My Dangerous Billionaire Husband

Chapter 1028: Joke, you are my daughter-in-law

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Bai Qi froze when she was lifted horizontally. She quickly looked up, and then she hit the man's narrow eyes that were flaming and flaming.

Bai Qi jumped in her heart, she immediately put out two small hands against his hard chest, "what do you want to do, thinking cold here ..."

Zhou Yao's voice was all dumb, revealing the pressing sexy, "Si Leng is here, so you better not resist, let's go to the living room, you cooperate well, I don't want to wake him up."

He had already said the things he wanted to do so plainly, Bai Qi blushed with a small face, and she hammered him hard.

Zhou Yao's eyes sank, and he hugged her out of the door.

After entering the living room, Bai Qi put down her tense nerves. She bit her lower lip and said, "Zhou Yao, let me down!"

"Don't let go!" The man's tone was as strong as ever.

The anger in Bai Qi's heart was all ignited. "Are you too presumptuous, do whatever you want to do. Have you ever asked my opinion?"

Zhou Yao slowly raised his lips. He looked down at the beautiful gray eyes of the woman. "Joke, you are my wife, I want to do it!"

"You!" Bai Qi took a deep breath. "You go to find another woman, what about Liu Chengcheng, and that of Yang Lin, and the women you have dealt with in the past few years. If you want to do it, go and do them."

Zhou Yao threw Bai Qi into the sofa in the living room. The room was less than 50 square meters. There was too little space to show, so he had to be on the sofa.

"Jealous?" He raised his eyebrows in a good mood.

Bai Qi was about to get up from the sofa, but the man pressed quickly, and his rough jaw clenched her jaw. "No, I haven't touched any woman. I'm like you, I only had one Woman, I just want to be her. "

"Ghost talk! Do you think I can believe it? In that hotel room, I watched Liu Chengcheng wear a net-shaped **** pajamas. Do you want to lie to me?" Bai Qi didn't believe it at all.

The two leaned closer, and the fragrance of her body kept digging into his nose. Zhou Yao was tense immediately, and he frowned. "She has nothing to do with me wearing her **** pajamas, no, no!" Don't say that when I look at them, they do n’t want to be hard. I do n’t want to go even if they are hard. The women I want do n’t have to wear **** pajamas. I want to go no matter what you wear!

His words were so explicit that Bai Qi covered her ears and didn't want to listen. She bent her right knee and pushed him towards him.

But I did n’t reach her. Her knees were already in the man ’s palm. His heavy body was pressed down, and the two rolled down on the sofa. He smiled, “Wife, I really want to waste me, then Who will give it to you in the future? "


She was going to scold him, but her red lips were covered by the man's mouth. He held her small mouth for a moment and then rushed into her tongue.

The man's wild and wild breath sprayed on her face, Bai Qi wanted to avoid hiding, but his thick body hugged her possessively tightly in her arms, and she couldn't move.

Bai Qi looked up, and his kiss slid down from her pink neck all the way, no matter how thick the clothes were, his palms flipped twice, and she immediately felt cold.

The sound of a metal belt sounded in her ear, and then she was nailed to the sofa next second.

Bai Qi quickly closed her eyes, two small hands grabbed his strong arm, and put her nails into his strong muscles, and two drops of tears slipped from the corners of her eyes.

He's tangled, it's all him ...

Can't escape the fate.

Zhou Yao's eyes were blood red, and he kissed the tears near the corner of the woman's eyes and then kissed her little white earlobe. Is it better, I miss you, think about it ... "


An hour later, the living room calmed down again, with clothes thrown on the floor and men and women mixed together.

The original horizontal sofa had also moved and tilted. There were two people squeezed on the narrow sofa. Bai Qi slid sideways to face the sofa and slept. Zhou Yao hugged her tightly from behind. Share the smell of extravagant fees.

Zhou Yao narrowed his eyebrows. The fatal feeling on his body took a long time to recede. He opened his eyes and raised his half arm.

Bai Qi was bleeding from a little blush, and her black hair was wet on her forehead, and her pink neck added a lot of women's charm.

She closed her eyes and curled up.

Zhou Yao didn't have enough. He leaned down and kissed her face. "Daughter, sorry, I was a little rude just now, but I really can't help it ..."

Bai Qi did not accept his apology, never. When he wanted to, he would only care about the three or two fleshly soots on his body. When he was comfortable enough, he would remember to give her tenderness and coax her with good words.

"My daughter-in-law, I still think it's like a dream. For the past four years, I always thought you were dead. I waited for you, but I didn't dare to expect that one day you could come back, my daughter-in-law.

"I don't want to listen." Bai Qi interrupted him.

"Okay, you don't want to listen to this topic, then I won't talk about it. Daughter-in-law, our son, Si Leng, he has always wanted a mummy, he misses you very much, now it is OK, our family of three is finally reunited, if I told him the news, he will be very happy, he likes you very much, and you are his mummy ...

Bai Qi turned around and she looked at Zhou Yao. "Don't tell Si Leng first, I'm afraid he won't accept it for a while."

"Okay," Zhou Yao agreed. "We told him slowly and let him accept it a little bit."

After talking about Zhou Yao, he leaned down and kissed her again. His big palm went to her chest. Just now, his breathing was turbulent again. "Sister-in-law, I still ..."

Without talking, the fragrant in her arms was pulled away, and Bai Qi went down from the sofa.

She stooped to pick up the clothes on the ground, and then walked to the room, she refused and obviously did not want to ignore him.

Zhou Yao looked at her smooth and jade back and the enchanting curves. He rolled a knot in his throat, and the corner of his mouth evoked the angle of petting. He knew that the woman deliberately dangled his appetite and seduced him.

He also got up and picked up the black underwear on the ground and put it on his body. He was naked and walked towards the door with his bare feet. The palm of his hand reached the door to open it, but the door was locked.

She refused to let him in.

The first night, she locked him out of the door.

When Zhou Yao raised his eyebrows and raised his eyes, he thought that the two most important people in his life were sleeping in the room, and he felt that his whole heart was full.

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