My Dangerous Billionaire Husband

Chapter 1062: I broke your place

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How dare she lose his files? !!

Leng Hao's entire Jun face sank. Dark clouds spread, "Yao Xiaotao!" He was also angry. No woman dared to be so pretentious in front of him. Bai Lingyun was already presumptuous, but that was what he condoned.

He is willing to pet a woman. That is what he is willing to do. A woman is a delicate piece of porcelain that needs the care of a man. The woman he likes deserves his pet, but what is this little night peach?

That lost document will not only cost him more than eight digits, but he will also lose the credibility of Lengjia.

He has been on the road for many years, even if he doesn't love this business, but as long as he is one day, he can be worthy of Master Leng's identity, and worthy of following all the entrances of Leng's family.

"What do you want me to do?" Ye Xiaotao turned to look at the man, seeing his expression of anger, Ye Xiaotao immediately smiled with a frown, "husband, you are angry, see if you want to hit someone like this?" Come, I'll call you. "

Ye Xiaotao moved his delicate and bright face forward.

Leng Hao's clear blue eyes were about to burst into flames, but he didn't move, he wouldn't hit a woman.

Ye Xiaotao laughed more happily, "Why husband, you don't want to fight, can you listen to me seriously? Do you have any qualifications to accuse me of coming to the bar at night, haven't you also come? As a Married man, a child's father, don't you come to the bar just like that? That Lin is your friend? Huh, it ’s really like gathering people into groups, and ... ”

Ye Xiaotao reached out and took off a long hair on Lenghao's shoulder. "Have you ever slept with a woman? My curious husband said, how many women have you slept with, how many are you? …only me?"

Leng Hao looked at the small flower-like face in front of him. He gritted his teeth and said, "Shut up!"

Ye Xiaotao wouldn't shut up, she raised her eyebrows with a pink mouth and said, "Oh, you are so ashamed, wouldn't you really only have ... me? I broke your place!"

Broke your place ...

In the driver's seat, Achen laughed without hearing the words, but as soon as he laughed, Leng Hao killed with a sharp look.

A Chen sat right down, and he heard nothing.

Ye Xiaotao was so happy in her heart that she accidentally discovered the secret of this stinky stone. She really broke his place in Hong Kong that night, but ...

"No, husband. Everyone said that you have been dating that Bai family lady for ten years. Oh my god, you haven't slept with her in this decade. Husband, will you lose money?"

"Yao Xiaotao, you look for death!" The girl repeatedly stepped on the minefield in his heart, watching her little mouth chattering in front of him repeatedly, he just wanted to shut her up, so he leaned over and kissed her. Powder lips.

It's not a kiss, but a bite.

Ye Xiaotao immediately felt pain, and alas, her lips were bitten.

"Leng Hao, it hurts!" She was most afraid of pain, so two small hands hit his chest and pushed him away quickly.

The corner of the girl's mouth was really broken, and the bright red blood flowed out, which was almost magic in Leng Hao's eyes. He chuckled the corner of his lips coldly and reached out and pulled Ye Xiaotao into his arms.

Ye Xiaotao has not responded yet, her little mouth has been blocked.

This time she was really kissed.

The man first tentatively crushed her lips a few times, and probably felt her taste was good, so he opened his mouth and forced her delicate lips, especially he greedily sucked the corners of her broken lips Blood flowing from everywhere.

Ye Xiaotao was very painful and unwell. The man at the moment reminded her of a vampire, and she immediately struggled, "Leng Hao, let go, sigh ..."

He snapped her teeth and took the opportunity to stick his long tongue straight in.

As soon as Ye Xiaotao stagnates, she doesn't have any kissing experience at all. Except for a sneak peek in college, all her experience comes from this man.

In fact, her memory of that night is also vague. The heroines in those action movies are yelling, as if doing that thing is extremely happy. She thought she would be happy too, and she was ready to let it be happy. It was more violent, but he penetrated her all of a sudden, and she felt heartbreaking pain.

Everything else was in chaos. She didn't feel any pain except for her pain. She called and stopped urgently. He ignored it and plundered like a beast on her body. In the end, she felt numb.

She fainted again that night, and woke up in the early morning. She thought she would see her favorite senior as soon as she opened her eyes, but unexpectedly she saw a mature and handsome face. She was scared to leave a thousand Hong Kong dollars. His capital quickly slipped.

If she was asked about her impression of that night, she only remembered the pain, the numbness, and the extravagant smell in the air, which was the kind he made in her body.

Now he kissed her like this, and Ye Xiaotao's memory revived a little bit. He kissed her that night and swollen her mouth. He also put his long tongue in and wrapped her around.

Ye Xiaotao is not good as a whole. This kind of drooling thing is not dirty. She immediately reached out and hammered him, kicked him with her hands and feet, "Well, let go ..."

Leng Hao finally allowed her a bit before letting go. His eyes were a little red, and the eyes on her face were extremely evil. "Why, did you just say that to me?"

Ye Xiaotao only wanted to swear, and she immediately reached out and threw it at Lenghao's face, "Asshole!"

Leng Hao clasped her slender haw wrist, "You make trouble again!"

His words were full of deterrence. When it came to strength, she was not his opponent for a hundred. Ye Xiaotao snorted coldly, and then withdrew her own hand.

Leng Hao gave her a glance and then sat upright, with two long legs superimposed, and he recovered that cold and noble appearance, as if it was not him who kissed the girl just now.

Ye Xiaotao was furious. She reached out and wiped her pink lips fiercely. She hated it, and there was still a smell of men in her mouth.

Did he just drink? The smell of wine in his mouth is not bad, but Ye Xiaotao still can't wait to brush his teeth dozens of times. She doesn't like to kiss.

The feeling of kissing this man is even worse.

Damn, she has n’t suffered much since she was a child. Today ’s confrontation ends with her total failure. Waiting for the stinky stones, she wo n’t admit defeat.

The narrow and quiet carriage quickly became quiet, and neither of them sat in the back seat, and Achen, who saw the whole process in the driver's seat, said ... Is he air?


Ye Xiaotao and Leng Hao had a cold war for a few days, and it was not a Cold War. That night, Leng Hao went out early and returned late, and she could not even see him.

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