My Dangerous Billionaire Husband

Chapter 1022: Teacher Bai said to Sileng that Mummy is here

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"Son, mother knows ... you are miserable, but ... can't we move forward, Si Leng ... is only four years old, so young, you dad are like this ... break down first, what to do if Si Lun is still ... She ... definitely doesn't want to see you like this ... "

His mother's gentle hands shuttled through his short hair, making him feel the warmth of a long absence. His hollow eyes gradually returned to his mind, and he put his head on his mother's soft belly. "Mom, she was wrong. Four Years ago ... when she left, I said that I would definitely be ... a better dad than, in fact, I ’m not, without her, I did n’t want to ... be a dad ... "

Said Zhou Yao stretched out his arms and hugged Zhou's waist tightly. The thirty-two man was fragile like a child at the moment, "There is no if in this world, if she is still there, she will definitely come back, How could she be willing to see me like this ... my heartache is dying ... "


Early the next morning.

Zhou Siliang's little pot friend's fever was gone. When he opened his eyes early in the morning and saw that there was an extra person on the bed, and he was his favorite woman, he jumped up from the bed.

Bai Qi slept with him all night last night. He actually slept with his woman all night?

Zhou Silian's Xiaopenyou said that he was very shy, but more is ... so excited.

He quickly got dressed and got out of bed, happy like a bird.

Seeing Xiaosi cold and burned back, she was very cheerful, Bai Qi was very happy, she was full of guilt and love for this son, she could not wait to supply him the missing four years of motherly love.

After the two had washed, Zhou Siliang pulled Bai Qi downstairs and went into the living room. Zhou Siliang greeted everyone politely and warmly, "Grandma, goodmorning, Aunt Ni, goodmorning ..."

Mother Zhou quickly poked her head out of the kitchen to see. She smiled as soon as she saw her grandson's arrogant look. "Think cold, why do you get up so early, is your body still uncomfortable?"

Zhou Siliang shook his head like a rattle, "It's not uncomfortable, I'm as strong as being beaten with chicken blood now, because Bai Qi came to see me!" Said Zhou Si Leng shook Bai Qi's arm in a coquettish manner.

Bai Qi petted his little head, "Although you have a fever, you should drink plenty of water today."

"Observe!" Zhou SiLing respectfully saluted a military salute, and he smiled brightly at Bai Qi.

Xiao Si Leng's appearance reminded Bai Qi of the man four years ago, and the man often saluted her. He would say --- obediently, my sister-in-law!

Bai Qi's thoughts flickered. Why did she think of him again?

However, she didn't seem to see his people.

Bai Qi glanced around, maybe there was a rhinoceros in her heart, and the little girl around asked him crisply and puzzled, "Well, grandma, my dad? Didn't dad come back with me last night? It's eight o'clock now, dad I'm more lazy than sleeping. "

Speaking of Zhou Yao, Mother Zhou's eyes were red, and she quickly opened her eyes and said, "Your dad slept later than last night. Let's not wake him up, let him sleep more. Come, think cold, white Teacher, let's have breakfast first. "

"Okay, Dad is working hard, let him sleep for a while. Bai Qi, let's have breakfast." Zhou Siliang pulled Bai Qi closer to the restaurant.

Bai Qi glanced at the closed door upstairs, and she sat beside Zhou Siliang and began to eat breakfast.


After having breakfast, Zhou Si coldly said, "Bai Qi, you said that I have been with me for the past two days. Let's go play on the lawn."

"Okay," Bai Qi nodded, "but your body is just fine, you can't be naughty, so, have you learned to paint, can you get a drawing board and a brush, shall we go and paint on the lawn?"

"Okay, okay, I'll get it." Zhou Sileng cooperated very well. He took Bai Qi and pulled out.

Mother Zhou reluctantly told in the back, "Think cold, you slow down."

Big and small were sitting on the lawn in the distance, and Mother Zhou stood by the door and looked at her, with a smile on her face.

At this moment, the door of the room upstairs opened and Zhou Yao came out.

He changed into a clean white shirt and black trousers. He was strong and straight, and just after taking a shower, those hard bangs were lying on his forehead softly. He didn't shave, and there was still a trace in his eyes. Bloodshot, the whole person is like a vicissitudes of vicissitudes with mature charm.

Pulling his long legs down the stairs, he glanced out through the floor-to-ceiling window, which stopped him.

There was a large and a small one on the lawn in the distance. Zhou Siliang was holding a drawing board in front of him. He was drawing with a pen in his hand. Bai Qi was sitting beside him. Her soft body leaned over and her left arm was around. After Zhou Sileng's body held his little hand, she was teaching him to draw with a smile.

Zhou Siming was very excited and didn't know what the two said. Zhou Siming suddenly fell over Bai Qi, and the two rolled on the lawn.

Then Bai Qi held Zhou Si cold in her arms, and she carried his weight, as if looking at how much he weighed.

Even so far away, Zhou Yao could hear the laughter and laughter there. At this time, the sun was just right, and the big and small were concentrated in the bright halo, like a beautiful painting.

Zhou Yao's gaze turned on those two people. He suddenly felt that the fatigue and pain of last night had been cured at this moment, and his heart was full and tender.

He didn't ask much, all he could ask for a lifetime was the picture on the lawn at this moment. There was a son and a beloved her.

With these, he will be good, he will be good.

Mother Zhou turned around comfortably. On this turn, she saw her son standing on the stairs in a daze. She immediately said, "Zhou Yao, are you up? Come and have breakfast."

"Well." Zhou Yao snorted. He retracted his gaze and walked towards the restaurant.

That picture is so beautiful and useless, Bai Qi is not her, not his.

He thinks he should be awake!

Aunt Ni brought the hot breakfast to the table, Zhou Yao rolled out the napkin, and then had breakfast quietly.

Aunt Ni glanced out of the window and then said with emotion, "Master, madam, this white teacher is really sincere to the young master, you see how happy the young master is now."

"Yeah," Mother Zhou nodded with satisfaction. "My family has a cold temper, and hasn't seen who he likes since he was a kid, but he likes Teacher Bai, and Teacher Bai is really nice to him ..."

Speaking of Mother Zhou stopping for a moment, she thought to Aunt Ni, "Maybe Mr. Bai really took Si Leng as his son. You didn't know that in the hospital yesterday, Si Leng called Mummy, and Teacher Bai took With his little hand saying that Mummy is here, don't be afraid ... in this way, Teacher Bai is really like a cold Mummy ... "

As soon as the voice fell, only a slap was heard, and Zhou Yao's knife and fork fell to the ground.

The man suddenly got up from the dining chair, he looked at his mother, "Mom, what did you just say?"

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