My Dangerous Billionaire Husband

Chapter 1061: I'll give you a lollipop

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Ye Xiaotao whispered for help. A good girl can't lose herself, she can flex and stretch.

He thought Leng Hao would help her when she heard her begging, but this man looked at her as if he were the air. He walked forward by himself, and reached for the elevator.

Ye Xiaotao, ...

At this time, Lin's bodyguard in black had chased him, and Ye Xiaotao's face turned red, "Leng Hao!" She called him with gritted teeth.

Lenghao glanced at her indifferently, the girl's watery eyes were staring at him very angry, she looked like a well-behaved kitten opened her paw and could not help scratching him, and the person saw itching.

The man couldn't help but saw the hand of the bodyguard in black stretched out. When Ye Xiaotao was angry, she had a deep sense of crisis. She couldn't be arrested. How can she help herself at this time?


Ye Xiaotao's eyes brightened, "Husband!" She screamed sweetly, then came to Leng Hao and lifted her toes. She stretched out her two small hands to embrace his neck, and finally kissed his thin lip.

The bodyguard in black stopped his hand quickly, and even Lin Ye's eyes flashed in shock.

Leng Hao was also unexpected. He knew that the girl was very bold, but he did not expect to be so bold, he immediately reached out and pulled her slim arm away.

"Well, husband!" Ye Xiaotao hugged his neck even harder, she couldn't be torn apart by him, and once her efforts were torn apart, she lost all her efforts.

She screamed softly, then pecked twice on his thin lips, and saw that he was unmoved, and she opened her mouth to allow him aloofly.

Leng Hao stiffened in the palm of her slim arm, neither of them closed her eyes. Her clear and bright eyes were watery, her pink lips were soft, and she pecked him like a jelly to allow him.

Leng Hao stretched his waist uncontrollably, and a current flowed through his body and then all gushed somewhere below him.

He wasn't hardened by those women who had beaten him with **** in the bar just now, and now he was aroused by her easy kiss.

This girl has a good taste, he admits.

Ye Xiaotao kissed him and then let go. She blinked her eyes with beautiful eyes and said, "Husband, Oba, how about helpme? I will go back to you at night and serve you well, I will give you ... Lollipop."

Said Ye Xiaotao stuck out her pink tongue and licked her pink lips.

Leng Hao took a quick breath, and his eyes suddenly became fierce. This girl who did not know shame, he wished to strangle her. Does she know what she was talking about?

Eat lollipop ...

How many evil thoughts were contained in her little head, so tainted that she couldn't taint any more.

At this time, "ding", the elevator door opened, Leng Hao pulled off her fiber arm, and then pulled out her long legs and entered the elevator.

"Husband, wait for me." Ye Xiaotao quickly entered the elevator and hugged his arm. She looked up and waved to Lin Ye, "He is really my husband."

"Master Leng, this ..." Lord Lin was confused.

Leng Hao looked at Ye Lin with no expression, and he said, "She's right, she is the jewel in the palm of the night house, and now it's mine ... my wife."

"What?" Grandpa Lin was startled.

The elevator doors have been closed.


The elevator opened on the first floor. Lenghao walked out first. There was a long business luxury car parked outside the bar. Achen sat in the driver's seat and waited.

Seeing Leng Hao coming out, Achen quickly opened the rear door and Leng Hao bent over and sat up.

Ah Chen wants to close the door, then "Wait a minute!" Ye Xiaotao ran out panting, she flexed into the back seat, and smiled at Ah Chen sweetly, "Thank you."

Chen Chen nodded respectfully, "Mrs. Young."

The business luxury car drove out.

Leaving that frightening bar, Ye Xiaotao's heart finally fell, but at the same time, her whole body was burning with a fire, and she looked angrily at the man around her.

Leng Hao sat in the back seat with his legs superimposed. He took a document in his hand and looked at it intently. His face glowed charming and charming under the neon lights of the city, although he was born in ** **, but his temperament is very cold.

Ye Xiaotao hummed, if she didn't know what kind of person he was, she might be deceived by his appearance.

"Hey, Lenghao!" She said politely.

After hearing this, A Chen in the driver's seat immediately glanced back through the rearview mirror. No one has dared to call his master, including Bai Lingyun, in such a tone in these years.

The young lady is courageous.

"Hey, Lenghao, I ask you, what do you mean just now? That old pervert caught me, I asked you for help, why didn't you help me? Do you really want to watch me blasted by that old pervert ? "

Leng Hao's gaze was still on the documents in his hand. He slowly lifted his thin lips and smiled indifferently. "What does it have to do with you being forced to burst?"

Ye Xiaotao's mouth almost spit out blood. He was talking about God horse?

"Lenghao, I'm your wife. If I were really blasted, you would be cuckold. Are you a man?"

"Oh, am I a man, isn't Miss Ye still not sure? And I want to remind you that the person who told me not to disclose the marriage information to the outside world is you. That day and night I just want to give birth to the child and break up with me It ’s you too, oh, you also said that we are not husband and wife at all, but you set up a gang with me halfway, I am your ... husband. "

Thinking of the word "husband", Lenghao raised an eyebrow.

Ye Xiaotao ended up saying, was she the "coup" wrong? She didn't want to marry him.

"So, why are you so cold-blooded that even if a strange girl is going to be blasted by an old pervert, you shouldn't stand idly by, your conscience?"

This time Leng Hao slowly raised his head, his eyes were very deep, and a sneer appeared at the corner of his mouth, "Miss Ye, what is conscience, do you want to teach me?"

Ye Xiaotao, ...

"The world has always been weak and strong, and there are so many weak people. Should I run a charity as a philanthropist, or do I want to be a superhero?" Said Leng Hao glanced up and down Ye Xiaotao, "Moreover, do you need to save? A married woman, a pregnant woman, it's eight or nine in the evening. You're still fooling around in the bar. Didn't you enjoy it when you got on the pole dance to seduce those men? Ye Lin wants to blast you, how do I know you are Isn't it trying to get away with it? Maybe I rushed to save you and ruined your good. "

Ye Xiaotao's body shivered, very well, he had really humiliated her, and she was so unbearable in his eyes.

Leng Hao ignored the anger in the girl's eyes, he continued to look at the documents in his hand.

But the document in his hand was taken the next second, the window slipped a slit, and Ye Xiaotao dropped the document in his hand.

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