My Dangerous Billionaire Husband

Chapter 1130: She is acting

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Where is the night peach?

Bai Lingyun's eyes flashed, she suddenly thought of a possibility, Ye Xiaotao was taken away by her father, so now Lenghao is going to bring her back?

Leng Hao is going to take her chance to bring Ye Xiaotao back brightly?

Do not.

Bai Lingyun's hands and feet were cold, she didn't believe it.

Leng Hao exhausted all the cigarettes in his hand and extinguished the cigarette butts in the ashtray. He pulled out his long legs and walked out. He looked at Bai Lingyun while walking, "You stay here for me!"


Ye Xiaotao got up very early, because today is sunny and sunny, so she had breakfast and drew pictures on the carpet in the living room with her drawing board nest.

She thought about it. When the little peach was born, she devoted herself to drawing. As for her and Leng Hao ...

The picture of him and Bai Lingyun rolling the sheets has become a stalk in her heart. As long as she thinks about it, she is like pinching her throat. At least she can't let it go now.

Her life will not live for a man, but she is broken in love, and she will try to make herself wonderful.

Little Xiaotao is her full motivation.

Ye Xiaotao drew a little green mountain on the drawing paper. At this time, she saw several long-length commercial vehicles coming in through the floor-to-ceiling windows and stopped on the lawn.

The door opened, and a group of well-trained men in black ran over and quickly surrounded the villa.

"Miss, what's going on?" The maid asked, looking at the situation outside.

"Who is this? He is so brave that he dared to surround us here, young lady, don't be afraid, I will call the master now ..." Another servant wanted to call.

"Slow!" Ye Xiaotao slowly got up, and she looked at Achen outside. "No need to fight. Misunderstanding. It's my aunt's person."

"Aunt Grandma?" The maid was surprised.

Ye Xiaotao went to open the door of the villa, and Achen greeted him with a smile, "Madam, Master asked me to ask you to go back."

Ye Xiaotao looked around at these black men. If they read them correctly, they all had guns on them, and her entire face was cold. "Does he know what he is doing?"

"Oh," Achen smiled, and he answered very honestly, "I don't know."

Ye Xiaotao, ...

Ah Chen looked at the maids and said in a low voice, "Mrs. Young, Master just asked me to take you back. While things aren't upset now, Mrs. Young will go with me."

Ye Xiaotao's two small hands hanging on his sides tightened his fists. What does Lenghao mean?

Is he going to look down on her dad with the soldiers like this?

He was pressing her.

"Tell him, the more he is like this, the more I won't go back ..."

"Mrs. Young, something happened to Miss Bai today. She was abducted by a group of people. Those men wanted to force her and were rescued by us. Those people recruited and said yes ... Master Ye had instructed them to do so. Master now asks you Go back and confront Miss Bai. "

"What?" Ye Xiaotao's face changed greatly. "Does Bai Lingyun really say that?"

Ah Chen nodded. "Yes."

"My dad won't do this. Bai Lingyun spit in the blood, okay, I'll go back with you. I will face her with her. If she dares to frame my dad, my dad won't let her go!" Said Ye Xiaotao looked back at the servants. "There is something urgent with my aunt, so I go back and don't talk in front of the master. If there is something, let the master call me."

The servant nodded. "Yes, miss."

Ye Xiaotao got into the business car with Achen.


Leng Hao returned to the bedroom, and he took a shower in the bathroom.

He walked out with a bath towel around his waist, stood in front of the closet, picked a shirt, and for a long time, he chose a light blue shirt and black trousers.

Putting on the clothes, he stood in front of the mirror and looked at himself. He knew that he had a good skin bag, and this figure was straight and straight like a model. He raised his hands to fasten the shirt buttons, but it was not right, and he unbuttoned it again. Three buttons ...

Don't know what she likes him better?

At this moment, there was a noise in the ear, a pleasant surprise from the maid downstairs, "Madam, are you finally back?"

Leng Hao's facial features were suddenly relaxed, and she went out for a few days. The servants just remembered her like this, and it seemed that she was very attractive.

Thinking about it this way, the door of the room has been pushed open, Ye Xiaotao rushed in, "Bai Lingyun? Bai Lingyun, come out for me!"

Leng Hao raised his eyebrows in disappointment as she called the name of "Bai Lingyun".

Without seeing Bai Lingyun, Ye Xiaotao looked straight at Leng Hao. She tried to calm her anger. "Leng Hao, I have already returned, let Bai Ling Yun come out, and I face her face to face."

Leng Hao was even more displeased, and those blue eyes were cold and boneless, and she could not see him at all.

He turned around and didn't look at her, didn't want to look at her, he was afraid he couldn't help but choke her if he looked at her again.

His indifference in Ye Xiaotao's eyes was simply sentenced to death by her father. She ran forward unwillingly and stood behind him. "My father did not kidnap Bai Lingyun, my father is innocent."

"Oh, right?"

"Lenghao, believe it or not, but I only explain it once. Last night, I hung up your phone. I wanted to go downstairs to drink water, but as soon as I went out, I heard my dad talking to the housekeeper. I confess. My dad did move bad thoughts and wanted to teach Bai Lingyun a bit, but I stopped it. I told my dad that it was my business. I did n’t need him to intervene. I am now grown up and I am fully capable of solving it myself. I hope my dad respects me. My dad finally agreed. He promised that I would not hurt Bai Lingyun. I believe my dad, my dad never lied to me. "

Ye Xiaotao was really telling the truth. Last night she overheard Daddy's conversation with the housekeeper. When she rushed to ask Daddy to stop, she couldn't forget Daddy's heartache.

It was a father's distress to his daughter.

His father was distressing her!

Do you know Leng Hao?

Leng Hao turned slowly, he looked down at the girl in front of her, and today she wore a white down jacket with a cute and flamboyant meatball head on her head, because of her anger, her pair of watery Black eyes were looking at him with aura.

Suddenly he thought of the Neku that got wet in the morning, his eyes darkened, and a drastic change took place somewhere in his body.

He ... wanted it.

It's now.

"Your dad is innocent. Who kidnapped Bai Lingyun?" His voice was hoarse.

"You should ask Bai Lingyun for this question, but I don't think it's necessary to ask. She must be acting. The men were hired by her for money, and then blame me on my dad's head!" Ye Xiaotao sternly speculated.

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