiffly.

The smile on Zhou Yao's mouth was deeper, his eyes glanced down from her, his voice was indifferent and cold, "Do I need to tell you? What is your identity?"

His words were always concise and mean. Bai Qi's face turned red and white. Yeah, in what capacity did she question him like this?

A teacher?

Bai Qi felt that she was overly concerned about Si Leng. What qualifications did she have to manage Si Leng's family affairs, even if Si Leng really had a stepmother, she was not qualified to say a word.


Bai Qi's soft voice, two little hands dragging the clothes corner, "But the stepmother is not so good, now there are many news reports that the stepmother abused the child. This is not a rare thing ... Yang Lin's origin is really good, her face is beautiful , Temperament is also good, if you marry her, you will definitely be on the team to a higher level but ... Yang Lin is so young, you will definitely have children, Si Leng's heart is fragile, he always thinks ... you are not love enough He, if you really remarry, he will be very sad and sad ... "

Bai Qi didn't know what she was talking about. She just had to imagine that there would be a stepmother in Si Leng, and maybe he would have a younger brother and younger sister, and she felt a heartbreaking pain.

"Admiral, you really have to think carefully ..."

Bai Qi wanted to say more, but as soon as he looked up, there was still the figure of the man in front of him, and he turned away early.

He looked down on her, and she could feel it from his eyes. She was now talking about his personal affairs. He was naturally impatient and didn't want to listen anymore. It was normal for him to leave.

But Bai Qi's heart was empty, her eyes were very hot, she couldn't tell the feeling of suddenly wanting to cry, her heart was sore and painful, and she was very sad and aggrieved.

Bai Qi raised her eyelids, and she lifted her feet forward.

After walking for a while, she suddenly felt that something was stepping on her feet, and looking down, a red rope pendant lay quietly on the cobblestone floor.

Bai Qi recognized it at a glance. This was something that had been hanging around Zhou Yao's neck.

She bent down slowly and reached out to pick it up.

There is still heat on this red rope. It is his body temperature. It should have just fallen off. This is his personally important thing. She should return it to him immediately, but ...

Her white fingertips gently stroked this red rope, and then she touched the hand-embroidered small pendant pendant. There was a voice in her heart that kept saying, Bai Qi, open one look and one look Take a look at how beautiful his wife is, and take a look at the legendary cold kite.

She opened the little bag.

There is a small picture in the little bag. There are two people in the picture. One man and one woman. Zhou Yao four years ago was young, handsome and serious. There was no smile on his face. The woman around him was really beautiful. The facial features were exquisite and stunning. She stretched out her hand to compare a second "two", and poured her little head on Zhou Yao's side.

She smiled brilliantly, her sweet and happiness in her eyebrows.

Bai Qiyi looked at the sticker, and suddenly a hot tear dripped on the face of Leng Jie in the photo, and she burst into tears.


Suddenly a few drops of rain floated in the sky, and then it got worse and worse, Bai Qi walked down the cobblestone path in despair, at this moment a group of soldiers hurried over in front of them, one of them directly hit her.

Xiaozhi, Xiaozhi apologized in panic, "Sorry, I hit you ... Hey, Bai Qi, it's you, now it's raining, why are you getting the rain, go back."

Seeing what the soldiers were looking for anxiously, Bai Qi asked, "What are you looking for?"

"We are looking for a red rope pendant. The red rope hanging from the admiral's neck is gone. It was given to him by the sister-in-law. Now the admiral is going crazy."

"Oh, isn't it?" Bai Qi smiled at the corner of his mouth.

"Bai Qi, what's wrong with you, why do you look weird?"

"It's okay ..." Bai Qi shook her head, and then moved forward.

Xiao Zhi looked back at Bai Qi's back, he looked confused.

Then a soldier came forward and asked, "Instructor, what are you looking at?"

"I was watching Bai Qi, and I suddenly felt that Bai Qi was very much like a person ..."

"Like who?"

Xiao Zhi didn't say that he felt that Bai Qi now looks a lot like their sister-in-law, but maybe it is his illusion. Who makes Bai Qi's figure so like a sister-in-law?

"Let's find it quickly, don't delay time."


Bai Qi didn't know where she wanted to go. She paled a little. She saw a lot of soldiers along the way. He was looking for a red rope pendant and probably dispatched the entire team.

She walked under a big tree, and she saw a lot of people in front of her. Xiao Zhi supported a black umbrella for the man in front of him. .The red rope pendant must have fallen into this team. Don't worry, as long as we are in this team, we will find it even if we turn over the entire army. "

All of Zhou Yao's military uniforms were wet, and those short, hard black hairs lay on his forehead with rain. At this moment, he was a little bit embarrassed when he was absent from normal days.

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