My Dangerous Billionaire Husband

Chapter 1029: Zhou Si Leng said, the word **** is not inherited

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Actually, what if she locked the door of the room, a door could not stop him at all. He wanted to enter, it was very easy, but he didn't want to reverse her meaning, for fear she was really angry.

Having just been indulged and contented, he was in a good mood and more patient. At this moment, he was willing to use soft words to ask her to coax her, so indulge her.

"Sister-in-law, did you shut me out of the door, do you really bear it? There is a room here, where do I sleep at night?"

"Wife, let me enter the room. I want to sleep with you and your son."

"Forget it, don't go in if you don't. Can you let me go in and take a bath? I just sweated and my body is sticky. You know, I can't sleep well like this." ...

He said outside, but there was no movement inside, she refused to open the door.

Zhou Yao stretched out his tongue and licked his dry thin lips. "Oh ..." He laughed lowly and indulgently, little bastard, did she still rely on him to love her?


Early the next morning.

The alarm clock rang and Bai Qi opened her eyes. Today she got up late, probably because of the tiredness last night. Now her body is still sore.

His physique is difficult for ordinary women.

Zhou Siling's small basin friend drilled into her arms and fell asleep, Bai Qi touched his soft black hair, and then called him, "Si Leng, wake up, we just woke up, today you still Going to school. "

Zhou Siliang's small pot friend opened his sleepy eyes, he beaked his pink mouth, "Bai Qi, what time is it?"

"It's seven."

"Oh, then I should get up." Said Zhou Si Leng, Xiaopen You reached out his hand and hugged Bai Qi's waist, he gave a coy look, "I really want to hold you and sleep for a while."

Bai Qi's body was soft and fragrant, and he was particularly comfortable holding it.

"Si Leng, you can come here often in the future."

"Really? We pull the hook."

"it is good."

Bai Qi and he ticked off, "Si Leng, get up quickly, I'm getting up too late today, I wanted to cook some porridge for you, so let's eat early in the street outside later."

Xiaosi Zhou's friends didn't have any opinions. "Okay, they all listen to Bai Qi."


The two finished washing and then went out of the door holding hands. "Bai Qi, what will we eat sooner, I want to eat ... Yeah, Dad!"

Zhou Siliang saw Zhou Yao in the restaurant at a glance.

Zhou Yao changed his clothes, a dark blue V-neck sweater and black trousers. He shaved the beard on his jaw. The whole face looked young and handsome. Compared with Bai Qi's body aches, he was full of energy.

Bai Qi looked at him, the man stood at the small dining table and was setting the tableware. On the table were three bowls of steaming millet porridge, as well as a few pastries and delicate dishes.

Bai Qi hesitated. Is he ready for breakfast?

Zhou Siliang's little pot friend has rushed to the dining table. He held his cheeks with his two little hands. "Daddy, why are you still here, Bai Qi and I have forgotten you."

His son was so inconsiderate, Zhou Yao raised his eyelid and glanced at him, "Less nonsense, sit down and have breakfast."

"Oh," said Xiaosi Zhou, a friend of Xiaopen quickly, and turned to see Bai Qi. "Bai Qi, come on, we have breakfast."

Bai Qi had to walk up.

Three people had breakfast together. Zhou Siliang, Xiaopen friends picked up a Xiaolongbao and took a bite. "Wow, dad, this Xiaolongbao is delicious. Did you buy it in the shop in the west of the city? Grandma also Will buy it for me. I thought Dad didn't know what I like to eat. I didn't expect Dad to buy it for me. "

Zhou Yao had breakfast quietly and did not speak.

Zhou Siliang's small pot friend can be opened. He feels very happy recently. He asked, "Dad than, this millet porridge is also delicious, can you buy it?"

"No, it is."

"Oh my god, did you cook it yourself?" Said Zhou Siliang, Xiaopenyou sobbed excitedly.

Bai Qi immediately asked nervously, "Si Leng, what's wrong with you, how can you cry?"

"Bai Qi, I just feel that happiness comes too suddenly, Dad is better than me."

Zhou Yao glanced at his son's exaggerated and poor acting skills. His face was scornful, but he was still pretty in heart. The son said a few words in front of the woman, and the woman would be nice to him.

This son is no longer raised in vain.

Xiao Silian praised his dad so much, Bai Qi was still very surprised, but the two of them were just fine, Bai Qi wanted to speak. At this time, Zhou Si Leng's little pot friend said to himself, "I am long I ’m so big, Dad never cooked for me. I did n’t know Dad ’s craftsmanship was better than anyone else. I ’m really flattered today ’s breakfast. I feel like I ’ve suddenly become a beloved child of God. ”

Bai Qi, ...

Zhou Yao's handsome face twitched directly.

"Bai Qi, actually think carefully that my dad is better than me at times. Although he has a bad temper, he often hits me fiercely. He also likes picking up girls. Changing women, such as changing clothes, sometimes I get confused. I do n’t know if he was busy in the army or took those women to buy jewelry or open a house. By the way, my dad did n’t have time to accompany me. Like this, I can see his situation in the evening and countless ... ”

Said Zhou Siliang, Xiaopen friends sighed, "But Bai Qi, he is just my dad. You do n’t have to be afraid. The word scum is not inherited. My dad is more fancy, but I am passionate and we will move out in the future. , Not living with him. "

Zhou Si Leng Xiaopen You so comforted his woman.

Bai Qi's little hand holding the chopsticks was tightened, and a anger was burning in her chest, allowing her son to call her dad more "scum". How scum is this man?

Zhou Yao's entire face was blue. He didn't know that his son could dismantle in this way. He stared at Zhou SiLeng fiercely and reprimanded, "Shut up to Lao Zi! Drink your milk!"

Is it milk again?

Zhou Silian's small pot friend seemed to be ordered to death.

At this moment, a piercing voice sounded in the ear, "It's you who shut up! After breakfast, please hurry away!"

Zhou Siliang's little chin friend almost fell off his entire chin. He turned his eyes to Bai Qi, did Bai Qi ... ask his dad to shut up?

Bai Qi is really ... really daring.

Xiaolin Zhou waited for Dad to become furious. His dad had a bad temper. He had already figured out how to protect Bai Qi, but he didn't wait for Dad to lose his temper.

Looking at his eyes, he saw Dad than Bai Qi, but he said nothing and dropped his head to eat breakfast.

Zhou Siliang, a small friend, ...

Today the sun was out from the west, his dad changed like a man.


Bai Qi didn't want to spend more time with this man for another minute, but Xiao Si Leng had to go to school, and he had a car. In front of his son, she didn't want her son to be aware of the delicateness between adults.

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