My Dangerous Billionaire Husband

Chapter 1129: Go bring Mrs. Young back to me

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In the dream, she returned to that sweet time. She blushed and asked him to do push-ups on her. Every night when she went home, she kept a lamp in the bedroom. The air in the room was filled with her light and sweet breath ...

She likes to stick to him but is afraid to disturb him at work. In the study she comes to deliver coffee. He returns home to pick up his briefcase. She likes to hold various snacks to his mouth. She always likes Calling him frowningly, husband, husband, husband ...

The dream also returned to Christmas that night, she was under him, he rushed back from the hotel that night, she lay on him, the two met, and he touched her a handful of times, one, two ... just two Times, times ecstasy.

Leng Hao slowly opened his eyes. He was awakened by the ringtone of his mobile phone and came to the phone.

Che Lan's eyes stared at the crystal chandelier above his head. His brain was empty and very tired. He raised his hands and squeezed his brows, and fell asleep on the bed like this last night.

Thinking of that dream, he rolled his throat up and down without looking down, he already knew his pants were wet.

Damn it!

A dream will get him out of control.

Leng Hao's handsome silhouette was tight, and the lines seemed extraordinarily sharp. He stretched out his long arm and pulled out two sheets of paper from the bedside table to wipe it down. The other hand touched the mobile phone and then connected it.


"Hey, Master, it's bad, something happened."

"What?" Lenghao's whole muscles were stunned.

"Miss Bai has an accident."

Miss Bai?

Leng Hao's muscles quickly relaxed. He fell back to bed. He thought that Ye Xiaotao had an accident just now. She is now at her father's place. She is surrounded by Miyazaki, Mo Zhengyu ... She's fine!

"What's wrong with her?" Lenghao raised his eyebrows and asked anxiously.

"Miss Bai was robbed by a group of people in a van this morning ..."

"Well?" Lenghao snorted.

"Because our people have always been hiding next to Miss Bai's attention to her every move, she was robbed and our people quickly followed, and Miss Bai was taken to a remote little house with seven or eight in it. Man, they tore up Miss Bai's clothes and wanted to blast her, our people saved her. "

Leng Hao expressionless, "Who is the messenger?"

"These men recruited, they said ... said ..." Achen became spit.

"Say what?"

"They said Lord Ye was the messenger."

Ye Father?

Leng Hao slowly raised the corners of his lips, meaning a smile unknown, he asked for a long time, "Where is Bai Lingyun?"

"She's by my side now ..." Achen hadn't finished speaking yet, Bai Lingyun's mobile phone had been snatched away, Bai Lingyun's crying voice passed over, "Hao, save me, they ... want to blast me, I almost got tarnished ... It's ... "

"I'm so scared now, can you ... come with me ... wow ..."

Ah Chen took the phone back again, and he asked, "Master ..."

"Bring her here." Lenghao hung up the phone.

Bring Bai Lingyun to the villa?

Ah Chen froze for a moment. If the young lady knew that the young master brought Bai Lingyun home, the young lady might be misunderstood. What did the young master think?


In the villa.

Achen stood waiting in the living room, and the servant led Bai Lingyun upstairs.

Bai Lingyun's clothes were messy, and she was covered with a black coat. She looked carefully at the villa, her eyes flashed proudly, and she finally came here.

Someday she will be the hostess here!

The maid opened the study door and Bai Lingyun walked in. She saw Leng Hao standing by the window at a glance. He wore a white shirt, black trousers underneath, and a half-rolled shirt sleeve showing his wheaty strong forearm With a low-key but expensive steel watch on his wrist, he was smoking.

Bai Lingyun's eyes showed a fascination. This man is the most handsome and stylish man she has ever seen. Over the years, his deep and noble temperament made him look like a jadeite, which deeply attracted her eyes.

However, Bai Lingyun found that his clothes had a lot of wrinkles and looked messy.

"Hao!" She screamed timidly and in surprise, then rushed up and hugged his exquisite waist.

Leng Hao's smoking hand was stiff, but he didn't push her away, just exhaled a smoke.

Bai Lingyun was encouraged by his attitude. She scooped at him like an octopus. "Hao, I was so scared just now. If Achen hadn't rushed over to save me in time, maybe I had been ... Hao, Miss Ye's father Why do you want so many men to force me, what am I doing wrong? "

"Lingyun, you are so smart, how can you ask such stupid questions now, or do you think I am stupid?"

Bai Lingyun shocked, then looked up at Leng Hao, Leng Hao's blue eyes were staring at her, his eyes were cold and sharp, as if to see her through.

"Ho, what do you mean, I don't understand."

Leng Hao smiled, "Oh, I mean, Ye Xiaotao is my wife, and now you hold me like this, you even came to ask me why my night father made you strong?"

Bai Lingyun, ...

She feels that Lenghao today is abnormal. He not only gave her no comfort, but now he talks to her like this, so what is he thinking.

"Hao, you mean ... Should I deserve to be blasted? Since you think so, then I will leave now." Bai Lingyun turned and left.


Hearing his retention, Bai Lingyun's mouth evoked a smile of victory. She turned around, her face became sorrowful and pitiful, "Hao, I admit that I still love you, I want to be with you again, maybe I am Deserve it, I can't investigate it this time, but ... "

"No," Lenghao shook his head. "How can I not hold you accountable, Achen!"

He yelled.

"Yes, Master." Ah Chen ran up immediately.

"Go and bring back Mrs. Young, whoever is right and wrong, I want them to face each other!"

Ah Chen froze, "Ah?"

Leng Hao's gloomy gaze hit Ah Chen immediately, "Shall I say it again?"

"Yes, yes, Master, I'll go now."

"Bring a little more staff, and surround me with the villa of the night house first. When you see Mrs. Young, tell her about Bai Lingyun and she will definitely come back with you."

There was a layer of cold sweat on Achen's forehead. The young master asked him to take someone over. Is this a blatant bid against Master Ye? He and Weng Yue have a relationship!

The young master probably lost his mind, but Ah Chen didn't understand what the young master was stimulated by.

Ah Chen ordered to leave.


Bai Lingyun in the study room was also stiff. She never expected that Leng Hao would handle it like this and let her face off with Ye Xiaotao.

However, it was Ye Father who robbed her, why did he want her to face Ye Xiaotao?

Bai Lingyun suddenly thought of a problem, and today she did not see Ye Xiaotao.

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