My Dangerous Billionaire Husband

Chapter 1014: Miss, you are not dead

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Xiao Zhi held an umbrella for him, but Zhou Yao lifted the black umbrella above his head. His handsome features were tense and eager in the cold rain, which led to a small pit in front. He didn't notice. The man was tall. He shook his body and knelt directly on one knee in the pond.

"Admiral!" Everyone exclaimed.

Zhou Yao has always been a legend in the army. Everyone has a god-like existence. No one has seen him so embarrassed in these years. In their eyes, this man will never fall.

However, Zhou Yao couldn't get up again after kneeling on one knee. With a bang, he smashed a fist on the ground, splashed with water, he tightened his eyebrows, and then all the handsome and stern features were screwed in pain Together, "Kite ..."

His cold kite!

Not only did he lose her person, now he even lost that red rope pendant.

In these years, when he dreamed at midnight, he always awakened from the dream, and a thin layer of sweat was on his forehead. In the dream, she always wanted to raise his hand to touch him but didn't touch it. This red rope pendant, this red rope proves to him that she has been here, love has been here ...

But now, no more ...

The red rope pendant was gone, and he had nothing.

Under the big tree, Bai Qi looked at the scene in front of her. She looked at the man's painful and cramped look. She squeezed the red rope tightly, and the rain fell more and more, as she kept falling tears.


Bai Qi continued to move forward. She didn't know where she was going, but when she stopped, she found that she had arrived at Zhou Yao's residence.

Now these two big houses have changed their signboards --- Admiral's House!

But when she first came here four years ago, he was just a major general and had no signboard.

There is no change here. Bai Qi looked at the rope outside the house to hang clothes. His military uniform was hanging on the rope. Now it was wet by rain. He was looking for a pendant. .

Bai Qi can imagine him washing clothes by himself, because she has seen before, that he would stand by the pool with his upper body naked while taking a cold shower, and his movements are a bit unrestrained ...

Bai Qi came to the door, and she reached out to push the door. The door was unlocked. Don't look at him carefully when he was out of the task, but in his life he could be rough. If there was gold in the house, it would have been stolen. I thought, now that he is a grand general, he is so **** cool, who dares to steal him?

When she walked into the room, her eyes slowly slid into the kitchen from everything in the living room. Although she hasn't been here long, she has many memories here.

She cooks here for the first time, but it makes the kitchen messy. He comes back to cook for her. He likes to tease her. He teases her with red ears and goes to sleep on the living room sofa.

Bai Qi finally walked into the bedroom. The bedroom was clean and tidy. There was a bed with a tofu quilt on her bed. The scene of two people rolling the sheets clearly appeared in her mind. I do n’t know what she thought at the time, but he also wore a big red belly in the water. He was so bad at night that the bellyband hung loosely around her neck. She was always afraid of the bed falling or being outside. When the soldier heard this, he whispered to him.

And he likes to look at her shame, he is obsessed with her body. He once said that he would want to get her in the day and look at her in a tight black chest.

She remembered all of this, she remembered, they bit by bit since the encounter.


Bai Qi stood in front of the mirror and looked at the strange face in the mirror at the moment. How could she be like this, who is she? She didn't even know herself.

God made a big joke with her again!


The next day, Bai Qi left the army by car. What happened to Zhou Yao? She didn't ask, she just wanted to leave here.

Seeing that she was pale and wanted to send her to the hospital, Bai Qi shook her head. She didn't want to go. When she returned to the city, she said goodbye to Bai Bo and returned to her rental house.

In this forty-eight-square-meter house, Bai Qi's mood calmed down. When things happened, the first thing she had to do was accept.

She still has a lot to do and many people want to see her.

Taking out her cell phone, she dialed a number.

After two beeps, Ah Chen's voice came over, "Hey, hello, who is this?"

"Hey, Archen, it's me!" Bai Qi's voice was hoarse.

There was a puff at that end, and Ah Chen's voice was shaking with extreme shock. "Big ... big lady ..."

"Well, it's me."

"Oh my God, you didn't die. What happened four years ago? We watched you buried at Zhoujia Tomb Ridge ..."

"That coffin was empty. I didn't die. I didn't know exactly what happened four years ago. I was already in a wild mountain when I opened my eyes."

"Miss, why didn't you come back in those four years?"

"I lost my memory and only recovered it yesterday."

"Great young lady, I want to tell the young master this good news. The young master will be very happy when he knows ..."

"Achen," Leng Zhiyu interrupted him, "my thing, don't tell anyone."

"Why? Miss, you do n’t know how sad the young master was when you learned about the accident four years ago. All the news was blocked above. The young master knew that you were late when you had an accident. You have been buried. The young master was out of control for a while. The family was upset. The young master wanted to bring your tombstone back, but my aunt refused. The two almost got into a fight. Later, the old man Zhou held the young Master Si Leng, and the young Master Si Leng kept crying. The crying face was red and red. The young master wanted to take Master Si Leng with him, but as long as Master Si Leng held his aunt, and Grandpa thought he held Master Si Leng, Master Si Leng stopped crying, and finally the master compromised. "

Thinking cold ...

Her little thought cold ...

Bai Qi's eyes were red. She could even imagine the scene. A child born prematurely for more than eight months. He must have felt the tension. He was scared. He did n’t have a mommy to hold him. He only wanted his father. ratio…

Bai Qi tried to suppress the tears in her eyes. "Let's tell the brother when the time is right. Now, my situation is a bit complicated."

"Miss, do you need help?"

"No need." Bai Qi shook her head. "How have you been with Brother over the past four years?"

Ah Chen's voice became very heavy. "Four years ago, the young lady was hit hard by the accident. The young master was immersed in sadness and could not extricate herself. The young master thought that the Leng family had so much blood in Hong Kong for many years, The young lady and the master will have troubles one after another. The young master returned to Hong Kong. He ended all business transactions and washed his hands. Now he has opened many companies. "

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