My Dangerous Billionaire Husband

Chapter 1021: I beg you, I'm tired

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The smell of tobacco in the room was horrible, and the airtight atmosphere felt even more depressing. Mother Zhou tightened her eyebrows. She entered the room and opened the curtains and opened the window.

The cold wind at night poured in, and the bright white moonlight outside the window, Zhou mother turned, she looked at her son in pain, she missed the former Zhou Yao at that time, although he was unruly, but he was full of vigor And faith, and now that he is alive, he seems to be dead.

"Zhou Yao, I ask you, what exactly do you want to do? You look like you are living a mess, and Si Leng is living a mess with this family ... If you really have a favorite woman outside, if you It's really interesting to Yang Lin. Tomorrow I will let your grandfather tell Chief Yang that you remarry ... this family can't stand any trouble for you. "

"Mom," Zhou Yao took a puff of cigarette, he didn't look up, the male voice was all dumb, "take back your words, don't say it again, you know, I won't get married again."

"Since you don't want to remarry, then you are playing hooligan? What happened to Yang Lin, I called you in the hospital, but she picked up your cell phone, and she said you sleep next to her ..."

Zhou Yao frowned, and the soot between his fingers fell on his trousers. He didn't bounce it with his hands. "Really? Maybe my phone was picked up by her, and I have nothing to do with her."

He answered concisely.

Mother Zhou didn't know what he meant. Her son said less and less. During the past four years, he returned to Zhou's mansion with ten fingers, and he sealed himself up.

What happened to him and Yang Lin, he refused to explain clearly.

But at this time, Zhou's mother found that Zhou Yao was a bit abnormal, and the man's handsome face was sickly red, like a high fever.

Zhou Sileng's illness attracted everyone's attention. Mother Zhou saw that the black shirt and trousers on his body were all creased. It hadn't been changed for a few days, and there was a ring of scum on his jaw. Looks downcast and embarrassed.

"What's wrong with you?" Zhou mother stepped forward, and she reached out and touched Zhou Yao's forehead.

This touched Zhou's mother, "Zhou Yao, why is your forehead so hot? You have a high fever?"

Zhou Yao's entire body was hidden in a gray, the man's body collapsed, and there was no more Ying Ting on weekdays. He said indifferently, "Well, I got a little rain a few days ago ..."

The red rope in his neck fell off, and he searched all night. The rain in the night did not stop. The next day he had a high fever. He was not treated, but closed himself in the room until Xiaozhi came in the afternoon. He was unconscious in the bed when he delivered the meal.

He was taken to the infirmary and hung up. Yang Lin was the doctor there. Maybe Yang Lin picked up his cell phone next to him. The situation was probably like that.

His mother asked him about Yang Lin. He didn't want to answer. A stranger, he was frank. He felt tired all over now, as if the whole person was going to be paralyzed. He didn't want to spend any more energy on anyone.

Besides, even if people all over the world think that his nickname is out, he doesn't need to explain, because he doesn't have the person he wants to explain.

Without her, what would the world do with him?


"Zhou Yao, you can't do this. Your forehead is hot. I'll call the doctor to give you a drop ..."

"No, I've taken medicine. I'll sleep after a while, and I'll just wake up."

"How can this work? If you are sick, you can't drag it. I'll call the hospital." Said Mother Zhou went to the door.

"Mom!" The man called her back, "I beg you, I'm tired, don't bother me, okay?"

Mother Zhou's footsteps are slow. Zhou Yao is her son. He has never spoken to her in such a tone for thirty-two years. His voice is full of weakness and tiredness, but more ... And despair.

Mother Zhou's eyes were red. She slowly turned and came to Zhou Yao, looking down at the man's drooping head. She asked with a quiver, "What's the matter with you, son?"

The man spit out a spit of smoke, and he tightened his eyebrows. "I gave ... the red rope she gave me ... the red rope ... I lost it, I searched everywhere, but ... I couldn't find it ..."


"It feels like four years ago, I watched her openly in front of me four years ago ... closed ... my eyes, I want to save her, even if I can replace it with my life, but ... I can do nothing, I save I ca n’t ... she lost the red rope she gave me again ... I lost it. The time we fell in love was so short that the red rope was her ... the only gift I gave me. It misses me, I look at the photos inside again and again because I'm afraid I forgot her beautiful appearance, I'm afraid ... forget I've loved it before, I'm afraid ... forgot I'm still alive ... ''

"But now I really have nothing ... my heart is hollowed out, this world ... so big, but I am trapped in a maze, I am very confused and helpless, I don't know ... I still What can you do ... "

"I really miss that she misses her very much. Si Leng was still young in the past two years. I was thinking with Si Leng. I wasn't ... alone, at least she left my son to me, but ... Si Lengyue It ’s getting bigger, looking at his eyes, looking at the red rope bell on his wrist, watching him yearning day by day ... The look of motherly love, I found that I could n’t accept it, and I could n’t afford to comfort him because of his sadness Isn't it my grief, he needs a mum, and I also need a woman ... Looking at Si Leng, I feel bleeding in my heart ... "

"I started to evade, I began to reduce the time I spent with ... Si Leng, I started to be on other women ... to find her shadow, I can give whatever they want, as long as they let me take a look, quiet Stay with me for a while ... "

"I feel good about this game. I don't think I'm wrong, but ..." Zhou Yao lost the cigarette in his hand, and he reached out and touched his empty neck. "I know I was wrong because ... she was angry, she ... She was punishing me, and she even took back the last thing I had ...

The words that Bai Qi said were still echoing clearly in his ears. She was right, his kite did not want him, and his kite would not return!

She's right!

He will live in eternal pain for the rest of his life.

The tears in Zhou's eyes came out. Zhou Yao's neck was like petrified. His eyes didn't know where to look at the carpet, but Zhou knew that his eyes must be empty.

Mother Zhou stepped forward two steps, she shook out her right hand and touched the man's hard short hair. Her son suffered only the frustration of Han Hong's life, and besides that ...

She knew that Kite's death had crushed him all.

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